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grado psicología valencia

Bachelor's Degree in Psychology Valencia

Understanding human behaviour to help society.

Psychology Degree in Valencia

The Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology in Valencia is designed to train professionals who are capable of understanding, analysing, explaining and interpreting human behaviour, intervening ethically and effectively and promoting and improving mental health and quality of life for both individuals and society as a whole.

Our academic model focuses on learning based on the resolution of real cases. Simulations using actors in specially prepared rooms will allow you to develop as a professional psychologist.

At the Universidad Europea, we’re committed to specialisation. We have two different specialisations, depending on the path that you choose: Clinical intervention and legal and forensic intervention.

Valencia 240 ECTS
Start: 16 sep. 2024 Title issued by Universidad Europea de Valencia
4 Years School of Health Sciences of Valencia
Official degree

Why study the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology?

This degree provides you with the scientific knowledge necessary to understand, interpret, analyze, and explain human behavior, as well as to intervene with ethical conduct. With the Psychology Degree from the European University of Valencia, you will have access to the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology, a qualifying program necessary to practice in the health sector, or the PIR (Psychologist Internship Residency). Additionally, you can pursue two of the most sought-after specializations in the job market: "Clinical Intervention" and "Legal and Forensic," depending on the electives you choose.

Reasons why our Psychology Degree is here:

Personalized training

In small groups, you will delve into the scientific knowledge necessary to understand, interpret, analyze, and explain human behavior. This includes the ability to evaluate and intervene in individual and social settings with ethical behavior.

Professional internships

Throughout the curriculum, you will engage in internships. Starting from the third year, you will visit external centers and observe clinical practices with real patients in psychology institutions. The European University of Valencia has over 30 agreements with institutions such as CEC, Center for Cognitive Stimulation; Preven3, Sara Navarrete Clinical Psychology Center; Apunt Psicòlegs; Red Cenit-Cognitive Development Center; IAN de Psique; AVAPACE; CREAP; State Reference Center for Psychosocial Care for individuals with severe mental disorders; Consellería de Sanidad, among others.


Our faculty consists of highly qualified and actively involved professionals. They are committed, knowledgeable in their disciplines, and competent as educators. They are also sensitive to pedagogical and technological innovations in higher education.


In addition to the mention in health psychology, you can choose between a focus on clinical intervention or a focus on legal and forensic psychology.



Our students find employment in less than 12 months.


International students

You'll live in a diverse environment that is more multicultural than that of other universities.



UEV has a multitude of educational cooperation agreements with other centres.


201104-TESTIMONIAL-Marta La Torre-640x480-Preencial-Valencia
ComillasThe environment and education provided by the UEV is based on the spirit of leadership and teamwork

Marta La Torre

Student of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology

201104-TESTIMONIAL-elisa Gimenez-640x480-Preencial-Valencia
ComillasWe offer a quality, practical and applied education from the first courses and committed to professionalism.

Elisa Gimenez

Professor of the Degree in Psychology

Study plan

First Year

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
History of Psychology and Areas of Practice6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Sensation, Perception and Attention6BASICAInglés (en)
Anatomy of the Nervous System6BASICAInglés (en)
Behavioral Biology6BASICAInglés (en)
Social Psychology I6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Developmental Psychology6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Statistics Applied to Psychology6BASICAInglés (en)
Life Cycle Psychology6BASICAInglés (en)
Personality and Intelligence Psychology6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Social Psychology II6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)

Second Year

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Motivation and emotion6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Memories and learning processes6BASICAInglés (en)
Psychometry6BASICAInglés (en)
Psychopathology6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Educational psychology6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Thought and language6BASICAInglés (en)
Psychological evaluation6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Psychodiagnosis6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
English6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Physiology6BÁSICAInglés (en)

Third Year

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Research Methods in Psychology6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Developmental disorders and learning disabilities6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Psychology of work and organizations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Ethical values3OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Practicum I9OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Intervention techniques in psychology6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Elective I6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Elective II6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Elective III6OPTATIVAInglés (en)

Fourth Year

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
University activities6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Communication skills6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Management skills6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
End of degree work6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Practicum II18OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Elective IV6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Elective V6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Elective VI6OPTATIVAInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Psychopathology II6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Neuropsychology6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Health Psychology6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Therapist skills6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Psychopharmacology6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Psychogeriatrics6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Psychological treatment in childhood and adolescence6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Psychological treatment in adults6OPTATIVAInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Psychology of testimony6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Prevention and treatment of delinquency6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Mediation and conflict resolution6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Victimology6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Skills for the social and educational intervention of offenders6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Domestic and gender violence6OPTATIVAInglés (en)

