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Bacherlor's Degree in Marketing

Bachelor's Degree in Marketing Valencia

Think about whether or not traditional marketing works for new business models.

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The Degree in Marketing in Valencia is a 4-year programme designed so you’ll learn all about the new market trends and digital environments through a curriculum with a fresh new perspective.

At the Universidad Europea you’ll receive comprehensive training in all the key aspects of the new forms of digital marketing, studying topics that include the consumer, value propositions, technological innovation, and business processes and communication.

You'll be taught by professional lecturers who themselves tackle the realities this exciting and ever-changing world in the marketing and communication departments of top companies on a daily basis.

Valencia 240 ECTS
Start: 16 sep. 2024 Title issued by Universidad Europea de Valencia
4 years School of Social Sciences and Communication.
Official degree

Why study the Bachelor's Degree in Marketing?

Reasons why our Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing is different from the rest.

A new marketing paradigm

On the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing programme in Valencia, we train professionals in the new marketing paradigm. Digital marketing, creative and production tools, big data, business intelligence, neuromarketing and consumer psychosociology are now an essential part of the job descriptions demanded by the new digital economy, where competence in the use of technology is an essential part of any successful career.

More than 400 hours of internships

You’ll do compulsory internships in leading organisations, supervised by an in-company tutor and also by an academic tutor from the university. Both will track your progress and evaluate your learning over the course of your internship. If you wish, you’ll also be able to broaden your professional experience from the first year onwards through extracurricular internships organised through the Universidad Europea at companies such as: BBVA, Mapfre, Vithas, Only You, Ford, Heineken, Bankinter, MSC, Voltereta, Cleop, Ifedes, Grefusa, Vicky Foods, and many more.

You’ll also regularly participate in important events, forums and professional networks such as EmTech, Forinvest, GoGlobal and Global Career Week, where you’ll be able to expand your network of contacts and discover a world of professional opportunities.

Team of professionals and coaches

All of our teachers are marketing professionals in Valencia, highly regarded in the business sector and considered to be specialists in innovative teaching. This ensures high-quality teaching based on the realities of the marketing world, the latest technological developments and the most innovative methodologies.

Personalised support and learning in small groups in facilities equipped with the latest technology ensure that you get the most out of your training.


As a marketing graduate from the Universidad Europea, you’ll have the opportunity to work in any sector. All companies need professionals who are able to analyse the market and understand consumer demands.

Scholarships and grants program

We want to help you. If you want to study at Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of official and private scholarships.

Grados Universidad Europea de Valencia

Mobility offer

We have agreements with many universities in different continents so that you can choose the one that best suits your training.

Study plan


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Marketing Fundamentals6COREEnglish (en)
Social Media6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Ethics and Professional Effectiveness6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Management Technologies6COREEnglish (en)
Corporate Finance6COREEnglish (en)
Statistics & Big Data I6COREEnglish (en)
Consumer Behavior6COREEnglish (en)
Market Research I6COREEnglish (en)
Introduction to Economics6COREEnglish (en)
Global Business / Global Business6COREEnglish (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Market Research II6COREEnglish (en)
Influence and Relational Impact6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
People Management6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Creativity and Innovation6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Market Intelligence (Business Intelligence)6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Commercial Planning and Positioning6COREEnglish (en)
Digital Marketing I: Seo and Sem6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Statistics & Big Data II6COREEnglish (en)
Web Content Development6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
English6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Product and Brand Policy6COREEnglish (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Digital Marketing II: Recruitment and Analytics6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Accounting and Analysis of Financial Statements6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Online Reputation Management / Online Reputation Management6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Business Analytics / Business Analytics6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Entrepreneurial Leadership6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Logistics and Operations Management6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Cost Accounting6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Advertising and Multimedia6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Sales Techniques Management6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Distribution and Commercial Promotion6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Web Analytics and Audience Analysis6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Event Design and PR6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Strategic Marketing6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
External Academic Internships I6EXTERNAL INTERNSHIPEnglish (en)
External Academic Internships II6EXTERNAL INTERNSHIPEnglish (en)
Marketing Planning6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Commercial Simulation6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Final Project6END OF DEGREE PROJECTEnglish (en)
Management of Virtual Communities + Online Crisis Management Community Management + Crisis Management6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Advertising and Communication Law6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Consumer Marketing6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Services Marketing6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Experiential Marketing6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Design, Development and Mobile Applications6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Creation of Online Stores: Prestashop and Wordpress6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Mobile Marketing and Geolocation/Mobile Marketing and Geolocation.6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Digital Workshop6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
University Activities6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Media Planning6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Innovation Management6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Project Management6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
New Technologies Law6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Business Planning and Decision Making6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
External Academic Internships III6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)


Internships are a key component of your education. Acquiring experience after what you have learned on your degree is the best way to enter the employment market. There are two types of internships: curricular—which are included in your study plan—and extracurricular—which you can do on a voluntary basis.

