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The Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology in Valencia is a 4-year programme that will enable you to use biological technology for many different purposes, such as creating better medicines, healthier food and less polluting materials.
Biotechnology is one of the most promising areas for scientific progress in sectors such as medicine, agri-food, industrial production and the environment. Be part of the solutions that will make for a better world.
You’ll study with active experts currently working in the field who have extensive professional, teaching and research experience in different areas of biotechnology, such as genetic engineering, biochemistry, microbiology and molecular genetics.
Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Valencia
Campus-based | Valencia | 4 Years, 240 ECTS | Start: 15 sep. 2025 | School of Health Sciences of Valencia |
Our students find employment in less than 12 months.
You'll live in a diverse environment that is more multicultural than that of other universities.
UEV has a multitude of educational cooperation agreements with other centres.
Study at an urban innovation campus in the heart of Valencia, with 10.000 m2 of facilities surrounded by green spaces.
Put theory into practice at our dental clinic, patient words, the criminalistics lab or the translation booths.
A curriculum designed to meet the needs of the job market.
During the first years of your bachelor’s degree, you’ll acquire more general knowledge, later deciding which area of Biotechnology you would like to specialise in with the guidance of your professors.
You’ll receive training with the latest technology in bioscience and biomedicine learning to think through Inquiry Based Learning (IBL), and learning by doing with Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology.
More than 600 internship hours throughout the degree programme, with the possibility of early immersion in research groups guided by professionals.
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Mathematics | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
General chemistry | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Human Anatomy | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Biology | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Physical fundamentals of biotechnology | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Informatics | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
General genetics | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Laboratory of instrumental techniques I | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Physiology (animal and plant) | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Biochemistry | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Systems physiology | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
General microbiology | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Organic chemistry | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Molecular genetics | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Thermodynamics and chemical kinetics | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Industrial microbiology | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Modern language | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Biostatistics | 6 | BÁSICA | Inglés (en) |
Instrumental Techniques Laboratory II | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Ethics | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Organisation and management of biotechnology companies | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Massive analysis of biological data | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Molecular Genetic Engineering | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Semiology and General Physiopathology | 3 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Immunology | 9 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Pharmacology | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Functional Genomics and Transcriptomics | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Cell, Tissue and Culture Engineering | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Virology | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Instrumental Techniques Laboratory III | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Biotechnological Processes and Products | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Bioreactors | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Biotechnological Company Internship I | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | 18 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Proteomics and Metabolomics | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Biotechnology Internship II | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Final Degree Project | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
The Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology started at the European University of Valencia in the 2021/2022 academic year.
Number of available places according to the official program:
Internships in companies are a key element of your training. Gaining experience after what you have learned in your degree is the best way to enter the job market. There are two types of internships: curricular (included in your study plan) and extracurricular (which you can undertake voluntarily).
To participate in curricular internships, you must be enrolled in the corresponding subject in the study plan, which may specify the minimum number of credits you need to have completed beforehand as a prerequisite. These internships are monitored by both the company and the internship professor, and they require the submission of a final report for evaluation.
If you want to enhance your work experience before completing your university education, you can opt for extracurricular internships. You can undertake them at any stage of your studies, but keep in mind that internships are a complement to your academic training. The more knowledge you acquire throughout your degree, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.
Partner Entities
The European University of Valencia is affiliated with BIOVAL, the Association of Companies and Entities in the BIO sector, which encompasses Biotechnology, Biomedicine, and Bioeconomy, forming the Bioregion of the Valencian Community.
BIOVAL was established in 2006 as an initiative to energize the BIO sector, acting as a liaison between more than 80 companies, research centers, universities, and hospitals to foster alliances and synergies among its members, strengthening the Bioregion.
Its mission is to promote the growth and competitiveness of the BIO sector’s business network, positioning its members on the international stage.
BIOVAL primarily communicates through its website (www.bioval.org), continuously generating new content to enhance visibility. This provides associated companies with an active platform to share research, promote services, create synergies, and facilitate the marketing and distribution of their products.
