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Bachelor's Degree in Marketing Madrid

Degree at the forefront of new market trends. Learn about Marketing from a fresh perspective, with new subjects and adapted to new digital environments.

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Degree in Marketing

The degree in Marketing is a four-year programme, taught in English, that helps students acquire the knowledge, abilities and skills necessary to respond to the challenges that companies and institutions demand today.

Neuromarketing, e-Commerce, Big Data, and Digital Ecosystem are now key subjects that you should know if you want to opt for the jobs demanded by the new digital economy, and all are covered within the curriculum of the bachelor’s degree in Marketing at Universidad Europea.

The management of technology is essential to successfully perform your professional career. Throughout this 4-year bachelor degree of marketing, you will take part in more than 400 hours of internships and work placements at leading companies, learning the skills needed to succeed and networking with experienced industry professionals.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid
Villaviciosa de Odón 4 Years, 240 ECTS
Start: 16 sep. 2024
Faculty of Economics, Business and Communication Sciences

Why study the Bachelor's Degree in Marketing?

Bachelor’s degree in Marketing where you learn about all aspects of marketing

This programme will not only provide you with a solid grounding in the fundamental principles of marketing, but will also immerse you in key areas, such as neuromarketing, e-commerce, big data and the digital ecosystem.

  • Neuromarketing will allow you to get inside the minds of consumers, gaining an in-depth understanding of how emotions and behaviours influence purchasing decisions.
  • E-commerce will take you to the fascinating world of online shopping, where you will learn strategies and techniques to succeed in the digital environment, which is increasingly relevant in today’s market.
  • Big data will allow you to make decisions backed by solid and accurate data, giving you a competitive and unrivalled advantage.
  • Digital ecosystem will enable you to navigate skilfully in the world of social media, online advertising and digital content management.

This comprehensive approach will prepare you to face challenges in the labour market confidently and competently.

Study in a different way

With our Dual Training, you will have the opportunity to participate in training activities together with recognised professionals from the sector’s leading companies, such as Comunica+A, whose experience and knowledge in marketing will provide you with a valuable, practical and up-to-date perspective. In addition, you will enrich your training by actively taking part in real-life projects and campaigns through our Consulting Lab, where you will apply your skills and knowledge in a real business environment, preparing you for the challenges of the working world with extensive practical experience.

International placements and certificates

More than 100 international placements with a partnership agreement for internships and a Bachelor Award in Marketing that will verify and support your international experience, consolidating your skills and knowledge in a global context and giving you a solid, competitive advantage in the job market.

More than 400 hours of internships

You will do compulsory internships in leading companies and organisations, such as Leroy Merlin, Repsol, KIA, KPMG, Manos Unidas, Bankinter, Campofrío, Accenture.

Top facilities

Universidad Europea offers you the most advanced laboratories and simulation rooms, equipped with the most cutting-edge technology, so that you can get the most out of our innovative academic model.

  • Sports Centre
  • CRAI Dulce Chacón Library
  • Madrid University Residence

Embrace the Future of Marketing with Innovative Curriculum and Real-World Experience

Discover our Degree in Marketing
Communication and Marketing Week

Internationally recognised quality

The Universidad Europea de Madrid has been the first Spanish university to receive the prestigious ACBSP accreditation (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs) in our Marketing programme. This accreditation values the excellence of the faculty, the learning outcomes and the commitment to continuous improvement, therefore acknowledging the internationally recognised quality of the training programmes based on the students’ ability to demonstrate high competence development aligned with the needs of employers.


It is highly contemporary and experience-based, from the very beginning. You will see and work in real-life situations, which make you learn in a very dynamic and enjoyable way.

Sergio Saguar

Student of the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing

The most fascinating thing about the Faculty is discovering new talents among the students who end up becoming friends

Begoña Moreno

Professor of the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing

The most important aim as a professor is to do as much as possible to make the students feel proud to study here.

Sergio Baltasar Lallave

Professor of the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing

Study plan

The study plan has been developed with advice from marketing managers from more than 30 companies in international markets and leaders in different sectors, from mass consumption to banking or advertising agencies. You will study innovating subjects, such as neuromarketing, e-commerce, big data or digital ecosystem that will provide you with extensive knowledge of the digital environment, responding to the needs of the labour market that demands a new professional profile.


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Statistics6CoreEnglish (En)
Economic Environment6CoreEnglish (En)
Business Management6CoreEnglish (En)
General Skills I. Efficiency in Personal and Professional Life6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Marketing Communication I6CoreEnglish (En)
Market Research I6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Consumer Psycho-Sociology6CoreEnglish (En)
Introduction to Marketing6CoreEnglish (En)
Creative and Production Tools I6CoreEnglish (En)
Comertial distribution6CoreEnglish (En)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
General Skills II: Influence and Relational Impact6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Finance for Marketing6CoreEnglish (En)
Marketing Communication II6CoreEnglish (En)
Commercial and Sales Management6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Brand Strategy6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Price Management6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Product and Service Management6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
English6CoreEnglish (En)
Comercial distribution II6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Oral and Written Communication Skills3CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Creative and Production Tools II3CompulsoryEnglish (En)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
E-commerce6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
General Skills. Entrepreneurial Leadership6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Digital Ecosystem6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
People Management6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Neuromarketing6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Data Engineering6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Digital tools6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Strategic management6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Business Law6OptionalEnglish (En)
Business Simulation6OptionalEnglish (En)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
International Marketing6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
New Marketing Trends: Experiential Marketing6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Graduation project6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Marketing Plan / Marketing Workshop6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Internship I6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Internship II6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Internship III6CompulsoryEnglish (En)
Analytical Tools6OptionalEnglish (En)
Project Management6OptionalEnglish (En)
Creativity Laboratory6OptionalEnglish (En)
Strategic Management I6OptionalEnglish (En)
Strategic advertising planning6OptionalEnglish (En)
University Activities6OptionalEnglish (En)

120 spaces in the on-campus delivery mode and 120 places in the online delivery mode.