In order to complete curricular internships in companies, you will need to have 50% of the credits approved and to register the subject before starting your internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship coordinator, and interim and final reports are prepared for evaluation.

If you want to take your work experience to the next level before finishing your university education, you can pursue an extracurricular internship. You can do them in any academic year, but keep in mind that internships are a formative complement to your studies; therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your studies, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.

Collaborating entities


Career opportunities

As a marketing graduate from the Universidad Europea, you’ll have the opportunity to work in any field, in the public or private sectors. All companies need professionals who are able to analyse the market and understand consumer demands. We would highlight opportunities in the following fields:

  • Consultancy
  • Product management or account management
  • Advertising
  • Market research
  • PR
  • Digital marketing
  • Social media


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 961043883 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrolment.

Scholarships and Grants

We want to help you. If you choose to study at Universidad Europea, you will have the opportunity to apply for a wide range of UE and official scholarships.

girl student
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The faculty on this degree has 52% of doctors.

  • José Carlos Arnau García
    Bachelor’s Degrees in Law and Political Science and Administration from the Universidad de Valencia. Master's Degree in Marketing and Commercial Management from the Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Comerciales (ESIC). Lecturer at the Universidad Europea de Valencia (UEV) on the Bachelor's Degrees in Marketing, International Relations and Criminology, as director of the Master's Degree in Global Human Resources Management at the UEV, and as coordinator of the Debating Club. A communications professional, he produces a daily radio programme, a podcast and a weekly opinion column for Grupo Ediciones Plaza. Founding partner of DEGRAFITO, a creative branding and communication consultancy firm. Member of the Association of Communication Managers (DIRCOM) and Chair of the Valencian Association of Political Science (AVAPOL).
  • Dr Guadalupe Bohorques Marchori
    PhD in Communication from the Universidad Europea de Madrid, Master’s Degree in Commercial and Corporate Law from the University of London’s Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, and a Bachelor's Degree in Law from the Universidad de Valencia. She has been working as a lecturer at the UEV since 2007, primarily teaching constitutional law and ethics. Dr Bohorques Marchori has done international teaching periods at the Catholic University of Lille, the Catholic University of Rome, the Fachhochschule Trier and the University of Applied Sciences in Vienna. She has published various works in the field of ethics, as well as multiple books on creative writing. Her main line of research focuses on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and social responsibility. In the 2018-2019 academic year, she received a special mention for producing the best teaching work in the field of social sciences.
  • Dr Bruno Broseta Dupré
    PhD in Economics from the University of California (San Diego, 1994). His body of work includes articles published in journals such as the American Economic Review (1998) and Econometrica (2000), and his current line of research focuses on the impact of the digital revolution on business models. He has served as General Director of the Network of Technological Institutes (REDIT, 2002-2007) and as General Director and Vice-Counsellor in the Departments of Industry, Commerce and Innovation and Finance at the Generalitat Valenciana (2007-2014). He currently works as Senior Advisor for Digital Transformation at NUNSYS, S.L. He has been a lecturer at the UEV since 2015, running the Executive MBA course between 2015 and 2017. He is accredited as a private university professor by the Valencian Agency of Evaluation and Foresight (AVAP, 2021) and currently heads the Departments of Enterprise and STEAM.
  • Dr Roberto Gómez Calvet
    PhD in Industrial Engineering and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Business Sciences. University lecturer with more than 20 years of experience at the Universidad Europea de Valencia, the Estema Foundation and the Universidad de Valencia. Qualified private university lecturer and professor. Lecturer in the subjects of Finance, Business Mathematics and Financial Mathematics at both undergraduate and post-graduate level. Furthermore, he has been working in the fields of management and business administration for more than 25 years, combining these activities with teaching. His current research activity is centred on sustainability, eco-efficiency and non-parametric models for measuring efficiency. He is a visiting researcher at De Montfort University (UK) and has undertaken several international research visits as well as having published various articles and book chapters related to his lines of research. He is a reviewer for nine indexed journals. Coordinator for the BAM Bachelor's Degree.
  • Dr Javier Muñoz de Prat
    PhD in Economics from the Universidad Católica de Valencia, Bachelor’s Degree in Law (specialising in Business) from the Universidad de Valencia, MBA from the IE Business Institute and a Master’s Degree in Foreign Trade from the ADEIT and the Valencia Chamber of Commerce. He collaborates as a consultant on the internationalisation of companies, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. His main areas of research are foreign trade and the internationalisation of companies. Dr Muñoz de Prat is coordinator on the ADE-Global and Marketing Bachelor's Degrees and is Director of Entrepreneurship at the Universidad Europea de Valencia.
  • Dr Nuria Alabau Tejada
    Is a researcher and lecturer in the area of business (specialising in marketing) at the Universidad Europea de Valencia. Since writing her PhD thesis on “Brand placement in videogames with and without virtual reality: Effectiveness in the teenage consumer”, she has focused her research activity on the fields of communication, technological innovation and teenagers as a social group. She has delivered expert lectures–, conferences, colloquiums and classes on the subject of this doctoral thesis.
  • Dr Francisco José García Ull
    Holds a First Class PhD in Communication from the Universidad de Valencia, is accredited as an assistant professor by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Universidad de Alicante. He has undertaken research visits at the Heinrich-Heine Universität de Düsseldorf (Germany), the Tartu Ülikool (Estonia) and Harvard University (USA). With more than 15 years of teaching experience, he is currently a lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Universidad Europea de Valencia. He is part of the Disflows R&D&I group, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
  • Sonia Bernal Chico
    Lecturer in marketing and digital communication. Bachelor’s Degree (three years) in Library Science and Documentation. Specialisation in documentation. from the Universidad de Valencia. Master’s Degree in Secondary School Teaching. Specialisation: Socio-cultural and Community Services. MBA - The Power of Digital Marketing. Master’s Degree in Personal Development and Leadership. Marketing lecturer on the Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, on master’s degrees in the field of education, and on advanced training programmes. Sonia Bernal Chico is the Director of the Master's Degree in Teaching and Co-Director of the Master's Degree in Organisation and Management. Her areas of specialisation are digital competence in teaching and educational technology. She has more than 15 years’ professional and consultancy experience in the fields of technology, communication and digital marketing. She is a CTO mentor for incubation and start-up projects.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)