Partner Companies
One of the advantages of this field is the wide range of areas it covers and the multitude of applications it offers in all of them. Career opportunities in biotechnology are most found in the pharmaceutical industry, food and agronomy industries, the environmental sector, and the chemical industry or similar fields, as well as in hospitals through the BIR (Biosciences Intern Residency). Additionally, there are interesting job opportunities in public or private research centers across any of the aforementioned areas, or in education.
Start your future at Universidad Europea
You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.
Start your admission process by calling +34 961043883 or request information and our advisors will contact you.
Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.
Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.
Scholarships and financial aid
We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.
Credit recognition and transfers
You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.
Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.
According to Royal Decree 412/2014 of June 6, which regulates the basic regulations of the admission procedures for undergraduate university education, in line with the implementation calendar, the procedures are expanded and detailed as follows:
Access to Official University Education for Those Over 25 Years Old
Individuals over 25 years of age who do not hold any academic qualification that allows access to the university through other means may access official undergraduate university education by passing an entrance examination. Only those who are 25 years old or have reached that age in the calendar year in which the examination takes place may attend this entrance examination.
Candidates may present themselves for the examination at as many universities as they deem appropriate. Once they have passed the entrance examination, candidates may reapply in subsequent convocations to improve their score. The score obtained in the new examination will be considered, provided that it is higher than the previous one.
Admission to the University for Those Over 45 Years Old
Individuals over 45 years of age who do not hold any qualifying academic title to access the university through other means may access official undergraduate university education by passing an adapted entrance examination, if they meet or have met the aforementioned age in the calendar year in which the examination takes place.
The Entrance Examination for Those Over 45 at the European University of Valencia is governed by Royal Decree 412/2014 and by the Resolution of November 26, 2014, of the General Directorate of Universities and Research, which publicizes the Agreement of the Organizing Committee that establishes the rules and instructions regulating the Entrance Examination to the University for those over forty-five years old.
Access Through Accreditation of Work or Professional Experience
Candidates with work or professional experience related to education, who do not hold any qualifying academic qualification to access the university through other means, and meet or have met the age of 40 in the calendar year in which the academic year begins, may access the university by this means.
This applies only to degrees that foresee this examination in the curriculum, and the student's professional experience is related to the degree they wish to access.
The candidate must prove their work and professional experience by attaching a portfolio of evidence along with the application, which includes the following information:
The candidate will have a personal interview to evaluate competencies that require direct observation and that are related to academic success in the degree for which access is requested, as well as to detect specific training needs. Additionally, the candidate will take a written test to demonstrate their knowledge in basic sciences.
An evaluative report will be made of all tests:
If applicable, additional training requirements may be required for access to certain degrees.
Admission Procedure at the European University of Valencia
Admission to the European University of Valencia will depend on the places offered and available in the degree, and compliance with the legal access requirements to the university as contemplated by current legislation.
CSV: 717133446825883906663707 - Verifiable at https://sede.educacion.gob.es/cid and Citizen Folder https://sede.administracion.gob.es
Identifier: 2504150 Date: 23/02/2024 8 / 99
Students enrolling for the first time at UEV follow the procedure established by the university described below:
Once the admission application with the required documentation for each case has been submitted and verified by the admissions service, the student is called to take the entrance exam. They must attend with their ID or passport to verify their identity.
The European University of Valencia has established a test of competencies and skills and a personal interview as an entrance examination, and if applicable, evaluation of academic records, which serve to assess elements related to the academic and professional success of each student and to detect their specific training needs.
The language test consists of several parts:
The tests will be conducted by the Admissions Department of the European University of Valencia, and the approval of the faculty head, who will review the tests and conduct a personal interview with each candidate to verify their interest and suitability for the degree they are applying for, will be a requirement for confirming admission.
