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máster en traducción audiovisual

Master's Degree in Audiovisual Translation Valencia

Gain work experience at dubbing and subtitling studios.

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Audiovisual Translation Master

The Master in Audiovisual Translation at Universidad Europea is a 10-month programme taught in bilingual format (English and Spanish). The aim is to ensure you have the skills to lead and have successful careers in the audiovisual translation sector, including translating video games, simulations, series, short films, feature length films, YouTube videos, etc.

As well as being taught by experts in the sector, the audiovisual translation master has an international element and includes a trip to London to see first-hand some of the world’s leading audiovisual studios. In addition, with a focus on experiential learning, throughout the programmes you will be able to take part in real projects such as live translations, and use our state-of-the-art studios and labs.

Private degree issued by Universidad Europea de Valencia

Classes in Bilingual-ES/EN
Valencia 10 months, 60 ECTS
Start: 17 oct. 2025
School of Social Sciences and Communication

Why study our Master’s in Audiovisual Translation?

Learn all of the techniques necessary to become a translator of audiovisual products (films, series…), including dubbing, subtitling, subtitling for the deaf, audio description and video game translations, using all technical media available and completing real dubbing and subtitling work experience.

An unique programme
  • Specific dubbing and voice-over course taught by professional dubbing actors to put you in the shoes of dubbing actors and actresses and understand the meaning of their work.
  • Self-editing of subtitles and voice-over. Create a personal portfolio with a subtitled and dubbed product as a business card for future clients.
  • Live subtitling: this is the only master's degree in Spain in which you learn this modality.
  • Pitches: at the end of the master's degree, present your work to relevant business people in the sector.
  • We open our doors to students from any background with a B2 or higher level of Spanish. Teaching is mainly in Spanish, with some sessions in English. Case studies are original products in English that are adapted to Spanish. Students with a level of Spanish below C1 may write their final paper in English or French. Non-Peninsular Spanish-speaking students will be able to work through the entire programme in their own linguistic variety.
  • The MTAV (Master in Audiovisual Translation) is eminently practical. All the material taught is reinforced through practical application.
Who is the MAVT for?
  • Graduates and final year students of Translation, Philology, Audiovisual Communication, Advertising, Journalism, as well as professionals with a good command of at least two languages.
  • People with a passion for languages and who are attracted to audiovisual translation in any of its specialities (dubbing, subtitling, subtitling for the deaf, etc.).

Collaborating entities

We have agreements with leading companies in the world of translation.


ComillasIt is the most comprehensive programme on the current scene in Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility Training. The teaching staff is made up of the most prestigious lecturers and the most recognised professionals in the current market, who provide a practical approach and real materials from their day-to-day work as audiovisual translators. We have a voice-over and dubbing course in which the student learns the complete process: how an actor works with his text, what is expected of a translation for dubbing and learns the basics of audio and video editing in order to develop the final work as a complete product for broadcast that will also serve as a letter of introduction to future clients.

María Ferrer

Translator, adjuster and voice-over artist. Director of the Master's degree in Audiovisual Translation.

ComillasEn subtitulación y accesibilidad contamos con los profesores más eminentes y profesionales premiados. Trabajamos teniendo en cuenta todas las áreas de especialización en accesibilidad. Tanto en subtitulado como en localización de videojuegos se utiliza el software más actual. El pitch ante empresas del sector es también un importante factor de networking, como lo es el mero hecho de que impartan las clases esos profesionales que podrían llegar a contar con sus alumnos y alumnas para el futuro.

Vanessa Pérez

Traductora y profesora del grado en TCI.

Study plan

What will you learn in the Master in Audiovisual Translation?

Learn all the techniques to become a translator of audiovisual products (films, series...): dubbing, subtitling, subtitling for deaf people, audio description, video game translation, using all the technical means available and doing real practice in dubbing and subtitling studios.

  • Module 1. Introduction to Audiovisual Translation (3 ECTS)
    This module contextualises HAT in the industry in which the student will have to learn to operate. At the end of the module, students will be aware of the translator's place in the value chain of the audiovisual industry and of their professional possibilities in the audiovisual translation and media accessibility sector.
  • Module 2. Linguistic correction for HAT (3 ECTS)
    This module explores in depth the aspects of the Spanish language that the future translator must be able to apply to audiovisual translation, such as chronolects, geographical dialects, registers and sociolects. In addition, emphasis will be placed on the translation of jargon.
  • Module 3. Dubbing and Voiceover for audiovisual translators (1 ECTS)
    This module is a course in dubbing, voice-over and self-recording applied to Audiovisual Translation taught by collaborating companies.
  • Module 4. Translation and adjustment for dubbing (8 ECTS)
    Throughout this module, dubbing will be studied in depth as a form of audiovisual translation and as a professional activity. Theoretical sessions will be complemented with practical sessions with different formats and technologies to train the resolution of specific problems. It is assessed by means of the partial defence of the Final Master's Project (PFM).
  • Module 5. Subtitling (6 ECTS)
    Current panorama, conventional subtitling standards, restrictions and technologies applied to conventional subtitling. It is assessed by means of a partial defence of the PFM.
  • Module 6. Subtitling for the deaf (3 ECTS)
    Current panorama, SPS standards and application to different distribution platforms. It is assessed by means of a partial defence of the PFM.
  • Module 7. Audio Description (3 ECTS)
    Standards and conventions of AD and application. It is assessed by means of the partial defence of the PFM.
  • Module 8. Video Game Localisation (3 ECTS)
    Introduction to video game localisation and tools related to this activity.
  • Module 9. Work placement in a company (15 ECTS)
    After collaborating with companies in the sector for a period of 100 hours, the student will be assessed by the company and must submit a report to the university to validate this assessment.
  • Module 10. End-of-Master's Degree Project (15 ECTS)
    Translation project in the four modes of audiovisual translation in which the student will apply all the tools and strategies acquired to an audiovisual content of their choice. Students will defend their work, first partially in front of their tutors at the end of the assessable modules and then in front of a panel of experts and working professionals, and must demonstrate a level of competence in the four areas that will enable them to face the job market in any of them.

