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Private Master’s Degree in Exercise and Sports Physiotherapy

Private Master’s Degree in Exercise and Sports Physiotherapy Madrid

Boost your career in sports physiotherapy thanks to a practical methodology led by prestigious and highly regarded professionals. Some things can only be learnt from the inside.

Select your program:

  • Private degree
  • Campus-based
  • 9 meses, 60 ECTS

-40% Discount on place reservation for 24/25 Spring intake until March 31st!

Master in Sports Physiotherapy Highlights

The Master in Exercise and Sports Physiotherapy is designed to provide students with the skills and resources necessary to become sports physiotherapists and prevent and treat injuries as well as achieve rapid recoveries in injured athletes, all while being part of a multidisciplinary team. As part of the sports physiotherapy masters, students will cover many areas including injury prevention, diagnosis, functional rehabilitation, and pathology and medicine.

Our Master in Sports Physiotherapy is the first in Spain taught entirely in English and has been ranked as the best nationwide as a specialised master in physiotherapy by El Mundo Newspaper.

View the spanish version of the Master: Máster Universitario en Fisioterapia Deportiva

Private degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid

Classes in English
Villaviciosa de Odón
Start: 17 oct. 2025
Faculty of Medicine, Health and Sport Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid Universidad Europea

Why study the Sports and Exercise Physiotherapy Master?

Choose the only sports physiotherapy masters 100% taught in english in Spain. A pioneer program which has been training students for the last 10 years. Qualified as one of the top postgraduate programs in Spain by El Mundo Universities Rankings.

Academic quality

This program is designed to provide students with specialized knowledge of the most state-of-the-art methods, the latest trends and treatments for sports Injuries. These programs were developed by Universidad Europea de Madrid Professors and Real Madrid C.F. medical team professionals.

Renowned teaching staff

The master's teaching staff is composed with professional from the main sports entities around the world, all of them work nowadays in sports related projects.

Experiential learning based in the practice

The program is based on an eminently practical work methodology. In order to achieve an optimal assimilation of knowledge we combine teamwork, attendance at seminars, and individual work at the campus’s facilities which are equipped with cutting edge technology, including physiotherapy areas, physiological laboratories...

International recognition


Universidad Europea is one of the only 5 institutions accredited in Europe by the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT), and the only one in Spain (19 institutions worldwide).

International networking

Our International teaching staff, the professionals you will meet at different events and your classmate from more than 75 nationalities will help you to build a professional network that will be the key in your professional future.

Best in-house facilities & equipment

Enjoy studying in the leading centre in Spain in Sports Sciences research (also in physiotherapy), equipped with a fully renewed sport complex where you can enjoy all facilities and laboratories at our Human Research Lab where you can find the latest advances in Sports Sciences Research equipment.

Live the Real Madrid experience

Enjoy exclusive experiences with Real Madrid C.F., the White Week, professional visits, live sport events and networking events.

A prestigious school

The academic quality of the school is certified by more than 15.000 graduated students during over 17 years of history, most of them with all around the world as successfull professionals in the Sports Industry. Besides this, Universidad Europea de Madrid is one of the top 3 universities in Health Sciences in Spain.

Multicultural ambiance

During the programme you’ll have the chance to share the campus with students from more than 80 nationalities as 80% of the school’s students come from other countries our of Spain which will enrich your experience and learning.

International experiences

The international vocation of the school allows it to offer the student a unique and exclusive offer of International field trip that will allow you to discover the most renowned sport entities and facilities worldwide, during these experiences you’ll have the chance to learn hand to hand with their professionals the most succesfull strategies and models in the Sports Industry. Fort he health and sports program the school offers a specially designed experience in Rome.

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First sports physiotherapy master

100% taught in English in Spain.


Club professionals

More than 12 professionals from the Real Madrid medical service teach classes in the master's degree.


First place in the El Mundo ranking

As a specialised master in the area of physiotherapy. The only institution in Spain recognized by the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT).