Internships are a key part of your training. Gaining experience after what you learn in your degree is the best way to enter the job market. There are two types of internships, curricular (included in your syllabus) and extracurricular (which you can do on a voluntary basis).

To do a curricular internship in a company, you’ll need to have passed 50% of the credits and enrol on the course before you start work. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship professor, as well as interim and final reports for evaluation.

If you want to improve your work experience before completing your university studies, you can do an extracurricular internship. You can do them in any year, but remember that internships complement your studies, so the more knowledge you acquire throughout your degree, the more you’ll benefit from the internship experience.

Practice, our graduates’ key to success:

You will be able to carry out your compulsory internships in companies, such as Adidas, Red Bull, Heineken, Movistar, Ogilvy, BBVA, Iberdrola, El País, Coca Cola, UNICEF, Havas, Ikea, etc.

You will also gain experience from the start by working in our media platform, Europea Media, participating in activities involving television, newspapers, radio, and audiovisual production, so that you become familiar with the reality of a media plan within a strategic marketing plan of a company. In addition, you will have the opportunity to work with companies as a university business and marketing consultant through the Consultancy Lab, a teaching method in which you will work on projects and campaigns from the classroom, with guidance from the teacher. An experiential learning method, where you will work on real-life projects, with real businesses and brands.

You will actively integrate in a dual training model with the communication group Comunica+A, with briefing, feedback and real work experience in their headquarters.

Collaborating companies

We are backed by large companies and international organisms:

The Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing at Universidad Europea is backed by the business area’s Advisory Council, made up of prestigious professionals from large organisations. This Council has helped us to provide our students with a study plan focused on employability, in which internships are a core element and where our students can begin to specialise in the activity sector that best suits their professional profile.

The Council is formed by a total of seven prestigious professionals from large companies, such as Agustín Martín, President of Toyota España; Almudena Román Domínguez, CEO of ING DIRECT España; Carmen López Muñoz, CEO of Accenture Interactive; José Manuel Petisco, CEO of Cisco Systems España; Juan Luis Polo Hernanz, Corporate General Director of Territorio Creativo; Julius Sen, Associate Director and Senior Programme Advisor of the London School of Economics and Political Science; Pablo Campos, CEO of Oliver Wyman Spain, and Rafael Martínez Alonso, Corporate Strategy Director of Telefónica.

In addition to all the companies in which the students can do their internships, Universidad Europea has connections with companies that collaborate specifically in the training of Marketing undergraduate students: Dia, BBVA, Xanadu, Comunica +A, Real Madrid, among others. Therefore, the students work on real projects from the classroom, accompanied and guided by the professor, with our Consultancy Lab teaching method, the company in the classroom and the classroom in the company.

