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Degree in Aerospace and Aircraft Engineering Universidad Europea

Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace and Aircraft Engineering Madrid

The Bachelor’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering has access to the most cutting-edge facilities on our Madrid campus - our students will launch a satellite into space which was built in our laboratories.

Aerospace Engineering Degree

The Degree in Aerospace Engineering at Universidad Europea is a regulated degree, designed to train future aerospace engineers through a multidisciplinary curriculum. Our graduates of the Degree in Aerospace Engineering will have multiple options to work in various sectors, including, for example, in engineering, public functions, or the area of research and teaching.

Throughout the four-year degree, comprised of 240 ECTS credits, you will have cutting-edge facilities such as the wind tunnel and the new Industry 4.0 space to simulate experiments and projects in a professional environment like the one you will find in your future. In addition, you will have the chance to complete internships and work placements, learning from the very best in the industry.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid

Classes in English
Villaviciosa de Odón 4 Years, 240 ECTS
Start: 15 sep. 2025
School of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Computing - STEAM

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Why study Aviation Engineering Degree?

Top facilities

Universidad Europea has its own Wind Tunnel, in which students are able to carry out research with the most innovative companies in the field. By carrying out practical tests using the Wind Tunnel, measuring wind speed and wind force, and to visualising air flow lines, researchers are able to better understand the effect of the wind on objects

These objects include models of aeroplane or aeoplane parts, cars, buildings, bridges, and any object exposed to the force of the wind; you can also test the efficiency of wind turbines, which can be produced in our FabLab, a space dedicated to 3D printing. We would like to inform you of the facilities’ technical specifications and invite you to visit and see for yourself as well as test the Wind Tunnel's two speeds, a high speed of 40 m/s and a lower speed of 10 m/s with square sections of 90 cm by 180 cm respectively. Dynamometers for measuring force, There are Multi-Pitot Tube Scanivalve pressure scanners and temperature measurement tools, hot wire Anemometers, smoke equipment for streamline visualisation and computers managing the 36 Kw wind tunnel motor. Other equipment for data acquisition from dynamometers include photo and video cameras to record the test results.

The Wind Tunnel is also used by the air and motor clubs to test their own designs.

With these practices, researchers can better understand the behaviour of a body subjected to the wind and its design can be improved in order to optimise its function in real life to withstand the forces to which it is subjected.

Universidad Europea offers you a range of laboratories and simulation rooms that are equipped with the most advanced and innovative technologies so that you can fully benefit from our innovative academic model

  • Digital Fabrication Laboratory FABLab
  • Robot Learning Lab
  • Wind Tunnel
  • University accommodation in Madrid
  • CRAI Dulce Chacón Library
  • Sport Centre
Quality training

Learn how to design and manage manufacturing projects for aircrafts, calculating orbits, hardware and software of aeroplanes, air safety, satellite missions and control systems.

At all levels

Choose to study 100% or 85% in English to reach the highest level as an engineer and sign projects, take the Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering with us.

CISCO Certification

You have the opportunity to prepare for the Cisco CCNA certification and Cloud Architecture of Amazon Web Services.

Strategic alliances and industry partners

At Universidad Europea, we have a network of strategic allies and industry partners that drive practical training and enhance the employability of our students.

Our strategic allies represent companies' commitment to working closely with the School on all aspects related to the design and delivery of its programs. In turn, our industry partners are linked to a laboratory or workshop, providing practical activities in areas such as artificial intelligence, digital twins, and virtual reality. All of this allows students to apply their knowledge in real-world settings, enhancing their professional preparation.


Victor Padrón _ Profesor Ingeniería AeroespacialComillas
ComillasThe exploration of outer space, the conquest of other planets, the design of very modern ships: this is your future.

Víctor Padrón

Professor of Aerospace Engineering

ComillasStudents learn with real projects, with up-to-date technology, comprehension and commitment to society

David Aramburu

Professor of Aerospace Engineering

Study plan

Learn with our Experiential Learning model by working on your own projects with leading companies. Just imagine receiving a prize before you graduate, just like our students who were the finalists in the ‘Airbus Fly your Ideas’ competition with the project ‘Flying Dreams’. This Degree prepares for Aeronautical Tecnhical Engineer. Order CIN/308/2009.

