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Valencia: +34 961043883
Alicante: +34 965051793
Canarias: +34 922097091
Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid: +34 911128850
Valencia: +34 961043880
Alicante: +34 961043880
Canarias: +34 922985006
Imagen cabecera Universidad Europea

Legal Notice


“UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA” is a registered trademark, in Spain and in the European Union, for UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. (company with registered address at Tajo, s/n, 28670, Madrid, with tax ID no. A-79.122.305), with all rights therefore being reserved.

UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. is the company that owns Universidad Europea de Madrid.

The purpose of the UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA Website is to facilitate awareness by the general public of both the Universidad Europea de Madrid and the Centro Profesional Europeo de Madrid (whose owner is Universidad Europea de Madrid, S.A.U.), the Universidad Europea de Valencia and the Centro Profesional Europeo de Valencia (whose owner is Universidad Europea de Valencia S.L.U.), the Universidad Europea de Canarias (whose owner is Universidad Europea de Canarias S.L.U.),Institucion Artística de Enseñanza IADE, S.L., Universidad Europea de Andalucía (whose owner is Iniciativa Educativa UEA, S.L.) and INICIATIVA EDUCATIVA UDDI, S.L.

Universidad Europea de Madrid S.A.U., Universidad Europea de Valencia S.L.U., Universidad Europea de Canarias S.L.U., Institución Artística de Enseñanza IADE, S.L. Iniciativa Educativa UDDI, S.L. and Iniciativa Educativa UEA, S.L. are, among others, companies of the Europa Education Group, all belonging to Europa University Education Group, S.L.U.

Through this Website, you can access the websites of the Universidad Europea de Madrid, the Universidad Europea de Valencia, the Universidad Europea de Canarias and the Universidad Europea de Andalucía with the owner of all the web domains being UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U.

The use of any of the websites mentioned in the previous paragraphs will automatically imply by the user the express and unreserved acceptance of these General Conditions, as well as the General Conditions of each website.

2.- Availability

UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U.makes this Website (universidadeuropea.com) available to Internet users.

Access to and/or use of this UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA Website is totally voluntary and attributes user status to whoever uses it. Every user accepts, from the moment of access, without any type of reservation, the content of these “General Conditions” as well as, where appropriate, the “Specific Conditions” that may complement, replace or modify them in any way, in relation to the services and contents of the Website. Consequently, the user must carefully read each and every one before accessing and using any Website service under their sole responsibility.

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Any names, trademarks, distinctive signs, trade names, designs and/or logos shown on this Website are elements duly registered by UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. (or, where appropriate, by companies of its business group). Any improper use thereof by a person other than its legitimate owner may be prosecuted under current legislation. This Website is the property of UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U.

The Intellectual Property and Industrial Property rights of this Website, its pages, screens, the information it contains, its appearance and design, as well as the links established from it to other websites, are the property of UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. unless otherwise stated. UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. is therefore solely entitled to the exploitation rights thereof. The user may download the contents, copy or print any page of this Website, exclusively for personal use and, provided that the rights of the owner are respected. Under no circumstances may they modify or delete the information, content or warnings on this Website. Neither may they reproduce, transmit nor modify the content of this Website, directly or indirectly, without the prior written authorisation of UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U.

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The user undertakes to use the services and content provided to them by this Website in accordance with current legislation and the principles of good faith and generally accepted uses, and not to violate public order with their actions through the Website. Therefore, any use for illicit purposes or that harm or prevent, potentially damage and/or overload, in any way, the use and normal functioning of the Website, or that directly or indirectly threatens it or any third party, is prohibited.

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The conditions that must be met by users who want to establish a hyperlink between their Website and this one are:

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  • Hyperlinks may only be established with the home page of the Portal and never with pages other than the first page of the Portal, unless expressly authorised.
  • In no case can it be understood that the Universidad Europea de Madrid or its entity authorises the hyperlink or has supervised or assumed in any way the services or content offered by the website from which the hyperlink is produced.
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  • Unless expressly authorised by UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U., the page from which the hyperlink is established may not contain any emblem (trademark, trade name, name, logo, distinctive sign) that refers to the UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA (or entities thereof) except for the signs integrated in the hyperlink itself.
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  • The existence of a hyperlink between a website and this Website does not imply the existence of relations between UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA (or entities grouped within it) and the owner of that website, nor the acceptance and approval of its contents and services.
  • The user will be solely responsible for the use of this Website and for compliance with these general conditions in their entirety. Consequently, the user undertakes to keep secret, as confidential and reserved information, when they have them, their access codes, passwords or similar data assigned to access any service. They will be responsible for any type of damages and losses resulting from misuse by them or third parties, considering this to be as a result of their negligence, being answerable for all damages and losses, as well as those that the Website or its owner (or entities of its business group) may suffer.