  • Preven3
  • Centro de Psicología Clínica Sara Navarrete
  • Hábiles, Centro de Psicología CB
  • AFEM Torrent
  • Apunt Psicòlegs
  • RED CENIT – Centro de Desarrollo Cognitivo
  • IAN de Psique
  • CREAP; Centro de Referencia Estatal de Atención Psicosocial a personas con trastorno mental grave
  • Instituto Valenciano Oncología (IVO).
  • La Saleta Care
  • Air Nostrum
  • IASE
  • Fundación de la Comunidad Valenciana Santos Andrés, Santiago y Miguel
  • Cruz Roja
  • Asociación Parkinson Valencia
  • Psicología Salud y Periciales
  • Psicòlegs Turis

Internships are a key component of your education. Acquiring experience after what you have learned on your degree is the best way to enter the employment market. There are two types of internships: curricular—which are included in your study plan—and extracurricular—which you can do on a voluntary basis.

In order to complete curricular internships in companies, you will need to have 50% of the credits approved and to register the subject before starting your internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship coordinator, and interim and final reports are prepared for evaluation.

If you want to take your work experience to the next level before finishing your university education, you can pursue an extracurricular internship. You can do them in any academic year, but keep in mind that internships are a formative complement to your studies; therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your studies, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.

These are some of the companies where you will be able to do an internship:


Degree competencies

Basic competencies
  • CB1 - Students have demonstrated the possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that builds on the foundation of general secondary education. This knowledge is typically at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also encompasses some aspects involving the cutting edge of their field of study.
  • CB2 - Students are able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner. They possess competences usually demonstrated through the development and defense of arguments, as well as problem-solving within their field of study.
  • CB3 - Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data, usually within their area of study, in order to make judgments that involve reflection on pertinent social, scientific, or ethical issues.
  • CB4 - Students are capable of effectively communicating information, ideas, problems, and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • CB5 - Students have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Cross-disciplinary competencies
  • CT1: Autonomous learning: Ability to choose the strategies, tools and schedule you consider most effective for autonomous learning and implementing what you have learned.
  • CT2: Self-confidence: Ability to assess one’s own results, performance and capabilities with the inner conviction that we are capable of handling the challenges we are faced with.
  • CT4: Ability to analyse and synthesise: students are able to break down complex situations into their constituent parts, and evaluate other alternatives and perspectives in order to find optimal solutions. Synthesis seeks to reduce complexity in order to better understand it and/or solve problems.
  • CT5: Ability to apply knowledge to practice by using the knowledge acquired during studies in situations as similar as possible to the reality of the profession.
  • CT8: Information management: Ability to search, select, analyse and integrate information from diverse sources.
  • CT10: Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit: Ability to undertake difficult or random actions with resolution. Ability to anticipate problems, propose improvements and persevere in achieving them. Preference for assuming and carrying out activities.
  • CT11: Planning and time management: Ability to set goals and choose the means to achieve those goals using time and resources effectively.
  • CT12: Critical reasoning: Ability to analyse an idea, phenomenon or situation from different perspectives and take an approach based on rigorous and argued objectivity rather than intuition.
  • CT13: Problem-solving: Ability to find a solution to a confusing issue or a complicated situation without a pre-defined solution, which makes it more difficult to solve.
  • CT14: Innovation and creativity: Ability to propose and develop new and original solutions that add value to problems posed, even in areas other than the problem itself.
  • CT15: Responsibility: Ability to meet commitments with oneself and others when performing a task and working towards a set of objectives within the learning process. Existing capacity in every subject to recognise and accept the consequences of a freely performed act.
  • CT16: Decision-making: Ability to make a choice between existing alternatives or ways to effectively solve different situations or problems.
  • CT17: Teamwork: Ability to integrate and actively collaborate with other people, areas and/or organisations to achieve common objectives.
  • CT18: Use of information and communication technologies (ICT): Ability to effectively use information and communication technologies as a tool for searching, processing and storing information, as well as for developing communication skills.
General competencies
  • CG1: Ability to understand the functions, characteristics and limitations of the different theoretical models of psychology in the field of health psychology.
  • CG2: Ability to understand the basic principles of the different psychological processes in the field of health psychology.
  • CG3: Ability to understand the processes and main stages of psychological development throughout the life cycle as they relate to normality and abnormality in the field of health psychology.
  • CG4: Ability to understand the biological basis of human behaviour and psychological functions.
  • CG5: Ability to understand the psychosocial principles of the functioning of groups and organisations.
  • CG6: Ability to understand the social and anthropological dimension of the human being, including the historical and sociocultural factors involved in human psychological configuration.
  • CG7: Ability to understand different methods of evaluation, diagnosis and psychological treatment in different applied fields of health psychology.
  • CG8: Ability to understand different research designs, procedures for formulating and testing hypotheses and interpreting results and being able to apply them to the field of health psychology.
  • CG9: Ability to understand the different fields of application of psychology and having the expertise necessary to impact on and promote the quality of life of individuals, groups, communities and organisations in the educational, clinical, health work, organisation, and community contexts.
  • CG10: Ability to develop the profession using the English and/or Spanish language, both for specialised and non-specialised audiences.
Specific competencies
  • CE1: Ability to analyse the needs and demands of the function’s intended beneficiaries in different contexts.
  • CE2: Ability to establish the goals of psychological action in different contexts, proposing and negotiating the goals with the intended beneficiaries and stakeholders.
  • CE3: Ability to plan and conduct an interview.
  • CE4: Ability to describe and measure variables (personality, intelligence and other aptitudes, behaviours, etc.) and cognitive, emotional, psychobiological and behavioural processes.
  • CE5: Ability to identify differences, problems and needs.
  • CE6: Ability to make diagnoses according to the criteria of the profession.
  • CE7: Ability to describe and measure interaction processes, group dynamics and group and inter-group structures.
  • CE8: Ability to identify group and inter-group problems and needs.
  • CE9: Ability to describe and measure interaction processes, organisational dynamics and organisational and inter-organisational structures.
  • CE10: Ability to identify organisational and inter-organisational problems and needs.
  • CE11: Ability to analyse the context in which individual behaviour and group and organisational processes take place.
  • CE12: Ability to select and manage tools, products and services and to identify the stakeholders.
  • CE13: Ability to design and adapt instruments, products and services according to the requirements and restrictions.
  • CE14: Ability to contrast and validate instruments, products and services (whether prototypes or pilot tests).
  • CE15: Ability to define objectives and draw up a plan for intervention in accordance with its purpose (prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, integration, monitoring, etc.).
  • CE16: Ability to select the appropriate psychological intervention techniques to achieve objectives.
  • CE17: Expertise in strategies and techniques to involve the intended beneficiaries in the intervention.
  • CE18: Ability to apply strategies and methods of direct intervention to the intended beneficiaries: psychological advice, therapy, negotiation, mediation, etc.
  • CE19: Ability to apply strategies and methods of direct intervention to different contexts: construction of healthy settings, etc.
  • CE20: Ability to apply strategies and methods of indirect intervention through third parties: counselling, training of trainers and other actors.
  • CE21: Ability to plan the evaluation of programmes and interventions.
  • CE22: Ability to select and develop indicators and metrics to evaluate programmes and interventions.
  • CE23: Ability to measure and obtain relevant data for the evaluation of interventions.
  • CE24: Ability to analyse and interpret the results of the evaluation.
  • CE25: Ability to provide feedback to the intended beneficiaries in an appropriate and accurate manner.
  • CE26: Ability to produce oral and written reports.
  • CE27: Ability to understand and comply with the deontological obligations of psychology.


This degree provides you with the scientific knowledge necessary to understand, interpret, analyze, and explain human behavior, and to intervene with ethical conduct.

Career opportunities

  • Professional in psychology in public and private healthcare institutions, as well as private practices.
  • Counselor in educational institutions.
  • Teaching and university research in the specialized area.
  • Teacher, with the corresponding master's degree according to the educational level.
  • Consultant in human resources departments.
  • Training.
  • Consulting in marketing and advertising.
  • Market research analyst.
  • Data scientist: big data analytics.
  • Occupational health and safety: ergonomics and applied psychosociology.
  • Educational centers.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 961043883 or completing the admission form via the link below.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrolment.

