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Master’s Degree in Sports Training & Nutrition Madrid

A unique programme in Spain that prepares you to provide a comprehensive training service for professional and amateur athletes alike.

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Master in Sports Training and Nutrition

Our Master’s Degree in Sports Training & Nutrition is an official masters programme, which lasts for 9 months, in which you will specialise in these two areas: sports training and nutrition, with the aim that you can develop and grow as a professional in the sport sector. You will study modules such as biochemistry and psychology, nutrition and ergogenic aids, and sports injuries, among others. Specialise in developing training plans and nutritional strategies based on the needs of the athlete, improving their sports performance.

As a student of the Master in Sports Training and Nutrition, you will have access to some of the leading facilities of any university in Spain, including a state-of-the-art sports centre which also includes human research labs. You’ll also be taught by experts in the sports training and nutrition field, many of them working at Real Madrid and other top organisations in the sports industry.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid
Villaviciosa de Odón 10 Months, 60 ECTS
Start: 18 oct. 2024
Faculty of Medicine, Health and Sport
Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid Universidad Europea

Why study the Master in Sports Nutrition?

Choose the only official Sports Training and Nutrition programme in Spain, a unique experience that immerses you in practical application from day one. You’ll learn from an internationally renowned teaching staff and take advantage of exclusive professional opportunities.

The Master’s in Sports Training and Nutrition is designed to provide students with specialised knowledge of the most state-of-the-art training methods, the latest trends in sports nutrition, and natural ergogenic aids for improving sports performance.

A practical methodology underpins the entire programme. In order for students to optimally assimilate new knowledge, we combine teamwork, seminars and individual work at cutting-edge facilities. These include physiological laboratories with equipment for carrying out functional assessment and training tests, and a training lab equipped for strength measurement.

The faculty is composed of professionals from sports training, sports nutrition and medical fields. Each member of faculty is an active professional who is internationally renowned for working with top-tier sport organisations.

You shall put theory into practice right from day one to develop the skillset you need to thrive in the sports industry. What’s more, all of our students get the chance to carry out professional internships at world-class sports institutions.

Develop the professional network you need to succeed by networking with our international teaching staff, diverse student body and the leading professionals you’ll meet at numerous events throughout the year.

Enjoy exclusive experiences with Real Madrid C.F., the White Week, professional visits and live sporting events.

Study at the leading sports sciences research centre in Spain—equipped with a fully updated sports complex—and enjoy the extensive facilities and laboratories at our Human Research Lab, where you can find the latest advances in sports sciences research equipment.

The School’s academic quality is certified by its 17-year history and 15.000 graduates, most of whom are now successful international professionals in the sports industry.

During the programme you’ll have the chance to share the Campus with students from more than 80 nationalities as 80% of the School’s Students come from other countries our of Spain which Will enrich your experience and learning.

International Experiences

The international vocation of the School allows it to offer the student a unique and exclusive offer of International field trip that will allow you to discover the most renowned sport entities and facilities worldwide, during these experiences you’ll have the chance to learn hand to hand with their professionals the most succesfull strategies and models in the Sports Industry.


ISAK Accreditation

You can obtain the ISAK Level I Certification, which will accredit you as an internationally qualified anthropometrist, awarded by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). You will be trained to measure 17 anthropometric variables, understand the importance of accurate measurement following internationally established standardization protocols, analyze the differences between calipers, and develop skills in using software to calculate body composition.

What will your Real Madrid experience be like?

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More than 30 agreements

with top-tier companies and sports organisations such as federations, clubs and high-performance centres.


Of students

enjoy unique professional internships in world-class companies and sports organisations completing projects that are related to their professional goals.


Key professional profiles

make up our top-class faculty, composed of sports trainers, sports nutritionists and medical professors.

Acreditacion SISCAL

Accreditations and Recognitions

Institutional Accreditation SISCAL madri+d

In 2020, the School of Sports Sciences was certified for the implementation of the IQAS under the SISCAL model and with the institutional accreditation for this centre.

High Quality Facilities

In order for you to get the most out of our innovative academic model, Universidad Europea offers a range of labs equipped with the most advanced and innovative technologies.

