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Calidad Institucional | Universidad Europea

Internal Quality Assurance System

Since its inception in 1995, Universidad Europea de Madrid has opted for an innovative, comprehensive and quality education, occupying, today, a leading position in the Spanish private higher education sector.

Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)

Madrid IQAS

Universidad Europea de Madrid’s (UEM) Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) uses quality assurance as a foundation and oversees its comprehensive management. This is understood as a ‘series of coordinated activities for directing and controlling an organisation’s quality’ and encompasses quality assurance as well as system planning, control and improvement. The University’s IQAS requirements focus on satisfying different stakeholders and increasing their level of satisfaction with the University, continuously improving on and putting in place the appropriate measures for ensuring compliance with the policy.

The IQAS’s scope covers all official degrees that are taught at each of our centres and for which the University is responsible, whether at undergraduate, master’s, postgraduate or doctorate level. In addition, the system encompasses comprehensive University services that are necessary for achieving its mission. The IQAS, as a whole, reflects the Quality Assurance Policy that applies to all University activities and, specifically, to the value chain of the educational programmes offered. This includes portfolio design, implementation and decision-making for portfolio improvement. It complies with the ‘improvement cycle of University training’, which is consistent with the continuous improvement cycle known as PDCA: plan, do, check, act.

System Process Map

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Valencia IQAS

The European University of Valencia has designed its Internal Quality Assurance System in accordance with the guidelines of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), as a structural basis to guarantee the quality of the official degrees, according to the quality guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the Organic Law 4/2007, of April, which modifies the Organic Law of Universities 6/2001, of 21 December.

The IQAS’s scope covers all official degrees that are taught at each of our centres and for which the University is responsible. In addition, the system encompasses comprehensive University services that are necessary for achieving its mission. The IQAS, as a whole, reflects the Quality Assurance Policy that applies to all University activities and, specifically, to the value chain of the educational programmes offered. This includes portfolio design, implementation and decision-making for portfolio improvement. It complies with the ‘improvement cycle of University training’, which is consistent with the continuous improvement cycle known as PDCA: plan, do, check, act.

System Process Map

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IQAS description

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Canarias IQAS

In development

Andalucía IQAS

Universidad Europea de Andalucía's (UEA) Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) uses quality assurance as a foundation and oversees its comprehensive management. This is understood as a ‘series of coordinated activities for directing and controlling an organisation’s quality’ and encompasses quality assurance as well as system planning, control and improvement. The University’s IQAS requirements focus on satisfying different stakeholders and increasing their level of satisfaction with the University, continuously improving on and putting in place the appropriate measures for ensuring compliance with the policy.

The IQAS’s scope covers all official degrees that are taught at each of our centres and for which the University is responsible, whether at undergraduate, master’s, postgraduate or doctorate level. In addition, the system encompasses comprehensive University services that are necessary for achieving its mission. The IQAS, as a whole, reflects the Quality Assurance Policy that applies to all University activities and, specifically, to the value chain of the educational programmes offered. This includes portfolio design, implementation and decision-making for portfolio improvement. It complies with the ‘improvement cycle of University training’, which is consistent with the continuous improvement cycle known as PDCA: plan, do, check, act.

Recognitions and certifications

QS Stars


In 2024, Universidad Europea de Madrid achieved excellence by renewing its score in the prestigious international QS Stars rating, moving from four to five stars in the overall category.

Additionally, the University has significantly expanded the number of specific categories recognized with five stars, excelling in Social Impact, Teaching, Employability, Global Engagement, Academic Development, Online Learning, Good Governance, Diversity Equity & Inclusion and Program Strength, consolidating its position as a leader in the highest number of areas evaluated as Excellent.

QS is an international organization that also produces one of the top three most prestigious university rankings in the world, alongside the Times Higher Education Ranking and the Academic Ranking of World Universities.



Universidad Europea de Madrid has renewed in 2020 its European Seal of Excellence 500+, awarded by the Club Excelencia en Gestión, the only partner in Spain of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). This is the highest level of recognition granted by the EFQM, a unique international certification that rewards organizations for their excellent, innovative and sustainable management, using the evaluation with the EFQM Model.