Estadio Santiago Bernabéu

Campus of Alcobendas

Santiago Bernabéu Stadium

Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, a Football History Monument

Ciudad deportiva Real Madrid

Campus of Alcobendas

Real Madrid City

The best Training Ground in the world

HPR Lab Madrid

Campus of Villaviciosa de Odón

Human Performance Research Lab (HPRLab)

A state-of-the-art space for learning and research.

Comillas‘The success of the master’s lies in the knowledge of the real needs demanded by the world of health and sports, the presence of great professionals and the possibility to learn in the best sports institutions’.

Francisco Gámez

Fisioterapeuta y Readaptador Físico del Málaga Club de Fútbol

Alumni Máster Universitario en Fisioterapia Deportiva EURM

Study plan

  • Physiological Basis of Sports Training
  • Training Programming
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Sport Psychology
  • Sports Emergencies
  • Sports Podiatry
  • Sports Medicine
  • Epidemiology and prevalence of sports injuries
  • Individual functional analysis of athletes
  • Program for sports injuries according to changes in structure and functional ability
  • Return to Play models
  • Functional rehabilitation, motor control and physical-sport readaptation
  • Conservative approach to myofascial pain.
  • Myofascial pain in sport: clinical diagnosis an conservative approach
  • Chronic pain in sport
  • Functional Taping
  • Kinesio Taping
  • Electrotherapy
  • Therapeutic Exercise and mobility
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Manual sports therapy.
  • Myofascial Release
  • Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging
  • Neuroscience and pain
  • Tendinopathy approach
  • Global Active Stretching

In the Master’s Degree in Sports Physiotherapy, you will develop ‘learning by living’ skills with the most advanced techniques that help you with the diagnosis and protocol/emergency assistance for athletes, all while working within a multidisciplinary team.

The different modules in the master's degree follow the guidelines set forth by the National Athletic Trainers Association for the certification of the functions of a physiotherapist specialising in sport:

  • Evidence-based practice
  • Prevention and awareness of health in sport
  • Evaluation through clinical reasoning and functional diagnosis.
  • Immediate care in emergency situations in sport.
  • Rehabilitation, functional recovery and physical-sports retraining, setting short-, medium- and long-term goals that can be measured objectively.
  • Programme for discharge and final evaluation of the athlete's injury.
  • Organisation and administration: athlete’s clinical data records.


Professional opportunities in sports physioteraphy

Sports physiotherapy is one of many specialties in physiotherapy, focused on the rehabilitation, care and injury prevention of amateur and professional athletes. It also aims to establish guidelines for all patients who engage in physical activity and want to carry out their activity safely.

After completing the Master in Sports Physiotherapy, graduates will be qualified to work—either for a company or as a freelancer—in any sport-related organisation. They will also be prepared to develop and launch their own entrepreneurship projects.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 911128850 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

The Master’s Degree in Sports Physiotherapy is aimed at those with a bachelor’s or certification in Physiotherapy who are interested in sharpening their knowledge of physiotherapy, honing in on injury prevention, rehabilitation and recovery for athletes of all levels.


In order to enrol in this programme, the student is required by law, in accordance with the provisions set forth in Royal Decree 861/2010, To possess an official Spanish undergraduate degree, or otherwise a certification issued by a higher education institution belonging to another State within the European Higher Education Area that facilitates access to master’s degrees.

To possess a degree in accordance with educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area, without the need to get said degree ‘homologated’, as long as the University verifies that the student possesses a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degree, and that they are qualified to pursue a master’s degree in the country of origin. Access to the programme by this means will not imply, under any circumstance, the ‘homologation’ of the previous degree that the interested party possesses, nor its recognition for purposes other than enrolling in master’s degree courses.

The admissions process for programmes offered through the Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid – Universidad Europea can be done at any time of the year. However, whether or not you can enrol on a specific master’s programme depends on if there are open spots in the intake for that academic year. It also depends on the start dates of said course.

For a personalised consultation, visit one of our two university campuses (Alcobendas or Villaviciosa de Odón), or contact us by phone (+34) 91 112 88 50 or at the following email: Escuelauniversitariarealmadrid@universidadeuropea.es.