HPR Lab Madrid

Campus of Villaviciosa de Odón

Human Performance Research Lab (HPRLab)

A state-of-the-art space for learning and research.

Ciudad deportiva Real Madrid

Campus of Alcobendas

Real Madrid City

The best Training Ground in the world

Instalaciones Club Deportivo Universidad Europea de Madrid

Campus of Villaviciosa de Odón

Sports Centre

The best and most complete sports facilities and with an experienced team of qualified professionals.

Estadio Santiago Bernabéu

Campus of Alcobendas

Santiago Bernabéu Stadium

Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, a Football History Monument

ComillasA postgraduate qualification is essential to stand out in the current job market. Ambitious young professionals shall stand out even further thanks to this master’s links with the Universidad Europea - Real Madrid Graduate School.

Jorge Pérez

Master's in Sports Training and Nutrition Alumnus

Study plan

The objective of this master’s comprehensive training programme is to prepare you to:

  • Schedule training plans in the short, medium and long term in different contexts.
  • Manage devices for analysis of human movement and training control.
  • Plan diets and natural supplementation.
  • Conduct performance and body composition assessments.
  • Carry out research and conduct scientific enquiries.
  • You shall acquire specialised knowledge about the most avant-garde training methods, the latest trends in sports nutrition and natural ergogenic aids to improve sports performance. In addition, you’ll be able to train as a researcher by accessing the PhD in Physical Activity and Sports, certified by ANECA, at Universidad Europea de Madrid.
  • You shall experience a practical work methodology that combines teamwork, attendance at seminars and individual work on campus facilities equipped with the most advanced technology.
  • You shall complete a master’s thesis on an area related to research or the professional field of your choosing.

Methodologies are extremely diverse and depend on the module and professor. Some of the methodologies you shall come across include:

  • The Case Method
  • Cooperative Learning
  • Problem Based Learning (PBL)
  • Project Based Learning
  • Masterclasses
  • Simulation Environments
  • Learning Based on Workshops/Laboratory Lessons

Offered in the current academic course.

Programa de estudios


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Training I6OBLIGATORIAEnglish
Training II6OBLIGATORIAEnglish
Sports nutrition I6OBLIGATORIAEnglish
Sports nutrition II6OBLIGATORIAEnglish
Sports nutrition III6OBLIGATORIAEnglish
Master's Thesis12OBLIGATORIAEnglish

Year of implementation of the Degree: 2009 - 2010

100 places

We have collaborations (not agreements) with research projects at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, University of Valladolid, Camilo José Cela University, Public University of Navarra, University of the Basque Country, University of Castilla–La Mancha, Francisco de Vitoria University and University of Valencia.

