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Noticias | Universidad Europea


The Universidad Europea takes part in the 2nd International Conference of the Spanish Scientific Society of Social Psychology
30 nov 2016

The director of the Universidad Europea Master’s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention took part as coordinator and speaker at the panel discussion on industrial and organizational psychology

Professor José Martí gave several talks on gamification
29 nov 2016

The Director of the Master's in Teacher Training took part in Braining 2016 and the Language School Congress

Pilar Mateo and Jaime Olleros, new members of the Board of Advisors of the Universidad Europea de Valencia
29 nov 2016

The new members’ links to Valencia will contribute to enhancing the connection between the Universidad Europea and Valencian society

Universidad Europea Design professor Oyer Corazón, winner at the El Mundo #PremiosFCINCO award ceremony
29 nov 2016

The awards recognize the most influential young people in Spain: The winners included Andrea Levy, Jorge Cremades, Álvaro Morata, Pablo Ráez, Maldita Nerea, Mario Casas, Oyer Corazón and Karten Space

4th and 5th year students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry took part in the 2nd Scientific Meeting on Oral Pain and Pathology at the Hospital Clínico, Madrid
28 nov 2016

Professors from the School of Biomedical and Health Sciences accompanied the students in the presentation of several Universidad Europea research projects

Students visit the AVAPACE center
28 nov 2016

They met the people who take part in some of the programs of the Valencian Cerebral Palsy Association

Cristiana Oliveira presents the second Gráffica Award at Tenerife Design Week
28 nov 2016

The winner, Bendita Gloria, is a design studio founded in 2007 by Alba Rosell and Santi Fuster

Laureate International Universities calls a new edition of the James McGuire Global Business Plan Competition
28 nov 2016

The Universidad Europea encourages Degree and Graduate Degree students to take part in order to foster entrepreneurial culture and the exchanging of ideas for creating businesses.

The presenter of La Sexta Noticias, Helena Resano, opens the new audiovisual facilities at the Universidad Europea
25 nov 2016

Attendees at the opening enjoyed a discussion led by Resano in which she detailed the daily journalism work of a TV presenter

Professors from the Physical Therapy Degree program attend the International Conference on lumbar pain in Alicante
25 nov 2016

The goal of the meeting is to continue improving teaching for the Business Administration degree program

Day of institutional visits for the Universidad Europea de Valencia Rector
25 nov 2016

Juan Morote was received by the President of the Regional Government of Valencia, Ximo Puig, and by the Mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó.

Universidad Europea researchers are rewarded at the University of Oviedo National Sports Medicine Research Awards
25 nov 2016

The awards granted to the group of Universidad Europea researchers recognize their research in medicine related to physical exercise

The School of Biomedical and Health Sciences takes part in the 5th Popular Race and Walk for Diabetes
24 nov 2016

Physical Therapy professors and students advised and treated runners at ExpoDiabetes

A professor from the School of Sports and Exercise Sciences receives the Royal Order Silver Medal for Sporting Merit
23 nov 2016

This is the highest honor granted each year for sport in Spain, by the National Government

The Universidad Europea leads the debate on Interprofessional Education
22 nov 2016

By holding the 1st Seminar on Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice

Universidad Europea students, professors and experts took part in the viewing to reflect on the Spanish Transition
21 nov 2016

The Universidad Europea documentary La Transición: Pactos para el recuerdo (The Transition: Agreements for Memory) takes 2nd prize in the competition organized by the Spanish Transition Foundation, t…

Spanish cyclist Tania Calvo will prepare for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games at the Universidad Europea
21 nov 2016

The women’s track sprinter is considered to be one of the best cyclists in the world

8th Sport Training Resistance Sport Symposium
21 nov 2016

The events, which have been held at the Universidad Europea for 8 consecutive years, were well received

First Spanish Triathlon Federation Technical Seminars held at the Universidad Europea
21 nov 2016

The Spanish Triathlon Federation Coaching School holds its Seminars at the Universidad Europea, with leading figures in the world of coaching, medicine and physical therapy in sport.

António Guterres, Honorary PhD, calls for a solitary response to the refugee crisis
18 nov 2016

During the appointment ceremony at the Universidad Europea, attended by Felipe González, who gave the citation address

Universidad Europea de Canarias students visited Feboda
18 nov 2016

During the event, Sales Communication students had a chance to see how a trade fair is organized

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New Universidad Europea App
18 nov 2016

Students and teachers can now use this new tool launched for alumni in June 2016.