Key competencies

Basic skills
  • CB01: Students have knowledge of a study area originating from general secondary school education, and are usually at the level where, with the support of more advanced textbooks, they may also demonstrate awareness of the latest developments in their field of study.
  • CB02: Students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation professionally and have the skills that are usually demonstrated by forming and defending opinions and solving problems within their study area.
  • CB03: Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their area of study) to form opinions which include reflecting on relevant social, scientific or ethical matters.
  • CB04: Students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • CB05: Students have developed the necessary learning skills to undertake further studies with a high degree of independence.
Cross-curricular skills
  • CT01: Independent Learning: Ability to choose the most effective strategies, tools and opportunities for learning and independently put into practice what has been learnt.
  • CT02: Self-confidence: Ability to evaluate one’s own results, performance and abilities with the self-belief of being able to complete tasks and face any challenges encountered.
  • CT03: Ability to adapt to new situations: Being able to evaluate and understand different points of view, adapting one’s own approaches to suit the situation.
  • CT04: Ability to analyse and synthesize: Being able to break down complex problems into manageable blocks, as well as evaluate alternatives and perspectives to find the ideal solution. Synthesising to reduce complexity and better understand the situation and/or solve problems.
  • CT05: Ability to apply knowledge acquired in the academic field in situations that are as similar as possible to real-life situations in the studied profession.
  • CT06: Oral or written communication: Ability to convey and receive information, ideas, opinions and attitudes to achieve understand and action. Oral communication by means of words and gestures and written communication by means of written and/or visual aids.
  • CT07: Awareness of ethical values: Ability to think and act in line with universal principles based on the individual’s value, contributing to his/her full development and involving commitment to certain social values.
  • CT08: Information management: Ability to seek, choose, analyse and integrate information from diverse sources.
  • CT09: Interpersonal relationship skills: Ability to hold positive relationships with other people through assertive verbal and non-verbal communication. This means being able to express or communicate what you want, think or feel without discomforting, offending or harming the feelings of other people.
  • CT10: Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit: Ability to undertake difficult or risky actions with resolve. Ability to anticipate problems, propose improvements and persevere in achieving them. Willingness to take on and carry out tasks.
  • CT11: Planning and time management: Ability to set objectives and choose the right means to fulfil them through efficient use of time and resources.
  • CT12: Critical thinking: Ability to analyse an idea, occurrence or situation from different perspectives and adopt a personal viewpoint based on scientific rigour and objective reasoning, rather than intuition.
  • CT13: Problem solving: Ability to resolve an unclear issue or complex situation which has no established solution that keeps them from achieving an objective.
  • CT14: Innovation/Creativity: Ability to propose and develop new, original solutions that add value to problems that are faced, as well as bringing a different scope to the problem itself.
  • CT15: Responsibility: Ability to fulfil commitments to themselves and others when performing a task and trying to achieve a set of objectives as part of the learning process. Ability to face and accept the consequences of actions taken freely.
  • CT16: Decision making: Ability to choose between different options or methods to effectively solve varied situations or problems.
  • CT17: Group work: Ability to integrate oneself and collaborate actively with other people, departments and/or organisations to achieve shared objectives.
  • CT18: Use of information and communication technology (ICT): Ability to effectively use information and communication technology such as tools for searching, processing and storing information, as well as for the development of communication skills.
Specific skills
  • CE01: Ability to understand the role of marketing, its efforts to achieve the company’s strategic objectives, and its place within the company’s core functions.
  • CE02: Ability to understand how marketing actions should be designed based on the optimal use of the marketing mix.
  • CE03: Ability to analyse and synthesize the results of market research and reports and use them as a basis for marketing decisions.
  • CE04: Ability to identify and evaluate consumer needs, to be able to design processes and create products and solutions in order to channel demand towards the brands’ offer.
  • CE05: Ability to understand the role of marketing within the company’s strategic planning process (Mission - Vision - Values - Strategies - Plan of action - Marketing plan).
  • CE06: Ability to apply the necessary communication concepts to generate effective messages, using the appropriate channels and adapting to the target market.
  • CE07: Ability to apply the technical tools used in market surveys and use them as criteria in decision-making, respecting the fundamental rights and equality between men and women.
  • CE08: Ability to analyse the arguments raised in briefings and transform them into marketing actions.
  • CE09: Ability to compare the production costs of marketing actions with the expected profit, anticipate results and minimise the economic impact.
  • CE10: Ability to apply techniques that help lead and inspire creative sessions, directing them towards the design of actions that are respectful of democratic values.
  • CE11: Ability to understand and apply the “customer-oriented” concept, as the focus of all proposed marketing actions.
  • CE12: Ability to analyse the return on each investment made in marketing, always looking to improve the department's profitability.
  • CE13: Ability to analyse the economic and market data obtained with criteria to decide what information is relevant and how it can be used, while obtaining the correct conclusions.
  • CE14: Ability to integrate respect for essential values such as culture of peace, democratic values, equality between men and women, equal opportunities and universal accessibility for people with disabilities into the design of the different marketing solutions (whether that be products, communication pieces, etc.).
  • CE15: Ability to apply creative thinking combined with analytical thinking in the elaboration of marketing proposals, especially in advertisement creation, respecting fundamental rights and the culture of peace.
  • CE16: Ability to design and apply the company’s competitive and corporate strategies to the marketing actions.
  • CE17: Ability to organise work in such a way that the established milestones are met and the development times of the actions proposed in the marketing plan are correctly estimated.
  • CE18: Ability to understand and comprehend the environment, market and sector in which the company competes.
  • CE19: Ability to independently assess and select data to provide information, making a clear distinction between the company’s sources and the environment.
  • CE 20: Ability to select the most suitable communication and marketing mix tools according to a highly globalized and connected digital environment.
  • CE21: Knowledge and understanding of corporate, economic, legal and CSR aspects involved in marketing actions.
  • CE22: Be rigorous in justifying marketing proposals, based on objective data and avoiding subjectivity and bias.
  • CE23: Ability to monitor the technological environment and its impact on the marketing sector.
  • CE24: Ability to participate in multidisciplinary teams formed by people from different functional areas of the company and obtain the necessary resources in each situation from them.
  • CE25: Ability to create marketing solutions taking into account cultural, ethnic, demographic, etc. diversity.
  • CE26: Ability to apply the suitable technology in each marketing activity.


Career opportunities

As a Marketing and Digital Marketing graduate from Universidad Europea, you will have the possibility to work in all marketing sectors and in most companies. All companies need professionals with a cross-cutting knowledge of marketing and digital marketing, who are able to analyse the market and determine consumer demand. One of the advantages of a Marketing Degree is the large number of alternatives in which you can develop professionally. Our former students are already part of the decision-making process in commercial and marketing departments of leading national and international companies and brands. In addition to receiving excellent training, you will also learn how to lead, innovate, be effective and creative, and have a global and international vision that will help you to understand the functioning of different sectors and markets.

  • Account Manager.
  • Commercial Coordinator.
  • International Business Development.
  • Commercial Director.
  • CEO.
  • Product Manager.
  • Marketing Manager.
  • Digital Marketing Manager.
  • Brand Manager.
  • Investigations and Market Intelligence Manager.
  • Public Relations Manager.
  • E-commerce Manager.
  • Marketing Director.
  • CEO.
  • Market research.
  • Publishing agency.
  • Digital agency.
  • Strategic Consultancy.
  • Media Planning Agency.
  • International Expansion.
  • Area Manager.
  • CEO.
  • Strategy Consultant.
  • Creative Consultant.
  • Marketing or Digital Transformation Consultant.
  • New Business in all sectors.
  • Public Sector.
  • Private Sector.