Basic competencies
  • Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of ​​study
  • That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • That students know how to communicate their conclusions –and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them- to specialised and non-specialised audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
  • That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
Cross-disciplinary competencies
  • Autonomous Learning: Ability to choose the strategies, tools and moments that you consider most effective to learn and put into practice independently what you have learned.
  • Self-confidence: Ability to assess our own results, performance and capabilities with the internal conviction that we are capable of doing things and the challenges that arise.
  • Ability to apply knowledge to practice, to use the knowledge acquired in the academic field in situations as similar as possible to the reality of the profession for which they are being trained.
  • Oral communication / written communication: ability to transmit and receive data, ideas, opinions and attitudes to achieve understanding and action, being oral that which is done through words and gestures and, in writing, through writing and / or graphic supports.
  • Information management: Ability to search, select, analyze and integrate information from various sources.
  • Skills in interpersonal relationships: Ability to interact positively with other people by verbal and non-verbal means, through assertive communication, understood by this, the ability to express or transmit what you want, what you think or feel without bothering, attacking or hurting the feelings of the other person.
  • Responsibility: Ability to fulfill the commitments that the person reaches with himself and with others when carrying out a task and trying to achieve a set of objectives within the learning process. Existing capacity in every subject to recognise and accept the consequences of a freely performed act.
  • Decision making: Ability to make a choice between the alternatives or existing ways to effectively solve different situations or problems.
  • Teamwork: Ability to integrate and actively collaborate with other people, areas and / or organizations to achieve common objectives.
  • Use of information and communication technologies (ICT): Ability to effectively use information and communication technologies as a tool for searching, processing and storing information, as well as for developing communication skills.
Specific competencies
  • Know in depth the adaptations of the human organism exposed to different loads of physical activity in subjects of different ages, performance levels or who belong to special population groups.
  • Analyse and apply the physiological, biomechanical, psychological and social principles to the different fields of sport and nutrition, identifying inappropriate practices that pose a health risk, in order to avoid and correct them in different types of population.
  • Understand and know how to access scientific documentation related to the areas of human performance and sports nutrition.
  • Interpret research and apply new technologies in the field of training and sports nutrition.
  • Know the methodology and procedures of scientific research in the field of training and sports nutrition applied to all ages and performance levels.
  • Design and develop research in the field of sport and nutrition, providing new knowledge in a specific area of ​​scientific and social interest, respecting the limits of ethics and values.
  • Exchange knowledge and lead research and development projects with the rest of the scientific community in a cooperative and multidisciplinary way.
  • Plan, program, apply, control and evaluate the training and competition processes in their different performance levels, ages and population groups.
  • Diagnose the level of physical condition, motor ability and nutritional status in order to design training programs and develop nutritional advice applicable to different sports specialties and performance levels.
  • Select and know how to use the spaces, the material and the appropriate sports equipment for each type of activity.
  • Acquire knowledge independently (autonomous learning).
  • Communicate the conclusions of their work and research to a specialised audience


Internships are a key part of your education. Acquiring experience and putting into practice what you have learned during your degree is the best way to enter the employment market. There are two types of internship: curricular (which is included as part of your programme) and extracurricular (which you can do on a voluntary basis).

The master's syllabus includes a mandatory internship in nutrition or training fields, as well as a final year project. Students shall receive the guidance of a professor for this project. At students’ disposal are state-of-the-art equipment and a sports centre (including weights room, cardio room and functional training room), an athletics track and a football pitch, where they can acquire the experience needed to pursue their profession with the benefit of a higher degreeof training.

Colaborating entities


The professional opportunities take place in sports clubs or centers, sports corporations, gyms, clinics or private or public institutes (integrated in Town Halls or Boards of Trustees) where the sports medicine service is offered and even as self-employed professionals.

The acquisition of the competences included in this master's degree reinforces the professional training acquired in current university degrees related to Physical Activity Sciences, Sports, Nutrition and even health: Bachelor of Physical Activity Sciences and Sports, Graduated in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sports, Graduated in Medicine, or Nursing, Graduated in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Diploma in Nutrition, Graduated in Physiotherapy, Master in Physical Education or their equivalent degrees.

Upon completion of your studies, you shall possess the scientific knowledge needed to investigate, plan, prioritise and properly schedule physical workloads and impart appropriate nutritional advice for athletes of different ages and performance levels.

The aim of this course is for students to receive a comprehensive training which shall prepare them to:

  • Programme short-, medium- and long-term training plans in various contexts.
  • Handle devices for analysing human movements and monitoring training.
  • Prepare natural nutritional and supplemental diets, combined with timing intake.
  • Carry out performance and body composition assessments.
  • Carry out scientific research and development.

Develop the professional network you need to succeed by networking with our international teaching staff, diverse student body and the leading professionals you’ll meet at numerous events throughout the year.

A range of exciting professional internships are made available to you so you can acquire the skillset needed to thrive in the sports industry.

The professional opportunities linked to this specialisation are linked to sports training and nutrition. The student will have the opportunity to develop professionally in any of the following areas of action:

  • Physical trainer in sports teams and / or clubs.
  • Personal trainer.
  • Coach.
  • Nutritionist Advisor.
  • Physical-sports service companies.
  • Fitness / wellness chains.
  • Clubs and Federations.
  • Analysis of the sports competition


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 911128850 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

The Master's in Sports Training and Nutrition is aimed at graduates in Sport Sciences, Nutrition, Physical Education Teaching, Medicine, Physiotherapy or Nursing. This program does not qualify for the profesión. Other university graduates with (accredited) experience in the subject may also enroll if they pass the selection process.

