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cubos de madera enlazados
  • Expert Course in Invasive Physiotherapy for neuro-musculoskeletal system dysfunctions

    Our Invasive Physiotherapy Expert Course will provide you with a new approach to physiotherapy treatment hand in hand with the latest advances in medical technology.

  • Expert Course in Invasive Physiotherapy for neuro-musculoskeletal system dysfunctions

    Our Invasive Physiotherapy Expert Course will provide you with a new approach to physiotherapy treatment hand in hand with the latest advances in medical technology.

  • Global Bachelor Double Degree in International Business and International Relations

    Take on a leadership role to face the difficulties arising in the current globalized world. An exhaustive, rigorous and international program offering solid academic and practical training from the business world.

  • Global Bachelor's Degree in International Relations

    Connect with the international professional world. Experts in world knowledge from an international, political, economic and legal perspective.

  • Global Bachelor's in International Business

    Talent in a globalised world. Taught entirely in English, you will learn how to identify and use the key levers that facilitate business success in an international environment.

  • Global Sports Management Degree

    Studying this degree, we want you to have the profile that managers in the sports industry are looking for: a high-quality university education, a broad business vision, versatility and an international vision.

  • Grado en Bioinformática

    Conviértete en un profesional clave para el tratamiento de datos biológicos. Con el Grado en Bioinformática obtendrás una formación integral en investigación, análisis y aplicación de las TIC en los campos de la medicina, farmacología, agricultura, ganadería, industria o el medio ambiente.

  • Grado en Biomedicina

    La biomedicina es una disciplina que combina biología, medicina e ingeniería para avanzar en el entendimiento y tratamiento de enfermedades. Se basa en aplicar la biología molecular y celular, para desarrollar nuevas terapias, diagnósticos y estrategias preventivas.

  • Grado en Enfermería

    Preparamos enfermeros 360º, entrenados para que el bienestar y la calidad asistencial de sus pacientes y allegados sea su máxima prioridad.

  • Grado en Farmacia

    Adquiere la formación que te habilite para ejercer como nutricionista para diseñar y supervisar planes de alimentación y dietas clínicas personalizadas.