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Master's Degree in Digital Business* Madrid

If you are passionate about the digital ecosystem, the Master’s Degree in Digital Business will guarantee you the skills that will enable you to spearhead digital transformation in any company and develop your own start-up.

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Master in Digital Business

Training in digital business is more important than ever. In an environment in which competition is increasingly fierce and delocalised, the possibilities for differentiation are increasingly complex, and companies will have to undertake an urgent digitisation process.

Faced with this new reality, it is essential that companies and organisations have professionals able to coexist with the new instability and uncertainty of the work environment, as the digital economy is, by definition, changing and unstable.

The Master's Degree in Digital Business will give you the skills required to understand, manage and spearhead digital change in an organisation by way of multi focal learning with an educational model focused on experiential learning and direct connection to the business ecosystem.

Additionally, this Master’s Degree programme has been developed in collaboration with benchmarks in the field of business digitisation “Asociación Multisectorial de Empresas de Tecnologías de la Información - Asociación Nacional Sector Digital” (AMETIC) and MIT Sloan School of Management.

*Degree verified in Spanish, pending authorization from the Quality Agency for its delivery in English.

Alcobendas 60 ECTS
Start: 18 oct. 2024 Title issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid
9 months School of Social Sciences and Communication.
Official degree

Why study the Master's Degree in Digital Business?

Innovative study plan

You will master the most innovative and creative methodologies, such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Customer Development, and you will be able to apply them as part of the company’s digital transformation process.


Highly demanded profile. The professionals, jobs and digital profiles most demanded by businesses are aimed at responding to new societal needs. Upon completion of the Master’s Degree you will join the job market, undertaking an internship in one of the national and multinational companies with which we have an agreement.

Experiential learning

Multi focal learning, with an educational model focused on experiential learning and direct connection with the business ecosystem.

Teaching staff

With significant internationalisation and experience, this Master’s Degree has a combination of top-level academic and professional teaching staff from a technological and business perspective.

Designing digital strategies

Students will be able to understand, manage and lead digital change within an organisation.

What will you learn in the official Master’s Degree in Digital Business?

The Master’s Degree in Digital Business will teach you how to use tools and technologies that respond to how we consume, how people relate to each other and how organisations are transformed.

More specifically, you will learn:

  • Customer Centricity: how to put the user at the centre of the activities, products, processes and business models, designing them in a way that is tailored to each individual.
  • Disruptive and exponential technologies: to understand and use technologies that address all sectors and activity areas to their full potential.
  • Innovation: to understand the new business models in which design and evolution use design thinking as a disruptive tool.
  • Organisational agility and leadership: to explore new organisational schemes, streamlined work methodologies and transformational management styles.

Boost your career by studying in Spain!

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ComillasThe Master's Degree in Digital Business teaches us that the importance of the digital economy is not just about technology; but it is also about transforming people’s attitudes and understanding how we relate to each other. After completing the programme, you will be listening to different people with new ideas.

Antonio Salas Fuentevilla

Head of the Master's Degree in Digital Business

Study plan

Get ahead of the future profiles! The Master’s Degree in Digital Business together with complementary training will allow you to master new technologies in all business areas.

Module 1 Management, innovation and digital entrepreneurship skills 6 ECTSCOMPULSORYSpanish (ES) English (EN)
Module 2 Digital Ecosystem6 ECTSCOMPULSORYSpanish (ES) English (EN)
Module 3 Project management and digital finances6 ECTSCOMPULSORYSpanish (ES) English (EN)
Module 4 Digital Marketing6 ECTSCOMPULSORYSpanish (ES) English (EN)
Module 5 Data management and business analytics6 ECTSCOMPULSORYSpanish (ES) English (EN)
Module 6 E-commerce and new technologies6 ECTSCOMPULSORYSpanish (ES) English (EN)
Module 7 Legal aspects in digital settings6 ECTSCOMPULSORYSpanish (ES) English (EN)
Module 8 Strategic Plan and digital transformation6 ECTSCOMPULSORYSpanish (ES) English (EN)
Module 9 Internships6 ECTSCOMPULSORYSpanish (ES) English (EN)
Module 10 Master's dissertation6 ECTSCOMPULSORYSpanish (ES) English (EN)
  • Business administration, market research, marketing and international business graduates.
  • Computer engineering or telecommunications graduates.
  • Business professionals with at least one year of experience.
  • Graduates in other areas with professional interests in the field of digital transformation or digitisation of companies, or launching their own digital projects.