The EFQM Assessment is a global strategic reflection that offers a comprehensive vision of the organization's management, helping them to enhance its strengths and take advantage of opportunities for improvement.

HR Excellence in Research


It is public recognition from the European Commission, in the area of research, for universities and institutions that have made progress in aligning their human resources policies with the principles defined in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Hiring Researchers ( C&C), which aim to contribute to the development of an attractive European labour market for researchers.

Institutional Accreditation SISCAL madri+D


Universidad Europea de Madrid is one of four Madrid universities that participated in designing the SISCAL programme in 2017—a new certification model launched by the madri+d Knowledge Foundation in 2018. This model responds to the need to comply with the institutional accreditation approved by Royal Decree 420/2015, of May 29. In 2018, we were the first university in Madrid to present one of our centres—the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Sciences—for evaluation under this programme. After undergoing this evaluation, from 2020 onwards, the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Sciences is certified as having successfully implemented the IQAS under the SISCAL model, with the centre receiving the corresponding institutional accreditation.

Madrid Excelente


UEM received this mark of guarantee from the Community of Madrid, which awards this recognition to companies to certify quality and excellence in management and to encourage competitiveness in the business sector in which UEM has participated since 2008.

Its last renewal was in 2022, recognizing the University's commitment to the planet, people, progress and its purpose.



Each UEM campus has been accredited with the ISO14001 environmental certification.

Thanks to our ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) policies, our institution has shown strong commitment to sustainability and the environment. In addition, the institution shows a continuous drive to bolster and advance matters of safety, health and wellbeing that guarantee the protection of individuals in our University.

Exercise is Medicine On Campus - Gold Level

Since 2019 the European University de Madrid, driven by the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Sport, together with the Medical Service has the highest accreditation (Gold Level Campus) of "Exercise Is Medicine on Campus", a global health initiative promoted by the American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM), being one of only two universities in Spain with this recognised.


Accreditation and Certification of Programme Quality



In 2019, the Royal Institute of British Architecture (RIBA) validated the Bachelor’s Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture and the Master’s Degree in Architecture.

RIBA is the most prestigious architects’ association in the world, and counts the most globally recognised architects among its members. The association has been dedicated to promoting the quality of architect training since 1837.


NAAB Certificado Actualizado

The Universidad Europea de Madrid has received the International Certification designation from the National Architectural Accrediting Board for the following professional degree program or sequence:

Bachelor’s Degree in Fundamentals of the Architecture + Master’s Degree in Architecture – 2015

The term “International Certification” identifies a program as comparable in educational outcomes in all significant aspects to a program accredited by the NAAB in the United States and indicates that it provides an educational experience meeting acceptable standards, even though such program may differ in format or method of delivery. The designation is valid for six years beginning 1 January of the year in which the final visit (Visit 3) took place. In order to maintain the designation, the program must be visited again in the sixth year of the designation. Schools with programs identified as holding NAAB International Certification are not formally “accredited” as that term is used with reference to programs in the United States and may not refer to their programs as “accredited” by the NAAB. However, students who graduate from internationally certified programs are able to apply for individualized review of their credentials on an expedited basis for purposes of the Educational Evaluation Services for Architects program administered by the NAAB on behalf of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards



Universidad Europea is proud to have the World Physiotherapy accreditation for its Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy, taught at the Villaviciosa de Odón campus in Madrid. This prestigious certification guarantees that our Training meets the most demanding international standards, positioning our program among the best globally.

Studying for a Bachelor's Degree accredited by World Physiotherapy guarantees our students an education of excellence, aligned with the demands and trends of the industry, and with both a national and international focus. This distinction not only validates the quality of our Syllabus, but also opens doors to high-level professional opportunities anywhere in the world.



