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Sports Law Students travelled to Switzerland

19 may 2017

This week, the students from the Masters Degree in Sports Law went to Switzerland to visit some of the most relevant sports entities in the country.

FIFA, the institution that controls all the football federations in the entire world, founded in the city of Zurich was one of their pit-stops. They visited the installations and learnt from one of the most important business, not only in the world of football but sports in general. Their objective is to improve the world of football. FIFA is in charge of organising the Football World Cup, as well as other tournaments around the world in other categories, the Olympic tournaments and other competitions.  

One of the other organisations that they visited was the Maison du Sport International. This building gathers all the international sports federations, like the International Judo Federation, Golf, rowing etc. There, they met with the international authorities of some sports like triathlon, Kayaking and table tennis.

They also visited the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), an organisation which deals with sports disputes. Their main office is based in Lausanne, a Swiss city. They do have other offices in New York and Sidney.

During this week they’ve learned and enjoyed the company of some of the most relevant European professionals in the world of sports. This opportunity has helped the students to learn about the most relevant sports law institutions and learning how they work.

The Masters in Sports Law is designed for the students to have a practical teaching, focusing on a dynamic education when it comes to learn about all the aspects of sports law (both theory and practical).