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Admission exams

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Scholarships and financial aid

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Credit recognition and transfers

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  • César Martín de Bernardo González
    Digital Marketing Plan, Marketing Workshop.
    More than 15 years of experience in interactive marketing, working for companies, such as Antena3 as a telemarketing director, and in the Dia% group, as head of the New Business unit. He currently shares his time between working as Strategy Director at Agencia Serena Comunicación and Director of the Business department at UEM.
  • David Carrión
    Business Law.
    He has led various research projects, with more than 80 publications, including books, articles and book reviews. Professionally, he has been practising law for over 20 years. He is currently an editorial advisor at Confilegal and a legal advisor at its Board of Directors.
  • David Grávalos
    Digital Tools.
    PhD in Communication, doctoral thesis on “The World Wide Web as an efficient business communication tool”. Founder of Interneting.es, brand positioning consultant. Extensive experience as a teacher at Universidad Europea and researcher in the field of digital communication and web pages.
  • Diego Bravo de Urquía
    Electronic commerce.
    Extensive professional experience in marketing, advertising, strategy and management. He has worked in various countries, in mass consumption companies, record labels, consultancies and advertising companies, and has known Silicon Valley “startups” from within. In addition, he has carried out various projects as an entrepreneur.
    With his eager nature, he draws on diverse sources, from academic training to the performing arts, to broaden his perspectives and share his knowledge.
  • José Antonio Blázquez Jiménez
    Introduction to Marketing, Customer Psychology, Price Management, Commercial Simulation, Introduction to Marketing.
    He developed his professional career in Commercial and Sales Consulting at the company Praxis. He has taught numerous Master’s courses in various institutions, as well as provided training for companies, such as Telefónica o Asisa.
  • José Jesús Vargas Delgado
    Marketing Communications I, Marketing Communications II.
    Extensive experience in the field of communication, both in private companies and in teaching. Mindfulness Consultant. In addition to researching Persuasive Creativity, his area of study focuses on the novel link between alternative techniques such as Mindfulness-Meditation Master, based on relaxation and mindfulness to promote creativity, and the personal and professional development of the individual.
  • Jorge Jiménez-Ramírez
    General Skills UEM I: Efficiency in Personal and Professional Life.
    Doctorate with a Summa Cum Laude qualification in Communication. Author of ‘La enseñanza de cultura’ (Arcolibros) and ‘El hacker contra la universidad zombi’.
  • Laura Gómez Cuesta
    Creative and Production Tools I, Product and Service Management.
    Her professional experience spans over 15 years and she has been linked to different fields of graphic design, creativity, art direction, marketing management and social responsibility in companies in the graphic, tourism and education industry.
  • Luis López
    Internships I, Internships II, Internships III.
    Assistant professor in the Department of Communications and Marketing, responsible for professional internships in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication at Universidad Europea and responsible for the Advertising degree. Extensive experience in the advertising industry and human resource management. His main areas of interest and research include advertising strategy, employability and new technologies in management processes.
  • Patricia Camacho
    People Management
    Researcher in the area of Neuroscience applied to Communication. International expert in Personal and Executive Coaching certification. Licensed Practitioner at PNL.
  • Pedro Ortega
    Economic Environment.
    He has been a professor at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid in the area of Foreign Trade. In addition, he has been teaching at Universidad Europea for over 20 years.
  • Verónica Baena Graciá
    Introduction to Marketing, Market Research I.
    She has supervised 8 doctoral theses. Her research has been published in 10 books, 19 book chapters, more than 50 articles in scientific journals and more than 70 presentations at scientific congresses. She has received numerous acknowledgements. The most recent being the David Wilson 2016 Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and the 2017 AEDEM Best Paper in Competency and Collaborative Learning in Higher Education. In 2022, she featured in the list of “The leading female Spanish and foreign researchers in Spain according to Google Scholar” (ranking compiled by the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) of the Government of Spain according to the H-index and number of citations received).
  • Jose Manuel Corrales Aznar
    Economic Environment.
    PhD in Regional Development, Training and Employment from the Universidad de La Laguna, PhD from the Departments of Economics, Business Administration and Geography. Master’s Degree in Applied Economics; Master’s Degree in Prevention of Occupational Hazards and Graduate of Labour Sciences. He has taught and carried out research in the field of employment policies, the job market, applied economics, work relationships, the prevention of occupational hazards and public policies. Frequent economic expert in the media.
  • Ignacio Sacaluga Rodríguez
    Efficiency in Personal and Professional Life, People Management.
    Professor of Communication at Universidad Europea, with more than 20 years of experience in the development of television content (Antena 3TV, Telemadrid, etc...). In film, he is the director and scriptwriter of three feature documentaries and several non-fiction series. In addition, he has held various managerial positions in academia, while helping managers develop the communication and management skills needed to improve efficiency and leadership in their organisations.
  • Víctor Sánchez Franco
    Creative and Production Tools II, Commercial Distribution I and II.
    Experience in press and online sports marketing, as well as community manager roles in digital media. He has also been part of the Communication Department of Centro Sefaras-Israel as a communication assistant and support in event organisation. Experience in editing and web positioning sessions as an external speaker for the EAE Business School’s Master’s Degree in Marketing. He is currently carrying out academic research related to immersive journalism and digital media, while completing his PhD studies and teaching in the Marketing degree at UEM.
  • Fernando Hernández Martínez