With this accreditation, ACBSP certifies that the teaching and learning processes—as well as the Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Marketing —comply with its rigorous educational standards. Based on the criteria of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, ACBSP assesses issues related to institutional leadership, strategic planning processes, community relations, quality of academic programmes, and faculty credentials and services.

*Last completed academic year.

European Standards Europeactive


The Universidad Europea de Madrid has renewed, has the accreditation that recognised compliance with all the quality assurance requirements of EuropeActive standards for the Training given in: Fitness Instructor, Group Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer and Exercise For Health Specialist, ensuring that the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences are perfectly qualified for the performance of their profession, and that they are able to protect and promote the health and interests of the people who use their services, demonstrating the Skills and Competencies required by the EuropeActive Standards. Upon completion of the Bachelor's Degree, students, already qualified professionals, are included in the European Register of Exercise Professionals (EREPS).



In recognition of the continued excellence, dedicated effort and outstanding contribution to the mission and advancement in the Field of Strength and Conditioning Development of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Science, the National Strenght and Condition Association has awarded the Bachelor's Degree its "NSCA Education Recognition Program" certification.

Recognition from the Chinese Ministry of Education

In January 2017, UEM was included in the list of Universities recognised by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. This recognition means that UEM is one of the Spanish university centres officially recommended by the Chinese Government for Chinese students who wish to study abroad.

Academic Excellence

Universidad Europea is one of the universities that offers the highest number of dual degrees. UEM’s teaching system is endorsed by quality certificates such as ANECA or Madrid Excelente, and is underpinned by the high standards of our teaching staff. Our faculty is made up of more than 1,100 specialists who are evaluated annually by students.

Since 2003, the Universidad Europea has in turn recognised the contributions and awards of its 16 honorary doctorates. The University acknowledges these national and international individuals as role models for our students and teachers alike.

First-class facilities and services

Universidad Europea also stands out for its modern facilities and cutting-edge teaching resources—such as those at its Villaviciosa de Odón campus. Here, students can enjoy more than 25 hectares with five teaching buildings ,two residence buildings that house up to 500 students, and an extensive sports complex that features pools; a gym; an athletics track; tennis, football, padel and volleyball courts; and a sports hall.

Currently, Universidad Europea has more than 16,000 students from five continents spread across its four campuses—located in Villaviciosa de Odón, Alcobendas, Valencia and Tenerife.

Commitment to student development

The University’s philosophy of small groups—with an average of one professor per 23 students—the honours student programme, and the presence of one tutor per student from day one, enables each student to be individually encouraged to reach their full potential and develop their skills.

Measure to improve

In order to identify the needs and expectations of students and identify the degree of satisfaction and quality perceived by stakeholders, the Quality and Compliance Unit carries out satisfaction studies.

Below are the main studies carried out during the 2020/2021 academic year and the aggregate participation in the 3 universities (Universidad Europea de Madrid, Universidad Europea de Valencia and Universidad Europea de Canarias:






(n º anwser)

Satisfaction with Faculty 



Satisfaction with the programmes -NPS



Satisfaction with practices





Satisfaction with mobility programmes



Satisfaction with Dental University Clinics

University community and users


Satisfaction with Teaching Activity






Satisfaction PAS (programmes)

Administration and Services Staff


Satisfaction Thesis Directors

Thesis Directors


Satisfaction with the Simulated Hospital





Rankings and Ratings

Universidad Europea participates in different rankings and ratings, such as the CYD or the Times Higher Education, these rankings compare the quality of teaching, learning and research.



In the 7th edition of the CYD Ranking, Universidad Europea de Madrid occupies the 3rd position, with values well above the average in International Orientation. In addition, it is the 1st private university in Madrid in degrees taught in a foreign language, both in bachelor's and master's degrees and above the average, it is the 2nd private university in Madrid in terms of student mobility above average and is the 4th private university of Madrid in international publications.