Offered in the current academic course.

Haz click para consultar el plan de estudios 2019 en extinción

Programa de estudios

1º (implantación curso 24/25)

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Calculus I6BasicEnglish (en)
Physical Foundations for Engineering I6BasicEnglish (en)
Computer Science for Engineering6BasicEnglish (en)
Technical Drawing6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Chemistry for Engineering6BasicEnglish (en)
Algebra6BasicEnglish (en)
Aerospace Technology6BasicEnglish (en)
Calculus II6BasicEnglish (en)
Physical Foundations for Engineering II6BasicEnglish (en)
Organization and Management of Aerospace Companies6BasicEnglish (en)

2º (implantación curso 25/26)

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Mechanics6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Materials Science6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Calculus III6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Navigation Systems I6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Fluid Mechanics I6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Statistics6BasicEnglish (en)
Resistance of Materials and Mechanical Elasticity6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Navigation Systems II6MandatoryEnglish (en)
History, Exercise and Professional Deontology6MandatoryEnglish (en)

3º (implantación curso 26/27)

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Entrepreneurial Leadership6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Aerospace Production and Projects6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Fluid Mechanics II6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Mechanical and Graphic Design6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Aeronautical Structures6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Air Transport6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Flight Mechanics6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Space Vehicles and Missiles6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Maintenance and Certification of Aerospace Vehicles6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Aerodynamics6MandatoryEnglish (en)

4º (implantación curso 27/28)

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Aeroelasticity and Vibrations6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Propulsion Systems6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Aircraft Design6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Satellite Design6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Professional Intership I6PAEEnglish (en)
Professional Intership II6PAEEnglish (en)
Graduation Project6TFGEnglish (en)
Elective 16ElectiveEnglish (en)
Elective 26ElectiveEnglish (en)

Programa de estudios

1º (finalización de impartición curso 26/27)

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Calculus I6BASICAInglés (en)
Physical Foundations for Engineering I6BASICAInglés (en)
Computer Science for Engineering6BASICAInglés (en)
Technical Drawing6BASICAInglés (en)
Chemistry for Engineering6BASICAInglés (en)
Algebra6BASICAInglés (en)
Aerospace Technology6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Organization and Management of Aerospace Companies6BASICAInglés (en)
Calculus II6BASICAInglés (en)
Physical Foundations for Engineering II6BASICAInglés (en)

2º (finalización de impartición curso 27/28)

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Mechanics6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Materials Science6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Modern Language6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Navigation Systems I6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Fluid Mechanics I6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Statistics6BASICAInglés (en)
Resistance of Materials and Mechanical Elasticity6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Navigation Systems II6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
History, Exercise and Professional Deontology6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)

3º (finalización de impartición curso 28/29)

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Entrepreneurial Leadership6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Aerospace Production and Projects6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Fluid Mechanics II6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Mechanical and Graphic Design6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Aeronautical Structures6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Air Transport6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Flight Mechanics6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Space Vehicles and Missiles6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Maintenance and Certification of Aerospace Vehicles6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Aerodynamics6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)

4º (finalización de impartición curso 29/30)

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Aeroelasticity and Vibrations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Propulsion Systems6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Aircraft Design6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Satellite Design6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Professional Intership I6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Professional Intership II6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Graduation Project12OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Aerospace Production Systems6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Multidisciplinarity I6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Multidisciplinarity II6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Professional Intership III6OPTATIVAInglés (en)

Plan 2019Plan 2024
Discontinuation 1st YearAcademic Year 26/27Implementation 1st YearAcademic Year 24/25
Discontinuation 2nd YearAcademic Year 27/28Implementation 2nd YearAcademic Year 25/26
Discontinuation 3rd YearAcademic Year 28/29Implementation 3rd YearAcademic Year 26/27
Discontinuation 4th YearAcademic Year 29/30Implementation 4th YearAcademic Year 27/28

*If you need to enroll in a subject from the previous plan that is not available, you must switch to the new plan.


