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grado psicologia madrid

Bachelor's Degree in Psychology Madrid

We train skilled psychology professionals, helping you gain better understanding of human behaviour in order to help society

Psychology Degree

The Psychology Degree at Universidad Europea in Madrid is aimed at providing students with the communication and social skills to work as a psychologist in a number of settings including in education, healthcare, law and forensics, and sports. The degree in psychology, a four-year programme with a total of 240 ECTS, has an eminently practical approach, and you will complete more than 600 hours of internships and work placements throughout the course of the programme.

If you choose to study psychology in Spain in English, at Universidad Europea in Madrid, you will have access to world class facilities including our simulated hospital, and psychosocial assistance centre.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid
Villaviciosa de Odón 4 years, 240 ECTS
Start: 16 sep. 2024
School of Biomedical and Health Sciences - Madrid

Why study the degree in Psychology?

Unique facilities + Inter-professional education

Complete your training in our Simulated Hospital, a safe environment where you will learn to face multiple life-like simulated clinical scenarios and learn to interact with other healthcare students.

Simulated hospital

Psychosocial Assistance Centre

Structure and function laboratory I

Microbiology laboratory

Dissection laboratory

Sports Centre

University accommodation in Madrid

CRAI Dulce Chacón Library

Learning based on case resolution and simulated practices.

Major global changes are creating new challenges for psychology today, impacting both individuals and society as a whole. This scientific field requires professionals who are trained to provide answers to problems such as eating disorders, school bullying and tech-related issues, such as cyberbullying, nomophobia and Internet dependence, among others.

Our methodology focuses on the simulation of real clinical cases in order for students to develop the skills needed to become future psychologists and understand human behaviour.

Advanced technology

You will be able to use innovative therapeutic tools, such as virtual reality, with which you can intervene in all kinds of pathologies such as phobias and neuropsychological disorders.

Professional interships

More than 600 hours of internships over the course of the programme. Starting in the third year, you will visit external centres to observe clinical practice with real patients. You can select up to four rotations.

Practise as a general health psychologist

At our University, you have the opportunity to pursue a Master's in General Health Psychology, which is a prerequisite for accreditation as a General Health Psychologist.


grado psicologia madridComillas
ComillasThe Bachelor’s in Psychology will provide you with the skills to be a great professional, transforming you into a better person.

Palmira Victoria

Bachelor’s in Psychology Student

grado psicologia madridComillas
ComillasOur challenge is to immerse first-year students in psychology in all its forms.

Alberto Bellido

Bachelor’s in Psychology Proffesor

Study plan

Programa de estudios


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Sensory Perception and Attention6BÁSICAInglés
Human Anatomy6BÁSICAInglés
Behavioural Biology6BÁSICAInglés
History of Psychology and Fields of Activity6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Social Psychology6BÁSICAInglés
Psychological Assessment6BÁSICAInglés
Rotatory Internships6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Memory and Learning Processes6BÁSICAInglés
Applied Statistics in Psychology6BÁSICAInglés


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Motivation and Emotion6BÁSICAInglés
Research Methods in Psychology6BÁSICAInglés
Intervention Techniques in Psychology6BÁSICAInglés
Thought and Language6BÁSICAInglés
Developmental Psychology6BÁSICAInglés
Clinical Internships12OBLIGATORIAInglés
Modern Languages6OBLIGATORIAInglés


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Leadership Skills6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Life Span Psychology6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Communication Skills6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Practicum I12PRÁCTICASInglés
Advanced Psychopathology6OPTATIVAInglés
Health Psychology6OPTATIVAInglés
Therapeutic Skills6OPTATIVAInglés


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Personality Psychology and Intelligence6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Ethical Values6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Practicum II12PRÁCTICASInglés
Final Dissertation6TFGInglés
University Activities6OPTATIVAInglés
Psychological Treatment in Adults6OPTATIVAInglés
Psychological Treatment in Childhood and Adolescence6OPTATIVAInglés