    PhD in Economics from UNED. He also holds a Master of Arts in Economics from Boston University and a Master’s Degree in Finance from ICADE-Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Until 2021, he worked as a Risk and Finance Specialist at Naturgy, and prior to that, he worked for 8 years as a Monetary Policy Specialist at the Bank of Spain. For 10 years, he has been an associate professor in the Department of Economics at UC3M and collaborating professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at CEU San Pablo, prior to joining the Department of Economics and Business at UEM.
  • Ángel Muñiz Mejuto
    Economic Environment.
    Economist, currently studying for a PhD in Economic History at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He has a Master’s Degree in Economics and a Master’s Degree in Social Sciences from the same university (2019 and 2021). His main research areas are related to Economic History, Institutional Economics and Macroeconomics, with a strong background also in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics.
  • Óscar Cordero Mata
    Director of the Master’s Degree in Financial Management and professor in the Department of Economics and Business at Universidad Europea de Madrid: Financial Management, Finance, Marketing Finance, Management Technologies. PhD in Economics and Innovation Management from Universidad Complutense.de Madrid, Master’s Degree in Economics and Innovation Management, Master’s Degree in Development and Cooperation, Graduate in Economics. His professional background includes leadership and management in the field of corporate finance, national and regional projects. His lines of research include innovation, the creation of technology-based companies and economic development, with research on the creation of technology-based companies ISSN: 0252-9521; foreign direct investment spillovers, agro-industrial development, economic integration.
  • Luis Manuel Campo Martínez
    Foundations of Business, Strategic Management, Marketing Finance.
    More than 20 years of experience in Senior Management and as a member of the Board of Directors in large IBEX 35 Business and Multinational Groups. He currently combines his position as CEO in a Strategy and Management Consultancy with teaching at Universidad Europea de Madrid.
  • Marta Fernández Penas
    Marketing Communications I and II, Market Research I and Master’s Degree in Commercial and Sales Management.
    PhD in Audiovisual Communication and holds a Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing and e-Commerce. She has worked in various publishing agencies as a Search & Analytics Executive and Senior Digital Marketing Manager. Being true to her teaching vocation, she is currently a university teacher.
  • Ismael Delgado Durán
    Strategic Management I, Data Engineering.
    Studying for a PhD in Business Sciences (UM), Master’s Degree in Marketing and Sales (ESADE) and Engineer in Industrial Organization (UEM).
    More than 20 years of professional experience in multinational businesses in the field of Commercial Management (Marketing and Sales).
  • Janaína Heloísa Telles de Lima
    Business Law.
    Professor. PhD in Commercial Law with a professional Master’s Degree and research in Business Law.
    More than 20 years of experience as a corporate lawyer.Lawyer in Brazil and Spain.
  • José Luis Cuesta
    Creative and Production Tools I and II, Degree in Marketing.
    Producer and post-producer with more than 15 years of experience in the sector. He has developed a large part of his career in the USA, working for some of the most important media companies in the world, from Discovery to the NBC group.
    Specialised in the production and editing of promotional formats, documentaries and reports.
    Winner of a Promax and Emmy Award, and currently the coordinator of the post-production team at DAZN.
  • Fernando Barrenechea Fernández
    Project and Service Management, Marketing Workshop, Price Management, Brand Management y Project Management.
    Over his more than 20-year career in management, he has contributed to the growth of companies in different countries, industries and roles, working in consulting and managerial positions in various sectors (finance, entertainment, technology, and marketing and communication services) among others in Interbrand, Kinkia, and BBVA, contributing to the development of more than 100 brands in more than 20 companies. In the last few years, he has worked with Acciona, KPMG, Coca Cola, Naturgy, Renault, Nissan, Four Seasons, among others.
  • Ruth Rodríguez García
    Oral and Written Communication Skills.
    PhD in Communications and Graduate in Journalism. Currently coordinates the Department of Journalism in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication. Teaches in the degrees of Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Marketing and International Relations and in the dual degrees of Journalism + Audiovisual Communication, Journalism + International Relations and Advertising + Audiovisual Communication.
    With experience in faculty management, academic coordination, degree coordination and student coordination. Her doctoral thesis revolves around the evolution of social networks in the university environment. She has various publications in books in the field of communication.
  • Francisco José Pradana
    Efficiency in Personal and Professional Life.
    Specialist in Marketing and Communication, has been working for more than 5 years as a Product Marketing Manager for national and international companies, such as L’Oreal and SegurCaixa Adeslas.
    He currently combines his work in large companies with teaching at Universidad Europea de Madrid and research, through his line on institutional communication at Universidad de Vigo.
  • Ulpiano J. Vázquez
    Entrepreneurial Leadership.
    PhD from Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI ICADE from 2016. Also holds a Master’s Degree in Marketing and Sales at ESIC Business and Marketing School and a Diploma in Business Sciences at Universidad de León. Has carried out postgraduate studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at UE since 2019. He applies different teaching methods to encourage student participation over the course, such as business cases, debates or flipped classrooms, among others. He is a regular visiting professor in other international institutions in Peru, Mexico, USA and Lebanon. He has extensive research in Gastronomy and Place Branding, publishing academic publications and participating in various international congresses. Before joining academia in 2016, Dr. Vázquez worked for various companies and lived in multicultural environments and different countries, such as Spain, UK, France, and Peru. He still combines his academic activity with business consultancy. He speaks Spanish, English and French fluently.
  • Roberto Álvarez Landeros