Key skills on this programme

  • CON01 - Understanding and mastery of the basic concepts of the general laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, fields and waves, and electromagnetism, and their application to solving engineering problems.
  • CON02 - Basic knowledge of the use and programming of computers, operating systems, databases, and software applications in engineering.
  • CON03 - Ability to understand and apply the basic principles of general chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry, and their applications in engineering.
  • CON04 - Adequate knowledge of the concept of business, institutional and legal framework of the company, and organization and management of companies.
  • CON05 - Understanding the behavior of structures under loads in service conditions and limit situations.
  • CON06 - Understanding the thermodynamic cycles generating mechanical power and thrust.
  • CON07 - Understanding the overall air navigation system and the complexity of air traffic.
  • CON08 - Understanding how aerodynamic forces determine flight dynamics and the role of various variables involved in the phenomenon of flight.
  • CON09 - Understanding technological capabilities, material optimization techniques, and the modification of properties through treatments.
  • CON11 - Understanding the uniqueness of airport infrastructure, buildings, and operations.
  • CON12 - Understanding the air transportation system and coordination with other modes of transportation.
  • CON13 - Adequate knowledge applied to Engineering: The principles of continuum mechanics and techniques for calculating its response.
  • CON14 - Adequate knowledge applied to Engineering: Concepts and laws governing energy transfer processes, fluid motion, heat transmission mechanisms, and the change of matter and their role in the analysis of major aerospace propulsion systems.
  • CON15 - Describe the history of engineering, in its field.
  • CON16 - Identify the foundations of business ethics and the company's social and corporate responsibility.
  • CON17 - Recognize the social, ethical and professional responsibility of the engineer's activity, in his field.
  • CON10 - Understanding manufacturing processes.
  • CON18 - Identify the history of aeronautical engineering and analyze and evaluate the different elements and activities that belong to the aeronautical sector.
  • CON19 - Identify the knowledge of basic subjects and technologies, enabling the student to learn new methods, theories and technologies, and endowed it with great versatility to adapt to new situations (autonomous learning).
  • CP01 - Appropriate knowledge applied to engineering of: fundamental components of different types of aircraft; functional elements of air navigation system and electrical installation and associated electronics; fundamentals of airport design and construction and its diverse elements
  • CP02 - Appropriate knowledge applied to engineering of: basics of fluid mechanics; basic principles of flight control and automation; main characteristics and physical and mechanical properties of materials.
  • CP03 - Applied knowledge of: the science and technology of materials, mechanics and thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, aerodynamics and flight mechanics, navigation and air traffic, aerospace technology, theory of structures, air transport, economy and production projects; impact on environment.
  • CP04 - Adequate knowledge and applied to Engineering: The fracture mechanics approaches continuum and dynamic fatigue of structural instability and aeroelasticity.
  • CP05 - Adequate and applied knowledge to engineering field: Fundamentals of sustainability, maintainability, and operability of aerospace vehicles.
  • CP06 - Adequate and applied knowledge to engineering field: Fluid mechanics fundamentals that describe the flow in all regimes to determine the pressure and force distributions on aircraft.
  • CP07 - Adequate knowledge and applied to Engineering of: Flight physical phenomena, flight characteristics and control, aerodynamics forces, propulsive forces, performances, and stability.
  • CP08 - Adequate knowledge and applied to Engineering of: aircraft systems, and automatic flight control systems of aerospace vehicles.
  • CP09 - Adequate knowledge and applied to Engineering of: Calculation methods Design and Program Management of aircraft; the use of experimental aerodynamics and the most significant parameters in the theoretical application; the management of experimental techniques, equipment and measuring instruments discipline; the simulation, design, analysis and interpretation of experimental and flight operations; the maintenance systems and certifications of aircraft.
  • CP10 - Applied knowledge of: aerodynamics, mechanics, and thermodynamics, flight mechanics, engineering of aircrafts (fixed and rotatory wings), and theory of structures.
  • CP11 - Apply the learning outcomes acquired during the teachings in a professional environment within the field of aerospace engineering.
  • CP12 Generate new ideas and concepts from known ideas and concepts, reaching conclusions or solving problems, challenges, and situations in an original way in the academic and professional environment.
  • CP13 - Convey messages (ideas, concepts, feelings, arguments), both orally and in writing, strategically aligning the interests of the various parties involved in communication in the academic and professional environment in the field of aerospace engineering.
  • CP14 - Employ information and communication technologies for data search and analysis, research, communication, and learning in the field of aerospace engineering.
  • CP15 - Influence others to guide and lead them towards specific objectives and goals, taking into consideration their viewpoints, especially in professional situations arising from the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environments of the current world.
  • CP16 - Collaborate with others in achieving a shared academic or professional objective, actively participating, demonstrating empathy, and practicing active listening and respect for all team members.
  • CP17 – Integrate analysis with critical thinking in an evaluation process of different ideas or professional possibilities and their potential for error, relying on evidence and objective data that lead to effective and valid decision-making.
  • CP18 - Adapt to adverse, unexpected situations that cause stress, whether personal or professional, overcoming them and even turning them into opportunities for positive change.
  • CP19 - Demonstrate ethical behavior and social commitment in the performance of professional activities, as well as sensitivity to inequality and diversity
  • CP20 - Original exercise to be carried out individually, presented, and defended before a university tribunal, consisting of a project in the field of specific technologies of Aerospace Engineering of a profesional nature, in which the competencies acquired in the teachings are synthesized and integrated.