Basic competencies

  • CG1: Ability to understand the functions, characteristics and limitations of the different theoretical models of psychology in the field of health psychology.
  • CG2: Ability to understand the basic principles of the different psychological processes in the field of health psychology.
  • CG3: Ability to understand the processes and main stages of psychological development throughout the life cycle as they relate to normality and abnormality in the field of health psychology.
  • CG4: Ability to understand the biological basis of human behaviour and psychological functions.
  • CG5: Ability to understand the psychosocial principles of the functioning of groups and organisations.
  • CG6: Ability to understand the social and anthropological dimension of the human being, including the historical and sociocultural factors involved in human psychological configuration.
  • CG7: Ability to understand different methods of evaluation, diagnosis and psychological treatment in different applied fields of health psychology.
  • CG8: Ability to understand different research designs, procedures for formulating and testing hypotheses and interpreting results and being able to apply them to the field of health psychology.
  • CG9: Ability to understand the different fields of application of psychology and having the expertise necessary to impact on and promote the quality of life of individuals, groups, communities and organisations in the educational, clinical, health work, organisation, and community contexts.​​​​​
Cross-disciplinary competencies

  • CT1: Autonomous learning: Ability to choose the strategies, tools and schedule you consider most effective for autonomous learning and implementing what you have learned.
  • CT2: Self-confidence: Ability to assess one’s own results, performance and capabilities with the inner conviction that we are capable of handling the challenges we are faced with.
  • CT4: Ability to analyse and synthesise: students are able to break down complex situations into their constituent parts, and evaluate other alternatives and perspectives in order to find optimal solutions. Synthesis seeks to reduce complexity in order to better understand it and/or solve problems.
  • CT5: Ability to apply knowledge to practice by using the knowledge acquired during studies in situations as similar as possible to the reality of the profession.
  • CT8: Information management: Ability to search, select, analyse and integrate information from diverse sources.
  • CT10: Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit: Ability to undertake difficult or random actions with resolution. Ability to anticipate problems, propose improvements and persevere in achieving them. Preference for assuming and carrying out activities.
  • CT11: Planning and time management: Ability to set goals and choose the means to achieve those goals using time and resources effectively.
  • CT12: Critical reasoning: Ability to analyse an idea, phenomenon or situation from different perspectives and take an approach based on rigorous and argued objectivity rather than intuition.
  • CT13: Problem-solving: Ability to find a solution to a confusing issue or a complicated situation without a pre-defined solution, which makes it more difficult to solve.
  • CT14: Innovation and creativity: Ability to propose and develop new and original solutions that add value to problems posed, even in areas other than the problem itself.
  • CT15: Responsibility: Ability to meet commitments with oneself and others when performing a task and working towards a set of objectives within the learning process. Existing capacity in every subject to recognise and accept the consequences of a freely performed act.
  • CT16: Decision-making: Ability to make a choice between existing alternatives or ways to effectively solve different situations or problems.
  • CT17: Teamwork: Ability to integrate and actively collaborate with other people, areas and/or organisations to achieve common objectives.
  • CT18: Use of information and communication technologies (ICT): Ability to effectively use information and communication technologies as a tool for searching, processing and storing information, as well as for developing communication skills.
Specific competencies

  • CE1: Ability to analyse the needs and demands of the function’s intended beneficiaries in different contexts.
  • CE2: Ability to establish the goals of psychological action in different contexts, proposing and negotiating the goals with the intended beneficiaries and stakeholders.
  • CE3: Ability to plan and conduct an interview.
  • CE4: Ability to describe and measure variables (personality, intelligence and other aptitudes, behaviours, etc.) and cognitive, emotional, psychobiological and behavioural processes.
  • CE5: Ability to identify differences, problems and needs.
  • CE6: Ability to make diagnoses according to the criteria of the profession.
  • CE7: Ability to describe and measure interaction processes, group dynamics and group and inter-group structures.
  • CE8: Ability to identify group and inter-group problems and needs.
  • CE9: Ability to describe and measure interaction processes, organisational dynamics and organisational and inter-organisational structures.
  • CE10: Ability to identify organisational and inter-organisational problems and needs.
  • CE11: Ability to analyse the context in which individual behaviour and group and organisational processes take place.
  • CE12: Ability to select and manage tools, products and services and to identify the stakeholders.
  • CE13: Ability to design and adapt instruments, products and services according to the requirements and restrictions.
  • CE14: Ability to contrast and validate instruments, products and services (whether prototypes or pilot tests).
  • CE15: Ability to define objectives and draw up a plan for intervention in accordance with its purpose (prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, integration, monitoring, etc.).
  • CE16: Ability to select the appropriate psychological intervention techniques to achieve objectives.
  • CE17: Expertise in strategies and techniques to involve the intended beneficiaries in the intervention.
  • CE18: Ability to apply strategies and methods of direct intervention to the intended beneficiaries: psychological advice, therapy, negotiation, mediation, etc.
  • CE19: Ability to apply strategies and methods of direct intervention to different contexts: construction of healthy settings, etc.
  • CE20: Ability to apply strategies and methods of indirect intervention through third parties: counselling, training of trainers and other actors.
  • CE21: Ability to plan the evaluation of programmes and interventions.
  • CE22: Ability to select and develop indicators and metrics to evaluate programmes and interventions.
  • CE23: Ability to measure and obtain relevant data for the evaluation of interventions.
  • CE24: Ability to analyse and interpret the results of the evaluation.
  • CE25: Ability to provide feedback to the intended beneficiaries in an appropriate and accurate manner.
  • CE26: Ability to produce oral and written reports.
  • CE27: Ability to understand and comply with the deontological obligations of psychology.
  • CE28: Ability to develop the profession using the English and/or Spanish language, both for specialised and non-specialised audiences.

