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Máster en Arquitectura Madrid

Master's Degree in Architecture (Qualifying Degree) Madrid

The first school in Europe to achieve NAAB certification and RIBA validation. This Masters Degree in Architecture facilitates students to practice the profession in the USA and UK.

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Masters Degree in Architecture

The Master’s in Architecture at Universidad Europea is a 9-month programme designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to succeed as a global architect and manage all sorts of projects including construction, urban planning, sustainability and advanced project design. The Master in Architecture is defined by three pillars - Innovation, Internationally, and Integration.

With a focus predominantly on experiential learning, having learned the theory from our esteemed faculty, you will have the opportunity to put what to have learned into practice through work placements and real life projects. In recognition for its international focus, the programme has been awarded the NAAB certification (Substantial Equivalency USA) and RIBA validation (Royal Institute of British Architects) facilitating you to practice architecture in the USA, Great Britain and across the Commonwealth, respectively.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid

Classes in English or Spanish
Villaviciosa de Odón 10 months, 60 ECTS
Start: 8 sep. 2025
School of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Computing - STEAM

Why study a Master's in Architecture at Universidad Europea?

An unique experience

Following current national and European legislation, our Master’s Degree in Architecture (Qualifying Degree) adopts a Learning By Doing method in which students will learn by practicing the profession.

  • You will be offered the opportunity to take part in a range of workshops, including workshops on technology, construction, urban planning, sustainability and advanced project design–all taught by renowned professional lecturers and doctors.
  • The programme will train you to become a global architect who will go on to work on projects that meet the needs of today’s society. This will include meeting today’s demanding technological requirements, which can only be achieved through horizontal working structures.
  • The Master’s Degree is defined by 3 areas of learning:
    • Innovation: intensive training and use of Digital Design, Digital Manufacturing in the FabLab and robotics as a new paradigm for production and thinking. The interactive and evolutionary possibilities of simulations made with parametric design, building information modelling, energy simulation–together with the benefits of prototyping which can be completed using laser cutters, 3D printers or robots–encourage collaboration in all areas of learning and, at the same time, foster new architectural ways of thinking.
    • An International Mindset: NAAB Certification (National Architectural Accrediting Board, USA) and RIBA validation (the United Kingdom’s architectural association). Finally, we are working on formalising opportunities for international exchanges around the globe.
    • Integration: transversal learning to support students in developing their individual project. The integration of a range of diverse areas of expertise and disciplines is an increasingly important characteristic to have in today's complex professional ecosystem. Coherent and enriched development from multiple perspectives adds evident value to any work, which is why you will train in environments that facilitate this.
  • International exchanges where you will complete intensive workshops and visit the most prestigious studios in the world.
  • NAAB International Certification and RIBA Validation.

Strategic Alliances and Industry Partners

At Universidad Europea, we have a network of strategic allies and industry partners that drive practical training and enhance the employability of our students.

Our strategic allies represent companies' commitment to working closely with the School on all aspects related to the design and delivery of its programs. In turn, our industry partners are linked to a laboratory or workshop, providing practical activities in areas such as artificial intelligence, digital twins, and virtual reality. All of this allows students to apply their knowledge in real-world settings, enhancing their professional preparation.

A glimpse into your future at Universidad Europea


Top School in Europe

Validated by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and certified by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB).


Learning by doing

Real case studies of prestigious architecture studios.


Among the four best schools

According to El Mundo’s rankings, it is one of the best universities for Architecture.

Certifications and Recognitions


NAAB Certificado Actualizado

The Universidad Europea de Madrid has received the International Certification designation from the National Architectural Accrediting Board for the following professional degree program or sequence:

Bachelor’s Degree in Fundamentals of the Architecture + Master’s Degree in Architecture – 2015

The term “International Certification” identifies a program as comparable in educational outcomes in all significant aspects to a program accredited by the NAAB in the United States and indicates that it provides an educational experience meeting acceptable standards, even though such program may differ in format or method of delivery. The designation is valid for six years beginning 1 January of the year in which the final visit (Visit 3) took place. In order to maintain the designation, the program must be visited again in the sixth year of the designation. Schools with programs identified as holding NAAB International Certification are not formally “accredited” as that term is used with reference to programs in the United States and may not refer to their programs as “accredited” by the NAAB. However, students who graduate from internationally certified programs are able to apply for individualized review of their credentials on an expedited basis for purposes of the Educational Evaluation Services for Architects program administered by the NAAB on behalf of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards.

The following documents are available and can be downloaded from the Web:



In 2019, the Royal Institute of British Architecture (RIBA) validated the Bachelor’s Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture and the Master’s Degree in Architecture.

RIBA is the most prestigious architects’ association in the world, and counts the most globally recognised architects among its members. The association has been dedicated to promoting the quality of architect training since 1837.

master habilitante arquitectura - Director del MásterComillas
ComillasThe three pillars of the Master–integration, innovation and an international outlook–are the basis for helping students in preparing for their future.

