Submission and receipt
- Articles for publication should be sent to the following email address:
- Two files in Word format must be attached:
- A previous page containing the title / name / affiliation / e-mail and contact telephone number of the author/s, which will be marked in order of authorship.
To be named: Title or beginning of title (up to 4 words)_Last name author_REIA_Date of submission.
- The article with mounted images, without the previous page. So that on the first page the title appears without the author heading the article. Otherwise, the article must conform to the publication standards and criteria set by REIA.
It should be named: Title or beginning of title (up to 4 words)_Article_REIA_Date of submission.
- Each submission will be acknowledged and a receipt number will be given on a first-come, first-served basis in the journal's electronic mailbox.
- The journal will not correspond with authors beyond the necessary communications in the process.
- Once an article has been evaluated, the editors will immediately forward the report to the author(s).
- If the article is publishable with changes, a deadline will be set for receipt of the modified article. If the submission of the modification exceeds this date, the journal understands that there is a waiver of publication and will exclude the article from the publication process for the current issue.
- Each article in need of improvement will only be subject to an alternative submission.
- The result of the layout of each of the selected articles will be submitted to the author(s) for approval, after any errors have been detected. The formal result of the layout is not the object of this final supervision.
Publication criteria
- Texts must be original and must not have been previously published.
- Only one article per author will be published. If several articles signed by the same author are submitted for publication in one issue of the journal, one of them will be published in subsequent issues, provided that in both cases the review is positive.
- They will be written in Spanish or English and will be accompanied by an abstract in English and Spanish of no more than 200 words. The abstract should be followed by key words (up to six) representative of the content of the article in English and Spanish.
- The articles to be published must have positively passed a blind peer review chosen from among the members of the Scientific Committee. In order to pass the review process, the paper must have been submitted within the established deadline and must meet the length and format requirements.
- The positive or negative judgement of each reviewer must be accompanied by a justification. This report will state whether the article is in one of the following situations:
- Publishable
- Publishable with changes
- Not publishable
In the second scenario, possible improvements that the author should introduce in a second option will be included.
- The appointed reviewer has a maximum of 20 calendar days from the date of submission.
- The evaluation reports must be of sufficient length to ensure that both the general judgement and the particular observations on the article in question are clearly and precisely understood.
- Evaluation reports must not bear any signature or mark that could identify the evaluator.
- If the requested changes to an article are substantial, the article may be sent back to the reviewer.
- Authors will provide images in digital format with sufficient quality (minimum 300 dpi) to accompany the text of the layout of the article, and will also provide the origin of these images.
- The final composition of text and images will be the exclusive responsibility of the journal's editors, who will adjust the final form to the journal's style criteria.
- Under no circumstances will the magazine modify the text submitted and approved.
- Authorship will be scrupulously respected, and the material submitted may only be used for publication in the magazine. Any use other than this must have the express authorisation of the author.
- Authors may include a computer address to be published with the article in case they wish to communicate with readers. This will be marked with an asterisk on the previous page.
- What is expressed in the articles is the sole responsibility of the authors; the journal's management does not share them by the simple fact of their publication.
Manual of style
- Maximum length: 5000 words / Minimum length 2000 words. In both cases, bibliography and notes are not included in the calculation.
- Format: Word / Calibri 12. Spacing: 1.5.
- Author's details: Name and Surname / E-mail address / University or entity to which the author belongs. Only to be included on the previous page.
- Title and Abstract: In Spanish and English. Maximum 200 words.
- Images (up to a total of 10): Scanned in jpg with sufficient quality, minimum 300 dpi.
- In the text to be published, the image linked to the passage in question will be referenced with: (fig. X).
- The captions of the images must include in this order: fig. X, author, title (when it is an artistic/architectural work) or place (when it is a landscape photo) or name (when it is a portrait), author of the photograph.
- In a separate list, with the title Index of images and after the Bibliography, all the graphic material included in the article will be referenced in the order of appearance (fig. X), the text of the caption and the source of the image.
- Citation system: ISO 690.
- The originals should be sent to the following address:
Internal operation
- The call for papers will be open for a sufficient period of time (about two months for each issue).
- Once the call for papers is closed, each article received that meets the formal requirements will be sent to the designated reviewer. The appointment of reviewers will be made by the Editorial Committee on the basis of the subject matter and will be secret.
- Double anonymity is guaranteed: both of the authors for the reviewers and of the reviewers for the authors.
- The reviewers will have a fixed period of 20 calendar days by the editors to make their assessment and report from the date of submission of the articles.
- The author will have 5 calendar days from the communication of the reviewers' report to send the improved article, if the report issued goes in this direction.
- The evaluation reports will have a clear and precise justification.
- All communication, both with authors and reviewers, will be carried out through a single interlocutor of the editorial team, maintaining anonymity for both the author and the reviewer in each case.
- Communications will be made through the e-mail account set up for this purpose:
- The number of articles by authors linked to the Universidad Europea will never exceed 30% of those published in each issue.

REIA journal uses the Creative Commons system by which the author allows the use of the article in the journal itself and in any repository linked to it for an unlimited period of time without generating any financial compensation.