  • HAB01 - Ability to solve mathematical problems that may arise in engineering. Aptitude to apply knowledge of: linear algebra; geometry; differential geometry; differential and integral calculus; differential and partial differential equations; numerical methods; numerical algorithms; statistics, and optimization.
  • HAB02 - Spatial vision ability and techniques of graphical representation, both through traditional methods of metric geometry and descriptive geometry, as well as through computer-aided design applications
  • HAB03 - Apply business management techniques and labor legislation, especially taking into account the principles of equality between men and women, solidarity, and the culture of peace.
  • HAB04 - Use computer tools to search for bibliographic or information resources (Information Search).
Specific competencies
  • CP01 - Appropriate knowledge applied to engineering of: fundamental components of different types of aircraft; functional elements of air navigation system and electrical installation and associated electronics; fundamentals of airport design and construction and its diverse elements
  • CP02 - Appropriate knowledge applied to engineering of: basics of fluid mechanics; basic principles of flight control and automation; main characteristics and physical and mechanical properties of materials.
  • CP03 - Applied knowledge of: the science and technology of materials, mechanics and thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, aerodynamics and flight mechanics, navigation and air traffic, aerospace technology, theory of structures, air transport, economy and production projects; impact on environment.
  • CP04 - Adequate knowledge and applied to Engineering: The fracture mechanics approaches continuum and dynamic fatigue of structural instability and aeroelasticity.
  • CP05 - Adequate and applied knowledge to engineering field: Fundamentals of sustainability, maintainability, and operability of aerospace vehicles.
  • CP06 - Adequate and applied knowledge to engineering field: Fluid mechanics fundamentals that describe the flow in all regimes to determine the pressure and force distributions on aircraft.
  • CP07 - Adequate knowledge and applied to Engineering of: Flight physical phenomena, flight characteristics and control, aerodynamics forces, propulsive forces, performances, and stability.
  • CP08 - Adequate knowledge and applied to Engineering of: aircraft systems, and automatic flight control systems of aerospace vehicles.
  • CP09 - Adequate knowledge and applied to Engineering of: Calculation methods Design and Program Management of aircraft; the use of experimental aerodynamics and the most significant parameters in the theoretical application; the management of experimental techniques, equipment and measuring instruments discipline; the simulation, design, analysis and interpretation of experimental and flight operations; the maintenance systems and certifications of aircraft.
  • CP10 - Applied knowledge of: aerodynamics, mechanics, and thermodynamics, flight mechanics, engineering of aircrafts (fixed and rotatory wings), and theory of structures.
  • CP11 - Apply the learning outcomes acquired during the teachings in a professional environment within the field of aerospace engineering.
  • CP12 Generate new ideas and concepts from known ideas and concepts, reaching conclusions or solving problems, challenges, and situations in an original way in the academic and professional environment.
  • CP13 - Convey messages (ideas, concepts, feelings, arguments), both orally and in writing, strategically aligning the interests of the various parties involved in communication in the academic and professional environment in the field of aerospace engineering.
  • CP14 - Employ information and communication technologies for data search and analysis, research, communication, and learning in the field of aerospace engineering.
  • CP15 - Influence others to guide and lead them towards specific objectives and goals, taking into consideration their viewpoints, especially in professional situations arising from the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environments of the current world.
  • CP16 - Collaborate with others in achieving a shared academic or professional objective, actively participating, demonstrating empathy, and practicing active listening and respect for all team members.
  • CP17 – Integrate analysis with critical thinking in an evaluation process of different ideas or professional possibilities and their potential for error, relying on evidence and objective data that lead to effective and valid decision-making.
  • CP18 - Adapt to adverse, unexpected situations that cause stress, whether personal or professional, overcoming them and even turning them into opportunities for positive change.
  • CP19 - Demonstrate ethical behavior and social commitment in the performance of professional activities, as well as sensitivity to inequality and diversity
  • CP20 - Original exercise to be carried out individually, presented, and defended before a university tribunal, consisting of a project in the field of specific technologies of Aerospace Engineering of a profesional nature, in which the competencies acquired in the teachings are synthesized and integrated.