External internship rules

Internships are a key component of your training. Acquiring experience after what you have learnt in your degree is the best way to enter the employment market. There are two types of internships: curricular—which are included in your study plan—and extracurricular—which you can do on a voluntary basis.

In order to complete curricular internships in companies, you will need to have 50% of the credits approved and registered before starting your internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship coordinator, and interim and final reports are prepared for evaluation.

If you want to take your work experience to the next level before finishing your university education, you can pursue an extracurricular internship. You can do them in any academic year, but keep in mind that internships are a formative complement to your studies; therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your studies, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.

In addition to theoretical training and simulation practice, you will receive practical clinical training from the first academic year in prestigious institutions, including:

  • Psicólogos Sin Fronteras
  • Colegio de Psicoanálisis de Madrid
  • AFA – Asociación de Familiares y Amigos de Enfermos de Alzheimer
  • AFAEMO – Asociación de Familiares y Amigos de Enfermos Mentales de Moratalaz
  • AMAFE – Asociación Madrileña de Amigos y Familiares de Personas con Esquizofrenia
  • Asociación Antares, supporting persons with intellectual disabilities and their families
  • APANEFA – Asociación de Daño Cerebral Sobrevenido de Madrid
  • Apoyo Positivo
  • Asociación Bipolar Madrid
  • Asociación de Educación para la Salud
  • Asociación CUPIF (Con un pie fuera)
  • Down Madrid
  • Con o Sin Diván clinical psychology centre
  • Centro Consulta Abierta clinical psychology centre
  • NB Psicología clinical psychology centre
  • PSISE – Clinical Psychology Development Centre
  • Proyecto Hombre
  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service at Hospital Niño Jesús

In addition to the institutions that collaborate with our students’ internships, other centres collaborate with teaching: Ministry of Defense; Grupo Luria; José Germain Psychiatric Institute; and Sociedad Española de Psicología Aplicada a Desastres Urgencias y Emergencias (SEPADEM).


Career opportunities

The health of our mind is essential no matter the discipline. As such, psychology applies to a huge range of fields including education, organisation and management, and sports—to name a few. So, what are the career opportunities in psychology? What work can psychologists do? Below, you can find the main career opportunities that you can aspire to by pursuing a Bachelor's in Psychology, which qualifies you to practise as a psychologist.

  • Prevention, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
  • Prevention and promotion of health.
  • Neuropsychological evaluation, diagnosis and rehabilitation.
  • Planning of mental health programmes.
  • Evaluation, planning and intervention in psychosocial rehabilitation programmes.
  • Issuance of certificates for drivers, gun ownership, dangerous animal ownership, security guards, etc.

This field requires training in clinical psychology or general health psychology. (Health centres, health services, psychology clinics, examination centres; etc.).

  • Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of learning difficulties or special educational needs.
  • Guidance, vocational and professional counselling for students, teachers and families at educational institutions and psychology clinics.
  • Selection, training and professional development.
  • Analysis of the behaviour of consumers, customers, employees, etc.
  • Market research.
  • Occupational risk prevention, quality systems and marketing and advertising.

(Companies, consultancy firms, media, etc.).

  • Expert witnesses in legal proceedings.
  • Specialists in family law.
  • Victim-assistance programmes.
  • Conflict mediation.
  • Psychological management in prisons.
  • Involvement with young offenders and crime-prevention programmes.
  • Psychology Corps in the Armed Forces, Civil Guard, National Police or Autonomous Communities’ police forces.

(Courts, prisons, law enforcement, Directorate-General for Traffic, insurance companies, etc.)