For access to the master’s programme, students are legally required, in accordance with the provisions of R.D. 861/2010:

To possess an official Spanish university degree or another degree issued by a higher education institution within the European Higher Education Area.

To possess a degree in accordance with educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area without the need for the regulatory approval of their degree, conditional upon verification by the University that this degree accredits the equivalent level of training as the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and allows students in the country issuing the degree to access postgraduate education. Access by this route shall not imply, in any case, either the regulatory approval of the previous degree of which the interested party is in possession or its recognition for purposes other than studying the master’s.

Price is not a problem

Check our special financing terms & conditions.


The faculty on this master's course has 80% of doctors.

Program Directors
  • Krizia Radesca Fabiano
    Director of master in sport training and nutrition Real Madrid Graduate School, Clinic and sports Nutritionist.
    Nutrition Professor at Universidad Europea.
  • Guillermo Muñoz Andradas
    Director of Master in sport training and nutrition Real Madrid Graduate School - Universidad Europea, professor and researcher at Universidad Europea.
  • Alejandro Rubio Zarapuz
    Director of master in sport training and nutrition Real Madrid Graduate School - Universidad Europea and researcher at Universidad Europea.
Sports Training Professors
  • Joaquín González Rodenas PhD.
    PhD in Sport Sciences. Lecturer, Researcher and Soccer Coach. Professional Experience in Spain, USA and China. Professional who combines coaching, researching and teaching in team sports and especially in soccer. Currently, he works as Academy Coordinator at Dalian Professional Football Club in China, where he has have the opportunity to work with Rafa Benitez and his staff. His expertise is to try to analyze soccer in a complex way in order to develop specific methodology of training to achieve high tactical performance.
  • Pablo Molina
    Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and Master’s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate Teachers, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, Physical Education Specialty and Master’s Degree in Research in Physical Activity and Sports. Master in Prevention, Recovery and Functional Rehabilitation of Physical-sports Injuries. Doctor in Biomedicine and Biomedical Sciences. Postdoctoral Researcher, Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital, Granada
  • Pablo Ortega
    Prevention-Rehabilitation of Injuries, Physical Trainer and Physiotherapist of Elite Athletes (Madrid).
    Doctoral student (UMA)
    Master in Training and Sports Nutrition (Real Madrid Graduate School Universidad Europea)
    Graduate in Physiotherapy (UMA)
    Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (UGR)
    Teacher Specialty Physical Education (UMA)
  • Margarita Lemon Luque PhD.
    Doctor in psychology. Full Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Madrid. She is a specialist in thought and learning processes.
  • Manuel Fernandez Sanjurjo PhD.
    PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology. MSc in training and Sports nutrition, and BSc in biotechnology. He is a Post Doctoral researcher at the Health Research Institute of the Principality of Asturias and works as a Sport Scientist with high performance athletes in the ATHMiRE project.
  • Duarte Araújo
    Director of the Laboratory of Expertise in Sport of the Faculty of Human Kinetics at University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Carlos Balsalobre, PhD.
    Expert in training control and sports applications. Universidad Europea de Madrid
  • Alfredo Santalla Hernández, PhD.
    Professor. Expert in the physiology of exercise. Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla
  • Miguel A. Gómez Ruano, PhD.
    Senior Lecturer. Expert in Sports Methodology and Research. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Fernando Naclerio, PhD. Senior Lecturer. Expert in sports training and dietary planning for athletes. Greenwich University (UK)
  • Oliver Gonzalo Skok
    PhD. Head Return to Play Sevilla FC
  • Phd student.Malek Mecherques
    Degree in Nutrition, Anthropometry ISAK Level 3, MSc Sports Nutrition (UCAM Spain), International Researcher, International Chair of Kineanthropometry, member of the Technical Area: ISAKMetrics.
  • Phd. Mercedes Sotos Prieto
    Ramón y Cajal Scientist, Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Associate Researcher, IMDEA Alimentación, Member of CIBERESP, and Associate Professor, T.H. Chande Harvard School of Public Health.
  • Phd Guillermo Laich
    Dr. Guillermo Laich de Koller MD, PhD, MA, MIR Plastic Surgery. Clinical Psychiatry, Sports Medicine, Plastic Surgery Professor of Medical and Surgical Pathology. Faculty Academic Consultant.Faculty of Human Health Sciences. Alfonso X El Sabio University Madrid, SPAIN
  • Phd. Borja Martinez:
    PhD in Biomedicine, University of Granada, 2018.
