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Blog | Universidad Europea

Universidad Europea Blog

Discover all our posts on the Universidad Europea blog. Get up to date on educational innovation and the latest trends in areas such as Engineering, Health and Medicine, Sports, Technology and Business, among others. #GoBeyond

What can you do with a physics degree?

If you’re asking what jobs can you get with a physics degree, read on to find out the different career options available to you.

What is entrepreneurial leadership?

Entrepreneurial leadership is key to making a business successful. In this post, discover examples of the types of entrepreneurial leaders and their main characteristics.

What is curve finance?

What is Curve Finance and why is it gaining prominence in the financial sector? Find out in this post how it works and what advantages it offers

What is a sports coach and why are they important?

If you want to know what the main role and functions of a sports coach are and what you need to do to practice this profession, read this article.

What is financial management?

Financial management is a key area for all companies and institutions. In this post, we look into the role of a financial manager and what their salary is.

What is a Global MBA?

Find out what a Global MBA is, what it consists of and the advantages it offers you if you are thinking of having a professional career on the international stage

Branches of psychology

Find out what the main fields of psychology are. Get up to date with the degrees and master's in psychology at Universidad Europea. Get all the info here!

Types of nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is the manufacture of products in incredibly small sizes. In this post, we will look at some examples of the use of nanotechnology.

What is sports physiotherapy?

Physical therapy in sport is one of the fastest growing and most impactful areas. Discover its importance for sporting activity at any level in this post.

How to become a tax advisor?

What is the role of a tax advisor? How do you become a tax advisor? In this post, we’ll answer all your questions so that you can practice one of the most in-demand professions.

The role of a product manager: what do they do on a daily basis?

Do you know what the role of a product manager is? In this post, we answer that question, and others, about one of the most in-demand digital professions.

What does a property appraiser do?

Property appraisers calculate the value of real estate, land, or other assets. In this post, we will see the main functions and what you have to study to be a real estate appraiser.

Financial management strategies

Would you know how to do financial planning correctly? Discover the objectives and phases of the financial planning process in a company.

Types of journalism

Journalists today are expected to be multiskilled and multimedia. In this post, we explore some of the different types of journalism and roles that exist.

What does a facility manager do?

Facility management helps ensure the functionality, safety and efficiency of buildings and land, infrastructure and real estate. Read more to find out about the role of a facility manager.

Leadership in sport

Do you know that in sport, as in many sectors, there are several types of leadership? In this post we’ll see how leadership and sport go hand in hand. And we will explain what you can study to be a l…

Football session plans: What to include?

Do you know how to plan a football training session? In this post, we’ll tell you the elements that you should include, and some study options to consider if you want to be a football coach.

Building installations: The key elements

What are the distinct types of facilities and installations in a building? Discover all the key elements needed in a building project, from electrical and gas, to sanitation and water.

Physiotherapy career paths

Are you thinking about studying physiotherapy? In this post, we will look at some of the career paths you can choose after completing a physiotherapy degree.

Careers in Translation and Interpreting

In an increasingly connected world, translators and interpreters are needed in every sector. In this post we will look in detail at professional opportunities in Translation and Interpreting.

Artificial intelligence in sports

Artificial intelligence in sports has become fashionable and is having an impact in every aspect, from athlete performance, injuries, and advertising. Discover more here!

Intercultural communication: What is it and how to succeed?

In an ever more globalised world, the need to have intercultural communication skills is increasingly important. In this post, we’ll look at some of the key factors when it comes to communication bet…