  • Intervention in communities (social minorities).
  • Activities in development cooperation (humanitarian aid).
  • Development of socio-occupational integration and socio-cultural promotion programmes.
  • Emergency and disaster response.
  • Assistance services for disabled or underprivileged people.

(National, regional and local public administrations, national and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs), private bodies affiliated with public administrations, etc.).

  • Emotional management and psychological rehabilitation of athletes.
  • Management of recreational and leisure activities.

(Sports, cultural and leisure organisations).

  • University professor.
  • Research staff.
  • Media professional.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

Predisposition for establishing interpersonal relationships in order to intervene in contexts where human behaviour is studied. Interest in aspects related to health and quality of life, social and ethical responsibility, scientific curiosity, interpersonal skills, ability to adapt to new situations, teamwork, application of knowledge to practice, understanding of biology and statistics and emotional, oral and written expression skills, as well as knowledge in the use of computer tools.

  1. Documentation
    To begin your admissions process, firstly, please book an appointment online or call us on 91 740 72 72.
    Proof you have passed the entrance exam (Selectividad)
    Two photocopies of your identification card
    Fees for transferring your academic record
    Payment of the admissions fee prior to or on the day of the appointment
  2. What does the entrance exam consist of?
    Competencies and skills assessment test
    General knowledge test
    Language evaluation test
    Personal interview
    When will you know if you have been accepted?
    An Admissions Letter containing the result of your entrance exam will be sent to your email. If you have any questions, you can get in touch with our team in the Student Services Department (ads@universidadeuropea.es).
  3. Reserving a place
    Along with your Admissions Letter, you will receive an Official Enrolment letter. We recommend you secure your reservation within seven calendar days of receiving the letter.
  4. Enrolment
    All students who enrol at Universidad Europea for the first time and wish to access a bachelor’s degree must open an academic file before registration.
    The Student Services Department will provide the candidate with all the documentation and forms needed to formalise their registration.


The faculty on this degree has 55% of doctors.

  • Sonia Isabel Martins Gregorio
    PhD: Vice Dean of the Degree in Psychology. PhD in Clinical Psychology. General Health Psychologist. Specialist in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy.
  • Sara Paloma Vilas Sanz
    Phd: Head of the Department of Psychology. PhD in Psychology. Habilitation as General Health Psychologist. Research areas: emotions, empathy and simulation.
  • Alberto Bellido Esteban
    PhD: Head of the Department of Online Programs. Doctor in Biomedical and Health Sciences.
  • Teresa Dieguez Risco
    PhD in Psychology, Professor of Psychology at the UEM and accredited by ANECA in the figures of PhD Assistant teacher, Private University Lecturer and PhD Lecturer.
  • Margarita Gomez Marquez
    PhD: PhD in Psychology, Professor of Basic Psychology at the UEM and accredited by ANECA in the figures of PhD Assistant teacher, Private University Lecturer and PhD Lecturer. Coordinator of the Degree in Psychology.
  • Francisco Montesinos Marin
    PhD in Applied Behavioral Analysis, Professor of Health Psychology and accredited by ANECA in the figures of PhD Assistant teacher, Private University Lecturer and PhD Lecturer. Principal Researcher of the research group "Clinical Psychology and Health" of the UEM.
  • Beatriz Navarro Galvez
    PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Professor of Physiology and accredited by ANECA in the figures of PhD Assistant teacher, Private University Lecturer and PhD Lecturer
  • Maria Francisca Cantero Garcia
    PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology and accredited by ANECA in the figures of PhD Assistant teacher, Private University Lecturer and PhD Lecturer
  • Marta Santacreu Ivars
    PhD in Psychology. Director of the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology. General Health Psychologist. Specialized in old age and intervention in adults and accredited by ANECA in the figures of PhD Assistant teacher, Private University Lecturer and PhD LecturerGIUSEPPE IANDOLO PANDOLINO, PhD. PhD in Developmental Psychology. Director of the Master's Degree in Child and Youth Psychology at Universidad Europea de Madrid. He is accredited by ANECA in the figures of PhD Assistant teacher, Private University Lecturer and PhD Lecturer.
  • Marta San Antolin Gil
    PhD in Physical Activity and Sports and accredited by ANECA in the figures of PhD Assistant teacher, Private University Lecturer and PhD Lecturer. Director of the Master in Humanization in Health of Universidad Europea de Madrid. Coordinator of Clinical Simulation of the Degree in Psychology.
  • Judit Tirado Muñoz
    PhD in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology and accredited by ANECA in the figures of PhD Assistant teacher, Private University Lecturer and PhD Lecturer. Director of the Master's degree in prevention and psychological treatment of addictions. • ALDO AGUIRRE CAMACHO, PhD: PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology and accredited by ANECA in the figures of PhD Assistant teacher, Private University Lecturer and PhD Lecturer.
  • Andrea Alvarez San Millan
    PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology. Habilitation as General Health Psychologist. Coordinator of the Degree in Psychology.
  • Nerea Amezcua Valmala
    PhD in Psychology. Habilitation as General Health Psychologist. Research in psychobiology: Ethology and Comparative Psychology.
  • Maria Ascension Blanco Fernandez
    PhD in Psychology. Academic Director of Master's Degree in Eating Disorders and Obesity at UEM.
  • Miriam Blanco Hurtado
    PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology. Specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology.
  • Maria Angeles Esteban Hernandez
    PhD in Clinical Psychology. Habilitation as General Health Psychologist. Master in Forensic Psychology.
  • Sandra Fernandez Ramos
    PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology.
  • Isabel Maria Hernandez Rivero
    PhD in Psychology. General Health Psychologist. Specialized in Eating Disorders. Coordinator of Final Degree Project in Psychology.
  • David Lobato Casado
    PhD in Psychology. Director of the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology. Master in Contextual Therapies, Behavior Therapy and Psychopathology and Health.
  • Carlos Lopez Cavada
    PhD in Individual, Family and Society: a multidisciplinary vision. Specialist in humanistic psychotherapy-Therapy Focused on Emotion and psychodynamics, as well as in self-criticism processes.
  • Elina Lyubomirova Boycheva
    PhD in Neuropsychology and clinical neuropsychologist. Director of the Master's Degree in Clinical Neuropsychology.
  • Sara Liebana Puado
    Master in General Health Psychology. Coordinator of practices in the Degree of Psychology.
  • Jesus ​​Linares Martin
    Director of the Master in psychological intervention in crises, catastrophes and emergencies. Internship Coordinator of the Psychology Area. Coordinator of emergency psychology devices at the regional and national levels.
  • Concepcion Serrator Diez
    Contribution to national and international programs on high capacities and specific talents.
  • Maria Victoria Taberna Galvan
    Assistant professor in psychology and education.