Internships are a key component of your training. Acquiring experience after what you have learnt in your degree is the best way to enter the employment market. There are two types of internships: curricular—which are included in your study plan—and extracurricular—which you can do on a voluntary basis.

In order to complete curricular internships in companies, you will need to have 50% of the credits approved and to register the subject before starting your internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship coordinator, and interim and final reports are prepared for evaluation.

If you want to take your work experience to the next level before finishing your university education, you can pursue an extracurricular internship. You can do them in any academic year, but keep in mind that internships are a formative complement to your studies; therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your studies, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.

You do internships in companies such as the European Space Academy Center..., and participate in research projects and Workshops. This way you are assured a future in one of the three professions with the lowest unemployment in Spain.

Check the list of companies here.

Chica de pelo moreno y gafas, leyendo un mapa del mundo al aire libre

Mobility offer

We have agreements with many universities in different continents so that you can choose the one that best suits your training.


Career opportunities with a degree in aerospace engineering

The Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace and Aircraft Engineering is a regulated degree, in which organizations look after the interests and professional attributions. It is a multidisciplinary profession, according to the current changing world, which allows you to launch into the professional world as soon as you finish your studies, or you can continue your training with a master's degree. Due to its characteristics, this degree has very high employability in leading companies in the sector.

  • Satellite Design.
  • Aircraft Builders and their Supply Chain.
  • Engine Builders and their Supply Chain.
  • Equipment and Systems Builders.
  • Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul.
  • Aircraft and Navigation Aids.
  • Airport Infrastructures.


  • Defence
  • International Administration
  • General State Administration
  • Public Sector.
  • Private Sector.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

Your virtual tour begins here!

Experience first-hand what it is like to study at Universidad Europea: our facilities and our experiential learning model.

HPR Lab Universidad Europea de Madrid

The recommended applicant profile is as follows:

  • High School Diploma (Bachillerato) in Science and Technology
  • Passion for aircrafts
  • Curiosity to know "how it's done"
  • Rigorous
  • Responsible
  • Creative
  • Dedicated to acquiring new knowledge

The prerequisites to access this bachelor’s programme are those established in RD 1892/2008 of 14 November and current applicable legislation, namely:

  • Students must have passed the University admissions exam, in accordance with applicable legislation.
  • Students over the age of 25 and 45 must pass the alternative admissions exam.
  • Graduates, undergraduates, technical engineers, engineers and architects.
  • High school students in education systems from member states of the European Union and other countries with relevant international agreements with Spain may access this programme, provided that they have already qualified to enroll into universities in their own educational system.
  • Students from countries that do not have relevant international agreements with Spain must have their studies officially recognised (through a process of ‘homologation’) and complete the university admission exam(s).
  • Individuals over the age of 40 without a degree enabling them to access University, may also access this degree, provided they can demonstrate professional experience related to the programme to which they intend to apply.

The Access requires to the degree in 100% in English is a B2 level english language.

Visita el campus Universidad Europea

Come and see the campus

Get to know the facilities and discover why Universidad Europea is made for you.


The faculty on this degree has 60% of doctors.