The European University of Valencia has designed its Internal Quality Assurance System in accordance with the guidelines of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), as a structural basis for guaranteeing the quality of official degrees, in line with the quality guidelines of the new official degrees, in accordance with the quality guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EEES) and the Organic Law 4/2007, of April, which modifies the Organic Law of Universities 6/2001, of 21 December.

The scope of the SAIC includes all the official degrees offered in each one of its Centers and for which the University is responsible. Furthermore, the system includes the transversal services of the University necessary to make its Mission a reality. As a whole, the SAIC comprises the Quality Policy, which applies to all the activities of the University and, more specifically, to the value chain of the educational offer. This offer includes the design of the portfolio, its implementation, as well as decision-making for improvement, complying with the "University education improvement cycle" that is consistent with the PDCA continuous improvement cycle (Plan-Do-Check- Act).


Monitoring the quality of the degree

Members of the degree quality committee (CCT)

  • Faculty/School Director or Undergraduate Director
  • Department Director
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Undergraduate Final Project Coordinator
  • Internship Coordinator
  • Academic Director
  • Responsible of Learning Assesment
  • Academic Advisor
  • Online Tutor
  • Students
  • Quality Partner (Quality and Academic Compliance)

Main degree results

  • ATTRITION RATE COURSE 2022/2023: 17,8%
  • ATTRITION RATE COURSE 2021/2022: 20,0%
  • PERFORMANCE RATE COURSE 2022/2023: 90,1%
  • PERFORMANCE RATE COURSE 2021/2022: 90,0%

Frequently Asked Questions

After finishing a degree in marketing, you will have many career options. As a result, the pay range can vary greatly depending on what you choose to do, and indeed the country and location you decide to launch your career.

As an example of the variety of work you can go into after your marketing degree, there are just some of the areas our graduates have careers in:

  • Consultancy
  • Product management or account management
  • Advertising
  • Market research
  • PR
  • Digital marketing
  • Social media

At Universidad Europea in Valencia, the degree in marketing lasts for four years and is made up of 240 ECTS. As well as a comprehensive curriculum that will see you cover areas such as digital marketing and consumer behaviour, you will also take part in more than 400 hours of internships and work placements.

In addition, as a student on the degree in marketing in Valencia, you will have special access to events, forums and professional networks such as EmTech, Forinvest, GoGlobal and Global Career Week, where you’ll be able to expand your professional network and speak to industry experts.

The field of marketing is constantly evolving and companies seek professionals who are able to hit the ground running and have an understanding of the latest developments. For that reason, at Universidad Europea in Valencia, we offer a broad yet rigorous curriculum that will see you improve your knowledge in key areas such as:

  • Digital marketing,
  • Creative and production tools,
  • Big data,
  • Business intelligence,
  • Neuromarketing
  • Consumer psychosociology

Marketing is a broad field that requires a variety of skills to be successful. Depending on what area you choose to do into after your graduate, some skills will be more important than others. However, generally speaking, these are the top skills you should possess:

  • Communication: Effective communication is essential for marketing professionals, whether it's in written form, such as email or copywriting, or oral form, such as presentations or negotiations.
  • Creativity: Marketing is all about standing out from the competition, and this requires creativity to develop new ideas and approaches that resonate with your target audience.
  • Analytical skills: Marketing professionals need to be able to analyse data, trends, and consumer behaviour to make informed decisions and develop effective marketing strategies.
  • Strategic thinking: Marketing professionals need to be able to think strategically, understanding the big picture and how marketing fits into a company's overall business objectives.
  • Digital marketing skills: In today's digital age, it's essential for marketing professionals to have a deep understanding of digital marketing tools and channels, including social media, email marketing, SEO, and PPC.