Academic Quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal quality assurance system (SGIC)
Monitoring the quality of the degree

Members of the degree quality committee (CCT)

  • Undergraduate vice-dean
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Department Director
  • Students
  • Professors (Undergraduate Final Project Coordinator and Internship Coordinator)
  • Quality Partner (Quality and Academic Compliance)
  • Academic Advisor
  • Responsible of Learning Assesment
  • Academic Director
  • Online Tutor

Main degree results

University regulations

Frequently Asked Questions

Psychology is a profession with different branches of specialisation and fields of work, as well as with several career opportunities in fields as diverse as healthcare, business, education, and research. A licensed/ graduate Psychologist, enrolled in an official order of Psychologists, can practice within different areas. Among them, clinical, educational, organisational, social and community, legal and forensic, physical activity and sports, teaching and research.

Depending on the country in which you expect to develop your professional practice, you may find specific regulatory regimes (e.g., tasks and activities and/or regulated titles, like is the case of clinical and health psychology in Spain).

The degree in Psychology is usually a four-year program with different plans of studies depending on the university to which it belongs. Those who want to work in applied settings such as psychological therapy will generally need to complete a graduate program and get a master's degree in psychology. A master's degree in psychology typically takes two to three years to complete and may require an additional 2-3 years of supervised experience or internship before they can get licensed. Doctoral degrees in psychology, highly specialised and research oriented, can take an additional four to seven years to complete beyond a master’s degree. These time estimates are general and may vary depending on the specific program, institution, and its location.

You can study a psychology degree at colleges and universities, in both public and private universities. You can also study a psychology degree online from a few universities and colleges, which can be a great option if you are unable to attend on-campus classes or prefer online learning.

The specific subjects required for a psychology degree can vary depending on the program and institution, but most programs will require a core set of classes in the field of psychology. Here are some examples of subjects you might take as part of a psychology degree: Introduction to Psychology, Research Methods, Statistics, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology and Abnormal Psychology. In sum, there is a broad range of subjects you need to take for psychology degree, and you will likely have a lot of flexibility to tailor your education to your interests.