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Master's Degree in Sales and Commercial Management Madrid

Master's Degree in Sales and Commercial Management Madrid

Become a master of sales with our unique master's degree in sales & management. Learn to implement successful business plans and develop leadership skills.

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Master's Degree in Sales and Commercial Management

The area of sales is vital in any company’s digital transformation process; new technologies have changed consumer behaviour, creating new business models and sales channels, which makes a specialised sales team essential.

The Master's Degree in Sales and Commercial Management aims to provide students with the knowledge required to develop a commercial management model aligned with the company's strategic and transformation plan. You’ll learn to analyse the opportunities that exist in other traditional or emerging markets, and to maintain close collaboration with key areas within the organisation: marketing, logistics, finance, among others.

Furthermore, you’ll develop leadership skills focused on boosting team confidence through inspiration and motivation, in order to implement a business plan that ensures the company's key objectives are met.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid

Classes in English or Spanish
Alcobendas 9 meses, 60 ECTS
Start: October 2025
Faculty of Economics, Business and Communication Sciences

Why study the Master’s Degree in Sales and Commercial Management?

Experiential learning

Our comprehensive training is based on theoretical and practical learning, guiding you towards positions of responsibility through solid technical knowledge and the development of managerial skills and abilities.

Analysis tools

You’ll use advanced analytical techniques for market segmentation and product positioning, as well as data analysis tools such as CRM or Google Analytics, in order to predict, simulate, optimise or test results.

Learn from the best

Our teaching team is made up of current and former executives with extensive professional experience in important organisations, who will give you an insight into the reality of the business world. This includes 23 executives from the sales and commercial departments of companies such as Banco Santander, Telefónica, Bankinter, among others.


We have collaboration agreements with important national and international companies. You will have the opportunity to enter the selection processes of these companies, both for internships and to access a job.

Global perspective of business, market and trends

You’ll gain understanding on a global level, which is crucial for companies with international operations or expansion plans. You’ll also learn how to implement a sales plan, design financial control, and analyse markets and trends.

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and neuro-selling

The course includes training in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and neuro-sales that can improve understanding of consumer behaviour and increase the effectiveness of sales techniques.

Study plan: Master in Sales and Management

  • Module 1
    Skills and abilities of sales managers.
  • Module 2
    Planning and management of sales teams.
  • Module 3
    Neuroscience and consumer research.
  • Module 4
    Commercial distribution and logistics.
  • Module 5
    New management and customer relationship tools.
  • Module 6
    Integrating digital channels into the commercial strategy.
  • Module 7
    Sales and negotiation techniques.
  • Module 8
    The sales plan within the strategic marketing plan.
  • Module 9
  • Module 10
    Master's Thesis.

Internships are a key element in your training. Gaining experience after what you have learned in your degree is the best way to enter the labour market. There are two types of internships, curricular (included in your syllabus) and extracurricular (which you can do on a voluntary basis).

To do a curricular internship in a company, you will need to have passed 50% of the credits and enrol in the course before starting your internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship teacher, as well as the completion of interim and final reports for evaluation.

If you want to improve your work experience before finishing your university studies, you can do an extracurricular internship. You can do them in any course, but we remind you that internships are a training complement to your studies; therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your degree, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.

40 places in face to face and Spanish mode and 40 places in English mode.

The first course of implementation of this master degree was 2021/2022.