In addition, other qualifications awarded by a higher education institution that give access in the issuing country to postgraduate studies and that are related to the field of knowledge of this qualification will be deemed acceptable.

Internships are a key part of your training. Gaining experience after what you learn in your degree is the best way to enter the job market. There are two types of internships, curricular (included in your syllabus) and extracurricular (which you can do on a voluntary basis).

To do a curricular internship in a company, you’ll need to have passed 50% of the credits and enrol on the course before you start work. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship professor, as well as interim and final reports for evaluation.

If you want to improve your work experience before completing your university studies, you can do an extracurricular internship. You can do them in any year, but remember that internships complement your studies, so the more knowledge you acquire throughout your degree, the more you’ll benefit from the internship experience.


Professional opportunities and jobs

The Master's Degree in Digital Business offers students multi focal learning with an educational model focused on experiential learning and direct connection to the business ecosystem. You can aspire to many career opportunities, including the following:

  • Managers of traditional companies that create new business opportunities from the digital sector
  • Entrepreneurs and start-up leaders who need to acquire management skills in a digital context
  • Professionals in innovation, marketing, operations and finance who transform business models.
  • Managers, mid-level and project managers who design and execute innovative products and services in a hybrid market
  • Business and digitalisation consultants who understand and offer the best proposals to their clients in the digital vector.

100% Internship

100% Internship included within the master’s programme.

88% Employability rate

We train excellent professionals: 88% of students find employment in under 18 months.


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Place reservation

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Scholarships and Grants

We want to help you. If you choose to study at Universidad Europea, you will have the opportunity to apply for a wide range of UE and official scholarships.