QS Stars

qs stars.png

The renewal of this accreditation carried out in 2018 is valid until September 2021. Thus, it maintains the 4 stars out of 5 of this international rating that certifies university quality. In addition, the maximum score -5 stars out of 5- is available in the following areas: Teaching, Employability, Internationalization, Online Teaching and Inclusion. In this context, the University obtained 653 points as a total assessment, achieving for the first time the highest score in Internationalization, Inclusion and Online Teaching.

THE (Times Higher Education)

the ranking.png

In 2019, Universidad Europea de Madrid was included in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and ranked 3rd place among private universities in Spain.

La Universidad Europea, third best private university in Spain, according to THE World University Rankings 2021

This ranking was created in 2004 and has great repercussion since it produces a classification of the best higher education institutions in the world. The methodology employed is based on 5 pillars: Teaching (30%), Research (30%), Citations (30%), International perspective (7.5%) and Industry income (2.5%).

The Times Higher Education World Ranking presents its results at a global level and by areas of knowledge, where once again Universidad Europea stands out for being in 2nd position among the private universities in Spain in the area of Health Sciences.

The Twelfth Edition of the Universidad Europea Quality Award

This initiative aims to recognise, encourage and promote the development and exchange of good practices in universities and educational institutions.

The Vice-Rector’s Office for Teaching and Research at UE has launched the 12th edition of the Universidad Europea Quality Award. The objective of this award—whose history already spans ten years—is to recognise, encourage and promote the development and exchange of good practices in national and international universities and educational institutions, both in terms of quality management and in the search for management efficiency and excellence.

As a result of the exceptional circumstances brought about by COVID-19, the twelfth edition’s theme will focus on universities and educational institutions’ digital transformation, offering the opportunity for these organisations to show the actions, projects and plans they implemented to adapt to the virus.

Any national or international educational team may participate. Teams must include a minimum of two individuals and ideally should have completed a good practice cycle: planning, implementation and evaluation. Teams will be awarded for practices that unite principles, measures, actions and projects to implement digital transformation, as well as work processes and methodologies that may be applicable as benchmarks for other organisations.

Submitting applications and winning best practices

Submissions for best practices must be emailed to calidad@universidadeuropea.es before 6 November 2020. They should be in PDF form and should include the sections specified in the contest rules. The document should indicate a range of elements including: motivation for implementing this good practice; how creative and innovative the practice is; the value it will bring to different stakeholders; and a discussion of the link between the results achieved and the practice’s original objectives.

The best practice will receive a prize valued at €2,500 in travel vouchers. In addition, the jury will also award a UE special qualification to the best practice from the institution itself. Applicants of this winning practice will also receive the same prize. In addition, both winning practices will be disseminated nationally and internationally, and finalist practices may be published on the UE website and/or other channels as considered appropriate.

For more information on evaluation criteria and instructions for application submission, consult the contest rules.

Rules for the twelfth edition of the Universidad Europea Quality Award

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Carlos Calvo

Carlos Calvo

Quality and Compliance Unit

    Raquel Pereda

    Quality and Compliance Unit

      Quality Days

      The objective of Quality Days is to provide a forum where institutions, universities and educational centres can share and discuss current issues related to excellence in management, quality and continuous improvement, in a way that encourages knowledge management and the exchange of good practices.

      Each day has an overarching theme, which is chosen annually according to interest, current affairs or, generally, the relevant response to needs for quality management in the field of higher education.

      Sixth Universidad Europea Quality Day

      Access all the information about the day

      Campus de Villaviciosa | Universidad Europea


      The Quality, Innovation and Learning Assessment, Research and Academic Model Units assist UE as drivers of change by designing and implementing an educational model that encourages research, innovation, values and inclusion, always ensuring academic quality in everything we do.


      The Quality and Compliance Unit's mission is to inspire, ensure and help develop a culture of quality. This culture can boost the University’s international standing by ensuring we have a positive impact on students and, in turn, students have a positive impact on society. Our main pillars of action are:

      • The implementation and monitoring of the quality of degrees.
      • Quality management / Plan Q.
      • Measurement and analysis.
      • Accreditations, recognitions, rankings and ratings.

      2023-2024 Quality Unit Report

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