  • KN01 - Recognise the management and planning techniques of sales teams.
  • KN02 - Identify database correlation, regresssion, predictive and cluster analysis and Segmentation and classification tools.
  • KN03 - Identify the different commercial distribution and logistics models that exist in online and offline format for warehouse management, transport, supply, tracking and tracing of orders
  • KN04 - Recognise the professional negotiation elements in each phase of the sales process using advanced simulation and neuro-negotiation techniques.
  • KN05 - Describe the elements and structure of a sales plan
  • KN06 - Recognise the communication and marketing applications and digital channels of products and services.
  • CP01 - Design and evaluate quotes based on the analysis of market opportunities and the company#s capabilities
  • CP02 - Prepare and evaluate a sales pitch aligned with the company's objectives and the consumer's needs.
  • CP03 - Develop and analyse a commercial and sales management model, consistent with the company's strategic plan.
  • CP04 - Measure commercial and sales objectives, customer delivery times, business priorities and quality of work.
  • CP05 - Analyse and evaluate the level of competence of a commercial team and collaborators, establishing strengths and áreas for improvement
  • CP06 - Evaluate and choose between different professional profiles to create work teams in the commercial and sales area
  • CP07 - Research and analyse the relationships between brands and consumers, using new computer applications as sources of information on consumer purchasing behaviour.
  • CP08 - Research and evaluate the best possible commercial relationship with each of the distribution and logistics channels that are part of the value chain of their products or services.
  • CP09 - Analyse and evaluate the economic-financial result of each commercial action, as well as the impact on the company#s overall profit in the short and long term.
  • CP10 - Predict the buying behaviour of the consumer, analysing large volumes of data.
  • CP11 - Prepare, present and defend an original work/project in the field of commercial management, publicly, individually or in a team, before an academic panel; synthesis of skills acquired in the degree
  • HAB01 - Apply interpersonal skills to persuade somebody of the advantages of a product or service.
  • HAB02 - Apply market research techniques to predict consumer purchasing behaviour
  • HAB03 - Prepare commercial actions consistent with the company's strategy and the customer#s needs
  • HAB04 - Plan the direct or indirect distribution channels of the logistics process from purchases to sales.
  • HAB05 - Prepare an information and evaluation control model of the final result of a sales plan and its consequences on the organization's processes
  • HAB06 - Use creative proposal presentation and defence techniques
  • HAB07 - Apply digital marketing techniques to ecommerce
  • HAB08 - Use data management and processing techniques

Collaborating entities


Career opportunities

The programme will equip you with a range of knowledge and skills that will enable you to lead sales teams in any industry.

You’ll be qualified for the following positions:

  • Sales/Commercial Director.

  • Growth/Expansion Director.

  • Regional Director.

  • Business Development Manager.

  • Head of Sales/Sales Manager.

  • Account Supervisor/Executive.

  • Commercial Advisor/Analyst.

  • Trade Marketing Manager.

  • Key Account Manager.

Skills development and networking

  • You’ll develop strategic, leadership and team management skills.

  • You’ll learn how to create effective business strategies.

  • You’ll learn how to lead, motivate and manage sales teams, which is key to commercial success.

  • You can engage in networking and secure work opportunities thanks to an actively working teaching staff.

  • You’ll boost your job opportunities with key training in the business world.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

The Master's Degree in Sales and Marketing is aimed at students with the following entry profile:

  • Graduates in business administration, marketing and international business.
  • Professionals in the commercial and sales field with at least one year of experience in the commercial or sales department, performing functions of customer service, customer relations and prospecting, preparation of proposals and commercial offers, preparation of sales forecast and analysis reports, market analysis and related functions.
  • Graduates in other areas with professional interests directed towards the field of business and sales.
  • Official Spanish university degree or other degree issued by a higher education institution belonging to another member state of the European Higher Education Area.
  • Degrees from educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area without the need for homologation of their degrees, subject to verification by the University that they accredit a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and that they entitle the holder to access postgraduate studies in the country issuing the degree.
  • Students who study their programme in a language other than their mother tongue must have a B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to access the degree, external academic placements or other activities, so they will have to accredit their language level with a qualification of that level from among those accredited by the CRUE language board.
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Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Quality's degree monitoring

Members of the degree quality committee (CCT)

  • Vice-Dean of Graduate Studies
  • Program Director
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Students
  • Faculty (TFM Coordinator and Internship Coordinator)
  • Quality Manager (Academic Quality and Compliance)
  • Academic Director
  • Academic Advisor
  • Evaluation and Learning Manager

Main results


Frequently Asked Questions

The Master's Degree in Sales and Commercial Management at the Universidad Europea de Madrid is focused on training both junior and senior profiles. If you are already working in a position of responsibility in a company, with this master's degree you’ll be able to develop your leadership skills, manage teams and implement a successful business plan.

  • Knowing how to lead and motivate the sales team.
  • Having a high capacity to define, plan and control commercial objectives.
  • Taking advantage of all the digital tools at your disposal.
  • Liaising with other areas of the organisation to achieve a common goal.

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a pseudo-scientific approach that can change a person's thoughts and habits to be successful through perception, behaviour and communication techniques.

Neuro-sales refers to techniques based on neuroscience, which are used to understand how people react and process information when making purchasing decisions. Mastering them can improve understanding of consumer behaviour and increase the effectiveness of sales techniques.