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  • Ramón Arjona
    University lecturer and consultant with more than 25 years of professional experience in marketing and innovation. 10 years of experience as Product Manager at BASF, a multinational company in the chemical sector. Since 2014 he has been teaching, tutoring and mentoring entrepreneurs at different business schools. Lecturer at public and private universities. Dissertation tutor. National and international advanced training.
  • Edgardo Spivak
    In Spain: Head of Institutional Development and Expansion at Edex Education Group - Consultant and lecturer in Marketing and Sales.
    He has been the Head of International Development and Head of the Postgraduate School, Head at the Universidad Camilo José Cela, Head of Executive Education at the Universidad de Nebrija and Head of International Development and Sales at EOI Business School for 6 years, in addition to being Sales and Marketing Manager at Caro Import.
    In Argentina: he has been the Academic Lead at the Instituto de Ciencias de la Administración - Universidad Católica de Córdoba, as well as the Head of Planning and Methods at Cargo Servicios Industriales.
    Academics: PhD Cum Laude in International Business Management (Universidad Antonio de Nebrija), Extraordinary University Award, Master’s Degree in Strategic Marketing Management (EOI Business School), Master’s Degree in Formulation, Evaluation and Administration of Investment Projects (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Degree in Political Science and Administration (Universidad Católica de Córdoba).
    Lecturer and Professor of Marketing and Sales, Product and Pricing Policies, Web Positioning, Social CRM, Educational and Agri-Food Marketing, Market Research and Online Reputation, New Business Models, Strategic Marketing and Customer Journey.
  • Carlos Gustavo de la Orden García
    Web design and digital communication professional with more than 20 years of experience in the telecommunications sector. He has participated in the development of projects such as canalcv.com, the first Spanish employment portal, or futvol.com, the first Spanish sports portal.
    He has also worked in project development for businesses and institutions such as Ferrovial, Patrimonio del Estado, Spain’s Ministry of Economy and Finance, Banc Sabadell, Electrolux or the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, among others.
    He was involved in the design and development of the first digital private banking portal for Caja Madrid (now Caixabank), Altae, and in the development of the Banc@Ico at the Official Credit Institute (ICO) for the management of public bank loans from Spanish banking entities.
    He has spent the last 10 years managing his own marketing agency, elraro.com, specialising in digital corporate communication management. He is also the co-founder of the business ServicioQR and the digital magazine of legal thought, VeraRostra.es, a project undertaken in collaboration with the Universidad de Salamanca and Asociación Judicial Francisco de Vitoria.
    Since 2017, he has also been a certified lecturer in Digital Marketing at the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI), providing training courses on social networks, e-commerce, web design and positioning, in addition to acting as a consultant and mentor in entrepreneurship and digital transformation. He also teaches at the Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM) on the Digital Marketing module of the Master’s Degree in Digital Business.
    At his digital marketing agency, he is currently responsible for the website, corporate and digital communication for various businesses and associations, including the Feria de Madrid (IFEMA), Asociación Nacional de Gestores de Residuos y Subproductos de Aceites y Grasas Comestibles (Geregras), Cruz Roja Guadalajara and the Asociación Judicial Francisco de Vitoria (AJFV).
  • Jorge Maidana JAFA
    Industrial Engineer (1995) and MBA from EOI (2006).
    Over the years he has lead initiatives and projects linked to business management and process improvement at Repsol, taking on roles of responsibility in diverse geographic and cultural environments.
    He is currently responsible for support services at the company, driving initiatives centred on digitisation, automation, operative automation and value chain development.
    Postgraduate lecturer with more than 15 years of experience; his transverse vision and focus on communication and technology have always been key in helping people achieve their goals and manage the uncertainty experienced by teams in the midst of change.
  • José Luis Rodríguez
    Consultant for digital transformation and cultural transformation at organisations. He has spent over 20 years helping companies develop more disruptive visions, strategies and means of partnership, as well as to construct working teams, brands and narratives to ensure truly exciting and innovative change. He has partnered with several companies across diverse sectors, from industrial groups, multinationals and start-ups, to governments, cooperatives and charities.
    José Luis specialises in distributed business models, digital talent, facilitative leadership, networked communication and customer and employee experience. He is also a guest lecturer at several business schools, as well as being a regular speaker at forums dedicated to innovation, new business models, the future of work, horizontal organisations and strategic marketing focused on people.
    He has been the business director of Territorio creativo / Good Rebels (2010), business consultant at Accenture (2019) and internal transformation consultant at Indra-Minsait (2020).
    He has also worked as a public advisor on government communication, e-government, open data and citizen participation. José Luis frequently participates in publications and studies that aim to understand the impact of technology and data on user, buyer and employee behaviour, in addition to the internal functioning of the organisations themselves. He has partnered with IKEA, INDITEX, Grupo Santander, BBVA, Banco Sabadell, Ford Company, IBM and Endesa, among others. José Luis is a TribvmLinks to an external site., a consultant for People and Organisations specialising in business rituals and new teamwork methodologies.
    He holds a degree in Information Sciences from UCM, an MBA from EOI Business School, specialist qualification in HR from the University of Minnesota and a Master’s Degree in Business Anthropology. He is certified in Sociocracy for Teams and Organisations by Sociocracy For All (SoFA) and The Sociocracy Group (TSG).
  • Elena Davara Fernández de Marcos
    Lawyer and partner at Davara & Davara Asesores Jurídicos. Doctor of Law and Data Protection Delegate and advisor to the DPO of the firm’s client entities, as well as auditor, consultant and trainer for a wide range of public and private entities. Creator and CEO of “GAE Davara” for compliance with all obligations required by the European Data Protection Regulation and the LOPDGDD (Risk analysis, risk management, etc). Speaker at several congresses, seminars and conferences on Information and Communications Technology Law, including: Special guest speaker for SENA (Servicio Nacional de aprendizaje de Colombia, under the Ministry of Labour, “The European Data Protection Regulation in practice”, Colombia (2018); Speaker on the Postgraduate Course on Economic Intelligence and Security at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas “Under the Protection of Data Protection” and “Compliance and Data Protection” (2015-present). University lecturer at several Universities and Centres. Professional team trainer (In company) and in Legal ICT. Member of the Legal Committee at Alastria (development of decentralised logging technologies/Blockchain) Training in System IT Administration and practical system administration. Co-author of more than ten books on ICT Law, both from a technical and legal perspective, in addition to numerous articles on impact assessment, smart contracts, lifelogging and electronic communications, to name just a few. Co-creator of the privacy and ICT game: Trending.
  • Roberto Fraile
    Roberto has spent more than 20 years of his career in the telecommunications sector, more specifically in the networks area, working for integrators, manufacturers and operators. He currently works for Telefónica. He is responsible for designing Data Center and Campus solutions for major clients, specialising in new technologies and trends.
    From 2019-2023 he was Councillor for Innovation, Digital Transformation, Economic Development and Mobility for the Alcobendas City Council, one of the main cities in the Community of Madrid. Under his leadership the city has been awarded a Distinction as City of Science and Innovation. He is passionate about supporting entrepreneurs. He specialises in driving and promoting innovation.
  • Mercedes Fèvre
    Mercedes Fèvre is a speaker, lecturer and consultant on topics related to the digital, business and leadership world. With more than twenty-five years of experience in the business world (eight years at Amazon, two in start-ups and thirteen at Carrefour), she has been involved in the digital world for eighteen years. She specialises in online sales, payment methods, digital marketing and internationalisation. She works with both SMEs and large Spanish companies, always prioritising people. She has a degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She also holds various postgraduate degrees: Executive education (Management Development Programme) from IESE, and Management Development Programme for Digital Transformation from ISDI. She was selected and awarded a scholarship for the Lidera Programme for Female Executives in the Community of Madrid. She is currently undertaking a PhD in Business Organisation at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)