  • Julio Gallegos Alvarado
    Degree in Physical Sciences and PhD in Astrophysics. With more than 20 years of teaching experience in the field of Satellites Design and Space Vehicles and Missiles, and more than 25 years of research experience in the field of Cosmology (Cosmic Microwave Background) and radio instrumentation. ORCID: 0000-0001-5614-1767
  • José Omar Martínez Lucci
    Aeronautical Engineer and PhD in Engineering. With more than 16 years of teaching and research experience in the field of fluid mechanics and materials. “Physical chemistry of self-organization and self-healing in metals”. Physical chemistry Chemical Physics (2009) https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2009/cp/b912433k/unauth. ORCID: 0000-0002-7942-8645
  • Almudena Vega Coso
    Aeronautical Engineer and PhD in Aerospace Engineering. With more than 10 years of teaching experience in the field of Aeroelasticity in Turbomachinery, and more than 13 years of research experience in the field of Aeroelasticity and CFD. “The Low Reduced Frequency Limit of Vibrating Airfoils—Part I: Theoretical Analysis”. J. Turbomach. (2016) https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/turbomachinery/article-abstract/138/2/021004/378580/The-Low-Reduced-Frequency-Limit-of-Vibrating. ORCID: 0000-0002-4776-86457.
  • Ana Medina Palomo
    Industrial Engineer and PhD in Mechanical Engineering in the field of fluid mechanics. With more than 6 years of teaching experience in mathematics and fluid mechanics. Research experience of more than 9 years in fluid mechanics, medical imaging and radiotherapy.
  • Daniel González Juárez
    Aeronautical Engineer and PhD in Industrial Technologies. With more than 5 years of teaching experience in Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Computational Thermofluid Dynamics. More than 5 years of research experience in Aerodynamic Design.
  • José Manuel López López
    Degree in Physical Sciences and PhD in Science and Technology of Colloids and Interfaces. More than 17 years of teaching experience in Physics, Mathematics and programming. More than 19 years of research experience in Complex Systems and Machine Learning. “Stability of binary colloids: kinetic and structural aspects of heteroaggregation processes”. Soft matter (2006) https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2006/SM/b608349h#!divCitation. ORCID: 0000-0003-1282-2645
  • Ignacio Márquez López
    Aeronautical Engineer, with more than 12 years of teaching experience in Advanced Aerospace Production Systems and Project Management. More than 6 years of research experience in Advanced Aerospace Production Systems and 5 patents in Advanced Production Systems: “Jig and Method of Manufacturing Aircraft Frames in a Composite Material”. International Patent Publication no. WO/2008/104614. World Intellectual Property Organization (2008).
  • Rafael Escalera Rivas
    Industrial Engineer, with more than 9 years of teaching experience in mathematics and materials resistance. Trained in coaching and NLP.
  • Miguel Ángel Cosano de Arcos
    Master’s Degree in Aeronautical and Airport Management, and expert course in investigation of air accident. More than 5 years of teaching experience in Air Transport and simulator instructor in Airbus aircraft. More than 30 years of professional experience as a military and commercial pilot.
  • Rafael Pax Dolz del Castellar
    Aeronautical Engineer, with more than 9 years of teaching experience in Aeronautical Structures, Propulsion, Aircraft Certification and Maintenance. More than 35 years of professional experience at SENER, AERNNOVA, ACITURRI, Army Airmobile Forces, and is currently VP at DESTINUS.
  • Mariana Paula Arce García
    Degree in Chemical Sciences and PhD in Chemical Sciences, with more than 11 years of teaching experience. Her field of knowledge is medicinal chemistry, drug synthesis and nanotechnology. More than 20 years of research experience in Medicinal Chemistry and Nanotechnology. “Neuroprotective and Cholinergic Properties of Multifunctional Glutamic Acid Derivatives for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease”. J. Med. Chem. (2009) https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jm900628z; “Synergistic Antifungal Study of PEGylated Graphene Oxides and Copper Nanoparticles against Candida albicans”. Nanomaterial (2020) https://www.mdpi.com/2079-4991/10/5/819. ORCID: 0000-0001-5563-0745. With professional experience in the Department of Synthesis Institute of Organic Chemistry (IQOG-CSIC) and in the Institute of Medicinal Chemistry (IQM-CSIC).
  • Raul Carlos LLamas Sandin
    Aeronautical Engineer, MSc in Aerospace Vehicle Design and Degree in Physical Sciences, with more than 11 years of teaching career in the field of Aeronautical Engineering, and more than 25 years of research and professional experience in a leading company in the industry Aerospace.
  • Victor Manuel Padrón
    Industrial Engineer in the field of Industrial and Automatic Engineering, and PhD in Industrial Engineering. With more than 22 years of teaching experience in Systems Engineering and Electronic Systems, and more than 22 years of research experience in the field of Smart Cities and Social Inclusion, Internet of Things IoT, Intelligent Transportation, Health and Wellbeing, Educational Research, Climbing Robots, Movement Planning, Discrete Mathematics Algorithms, Robotic Cranes and Assembly Planning. “Social Inclusion in Smart Cities”. In: Augusto J.C. (eds) Handbook of Smart Cities. Springer, Cham. (2020); https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15145-4_42-1; “Smart Bus Stops as Interconnected Public Spaces for Increasing Social Inclusiveness and Quality of Life of Elder Users”. Smart Cities (2020); https://www.mdpi.com/2624-6511/3/2/23; “AUTMOD3: The integration of design and planning tools for automatic modular construction”. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (2007). “A climbing autonomous robot for inspection applications in 3D complex environments”. Robotica (2000). ORCID: 0000-0002-9207-9320.
