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Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior Madrid| Universidad Europea

Higher-Level Technical Degrees in Madrid

Learn about the Higher-Level Technical Degrees that we offer in Madrid. Areas of study include finance, education, management and more!

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Higher-Level Technical Degrees

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17 results found

  • Técnico Superior en Comercio Internacional

    • Valencia,
    • Online,
    • Spanish

  • Técnico Superior en Marketing y Publicidad

    • Valencia,
    • Online,
    • Spanish

  • You have seen 17 of 17 programmes

Take a look at our portfolio of Higher-Level Technical Degree programmes at Universidad Europea de Madrid. Filter your preferences and choose the programme that best suits your education needs and aspirations. Experiential learning model, flexible study modes, multidisciplinary expert faculty, technological innovation, study aids, and more! With our offer of Tech and Vocational programmes in Madrid you will acquire the essential knowledge and skills to be 100% prepared for the job market.

At Universidad Europea, our students are the priority. Therefore, we do everything we can to help them achieve their professional goals and dreams: educational innovation, varied educational offer, expert faculty, personal tutors, state-of-the-art facilities and technology, and agreements with world-renowned companies. Thanks to our experiential learning methodology, our students put into practice, from day one the theory learned in class. They also acquire important transferable and key skills as communication, teamwork and leadership. All of this then makes it easier for them to find a job when they finish their studies with us and boost their careers in more senior roles if they are already employed.