    Professor of Strategy, Digital Business, Creativity & Innovation, and Statistics.
    Founder CEO at Landeros Motors (13 years) | previous experience in Banking & Stock Market.
    - MSc in Major Programme Management in 2023, University of Oxford.
    - PhD in Organizational Governance & Culture, University of Navarra.
    - MSc in Innovation & Entrepreneurship, HEC Paris.
    - Full-Time MBA, IPADE Business School.
    - MSc in Sustainable Development, Tecnológico de Monterrey.
    - BS in Electronics, and Telecommunications Engineering, Tecnológico de Monterrey.
  • Ana María Villagrasa Mejía
    Business Management.
    PhD in Administrative and Management Sciences, with a career of more than 20 years as a university professor in the field of business and talent management, at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Professor at the Initiative Project at Educación Superior SUNY-Venezuela (New York Higher Education University System (SUNY), Collaborative Online International Learning, COIL). Researcher with scientific articles published in peer-reviewed and indexed journals, making various contributions as a speaker at international refereed events, referee evaluator in scientific journals, collaborator-facilitator in social training projects aimed at entrepreneurship and the promotion of self-employment. She currently combines her role as a professor at Universidad Europea de Madrid and tutor of the End-of-Degree Project, with the coordination of subjects, such as: Business Administration, Business Workshop (Degree in Business Administration and Management) and Business Management (Degree in Marketing).
  • Aurora Murga Aroca
    International Cum Laude PhD in English Literary Studies by Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2021). She has a Bachelor’s Degree in English Studies from the same university, and also holds a Master’s Degree in English Literary Studies (Victorian Pathway) from the University of Exeter, UK, and a Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching from Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
    Aurora Murga has more than 6 years of experience as an English teacher. She also has experience as an international researcher. She has delivered presentations in numerous congresses in Spain and the UK. Among her most recent publications, it is worth highlighting her articles in the Babel journal - AFIAL (2020), and in the ecocritical journal Pangeas (2020).
  • Gema García Rojas
    Statistics, Data Engineering.
    More than 20 years of experience as a data analyst at Banco Santander in various departments (risks, prices...).
    Implementation and development of the Value at Risk model in the Treasury.
  • Adelaida Valero Areán
    Experiential Marketing. Price Management.
    Professional with more than 25 years of experience in management in publishing agencies such as Grupo Nostrum, Grupo EÑE, Targeting Link Thinkers, Grupo Comunica, among others. Currently works as the director of Communications, Marketing and Advertising Strategy in the agency Apporta and as a sales manager for the digital newspaper El español de Alicante.
    She also has more than 20 years of experience as a teacher at UEM, as well as being an associate professor at the Universidad de Alicante UA (Marketing department) and a teacher at MSMK, the University of Science & Technology (Madrid School of Marketing/Madrid).
  • Begoña Moreno
    PhD in Advertising from the Universidad de Valladolid and Master’s Degree in Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility (CUE). She is currently a professor at the Department of Communications at Universidad Europea de Madrid for subjects related to creative thinking, neuromarketing and corporate identity. She leads a team of students specialised in creativity, called Pitching Minds, who have accumulated more than 40 awards in national and international festivals such as El Sol, the Chupete, the New York Festival and the One Show. Her main lines of research are related to creativity and innovation, migrations and municipal communication, in which she has expertise. She was awarded first prize for research in 2018 at the Centre for Financial Studies for her work on municipal identity, and in the same year, she received an award for the Best Research Work at Universidad Europea de Madrid. In 2019, she was a finalist in the Centre for Financial Studies for her work on real-world impact actions. She belonged to Grupo I.K. as a researcher in the research project “Gender and Communication” and currently belongs to IN.MIGRA3-CM and the project “Communication and Migration”. She has been a Guest Lecturer in international universities such as the Hogeschoole von Maastricht, the Hogeschoole von Amsterdam, The National College of Arts in Dublin and the University of Staffordshire in the UK. Professionally, she has developed her career in the advertising industry in national and multinational agencies such as McCann-Erickson and Delvico Bates in the field of Art Direction. She has also directed an international rural advertising festival, called El Cencerro, whose profits went back into the rural environment.
  • David Carrión Morillo
    Financial and Taxation Law I and II, Business Law.
    PhD in Law from Universidad San Pablo-CEU and accredited as a PhD Assistant Professor, PhD Contracted Professor and Private University Professor. His main lines of research focus on new taxation challenges and teaching innovation, with numerous publications and communications in international congresses. He currently directs a research group under the name: “Legal manifestations through audiovisual and other fictional resources”.
  • Ximo Lizana
    National Award (AECA) for contemporary art in Spain and Germany, former Artistic Director of ARCO, former Director of the Master’s Degree in Play Station at UEM, Master’s Degree in Live Entertainment of Live Nation and former Academic Director of the McCann and Ericsson Master’s Degree in Unconventional Advertising, and undergraduate professor in Neuromarketing and Innovation. Ximo was the first artist in Spain to sell a robot as a work of art to an international museum, and also the first to create a holographic structure suspended in mid-air without the need for physical matter.
    He collaborates with over 20 high technology corporations, consultancies and administrations. He advises the leading advertising corporations and media agencies in their innovation committees. CEO and Founder of NxtFluencers. Expert in Intelligence based on the Israeli method, cybersecurity (crisis management) and strategic coordination of electoral reforms, and collaborates with public and private bodies in analysis, forensics, reputational control and generation of automated trends on the internet."
  • Dr Helena López-Casares Pertusa
