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Universidad Europea de Madrid celebrates the XXIX edition of the Juan Mayorga University Cross Country Run

19 feb 2024

The team from Universidad Europea was the winner of the day and placed its rider, Santiago Fernández Pérez, at the top of the podium


The XXIX edition of the Cross Juan Mayorga Cross Country Race of Universidad Europea was the finishing touch to the Madrid University Cross Country Circuit. The race that pays tribute to one of the most famous former deans of the Institution in the area of Sports had a large presence of athletes from Universidad Europea, who climbed the podium in both categories and reached the highest position in the classification by universities of the day.

The last stage of the Madrid University Cross Country Circuit, held at the Villaviciosa de Odón campus of Universidad Europea, allowed students, alumni, professors, runners from other universities and non-university runners to enjoy a day of sport, in which not only adults had the opportunity to run, but also the youngest runners in different children's categories.

The day had a large institutional presence on behalf of tUniversidad Europea and the Villaviciosa de Odón Town Council: Elia Cambón, vice-rector of Students and University Life; the dean Simone Sato; Federico Crespo, first deputy mayor; and Pilar Baos, councillor responsible for Sports; presented the medals to the runners and university teams that took the first three positions.

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n the absolute categories, both men and women ran seven kilometres. In the women's category, Claudia Gómez Menéndez, from the Complutense University, climbed to the top of the podium. She was followed by Carmen Sánchez Toribio in second place and Ana Fernández del Cerro, a student from the European University of Madrid, in third place. In addition, five runners from Universidad Europea de Madrid were among the top ten.

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The winner in the men's category was Santiago Fernández Pérez, from the Universidad Europea de Madrid, who achieved an average pace of three minutes and twenty-three seconds per kilometre. He was accompanied on the podium by Alberto Naranjo Lozano, from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; and Fernando Fernández Pérez, from Universidad Europea de Madrid.

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The team that won the team event of the Cross Country held at the Villaviciosa de Odón campus was Universidad Europea, with 2,425 points on the day. It was followed by Universidad Complutense, with 2,360 points and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, with 1,845 points. The best Madrid universities were also recognised in all the events held in the 2023/2024 edition of the Madrid University Cross Country Circuit.Universidad Europea was only beaten by the Complutense University of Madrid, which won first place.

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