Scholarships and Grants

We want to help you. If you choose to study at Universidad Europea, you will have the opportunity to apply for a wide range of UE and official scholarships.

girl student


78,38 % of those teaching on this bachelor's degree hold PhDs.

  • PhD Clara López Mora
    My research trajectory is associated with the development of studies on health and overall well-being, both at the social level (e.g., prosocial behaviors) and the individual level (risk and protective factors for mental health). I employ longitudinal and transcultural methodologies in populations of adolescents and young adults. Additionally, I collaborate with high-impact research groups and universities, such as the University of California Irvine (California, USA) or the University of Missouri (Columbia, USA), facilitating the exchange and high-impact scientific transfer. Regarding teaching experience in the university context, I have taught courses such as "Assessment and Diagnosis in Adults," "Psychological and Neuropsychological Assessment in Legal and Forensic Contexts," "Psychometrics," "Research Methods," etc., to undergraduate psychology students, master's students in general health psychology, and master's students in legal and forensic psychology. Furthermore, I have over 7 years of professional experience derived from practicing in private settings within healthcare and sports contexts.
  • Patricia Flor
    Graduated in Psychology from the University Jaime I of Spain in 2015, completed a Master's in Family Intervention and Mediation at the University Jaime I in 2016, and earned a Ph.D. in Psychology with International Mention in 2022 with the thesis titled "The Impact of Confinement on Mood and Behavior Using Time Series: Anxiety, Depression, and Distress." Patricia was part of the High Academic Achievement Group of her Psychology class. Subsequently, she received a scholarship to pursue her Psychology career through an exchange program in North America, specifically at Shawnee State University (Ohio). Since 2016, she has been working as a legal and forensic psychologist in a private center, handling cases related to family, childhood, and adolescence. From 2017 to 2019, she worked as an associate professor in the Department of Evolutionary, Educational, Social, and Methodological Psychology at Universitat Jaume I (UJI) in Castellón. In 2018, she completed her first two-month doctoral stay at the University of California (Davis), and in 2021, she conducted her second one-and-a-half-month doctoral research stay at the same university.
    Since 2018, Patricia has been a lecturer at the International University of Valencia, previously coordinating the Master's in Intervention and Prevention of Behavioral Problems in School. From June 2022 to September 2023, she served as the director of the Master's in Forensic Psychology. In September 2023, she took on a new challenge as a professor at the European University of Valencia, within the English group of the Psychology Degree. She is a member of the BE Health Lab research group at the International University of Valencia and an aspiring researcher in the fields of methodology, overall well-being, public health, and satisfaction in couples.
    Regarding research, she currently employs an intensive methodology in longitudinal data and time series, delving into the realms of Moderation and Mediation. Her research lines are related to mood, violence, bullying, and academic performance. She is a member of the Young Researchers Group of the Spanish Association of Methodology of Behavioral Sciences.
  • Marta Bufort Costa
    I have worked for several years in various psychology centers, focusing primarily on child and adolescent populations.
    I started at Ortofon, a center for speech therapy, clinical psychology, and psychopedagogy, where I mainly worked with adult patients, many of whom suffered from anxiety and depression. However, with the transition to the Alberto Soler Psychology Center, I established myself in the specialization I currently practice in my private practice: working with children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders.
  • Jesús Lorente Erenas
    During the last few years, I have been pursuing my PhD in neurosciences in Dr. Hipolito's laboratory. During this period, I have focused on the study of pain-induced negative affective states, and how this phenomenon may affect the development and/or relapse to alcohol. For this I have worked both with animal models and with patients from chronic pain units. On the other hand, during this period I did a stay in the laboratory of Dr. Morón, where I learned to program in Arduino and Adafruit language, use electrophysiological, stereotaxic and optogenetic techniques.
    In addition, I have also worked my skills as a teacher directing several TFG and TFM during my PhD. Outside the research field, I have worked for two short periods of time, both with children within the autistic spectrum, as well as with patients suffering brain damage after a stroke to design and implement interventions to promote their rehabilitation.
  • Ana Tavares
    Among the most relevant merits of my professional experience, I would like to highlight the following: In the field of teaching: Classes "Therapeutic Intervention with a Large Single-Parent Family" in the Unit of Intervention in Family and Community Systems, Master's in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology at the University of Lisbon; Classes “Scientific Writing" in the Unit of Research Methods in Psychology: Advanced Topics, Master's in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology at the University of Lisbon; Classes "Community Psychology" in the Unit of Clinical Psychology and Health, Master's in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology at the University of Lisbon. Participation in academic activities: Support in data collection for master's theses: Collaboration in four master's theses of the Systemic Psychology core at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon, involving data collection for the protocol of the normative sample of this doctoral study, as well as formal support for its execution when necessary (2015 to 2018), Activity titled "Unraveling the Mysteries of Psychologist Intervention with Families and Communities" as part of the ULisboa Summer Program (2016 and 2017). Participation in the doctoral discussion group called "How to Research?" (CSI) - (monthly, 2016-2018), serving as intervision meetings. Additionally, I work in the clinical area, specializing in systemic and cognitive-behavioral approaches, in various clinics affiliated with Portuguese universities.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)