  • Artemia Loayza Arguelles
    Materials Engineer and PhD in Materials Science and Engineering. She has more than 12 years of teaching and research experience in the field of materials science, composite materials and materials characterization. “Critical examination of chemically modified hybrid thermosets: Synthesis, characterization and mechanical behavior in the plateau regime of polyaminosiloxane-nitrile-DGEBA”. Polymer (2015). https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84930939109&origin=inward&txGid=1e2af74abe70953bbf616f9427a72ca6. ORCID code: 0000-0001-5146-8269.
  • David García Nieto
    Graduated in Physics. Master's in Energy. Master's in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate Teacher Training. PhD in Atmospheric Sciences in the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate (AC2) group of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Research on the atmosphere in urban and remote climates. High school teacher before joining the university. Professor at the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Design at UEM since March 2022, teaching courses in Calculus, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics in the areas of Engineering, Architecture, and Business Administration.
  • Janaina Cejudo Sanche
    Bachelor's Degree in Biology from Universidad Complutense of Madrid, and in Biotechnology from the Universidad Europea of Madrid. PhD in Molecular Biosciences from the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid. Professor at the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Design at UEM since the 2023-24 academic year, teaching Chemistry courses in the industrial, aerospace, and biomedical areas. Researcher in the "NanoUEM" group in the field of biomolecule immobilization on nanoparticles of different natures. Pre- and postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry (ICP) of the CSIC, in the Enzyme Engineering group. Expert in protein immobilization on solid supports, creation of biocatalysts, and their application in reactions of industrial interest.
  • Andrea Galán Salazar
    Industrial Engineer and PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from UC3M. Professor at the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Design at UEM since 2020, teaching courses in the areas of mechanics, materials, and manufacturing. Researcher in the "Advanced Materials for Engineering" group.
  • Emma Celeste Lope Retuerto
    Aeronautical Engineer from UEM. Professor at the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Design since 2022, teaching courses in Aerospace (History and Deontology), Sciences (Calculus I and II), and Skills (Impact and Relational Influence). Head of innovation programs applied to the aeronautical sector and other transportation industries.
  • Guillermo Castilla Cebrián
    PhD in Civil Engineering from Universidad Politécnica of Madrid. Master's Degree in Civil Engineering Systems, specializing in Transportation and Territory. Doctoral specialty in statistical transportation systems applied to conventional Spanish roads.
  • Héctor Eloy Sánchez Sardi
    PhD in Automation, Robotics, and Vision from the Universidad Politécnica of Catalonia, conducting research on fault diagnosis, life prediction of wind turbine blades, and their integration with predictive control of wind turbines. He is an Engineer in Automation and Industrial Electronics with a Master's in Automation and Industrial Computing from the Universidad Politécnica of Valencia. He has professional experience in the fields of wind turbine control, control of active tilt systems in trams, and real-time testing/simulation of control algorithms. He completed a postdoc at the Fraunhofer SCAI research institute in Germany, focusing on data analysis for anomaly detection in wind turbines, anticipatory control of wind turbines under extreme multidirectional wind gusts, and the integration of maintenance optimization and control schemes for wind turbines. During his PhD, he had the opportunity to collaborate and conduct research at international centers such as NASA Ames Research Center in the United States and Aalborg University in Denmark. During his Master's, he collaborated on research in the fault diagnosis laboratory of the Institute of Automation and Industrial Computing (ai2) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He currently teaches in the Bachelor's Degrees in Industrial Systems Engineering and Aerospace Engineering in Aircraft at the European University of Madrid, covering subjects such as Automatic Control, Control Engineering, Robotics in Aerial and Marine Systems, Integrative Project in Automation and Control, and Computing for Engineering.
  • Diego Rubén Rodríguez
    Diego has more than 15 years of teaching experience in different universities in Spain, Finland, and Germany, having worked in University of Zaragoza, Universidad Católica de Avila, UC3M, UCJC and currently in Universidad Europea de Madrid.
    Apart from that Diego has over 20 years of experience, demostrating a proven track record in driving business growth and creating long-term value across sectors such as Technology, Industry, and Healthcare Consultancy, spanning several countries.
    Currently serving as Chief Technical Officer and Co-Founder at Futuro Perfecto, a EU funding consultancy firm, he specializes in advancing business initiatives and strategic partnerships.
    Previously, Diego co-founded Optimitive, an AI firm specializing in Energy, and held leadership roles including Managing Director of EU Programmes at Evalue Innovation. He also served as Head of Collaborative Programmes and Senior Innovation Consultant at Inspiralia. Diego's career began in research and development, with roles as Project Manager at Tecnalia and Ikerlan in the Basque Country. He holds a PhD in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence), a Master’s in Project Management, and a Bachelor’s in Mathematics.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Quality's degree monitoring

