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Sports Blog

Join the generation transforming the sports world by choosing to study Sport at Universidad Europea. We have an extensive academic offer that will give you the tools to succeed. Get up to date in the sector with our Blog articles.

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What is an OTT?

The way fans consume and watch live sports has evolved rapidly thanks to OTT. In this post, we look at what OTT is and how it has impacted the sports sector.

What is a sports coach and why are they important?

If you want to know what the main role and functions of a sports coach are and what you need to do to practice this profession, read this article.

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What is sports physiotherapy?

Physical therapy in sport is one of the fastest growing and most impactful areas. Discover its importance for sporting activity at any level in this post.

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Nutritionist coach: What is it and what are their functions?

Do you know what a nutritionist coach does in the sports sector? Read this post and discover what a sports nutritionist is, and what to study to work in this area.

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Leadership in sport

Do you know that in sport, as in many sectors, there are several types of leadership? In this post we’ll see how leadership and sport go hand in hand. And we will explain what you can study to be a l…

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Football session plans: What to include?

Do you know how to plan a football training session? In this post, we’ll tell you the elements that you should include, and some study options to consider if you want to be a football coach.

Artificial intelligence in sports

Artificial intelligence in sports has become fashionable and is having an impact in every aspect, from athlete performance, injuries, and advertising. Discover more here!

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Difference between physical activity and exercise

Do you know what the difference is between physical activity and physical exercise? In this post, we’ll look more in detail at the two concepts and what sets them apart

The use of technology in sport

How do advances in technology impact sports? Discover in this post some of the latest applications of technology in sport and their advantages.