    PhD in Organizational Cognitive Neuroscience from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. Graduated in Computer Science from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. University Expert in Public Communication and Defence from UNED and the Instituto Gutiérrez Mellado. Master’s Degree in Commercial Neuromanagement from ESCO. Postgraduate Degree in Public Relations Management from ECOL-Universidad de Barcelona. Degree in Professional Coaching from the Escuela Transpersonal de Coaching.
    Head of Degrees in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communications at Universidad Europea, professor, head researcher of the Department of Neuroscience, Leadership and Communication and director of the Master’s Degree in Product Manager and Business Strategy in the same university. Author of various scientific book chapters, research articles and regular assistant at scientific congresses with presentations relating to her area of research.
    She has combined her teaching activity with her responsibilities in the area of marketing, communication and institutional relations in companies such as HP, Aqua eSolutions and Grupo SP, as well as in public relations, institutional and communication agencies.
  • Yosdenis Urrutia Badillo, PhD, MBA
    Marketing Finance
    He has more than 10 years of university experience in research and teaching, as well as work experience in multiple business fields. He currently works as a finance advisor, being linked to the company OVB Allfinanz España SA.
  • Joaquín Pérez Martín
    Professor of Design and Video Games since 2017 and Director of the Department of Communications and Marketing since July 2021. "Senior lecturer of Animation and Video Games at Universidad Europea since 2010, when the institution submitted this job position to tender in order to academically support the growth of the video game industry and its demand for specialised profiles. Previously, Perez directed the Master’s Degree in Design and Video Game Programming for 11 years since 2003, and the Video Game and Animation Observatory since 2003.
    In addition, throughout his extensive career, he has taught in the areas of Social Networks, New Trends, Communication and Marketing, and was responsible for the programme “New Technologies”, on Radio 5 of Radio Nacional de España for 3 years.
  • Luis Antonio López Fraile
    Internships I, Internships II and Internships III.
    PhD professor in the Department of Communication and Marketing, responsible for employment and professional internships in the areas of Communication and Business in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication UEM. Extensive experience in the sector of advertising, communication and human resource management. His main areas of interest and research are employability, new technologies in the management process and advertising strategy.
  • Luisa Fanjul
    Commercial and Sales Management. People Management.
    Graduate of Political Sciences from Universidad Complutense.de Madrid, MBA from Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, University Expert in Tourism from UNED, DEA in Tourism Politics from Universidad Antonio de Nebrija and the World Tourism Organization, PhD in Strategy and Marketing from Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, 19 years of experience in the academic world, and 14 years dedicated entirely to the world of communication.
    Fanjul is currently a communication director at Tesipro Solutions, Thelis Unixdata, HotelsDot, MasterCamping and Revenue Control Data, software digital ecosystem for the hotel industry.
  • Jorge López de Briñas
    Brand Strategies. Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations.
    Master’s Degree in Audiovisual Business Management (EAE). More than 12 years of professional experience in the world of entertainment and technology. Leadership in commercial challenges in the companies Atresmedia Eventos, LetsGo Company and AMETIC (The voice of the digital industry). Professor and expert in the development of commercial skills. Roles carried out: Creating new businesses, commercial development and sustainable associations. Experience in launching new products and services.
  • Jorge Jiménez Ramirez
    Oral and Written Communication Skills PhD in Communication and Master’s Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language, accredited by the ANECA. His areas of research focus on the role of culture and interculturality in foreign language learning, the complex systems related to culture and language, and communication in the digital era. On these topics, he has published various works in informative and academic journals, and book and monograph chapters, such as La enseñanza de cultura en ELE (Arco Libros, 2018) and El hacker en la universidad zombi (2015). In addition, he has been a visiting professor in European and American universities, and in the Spanish Language School of Middlebury College.
  • Fátima Moreno Sánchez
    Accredited professor. PhD in Business Economics from Universidad San Pablo CEU (2004), Specialist in Trade Fair Organization, Graduated in Market Research and Techniques from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ICADE (2000), and Graduated in Economic Sciences from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1997). Specialist in fairs, marketing and market research. She has published various articles and books and presented her research in various academic congresses. She is currently continuing her research in the organization of trade events and fairs. More than 20 years of teaching experience in different universities, business schools and in-company business training programmes, forming part of the teaching staff at Universidad Europea de Madrid since 2000, teaching different subject areas in the area of marketing, both on-campus and online, in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Professionally, she has worked in private businesses in the textile and fashion industry, carrying out marketing strategies, attending trade fairs and leading the sales force.
  • Felipe Graeml Reis
    Professor Graeml is a mechanical engineer, with a Master’s Degree and PhD in Production Engineering from Universidad Federal de Santa Caterina (Brazil). While carrying out his PhD, he was a visiting researcher at the University of Lancaster (UK), where he also taught in the subject areas of Management and Strategy. Prior to entering the academic world, he was a Founder and CEO of an engineering company and consultancy in Brazil. In Spain, he has worked as a mechanical engineer and production manager in one of the main Spanish construction companies (OHL), and in 2007, he joined the teaching staff at Universidad Europea (Madrid) where he has worked as a professor of Production Management since 2013. He holds extensive undergraduate and postgraduate teaching experience in various universities within and outside of Spain. More specifically, he has taught at Universidad Europea (UE), Centro Universitário da FEI - Brazil, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE e ICAI), EAE Business School and, most recently, as a professor of the Master’s Degree in Senior Management at IUNIT - Centro de Educación Superior de Negocios, Innovación y Tecnología. His main academic and research areas are operation management and strategic management, as well as gamification in the field of university teaching.