José Jurado

Professor of the Master's Degree in Architecture

Comillas“The Master’s Degree has been a process during which new interests and ways to approach architecture have emerged – all of which have been crucial to my work. I had the opportunity to learn new methods, approaches and tools, which all came together when working on my final project”.

Javier Fuentes

Former student of the Master's Degree in Architecture. Partner at Archiologics

Masters in Architecture study plan

Offered in the current academic course

At the end of this programme, students will receive the official title of Master in Architecture issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid.

Programa de estudios


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición

30 places available

Basic competencies
  • BC1: Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • BC2: Students must be able to apply the knowledge they have acquired and have the ability to solve problems in any new or unfamiliar situations which may arise within a broader (or multidisciplinary) context–relating to their area of study.
  • BC3: When faced with the difficulty of making tough decisions, students must be able to apply what they know, and, when information is limited, they must take into account the social and ethical responsibilities associated and apply this to the situation.
  • BC4: Students must be able to communicate their conclusions – and the knowledge and reasonings behind them – to audiences who may be both specialised and non-specialised in the area. They must be able to do so in a clear and unambiguous manner.
  • BC5: Students must possess the necessary learning skills that will enable them to continue to study in a self-led, autonomous way.
Cross-Disciplinary Competencies
  • CDC1: Responsibility: Students must be able to accept the consequences of – and be accountable for – their actions.
  • CDC2: Self-confidence: Students must be able to act confidently and with enough motivation to achieve their objectives.
  • CDC3: Awareness of ethical values: Student’s must possess the ability to feel, judge, argue and act in accordance with their moral values in a coherent, persistent and autonomous way.
  • CDC4: Communication skills: Students must be able to express concepts and ideas effectively, including being able to communicate concisely and clearly in writing. They must also be able to speak effectively in public.
  • CDC5: An understanding of interpersonal relationships: Students must be able to demonstrate active listening skills as a way of reaching agreements. They must do so using an assertive communication style.
  • CDC6: Flexibility: Students must be able to adapt and work in diverse and varied situations, and with a range of different people. This involves assessing and understanding different points of view and adapting their own approach, depending on the situation.
  • CDC7: Teamwork: Students must be able to actively participate when looking to achieve a common goal within a team. This involves listening, respecting and valuing the ideas and proposals offered by other team members.
  • CDC8: Initiative: Students must be able to proactively anticipate when to propose solutions or alternatives to any situations that may arise.
  • CDC9: Planning: Students must be able to effectively establish their goals and priorities by defining the optimal actions, deadlines and resources required to achieve them.
  • CDC10: Innovation-Creativity: When problems arise, students must be able to devise new and different solutions that add value.
Specific Competencies
  • SC1. Must be able to conceive, calculate, design, integrate their plans into buildings and urban complexes and carry out building structures.
  • SC2. Must be able to conceive, calculate, design, integrate their plans into buildings and urban complexes and carry out interior division systems, carpentry, stairs and other finishing work.
  • SC3. Must be able to conceive, calculate, design, integrate their plans into buildings and urban complexes and carry out roof enclosure systems and other bulk work.
  • SC4. Must be able to conceive, calculate, design, integrate their plans into buildings and urban complexes and carry out supply and drainage installations for water, heating and air conditioning.
  • Demonstrate specific competence in Projects: Composition, projects and urban planning
  • SC5. Demonstrate the ability to conceive, cultivate and develop both basic projects and implementation projects, sketches and blueprints.
  • SC6. Demonstrate the ability to conceive, cultivate and carry out urban projects.
  • SC7. Demonstrate the ability to conceive, cultivate and carry out project management.
  • SC8. Demonstrate the ability to develop functional programmes for buildings and urban spaces.
  • SC9. Demonstrate the ability to intervene in, conserve, restore and rehabilitate heritage buildings.
  • SC10. Ability to exercise architectural criticism.
  • SC11. Ability to draw up and manage urban projects of all scales.
  • SC12. Ability to use basic data collection and analysis methods as the basis for all aspects of the planning and design process. Must possess knowledge of research methods.
  • Specific competence for the Final Project
  • SC13. Once the student has completed the necessary credits for the Degree, they must carry out an original individual project, in which they must demonstrate their ability to prepare, present and defend their chosen area. This will be done before a university committee. At least one renowned professional from an organisation will be among the panel. The exercise will consist of an integral architecture project of professional nature in which all of the student’s architectural skills and knowledge acquired throughout the degree are synthesized. The project will allow students to demonstrate that their skills are sufficient to bring their project to fruition and comply with the applicable technical and administrative regulations.

Employability after studying a Masters in Architecture in Spain

If you want to take your work experience to the next level before finishing your university education, you can pursue an extra-curricular internship. You are allowed to choose any area of study; however, we remind you that the internship is an educational addition to your studies. Therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your studies, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.

