The Degree in Aerospace Engineering at Universidad Europea is a regulated degree, designed to train future aerospace engineers through a multidisciplinary curriculum. Our graduates of the Degree in Aerospace Engineering will have multiple options to work in various sectors, including, for example, in engineering, public functions, or the area of research and teaching.
Throughout the four-year degree, comprised of 240 ECTS credits, you will have cutting-edge facilities such as the wind tunnel and the new Industry 4.0 space to simulate experiments and projects in a professional environment like the one you will find in your future. In addition, you will have the chance to complete internships and work placements, learning from the very best in the industry.
Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid
Campus-based | Classes in English | Villaviciosa de Odón | 4 Years, 240 ECTS | Start: 15 sep. 2025 | School of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Computing - STEAM |
Learn with our Experiential Learning model by working on your own projects with leading companies. Just imagine receiving a prize before you graduate, just like our students who were the finalists in the ‘Airbus Fly your Ideas’ competition with the project ‘Flying Dreams’. This Degree prepares for Aeronautical Tecnhical Engineer. Order CIN/308/2009.
Offered in the current academic course.
Haz click para consultar el plan de estudios 2019 en extinción
1º (implantación curso 24/25)
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Calculus I | 6 | Basic | English (en) |
Physical Foundations for Engineering I | 6 | Basic | English (en) |
Computer Science for Engineering | 6 | Basic | English (en) |
Technical Drawing | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Chemistry for Engineering | 6 | Basic | English (en) |
Algebra | 6 | Basic | English (en) |
Aerospace Technology | 6 | Basic | English (en) |
Calculus II | 6 | Basic | English (en) |
Physical Foundations for Engineering II | 6 | Basic | English (en) |
Organization and Management of Aerospace Companies | 6 | Basic | English (en) |
2º (implantación curso 25/26)
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Mechanics | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Materials Science | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Calculus III | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Navigation Systems I | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Fluid Mechanics I | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Statistics | 6 | Basic | English (en) |
Resistance of Materials and Mechanical Elasticity | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Navigation Systems II | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
History, Exercise and Professional Deontology | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
3º (implantación curso 26/27)
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Entrepreneurial Leadership | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Aerospace Production and Projects | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Fluid Mechanics II | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Mechanical and Graphic Design | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Aeronautical Structures | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Air Transport | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Flight Mechanics | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Space Vehicles and Missiles | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Maintenance and Certification of Aerospace Vehicles | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Aerodynamics | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
4º (implantación curso 27/28)
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Aeroelasticity and Vibrations | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Propulsion Systems | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Aircraft Design | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Satellite Design | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Professional Intership I | 6 | PAE | English (en) |
Professional Intership II | 6 | PAE | English (en) |
Graduation Project | 6 | TFG | English (en) |
Elective 1 | 6 | Elective | English (en) |
Elective 2 | 6 | Elective | English (en) |
1º (finalización de impartición curso 26/27)
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Calculus I | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Physical Foundations for Engineering I | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Computer Science for Engineering | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Technical Drawing | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Chemistry for Engineering | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Algebra | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Aerospace Technology | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Organization and Management of Aerospace Companies | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Calculus II | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Physical Foundations for Engineering II | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
2º (finalización de impartición curso 27/28)
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Mechanics | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Materials Science | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Modern Language | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Navigation Systems I | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Fluid Mechanics I | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Statistics | 6 | BASICA | Inglés (en) |
Resistance of Materials and Mechanical Elasticity | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Navigation Systems II | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
History, Exercise and Professional Deontology | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
3º (finalización de impartición curso 28/29)
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Entrepreneurial Leadership | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Aerospace Production and Projects | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Fluid Mechanics II | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Mechanical and Graphic Design | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Aeronautical Structures | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Air Transport | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Flight Mechanics | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Space Vehicles and Missiles | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Maintenance and Certification of Aerospace Vehicles | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Aerodynamics | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
4º (finalización de impartición curso 29/30)
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Aeroelasticity and Vibrations | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Propulsion Systems | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Aircraft Design | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Satellite Design | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Professional Intership I | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Professional Intership II | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Graduation Project | 12 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Aerospace Production Systems | 6 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
Multidisciplinarity I | 6 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
Multidisciplinarity II | 6 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
Professional Intership III | 6 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
Plan 2019 | Plan 2024 | ||
Discontinuation 1st Year | Academic Year 26/27 | Implementation 1st Year | Academic Year 24/25 |
Discontinuation 2nd Year | Academic Year 27/28 | Implementation 2nd Year | Academic Year 25/26 |
Discontinuation 3rd Year | Academic Year 28/29 | Implementation 3rd Year | Academic Year 26/27 |
Discontinuation 4th Year | Academic Year 29/30 | Implementation 4th Year | Academic Year 27/28 |
*If you need to enroll in a subject from the previous plan that is not available, you must switch to the new plan.