Before enrolling for the first time at the Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid – Universidad Europea, students will receive all the necessary information about the admissions and enrolment process, the programme’s study plan, academic fees and financial aid. This info is found in the informational material for each degree, the admissions regulations and the Master’s Teaching Guide. It’s also available on Universidad Europea’s website.

The stages of the admissions process are as follows:

  • Personalised consultation.
  • Submission of application and documentation to evaluate the candidate’s profile.
  • Profile evaluation and interview.
  • Confirmation of admission.
  • Formalisation of place reservation and registration.

Once the candidate has had a consultation and has provided the required documentation, the postgraduate Admissions Team will request they take the corresponding entrance exams, as well as have a personal interview with the director of the programme or with a member of the Admissions Committee.

The admissions process does not involve any cost for the candidate or any commitment until the place reservation has been formalised.

Once the entry requirements have been met and their suitability for the programme has been evaluated, the student will be admitted to the programme. Their suitability is determined by their academic record, professional experience in the field in question, language skills accredited by official bodies, specific complementary training received, and other merits that are assessed at the discretion of the programme’s directors.

The Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid – Universidad Europea reserves the right not to teach a master’s degree, or to push back its start date, if the minimum number of students required for the programme is not reached. The School can also modify the timetable or teaching staff if needs be for organisational reasons. Likewise, it reserves the right to make changes in the location and Campus where the programme is taught.

To facilitate the mobility of students both inside and outside of Spain, the University, in accordance with its internal regulations and current legislation, will assess the credits that can be transferred and recognised on the student’s academic record and official academic documents, as well as those related to any official studies completed by the student.

For these purposes, the transfer of credits implies that the official academic documents accrediting the studies completed by the student, will include the total number of credits obtained in official, previously completed studies at this or another university which have not been put towards the possession of an official degree.

Likewise, the recognition of credits implies the University’s acceptance of credits that, having been obtained by the student in official studies—at this or another university—may be counted for the purpose of obtaining an official degree.

In accordance with current regulations, the student’s previous university degrees and accredited professional work experience may also be recognised in the form of credits, and may count towards their obtaining of an official degree, provided that said experience is related to the competencies inherent to said degree, with a maximum of 15% of the credits that make up the study plan. In no circumstance may the final master’s thesis be recognised.

All credits obtained by the student in official classes taken at any university—credits that have been transferred, recognised and passed in order to obtain the corresponding degree—will be included in the student’s academic record and reflected in the European Diploma Supplement.

To determine if these can be recognised, the University’s postgraduate commission will assess the student’s record, the official qualifications they can contribute, their previous university degrees and/or professional experience, and, in accordance with the programme and its specific, relevant subjects, the student’s competencies, work and dedication."

If you’d like us to provide you with a personalised credit recognition plan quickly, free and without any commitment, you can do so here.

Price is not a problem

Check our special financing terms & conditions.


Program Directors
  • Mr. Sergio Vázquez González
    Co-director of Premium Madrid Health and Rehabilitation Center. Works as a physiotherapist for members of the National Junior Swimming and Synchronized Swimming Team at the Premium Madrid Health and Rehabilitation Center, as well as with professional athletes, amateurs and lower categories from a variety of different sports: indoor football, football, tennis, mountaineering, volleyball and running. Physiotherapist for the Fuenlabrada ACB Basketball Club.
  • Álvaro Solano Tavira PhD
    Head of physiotherapy for the Real Madrid C. F. reserve team
  • D. Álvaro Guerrero Cabezudo
    Co-director of Premium Madrid Health and Rehabilitation Center. Works as personal physiotherapist for professionals athletes
  • Diego Miñambres Martín PhD
    Head of medical multidisciplinary center and director of the innovation and researcher center of Premium Madrid.
  • Mikel Aramberri PhD
    Medical Staff at del Real Madrid C. F.
  • Noelia Bonfanti PhD
    Sports Nutrition Expert. Nutrition Consultant at Red Bull Athletic Performance Center.
  • Daniel Martín Vera PhD
    EPTE© - Electrólisis Percutánea Terapéutica Professor & Researcher. Associated profesor at Universidad Europea de Madrid. Specialist in Cervico-Cranio-Mandibular (TMJ) disorders and Craniosacral Therapy.
  • Marc Van Züillen
    Physiotherapist at Fisioterapia Alcobendas. Fascia Research Society member.
  • Andrej Pilat PhD
    Physiotherapist and specialist in manual therapy and creator of the myofascial induction approach.
  • Sergio Toba
    Physiotherapist and osteopath specialized in profesional basketball.
  • Jaime Almazán PhD
    Professor at Universidad Europea de Madrid
  • Francisco Gámez PhD
    Physiotherapist at Málaga Club de Fútbol. Alumni Máster Universitario en Fisioterapia Deportiva EURM
  • Michal Novotny
    High performance athletes physiotherapist.
  • Alejandro Luque PhD
    Specialist in Sports Physiotherapist. Head of the Department of Physiotherapy. University of Malaga,Spain. Researcher in chronic MSK pain
  • Ángel Basas PhD
    Physiotherapy Manager at Real Federación Española de Atletismo y Gimnasia. Member at the Scientific-Medican research comission at Olympic Spanish Comittee (COE)