    Master's Degree in Physical Activity Research, University of Granada, 2015.
    Master's Degree in Physical Education Teaching, University of Granada, 2014.
    Degree in Sports Science, University of Granada, 2009-2013.
  • Phd. Antonio Molina
    Pharmacist, nutritionist and president of Nutrifarma Centres.
    Nutrition department of the Swiss national football team and of the Watford and Udinense football teams.
  • Phd. Jorge Arede
    Ph.D. in Sports Science (2021) with expertise in team sports, youth sports, and talent identification and development. Awarded nine distinctions for high-level research and scholar merit. Lecturer at three higher education institutions and guest lecturer at Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid - Universidad Europea. Integrated member of CIDESD, NIDEF (ISCE-Douro), and International Basketball Research Network (Spain). Level II Basketball Coach with accreditations in strength and conditioning.
  • Phd. Raúl López Grueso
    PhD in physiology, graduate in physical activity sciences and degree in human nutrition and dietetics. Director and founder of Duralog. Coordinator of the specialitation group in nutrition and dietetics for physical activity and sport.
Medical Professors
  • Nieves Palacios PhD.
    Medical specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition and in Physical Education and Sports Medicine. Currently, Head of the Medicine, Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of the Center for Sports Medicine. General Deputy Director of Sport and Health. Spanish Agency for Health Protection in Sports, AEPSAD (Higher Sports Council). Coordinator of the Endocrinology, Nutrition and Physical Exercise. Member of the Technical Committee on European Food Standards for Sportsmen. Member of the Governing Board of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation.
Sports Nutrition Professors
  • Prof. Dr. Asker Jeukendrup, PhD.
    Professor. World leader in the study of sports physiology and carbohydrates. Gatorade Institute. mysportscience. Loughborough University
  • Oliver Witard, PhD.
    Senior Lecturer in Exercise Metabolism and Nutrition in the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine. His main topics are: (i) Muscle: Form and Function in the Centre for Human & Applied Physiological Sciences, and (ii) Diet and Cardiometabolic Health in the Department of Nutrition. He is Deputy Programme Director for the undergraduate programme in Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences.
  • Noelia Bonfanti, PhD.
    Expert in sports nutrition. High level Sports nutritionist. Club Estudiantes
  • Mireia Porta OIiva, PhD.
    English Premier League nutritionist Junior Professor of “Applied Nutrition” at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and clinical nutritionist at Serveis Mèdics Penedès
  • Heliodoro Moya
    Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, has a degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the Pablo de Olavide University and a Master’s in Physical Activity and Health. He is currently a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist at CODINAN and a member of the Technological Research and Development Group called “Exercise, Health and High Performance”. His work experience has been developed in football clubs of the Italian and English first division and has been complemented with the teaching, clinical and research fields.
  • Daniel Escaño
    Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. High Performance Sports Specialist. He was a Nutritionist for the Real Madrid C.F. Sports Nutritionist and head of the Sports Nutrition and High Performance Center that bears. Currently, he is a collaborating professor at the School of Sports Medicine. He is a professor at the European University of Madrid, and of the Master in Sports Psychology at that institution. ISAK Level II Anthropometrist. Member of the College of Dietitians-Nutritionists of Madrid (CODINMA).
  • Guillermo Laich
    Dr. Guillermo Laich de Koller MD, PhD, MA, MIR Plastic Surgery. Clinical Psychiatry, Sports Medicine, Plastic Surgery Professor of Medical and Surgical Pathology. Faculty Academic Consultant.Faculty of Human Health Sciences. Alfonso X El Sabio University Madrid, SPAIN
  • Borja Martínez
    Doctor en Biomedicina, Universidad de Granada, 2018. Máster en Investigación en Actividad Física, Universidad de Granada, 2015.Máster en Profesorado de Educación Física, Universidad de Granada, 2014. Licenciatura en Ciencias del Deporte, Universidad de Granada, 2009-2013.
  • Antonio Molina
    Pharmacist, nutritionist and president of Centros Nutrifarma.
  • Jorge Arede
    Ph.D. in Sports Science (2021) with expertise in team sports, youth sports, and talent identification and development. Awarded nine distinctions for high-level research and scholar merit. Lecturer at three higher education institutions and guest lecturer at Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid - Universidad Europea. Integrated member of CIDESD, NIDEF (ISCE-Douro), and International Basketball Research Network (Spain). Level II Basketball Coach with accreditations in strength and conditioning.