Any violation of these conditions may lead to the taking of any appropriate legal actions against the user.

6.- Commercial communications - Website

The user, as soon as they enter their data in any form on this Website authorises and consents, in the terms worded on each form, the UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA (and the entities of the Europa Education Group) to offer their services through information and promotional communications, via postal mail, email, SMS, messaging applications (WhatsApp, Telegram, Line, etc.) and other means of electronic communication of the UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA. In accordance with art. 21 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, the data subject expressly agrees to be sent advertising or promotional material by any electronic means, without prejudice to the fact that they may revoke their consent to receive advertising or promotional material at any time by emailing dpo@universidadeuropea.es, indicating “Revoke consent to advertising” in the subject line.

7.- Exclusion of Guarantees and Liability

UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. (and the entities of the Europa Education Group) do not guarantee nor are they responsible, in any case or circumstance, for the following facts and contents, nor for any damages and losses that may, as the case may be, arise from them:

  • Lack of availability, continuity, access, maintenance and effective operation of the Website or/and its services and updating, accuracy, completeness, relevance, timeliness and reliability of its contents, whatever the cause, and technical difficulties or problems or of another nature from which these facts originate.
  • The transmission and/or existence of viruses, other harmful elements or programs for the users’ equipment that could affect them, as a result of accessing, using or examining the site, or produce alterations in their electronic documents or files.
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  • For the knowledge of any information that unauthorised third parties may possess or use of the characteristics and circumstances of the use of the contents and services of the Website by users.

The above list is by way of example and without limitation, and is not in any case exclusive or excluding in any of its points. In all cases, the UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA (and the entities of its business group) are not liable for damages of any nature resulting directly or indirectly from them and from any others unspecified with similar characteristics.

8.- Personal data protection

The completion of all personal data in the cases in which these are required is necessary to provide the services offered and cannot be carried out if the user does not consent to the inclusion of their data in the corresponding files or their subsequent computer processing.

These data will be included in files whose controller is UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID, S.A.U., UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE CANARIAS, S.L.U., UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE VALENCIA, S.L.U., INSTITUCION ARTÍSTICA DE ENSEÑANZA IADE, S.L., INICIATIVA EDUCATIVA UDDI, S.L. and INICIATIVA EDUCATIVA UEA, S.L. and whose processor is UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID, S.A.U., with registered address at calle Tajo, s/n, 28670, Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid, which will be used for the purposes specifically indicated in the data collection form, and will be treated confidentially by the file manager. The basis for processing the personal data furnished within this specific collection form is the development and execution of the relationship formalised with the data subject and compliance with the legal obligations of the UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA and the unequivocal consent of the data subject.

The user will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity and accuracy of the data provided, with UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U having the right to exclude from the registered services any user who has provided false or inaccurate data, without prejudice to other actions applicable under the law.

All the data recorded will be treated confidentially. The data subject has the right to access, rectify and delete their data, limit its processing, oppose processing and exercise their right to transfer their personal data, all free of charge, as set out in the complete information on data protection available via https://universidadeuropea.com/en/privacy-policy/.

9.- Terms of use of telephone

Users of the telephone numbers provided on this Website are informed that:

  • If you are students at Universidad Europea de Madrid, your personal data collected during calls will be included in an automated file whose controller is UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. and whose purpose is the academic and administrative management of students at Universidad Europea de Madrid. If you are potential students of Universidad Europea de Madrid, your personal data will be included in an automated file whose controller is UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. and whose purpose is the management of potential students of Universidad Europea de Madrid and postgraduate schools, the management of admission applications, entrance tests and interviews, and management of promotion and telemarketing campaigns. In both cases, users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, opposition, limitation of processing and portability of personal data, in accordance with current regulations and completely free of charge, by contacting UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U., at its registered address at calle Tajo s/n, Villaviciosa de Odón, 28670 (Madrid) indicating as addressee the IT Manager, or at the email address dpo@universidadeuropea.es. Likewise, if you do not wish to receive advertising or promotional communications from Universidad Europea de Madrid, please contact either of the aforementioned addresses (postal or electronic).
  • If you are students at Universidad Europea de Valencia, your personal data collected during calls will be included in an automated file whose controller is UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE VALENCIA, S.L.U. and whose purpose is the academic and administrative management of students at Universidad Europea de Valencia (and/or Centro Profesional Europeo de Valencia). If you are potential students of Universidad Europea de Valencia (and/or Centro Profesional Europeo de Valencia), your personal data will be included in an automated file whose controller is UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE VALENCIA, S.L.U. and whose purpose is the management of potential students of Universidad Europea de Valencia (and/or Centro Profesional Europeo de Valencia), and postgraduate schools, the management of admission and/or enrolment applications, entrance tests and interviews, and management of promotion and telemarketing campaigns. In both cases, users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, opposition, limitation of processing and portability of personal data, in accordance with current regulations and completely free of charge, by contacting UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. (which is the entity in charge of processing personal data in the files of UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE VALENCIA S.L.U.), at its address at calle Tajo s/n, Villaviciosa de Odón, 28670 (Madrid) indicating as addressee the IT Manager, or at the email address dpo@universidadeuropea.es. Likewise, if you do not wish to receive advertising or promotional communications from Universidad Europea de Valencia, please contact either of the aforementioned addresses (postal or electronic).
  • If you are students at Universidad Europea de Canarias, your personal data collected during calls will be included in an automated file whose controller is UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE CANARIAS, S.L.U. and whose purpose is the academic and administrative management of students at Universidad Europea de Canarias. If you are potential students of Universidad Europea de Canarias, your personal data will be included in an automated file whose controller is UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE CANARIAS, S.L.U. and whose purpose is the management of potential students of Universidad Europea de Canarias and postgraduate schools, the management of admission applications, entrance tests and interviews, and management of promotion and telemarketing campaigns. In both cases, users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, opposition, limitation of processing and portability of personal data, in accordance with current regulations and completely free of charge, by contacting UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. (which is the entity in charge of processing personal data in the files of UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE CANARIAS S.L.U.), at its address at calle Tajo s/n, Villaviciosa de Odón, 28670 (Madrid) indicating as addressee the IT Manager, or at the email address dpo@universidadeuropea.es. Likewise, if you do not wish to receive advertising or promotional communications from Universidad Europea de Canarias, please contact either of the aforementioned addresses (postal or electronic).
  • If you are students at INSTITUCIÓN ARTÍSTICA DE ENSEÑANZA IADE, S.L., your personal data collected during calls will be included in an automated file whose controller is INSTITUCIÓN ARTÍSTICA DE ENSEÑANZA IADE, S.L and, whose purpose is the academic and administrative management of students at INSTITUCIÓN ARTÍSTICA DE ENSEÑANZA IADE, S.L. If you are potential students of INSTITUCIÓN ARTÍSTICA DE ENSEÑANZA IADE, S.L, your personal data will be included in an automated file whose controller is INSTITUCIÓN ARTÍSTICA DE ENSEÑANZA IADE, S.L. and whose purpose is the management of potential students of INSTITUCIÓN ARTÍSTICA DE ENSEÑANZA IADE, S.L., the management of admission and/or enrolment applications, entrance tests and interviews, and management of promotion and telemarketing campaigns. In both cases, users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, opposition, limitation of processing and portability of personal data, in accordance with current regulations and completely free of charge, by contacting NSTITUCIÓN ARTÍSTICA DE ENSEÑANZA IADE, S.L., at the address calle Claudio 48, 28001 (Madrid) indicating as addressee the IT Manager, or at the email address dpo@iade.es. Likewise, if you do not wish to receive advertising or promotional communications from INSTITUCIÓN ARTÍSTICA DE ENSEÑANZA IADE, S.L, please contact either of the aforementioned addresses (postal or electronic).
  • If you are students at Universidad Europea de Andalucía, your personal data collected during calls will be included in an automated file whose controller is Iniciativa Educativa UEA, S.L. and whose purpose is the academic and administrative management of students at Universidad Europea de Andalucía. If you are potential students of Universidad Europea de Andalucía, your personal data will be included in an automated file whose controller is Iniciativa Educativa UEA, S.L. and whose purpose is the management of potential students of Universidad Europea de Andalucía and postgraduate schools, the management of admission applications, entrance tests and interviews, and management of promotion and telemarketing campaigns. In both cases, users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, opposition, limitation of processing and portability of personal data, in accordance with current regulations and completely free of charge, by contacting UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. (which is the entity in charge of processing personal data in the files of UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE ANDALUCÍA), at its address at calle Tajo s/n, Villaviciosa de Odón, 28670 (Madrid) indicating as addressee the IT Manager, or at the email address dpo@universidadeuropea.es. Likewise, if you do not wish to receive advertising or promotional communications from Universidad Europea de Andalucía, please contact either of the aforementioned addresses (postal or electronic).

We inform you that, in agreement with the identified data controllers, your data may be processed outside the European Economic Area, specifically, in the Principality of Andorra. In this sense, your data may be transferred to the company that operates in said territory under the protection of the Commission's Adequacy Decision 2010/625/EU, of October 19, 2010.

10.- Cookies

UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA will only use data storage and recovery devices ('Cookies') when the user has given their prior consent to do so, in accordance with what is indicated in the pop-up window of the user’s browser when accessing the Website for the first time and in the other terms and conditions indicated in the Cookies Policy that every user must know.