Academic Quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Frequently Asked Questions

Sports physiotherapy is a branch of physiotherapy that focuses on athletes and sports people. Within a sports team or club, the physiotherapist plays a key role both in preparation and recovery from games, as well as injury prevention.

To become a sports physiotherapist requires a number of elements – and more that just a passion for sport. Because physiotherapists are dealing with the biomechanics of the human body, it is essential to study a science related degree – either a Degree in Physiotherapy or something related.

The Masters in Exercise and Sports Physiotherapy at Real Madrid Graduate School – Universidad Europea allows you to specialise within the sporting context. Our programme, which lasts for 9 months, covers the key aspects that will allow you to enjoy a successful carrer in professional sport. Subjects include:

  • Prevention and planning the Return to Play after a sports injury
  • Functional rehabilitation, motor control and physical-sport readaptation
  • Pathology and medicine for treating sports injuries
  • Sports Nutrition, Sports Psychology and Sports Emergencies

A sports physiotherapy master’s degree allows you to specialise as a physiotherapist within the sports context.

Graduates from our Master’s in Exercise and Sports Physiotherapy have gone on to enjoy successful careers both in Spain and abroad with various sports clubs and organisations. Some choose to set up their own practice while others are employed within a club.

At Real Madrid Graduate School – Unversidad Europea, we have a focus on practical learning. Should you choose this programme, you will have access to some of the finest university facilities on offer in Spain, including a state-of-the-art sports centre which includes Human Performances Research Labs and specialist phyiostherapy rooms equipped with the latest technology.

Sports physiotherapists are key members of a sports club who help athletes overcome and recover from injuries. As well as providing treatment, they also need to come up with plans for each patient and ensure those plans are followed for the best chance of recovery.

As well as a good academic record and a qualifitcation in physiotherapy or a science related field, there are also certain qualities a sports physio should possess. These include:

  • Excellent communication skills.
  • The ability to explain clearly to patients how to carry out exercises.
  • To be good with their hands to carry out some treatments.
  • Motivational skills to encourage clients to persevere with treatment and therapy.
  • Patience, tact and empathy, to treat people in pain or frustrated by their injuries.
  • Good interpersonal skills to work with clients and understand their needs.
  • To be able to inspire confidence and trust in clients and colleagues.
  • To be able to work well in a team.

Real Madrid Graduate School – Universidad Europea offers one of the best Master’s in Sports Physiotherapy programmes in Spain. Thanks to our collaboration with Real Madrid, you will have access to the club’s facilities – both the Santiago Bernabeu and Real Madrid Sport City in Valdebabas – to see what goes on behind the scenes at one of the world’s most successful football clubs.

In addition, if you choose this programme, you will be able to attend live events and conferences, such as White Week – a week-long event attended by industry experts, athletes and directors of Real Madrid who all share their expertise and experience. Our faculty is also made up of professionals and leading experts, such as the head physio at Real Madrid’s reserve team.

With a focus on practical based learning, Universidad Europea offers you some top level facilities including Human Performance Research Labs, a state of the art sports center, and physio rooms with all the latest technology.