The European University of Valencia has designed its Internal Quality Assurance System in accordance with the guidelines of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), as a structural basis for guaranteeing the quality of the new official degrees, in line with the quality guidelines of the new official degrees, in accordance with the quality guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EEES) and the Organic Law 4/2007, of April, which modifies the Organic Law of Universities 6/2001, of 21 December.

The Internal Quality Assurance System, which applies to all the University's training activities and all the processes that take place in it, was positively certified by ANECA's AUDIT programme in July 2022 (http://www.aneca.es/Programas-de-evaluacion/Evaluacion-institucional/AUDIT/Resultados).

The SAIC ensures that all the training activities carried out at the European University of Valencia respond effectively to the interests and needs of the users of each service, as well as the continuous improvement of all the activities that take place in it according to the PDCA continuous improvement cycle (Plan-Do-Check- Act/Adjust).


Quality degree monitoring

Members of the degree quality committee (CCT)

  • Associate Dean
  • Department Director
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Final Degree Project Coordinator
  • Internship Coordinator
  • Academic Director
  • Learning Assessment Manager
  • Academic Advisor
  • Students
  • Quality Manager (Quality and Academic Compliance)

Main improvements to the degree

The experience gained has made it possible for us to identify certain areas for improvement this academic year. To this end, we consider the following to improve the educational quality of the degree:

  • Promote the collaboration of undergraduate students in courses and activities related to research projects developed by the Psychology faculty.
  • Organize extracurricular activities for undergraduate students on topics related to employment, new professional opportunities or entrepreneurship.
  • Maintain educational innovation as a hallmark of the degree.
  • Promotion of transdisciplinary work with other health branches such as Dentistry, Nursing or Physiotherapy, among others.
  • Promotion of critical thinking through the "data driven" approach.

Main degree results


*Employability rate is taken on the active population. Graduates who continue studying another degree are excluded.


Frequently Asked Questions

There are many jobs that you can get with a degree in psychology. Students at Universidad Europea de Valencia have gone on to enjoy successful careers in different areas such as:

  • Health
  • Teaching
  • Professional development
  • Sport
  • Legal and forensic

It's important to remember that some jobs may require additional education or certification, or license to practice, depending on what country you work in. Additionally, some jobs may be more competitive than others. Before deciding on what path do go down, it's a good idea to research specific job opportunities and requirement and find out about the ones that best fit for you.

The degree in psychology at Universidad Europea de Valencia takes four years to complete and consists of 240 ECTS.

During the course of the degree, you will have opportunities to not only complete in internships and work placements at leading organisations, but you can also take part in study periods abroad. During the degree, you can also choose to complete specialisations in two areas: Clinical intervention and legal and forensic intervention.

Psychology can be a challenging degree, as it involves studying complex theories and research methods. However, at Universidad Europea de Valencia, you will have all the support you need to be successful no matter what field of psychology you go into once you graduate.  Our faculty is made up of leading professionals and experts in their areas, so you’ll be learning from the very best.

In addition, our innovative learning methodology means you’ll be working on real case studies from day one – allowing you to build the skills – and confidence – necessary not only to complete the degree but enjoy a successful career afterward.

Yes, psychologists are in high demand. The field of psychology is growing, and there is a need for psychologists in a variety of settings, including schools, hospitals, government agencies, and private practices.

By choosing the degree in psychology at Universidad Europea de Valencia, you will gain the skills and knowledge to succeed in whatever area you choose to go into. Studying alongside a top faculty made up of experts in the area and having close contact with the profession throughout your program will mean you will have the most sought-after profile when t comes to looking for employment once you graduate.