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Researchers from the Universidad Europea participate in a study on strength training and cycling

29 sep 2022

Different tests were carried out including a DEXA body composition study, muscle ultrasound, gas stress tests and muscle strength tests.


The Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physiotherapy at the Universidad Europea (UE) and the Faculty of Sports Sciences at the University of Murcia (UMU) signed a collaboration agreement to develop a research project based in both centres looking into strength training and cycling.

The first phase of the project took place in Murcia. A team led by the Dean of the Faculty and Principal Investigator of the HP Sports Science group, Jesús García Pallarés designed the most suitable techniques, materials, methods and tests to respond to the research question: Could a new method of strength training on the bicycle be just as effective as traditional strength training in the weights room?

Since the experiment was designed, data from different cyclists has been analysed in the laboratories of both Faculties for over a year. Sharing of equipment, plus the enthusiasm shown by those participating and the researchers involved, means good progress has been made with the data collection, although there still remains over a year of hard work before the objectives set at the start of the research are fulfilled.

Between 14 and 18 September 2022, a new data collection phase began at the laboratory facilities of the Universidad Europea. This involved five days of intense work with a substantial number of researchers from both Faculties working together to move this ambitious project along under the guidance of the Principal Investigator, Dr. David Barranco.

Tests performed have included a DEXA body composition study, muscle ultrasound, gas stress tests and muscle strength tests. both on and off the bike, and the use of accelerometers to see possible joint alterations after the intervention protocol.

We would like to express our gratitude for the faith Jesús García Pallarés has placed in our Faculty for the undertaking of this project, to Dr. Lidia Brea and to the Professor Carlos Revuelta, both members of our Faculty who have been great hosts and undoubtedly performed admirable work. To the UMU researchers Ángel Buendía, Alejandro Hernández and Víctor Rielves for quickly adapting to unfamiliar facilities (it’s not always easy playing away from home) – thanks for your work and teaching. We would finally like to thank all those students and collaborators who make these projects possible by working hard in the background, Raúl, Iván, Alberto, Sabbas, Asún (I hope I’m not forgetting anybody) and of course, all the cyclists who give 100% every time you come to the tests.