Work placements are a key element in your training. Gaining experience after what you have learnt in your degree is the best way to enter the labour market.

To do an internship in a company, you will need to have passed 50% of the credits and enrol in the course before starting your internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship teacher, as well as the completion of interim and final reports for evaluation.

This programme is practical from day One. Even so, the internships in companies and with professional translators will help you to learn more about certain aspects of the profession, such as the dynamics of assignments, the relationship with dubbing studios, time management, budgets, invoicing and coordination.

Once the curricular internships have been completed, it is possible to do extracurricular internships in consultation with the Internship Department.


This master's degree is totally practical. In addition, you carry out real internships in dubbing and subtitling studios where you are in contact with professionals. You take a dubbing and voice-over course that allows you to broaden your professional prospects.

Career opportunities

As an audiovisual translator you will be able to work independently for different projects and companies, be part of a company or be part of the staff of agencies or studios related to the field of audiovisual translation, dubbing, subtitling, etc.

  • Translation of any audiovisual content: videogames, simulations, series, short films, movies, youtube, etc.
  • Production of interlinguistic and intralinguistic subtitling.
  • Management and coordination of translation projects.
Salidas profesionales del Grado en Traducción e Interpretación


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 961043883 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

Our students are graduates and final-year students of Translation, Philology, Audiovisual Communication, Advertising, Journalism, as well as professionals with a good command of at least two languages.

In short, they are people with a passion for languages and who are attracted to audiovisual translation in one of its specialities (dubbing, subtitling, subtitling for the deaf, audio description, video game translation).

The admission process for the Universidad Europea de Valencia's Graduate School programmes is open all year round, although enrolment in any of its programmes is subject to the existence of vacancies.

If you would like personalised advice from the Postgraduate Admissions team, you can go to our university campus at Paseo de la Alameda 7, or contact us at:


The faculty is made up of practising professionals who offer you their day-to-day work in connection with the subjects studied in the degree programme.

  • María Ferrer
    Director of the Master's degree in Audiovisual Translation
    PhD in Audiovisual Translation.
    Translator and adjuster since 1998. Her professional career began with the subtitling of Japanese films and, shortly afterwards, with the translation and adaptation of anime and TV fiction from English and French. In 2016, she obtained her PhD and began her teaching career. He has participated in such Degrees as Akira, The Mentalist, The 100 and A Series of Catastrophic Misfortunes. She currently combines teaching with voice work.
  • Vanessa Pérez
    Director of the Master's degree in Audiovisual Translation
    PhD in Audiovisual Translation.
    After several years as a translator in the multimedia localisation sector, she obtained her PhD in 2021 and has now devoted herself entirely to university teaching and research.

Some of the teaching staff

  • Frederic Chaume
    Professor of Audiovisual Translation.
  • Gabriela Scandura
    Translator and adaptor into neutral Spanish. The marshal.
  • Giselle Spiteri
    Audiovisual translator for Italian TV. Big Bang Theory.
  • Quico Rovira-Beleta
    Translator of Marvel and Disney products. Star Wars.
  • Esmeralda Azkarate-Gaztelu
    Audiovisual translator and audio-writer.
  • Javier Pérez Alarcón
    Translator of Warner products. Ninja Turtles.
  • Paula Mariani
    Audiovisual translator. One Piece (Netflix).
  • Rafa Ferrer
    Audiovisual translator. Rick and Morty.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose aim is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and to enable it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to: promoting the achievement of external recognition and accreditation, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; the simplification of management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Frequently Asked Questions

The Master's Degree in Audiovisual Translation at the Universidad Europea de Valencia is aimed at both graduates and final-year students of translation, philology, audiovisual communication, advertising, journalism, as well as professionals with a good command of at least two languages. Profiles with a passion for languages and who are attracted to audiovisual translation.

If you are thinking of studying for a master's degree in audiovisual translation, please note that a good command of at least two languages is required.

The internships for this master's degree in translation at the European University of Valencia are carried out in dubbing and subtitling studios where you will be in contact with professionals in the field (translators, technicians, actors).

The Master's Degree in Audiovisual Translation at the Universidad Europea de Valencia has 60 ECTS and lasts 10 months.