  • María del Pilar Rodríguez Gómez
    Strategic Marketing. Marketing Plan / Marketing Workshop.
    Tutor and coordinator of the End-of-Degree Project. PhD in Urban Economics. Her main lines of research focus on teaching innovation, with numerous publications and communications in national and international congresses. She is currently a member of two research groups, Edutech Erasmus+ Project and Diversidad e innovación social.
  • Laura Algibez
    Creative and Production Tools I.
    Graduated in Bellas Artes in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Master’s Degree in Digital Journalism and Social Media. She has developed her professional career as an independent photographer for different publishing agencies, such as Mi Querido Watson, Prodiseño and Comunica +A. Together with Karla Frechilla, she has created SINEKUANON Comunicación Visual, a communications studio carrying out photography and design works. International placement as a research professor of Alternative Photography Processes at Sante Fe University of Art and Design in New Mexico (USA). She currently combines her teaching and research work with various artistic photography projects that belong to the portraiture genre as a means of personal expression.
  • Isidro Sánchez Crespo
    Neuromarketing, Experiential Marketing.
    PhD in Marketing from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Staffordshire University (UK), and Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and Public Relations from Escuela Superior de Dirección de Empresas, Marketing y Relaciones Externas de Madrid. MBA-Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Universidad de Barcelona and Official Master’s Degree in Marketing from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
    Isidro has more than 15 years of teaching experience, teaching in various Spanish and international universities and schools of business. He also has extensive experience in training managers, entrepreneurs, postgraduates of different specialities and different managerial teams.
    In addition to this, he is currently the director of the Master’s Degree in Marketing at Universidad Europea.
    He has extensive knowledge in new technologies and a highly successful track record of achieving sustainable business growth over time, by creating and executing unique digital strategies for a wide variety of organisations since the 1990s.
    He has a great trajectory leading digital teams in newly established, medium-sized (SMEs) and multinational companies in different sectors such as Media, Advertising and Telco, as well as launching several related products and services.
    Since 2009, he has been CEO of The Sensory Lab, a company with more than 54 years dedicated to Customer Experience and Sensory Marketing, with presence in over 77 countries. At TSLab, we have spent the last 5 years adapting technology to the everyday lives of people and companies. We are specialists in the “Internet of Things” and the Intelligent Management of Assets.
    Over the last 10 years, he has also been the marketing and commercial director of Telemadrid and Onda Madrid. In addition, he was the Product Manager and Head of International Relations for the daily sports newspaper “Marca”, the economic newspaper “Expansión” and the magazine “Telva”, all belonging to the company Grupo de Comunicación Recoletos.
  • Luis Lacalle
    Marketing Finance.
    PhD in Economics from the UEM, and currently an undergraduate professor. He has experience in teaching through an online, on-campus and hybrid method. He has contributed to content development of various online subjects for Marketing and Tourism degrees. He has collaborated as a consultant for the World Bank in Equatorial Guinea, and has taught different areas of knowledge in countries, such as Guatemala, Cyprus, Belgium and the USA. In addition to his teaching career, he is an independent consultant in the field of training and has previously worked in several companies in the financial industry, such as Banco Santander and Barclays Bank, performing both commercial work and stock exchange operations in the Treasury Department of Banco Inversión for more than 5 years. Between 2005 and 2008, he founded the online travel agency Portal Agencias De Viajes SL, a wholesale and retail company in which he was the founder, majority shareholder and financial director.
  • Marta Abanades Sánchez
    General Skills: Influence and Relational Impact, Communication Skills, Management Skills.
    PhD in Education from Universidad Europea de Madrid. Her main lines of research focus on teacher training, emotional intelligence and learning ecologies. She has more than 40 publications, more than 60 communications in national and international congresses, is a reviewer in some impact journals, area manager for more than 6 consecutive years in the International Multidisciplinary Congress of Educational Research, and has participated in more than 15 research projects. Currently leads the research group: Learning ecologies in the 21st Century: social and technological skills necessary in the workplace.
  • Cristóbal Matarán López
    Economic Environment.
    PhD in Economics from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Universidad de Jaén, with a University Expert Degree in Accountancy, Finance and Economics in the Public Sector. Master’s Degree in Austrian School of Economics from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training from Universidad Europea de Madrid.
  • Almudena Briones
    Graduated in Economics from UCM (specialism Economic Analysis-Quantitative Economics) and Master’s Degree in Applied Statistics and Statistics for the Public Sector (UAH). She has more than 16 years of professional experience as an economic analyst and advisor in the public and private sector in Spain and abroad. Her main lines of research focus on the areas of the Economics and Statistics of Sport and Public Statistics.
  • Almudena Revilla Guijarro
    General Skills I. Efficiency in Personal and Professional Life.
    Professor of Literary Creation and Communication since 2011 in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication at Universidad Europea de Madrid.
    PhD in Information Sciences and Graduate in Journalism. With more than 20 years of professional and teaching experience, covering different fields of Communication and Applied Linguistics. She is a researcher in the group UE-Medios for the project In.Migra2-CM, as well as the group Suade from Universidad Europea de Madrid, and a founding member of the research group DILES (Discurso y Lengua Española) at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.