Members of the Degree Quality Committee (CCT)

  • Undergraduate vice-dean
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Department Director
  • Students
  • Professors (Undergraduate Final Project Coordinator and Internship Coordinator)
  • Quality Partner (Quality and Academic Compliance)
  • Academic Advisor
  • Responsible of Learning Assesment
  • Academic Director
  • Online Tutor

Main degree results

  • Dropout rate: 3%
  • Efficiency rate: 100%
  • Graduation rate: 67,5%
  • Employability rate: 90,0%
  • Student satisfaction with the degree: 4,2
  • Faculty satisfaction with the degree program: 3,8
  • Student satisfaction with faculty: 3,8
  • Satisfaction of the PAS with the quality of the School's degrees: 3,9
  • Satisfaction of graduates with the degree program: 4,0

Frequently Asked Questions


At Universidad Europea, our degree in aerospace engineering is designed to equip you with the skills for a career in the industry - anything from satellite design, aircraft building and maintenance, to airport infrastructure, and design of navigation equipment.

It is a four year program, consisting of 240 ECTS, that will see you not only make the most of the incredible facilities on campus, but also complete work placements and internships at some of the biggest organistions in the sector, gaining valuable knowledge even before you graduate.

Like any program at Universidad Europea, our study plan on the degree in aerospace engineering is rigorous and challenging. But our aim is to ensure you are best prepared to enter the workforce with the skills and knowledge required.

Our professors are all experts in their areas of knowledge and will support and guide you through the program. You will also be able to get to know life in the workplace thanks to internships and placements.

There are many options for career choices once you graduate from the degree in aircraft engineering. Many of our former students go on to enjoy successful roles in the sector, while others go into different areas such as public service or teaching.

These are just an example of some of your options:

  • Satellite Design.
  • Aircraft Builders and their Supply Chain.
  • Engine Builders and their Supply Chain.
  • Equipment and Systems Builders.
  • Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul.
  • Aircraft and Navigation Aids.
  • Airport Infrastrcturee
  • Defence
  • International Administration
  • General State Administration
  • Teaching

Not only do aerospace engineers enjoy fulfilling careers, they can also earn good salaries. Much depends on the role and indeed the country. In general terms, aerospace and aircraft engineers are very highly skilled and have many of the qualities large organisations look out for today. In addition, with the travel industry growing, the need to evolve to a changing world, there is a demand for engineers - so they are in a good position to earn a high salary.