Frequently Asked Questions

The business world changed dramatically during the global pandemic. Today, professionals urgently need to know what trends will influence their industries and businesses, where to look for new growth opportunities and how to pivot their organisations in order to capitalise on said opportunities.

The Master's Degree in Digital Business explores the meaning, evolution and impact of the disruptions affecting any industry, innovation strategy and human-centred design in order to give participants the tools and techniques required in order to drive innovation.

The Master’s Degree in Digital Business will help you to understand how you can grow dramatically as a business, an individual and a team, by way of frameworks, best practices and studies of numerous technologies applied in business environments.

Do not leave it any longer and start developing the skills you need to provide the competitive advantage demanded by today’s companies.

The Master’s Degree in Digital Business at the Universidad Europea will give you the skills you need to thrive in a digitised world, where simply modifying the management practices that led to success in the past will not suffice.

Companies of all sizes must assess the strategic implications of digital disruption and create a future-proof digital business model. Many companies will be required to completely reinvent their organisations and substantially change their processes in order to make the best strategic decisions.

Aimed at maximising the customer relationship and satisfaction model, this course provides a powerful framework for transforming businesses along two dimensions: getting to know customers better and optimising business designs.

If the business world really is a priority for you and your company, understanding what digitisation means should be too. The Master’s in Digital Business focuses on how we can innovate new strategies and business models in order to ensure our organisation thrives in the digital age. How to understand both digital pioneers and traditional businesses in the process of adapting to the digital era.

The Master’s in Digital Business at the Universidad Europea focuses on how to guide the business and drive the type of deep organisational change essential to ensuring a future in the digital age. Students will graduate with a set of practical frameworks, relevant case studies and knowledge of strategic and digital tools that are growth-focused and business-oriented, with a clear set of strategic priorities.

We will rethink the role of customers, competition, data, innovations and the value proposition for the digital age. We will understand how technology accelerates change by focusing on customers, experimentation and fast learning. We will expand our knowledge of digital innovations for real impact across the organisation. We will design new operating models, processes and governance for digital acceleration, building essential long-term capabilities within a digital ecosystem.

This Master’s Degree will help spearhead the cultural change the company needs for the digital future, embracing transformation in order to deliver immediate benefits for our students.

The Master’s in Digital Business helps to understand how to make businesses grow. Its approach is transversal, understanding how business growth is driven by innovation at an organisational level and with a multidisciplinary approach. In order to achieve said growth, we take a cross-cutting approach that fosters new thinking, ways of working, in addition to technology adoption and integration.

The expert teaching staff at the Universidad Europea offers the latest in efficient innovative strategies and techniques to be implemented by the whole company. Whether participants already have experience in digital or business domains, they will find a solid foundation in the fundamentals of disruptive technologies: blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Industry 4.0, cloud computing, digital marketing, etc., in addition to the processes to implement cultural transformation and strategic agility to iterate and improve in the business world.