Academic Quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Follow up title quality

Members of the Quality Guarantee Committee (CCT)

  • Postgraduate Director
  • Postgraduate Programme Director
  • Students
  • Faculty (Postgraduate Final Project Coordinator and Internship Coordinator)
  • Quality Partner (Quality and Compliance)
  • Academic Director

Key degree improvements

  • The name, position and other information of each of the teachers of the master's degree have been included in the dossier and program.
  • Improved content and information in the learning guides.
  • The number of internships and agreements for all students has been increased.
  • Coordinators have been established in the main modules (Sports Training, Sports Nutrition, Master's Thesis).
  • Faculty coordination meetings have been established with teachers of each module through face-to-face, email and telephone contacts.
  • The research works passes an evaluation committee of the Universidad Europea through the Doctorate and Research School and, where appropriate, an ethical committee.

Principal results

  • Dropout rate: 2.80%.
  • Efficiency rate: 100.0%.
  • Graduation rate: 81%.
  • Employability rate: 44%.
  • Student satisfaction with the degree: 3.7
  • Satisfaction of professors with the degree: 4.3
  • Student satisfaction with the teaching staff: 4.5
  • PAS satisfaction with the quality of the degrees of the Faculty/School: 4.5
  • Satisfaction of graduates with the degree: 3.9
University regulations

Frequently Asked Questions

Nutrition is important to athletes because it provides the source of energy needed to perform activities. The food we eat affects our strength, training, performance and recovery. Not only is the type of food important to sports nutrition, but the time we eat throughout the day can also affect our performance levels and the body's ability to recover from exercise.

Pre- and post-workout meals are important in sports nutrition, but you should be very careful about what you eat. In general, athletes should eat about two hours before training, and this meal should be high in carbohydrates, low in fat, and low in protein. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy to fuel your exercise program, and protein is needed to support muscle growth and repair. After a workout, you need to replace lost carbohydrates, and you need to ensure adequate muscle recovery by including protein in your post-workout meals.

A day in the life of a sports nutritionist is varied and involves different tasks. These include:

  • Providing nutritional education and services to athletes
  • Consulting with athletes to help them develop optimal eating habits.
  • Design menus,
  • Recommend vitamins and supplements,
  • Provide nutritional advice for athletes.

Effective sports nutritionists often possess a range of skills to succeed in their profession. These include:

  • Networking.
  • Active listening.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Teaching.
  • Biological knowledge.
  • Nutritional knowledge.
  • Organisation.
  • Communication.

All of these are skills that will be worked on during the Master in Sports Training and Nutrition, via classroom theory, but more importantly, practical based learning and spending time within companies and organisations in the sector.

Real Madrid Graduate School - Universidad Europea has an official Master's degree in training and sports nutrition. The status of its faculty and guest speakers, as well as the facilities of the Villaviciosa de Odón Campus, makes it the perfect place for this specific training.

Not only that, but the global and multicultural vision of our University will allow you to work with classmates from all over the world, providing a much broader vision, and increasing your network of contacts.

Finally, we must highlight the professional opportunity that this Master represents thanks to the learning experience in which practice takes precedence and work with real projects and companies and additionally by the numerous sports entities in which you have the opportunity to carry out professional internships.