The results of the entrance examination will be used to prepare a Personalized Learning Plan. This plan includes a series of basic recommendations to maximize the capacities of each student or to promote the acquisition of others that will contribute to academic success and, subsequently, professional success.
In the case of the degree in question, students studying the title in English must demonstrate a C1 level of English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the European Higher Education Area by taking a test designed by the university itself. In addition, they will have continuous support from the Language Center, the university's language lab, described in section 7.1 of the report.
The established procedure for access to the Degree at the University will be as follows:
The following are the evaluation criteria and weighting of the interview:
Personal Interview
The personal interview aims to assess the suitability of the student's profile to successfully undertake the proposed degree and inform them about the exit profile of the graduate.
Thus, aspects such as the student's motivation, expectations, necessary knowledge, or their commitment regarding the achievement of professional objectives are explored through open-ended questions. During the interview, the information provided in the documentation is also contrasted with their own discourse.
The weighting of the different elements of the interview is as follows:
A student arriving at UEV seeking information about a degree is received by an admissions advisor, who will vary depending on the program for which the prospective candidate inquires. These individuals explain the admission process and the necessary documentation to begin studies at our university.
If the candidate wishes, they can request an appointment to take the aforementioned entrance tests, and they will later be received by a faculty member (usually the Director of the Degree) who will conduct the detailed personal interview mentioned earlier.
Subsequently, there is a team of individuals dedicated to administrative tasks such as:
We know that now is an important moment to progress in your professional future. That is why we open our virtual doors to you and invite you to join us. We want you to meet the director of your programme and solve all possible doubts you have. You’ll also discover what makes our students and our online methodology unique.
08 March
75% of the staff teaching on this bachelor's degree hold PhDs.
Jesús Agüero González
Doctor en biotecnología por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia y máster en gestión de empresa por la EAE Bussiness School. Licenciado en Biología por la Universidad de León.
Más de 10 años de experiencia de investigación y desarrollo de productos en institutos de investigación y empresas de Biotecnología. Su trabajo se ha desarrollado en los campos de la Virología, Biología Molecular, Ingeniería Genética, protección de cultivos y análisis genéticos.
Agente de Innovación y director de BIOVAL, la Asociación de Empresas y Entidades que engloba la Biotecnología, Biomedicina y Bioeconomía, y que constituyen el clúster BIO de la Comunidad Valenciana donde lidera el proyecto Bioval Transfiere, financiado por la Agencia Valenciana de Innovación, con el objetivo de promover la transferencia de tecnología y conocimiento de los centros de investigación y universidades al mercado.
Profesor acreditado por la AVAP como Profesor Ayudante Doctor. Ha publicado 9 artículos científicos revisados por pares en revistas internacionales.
Actualmente forma parte del claustro de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Europea de Valencia, en la que es docente en las asignaturas de Inmunología y Organización y gestión de empresas biotecnológicas del grado de Biotecnología.
Rather than being a difficult degree, you should view a biotechnology degree as one that constantly evolves in order to keep up with the advancements in the field, new technologies and new discoveries. The challenge is making sure you ask questions to your professors, and take advantage of the opportunity to learn from experts when you take part in internships and work placements.
Yes, biotechnology is in high demand. Biotechnology is a broad field that includes many different applications, such as developing new medicines, genetically engineering crops, and creating renewable energy sources. The demand for professionals in the biotechnology sector is expected to grow over the coming years, principally because of an aging population in many regions and the need to research and discover new medicines and treatments, as well as meeting the growing demand for sustainable and renewable energy sources.
The number of subjects you study as part of the biotechnology degree depends on your interests and the area in which you wish to specialise. In total, the programme is made up on 240 ECTS. During the first year, you will study more general subjects to gain a broad understanding of the field of biotechnology. These include:
As you progress through the degree, you can then begin to choose your specialist subjects and focus on the area you would like to begin your career in.
Biotechnology has numerous benefits, including:
Overall, biotechnology has the potential to significantly improve human health, enhance agricultural productivity, protect the environment, and promote sustainable development.