Internships are a key component of your training. Acquiring experience after what you have learnt in your degree is the best way to enter the employment market. There are two types of internships: curricular—which are included in your study plan—and extracurricular—which you can do on a voluntary basis.
In order to complete curricular internships in companies, you will need to have 50% of the credits approved and to register the subject before starting your internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship coordinator, and interim and final reports are prepared for evaluation.
If you want to take your work experience to the next level before finishing your university education, you can pursue an extracurricular internship. You can do them in any academic year, but keep in mind that internships are a formative complement to your studies; therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your studies, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.
You do internships in companies such as the European Space Academy Center..., and participate in research projects and Workshops. This way you are assured a future in one of the three professions with the lowest unemployment in Spain.
Check the list of companies here.
We have agreements with many universities in different continents so that you can choose the one that best suits your training.
The Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace and Aircraft Engineering is a regulated degree, in which organizations look after the interests and professional attributions. It is a multidisciplinary profession, according to the current changing world, which allows you to launch into the professional world as soon as you finish your studies, or you can continue your training with a master's degree. Due to its characteristics, this degree has very high employability in leading companies in the sector.
Start your future at Universidad Europea
You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.
Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.
Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.
Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.
Scholarships and financial aid
We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.
Credit recognition and transfers
You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.
Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.
The recommended applicant profile is as follows:
The prerequisites to access this bachelor’s programme are those established in RD 1892/2008 of 14 November and current applicable legislation, namely:
The Access requires to the degree in 100% in English is a B2 level english language.
Get to know the facilities and discover why Universidad Europea is made for you.
The faculty on this degree has 60% of doctors.
At Universidad Europea, our degree in aerospace engineering is designed to equip you with the skills for a career in the industry - anything from satellite design, aircraft building and maintenance, to airport infrastructure, and design of navigation equipment.
It is a four year program, consisting of 240 ECTS, that will see you not only make the most of the incredible facilities on campus, but also complete work placements and internships at some of the biggest organistions in the sector, gaining valuable knowledge even before you graduate.
Like any program at Universidad Europea, our study plan on the degree in aerospace engineering is rigorous and challenging. But our aim is to ensure you are best prepared to enter the workforce with the skills and knowledge required.
Our professors are all experts in their areas of knowledge and will support and guide you through the program. You will also be able to get to know life in the workplace thanks to internships and placements.
There are many options for career choices once you graduate from the degree in aircraft engineering. Many of our former students go on to enjoy successful roles in the sector, while others go into different areas such as public service or teaching.
These are just an example of some of your options:
Not only do aerospace engineers enjoy fulfilling careers, they can also earn good salaries. Much depends on the role and indeed the country. In general terms, aerospace and aircraft engineers are very highly skilled and have many of the qualities large organisations look out for today. In addition, with the travel industry growing, the need to evolve to a changing world, there is a demand for engineers - so they are in a good position to earn a high salary.