Career opportunities

Upon completion of the Master’s Degree, students will be prepared to carry out the following roles within the field of Architecture:

  • Architect / Project Manager: become a professional with your own studio, or join another studio, and take charge of architectural design and its technical and document development.
  • Consultancy and collaborations in multidisciplinary architecture, technology, management, engineering, design and urban planning teams.
  • Take part in architectural competitions, rehabilitation, architectural research, curating exhibits, teaching and much more.
  • Become NAAB accredited and enter the American market.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

Visita el campus Universidad Europea

Come and see the campus

Get to know the facilities and discover why Universidad Europea is made for you.


50% of professors are doctors.

  • Andrés Abásolo Alcazar
  • José Agulló Rueda
  • Luis Álvarez Alfaro
  • Carlos Arroyo Zapatero
  • Felipe Asenjo Álvarez
  • Francisco Javier Avilés Montes
  • Rodrigo Blasco Chicano
  • Jorge Cerdá Inglés
  • Beatriz De La Puerta Gancedo
  • Francisco José Domouso De Alba
  • Aurora Donoso Sequeiros
  • Francisco Javier Espejo Gutierrez
  • José Luis Esteban Penelas
  • Lorenzo Fernández-Ordoñez Hernández
  • Alberto Galindo Muñoz
  • Álvaro Galmés Cerezo
  • David García Nieto
  • Diego García Cuevas
  • Pablo Gil Martínez
  • Francisco Javier González González
  • Sally Gutierrez Dewar
  • Silvia Herrero Alonso
  • Beatriz Inglés Gosalbez
  • Carlos Javier Irisarri Martínez
  • Lourdes Jiménez Garcinuño
  • Adolfo Jordán Ramos
  • José Jurado Egea
  • Miguel Lasso De La Vega
  • Miguel Luengo Angulo
  • Juan José Mateos Bermejo
  • José María Medina Villaverde
  • Ángela Monje Pascual
  • Néstor Montenegro Mateos
  • Yera Moreno Sainz Ezquerra
  • Susana Moreno Soriano
  • Javier Mosquera González
  • Aránzazu De La Peña González
  • Javier Pérez Piñero
  • Mateus Porto Schettino
  • Esther Redondo Martínez
  • Miguel Ángel Rego González
  • Pablo Saiz Sánchez

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Monitoring of the degree quality

Members of the Degree Quality Commitee (CCT)

  • Bachelor’s Programme Director
  • Academic Coordinator
  • Department Director
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Internship Coordinator
  • Bachelor’s Final Project Coordinator
  • Student
  • QPartner of the Vice-Rector’s Office

Key Degree Improvements

Initiatives already implemented:

  • Including the work schedule at the beginning of the academic year.
  • MSC Software made available in mylabs (the remote access platform).
  • Including more practical exercises in Simulation classes.
  • Including more lab practical activities.

Main Degree Results

  • Eficiency Rate: 70%
  • Graduation Rate: 62%
  • Employability Rate: 100%
  • Student Satisfaction with the Degree: 3,5 Out Of 5
  • Professors Satisfaction with the Degree: 4,2 Out Of 5
  • Student Satisfaction with the Professor: 4,4 Out Of 5
  • PAS satisfaction with the faculty/school: 4 Out Of 5
  • Satisfaction of graduates with the degree: 4,2 Out Of 5

Frequently asked questions

The Master in Architecture at Universidad Europea in Madrid is 9 months long and consists of 60 ECTS. The aim of the programme is to equip you with the skills necessary to lead architecture projects around the world, and be familiar with the latest tools and technology used in the sector. The programme, therefore, includes modules such as digital urban planning, industrialised construction, and bioclimatic architecture.

Our master in architecture at Universidad Europea has been awarded the NAAB certification (Substantial Equivalency USA) and RIBA validation (Royal Institute of British Architects) facilitating you to practice architecture in the USA, Great Britain and across the Commonwealth. Such certifications open doors to greater career prospects. It is also ranked as one the best schools of architecture, according to El Mundo’s rankings.

In addition, over the course of the programme, you can take part in international visits to some of the leading architecture firms, learning from and making contacts with the very best in the industry.

This Msc in architecture opens doors to a variety of careers in the sector. Many of our graduates from this programme go on to achieve success in areas such as:

  • Architect / Project Manager at an established studio or establishing their own
  • Consultancy and collaborations in multidisciplinary architecture, technology, management, engineering, design and urban planning teams.
  • Architectural research, curating exhibits, teaching and much more.

The master in architecture at Universidad Europea is a challenging programme designed to ensure you have the skills and knowledge to reach the very top of the architecture field. Throughout the programme you will have the support of a top faculty, made up of experts and professionals from leading architecture studios and organisations.
