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Global Sports Management Degree Madrid

Studying this degree, we want you to have the profile that managers in the sports industry are looking for: a high-quality university education, a broad business vision, versatility and an international vision.

Select your program

-40% Discount on place reservation until March 31st!

Study Sport Management, a degree that combines sport science and business skills.

The Sports Management Degree is aimed at students who want to establish a career as a leader in the sports sector, working within sports companies, organisations, governing bodies and clubs, making sure the sector evolves in the 21st century. The four-year Global Sports Management Degree, consisting of 240 ECTS, includes subjects such as managerial skills for the sports business, sports law, economics and accounting, ensuring you will have a broad range of skills and knowledge when you graduate.

As a student of this programme, you will spend your fourth year in a top university in the United States, where you will finish your studies and undertake an internship, allowing you to gain a true international vision and make connections across the globe.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid

Classes in English or Spanish
Villaviciosa de Odón 4 years, 240 ECTS
Start: 15 sep. 2025
Faculty of Medicine, Health and Sport

In a global environment, it's time to rethink everything. Are you ready?

100% International experiencie

From the first year, you will participate in international professional experiences and events, in some of the world’s most exciting sports destinations:

  • 1st year: Corporate sports experience in Madrid.
  • 2nd year: Immersive experience inside the sports industry, in a Spanish city.
  • 3rd year: Learn about the management of world-class events in a corporate trip to New York.
  • 4th year: Experience a full year in the United States, study in one of the top universities, and undertake an internship.
The latest technology

You’ll have access to the latest technology allowing you to make key decisions based on reliable information. You’ll also be able to benefit from the most advanced software for simulating projects related to economic impact analysis.

Inside the professional world

Perform internships at some of the biggest sporting institutions in Spain such as the Spanish Olympic Committee, the Sports Council, Mutua Madrid Open, the Spanish Tennis Federation, etc.

In addition, from the first year you will have the opportunity to participate in events, conferences, and research projects with renowned sporting companies.

State of the art facilities

So that you can get the most out of our innovative academic model, Universidad Europea offers the most advanced facilities, equipped with cutting-edge technology.

Sports centre:

  • Fitness room
  • Personal Training Room
  • Indoor Cycle Room
  • Tatami
  • Hall
  • Indoor and outdoor swimming pool
  • Beach volleyball court

Human Performance Research Lab (HPRLAB)
Where students can carry out practical research in connection to each of their specialities. The labs are equipped with the required instruments and computer equipment to meet the demands associated with this degree: These labs are as follows:

  • Biomechanics Lab: consisting of two spaces. The first one is for the storage of portable instruments and data processing, equipped with computers, video/DVDs, and other equipment. The second area, mainly for teaching, is for practical work with students and the collection of research data. This space is equipped for automatic kinematic and dynamic analysis with dynamometric platforms.
  • Physiology Lab: equipped with several ergometers (treadmill and cycle-ergometers), pH and blood electrolyte analysers, lactate analyser, oxygen analyser, electromyograph and 12-lead electrocardiograph. Several research projects are carried out there funded by several sports and health organisations, which have won the National Sports Medicine Awards, among other recognitions.
  • Training Lab: a space for study and research into exercise aimed at improving health and sports performance. Whether by means of fitness assessment or the effectiveness of exercise programmes, funded, sponsored and internal research projects are regularly carried out there (including those within the Spanish R&D Plan).
  • Image Analysis Lab: equipped with computer stations and video viewing and recording instruments. It has video editing software with data projection beamer. This enables image capture and analysis.
Universidad Europea - Real Madrid Graduate School

Continue your studies at the Universidad Europea - Real Madrid Graduate School, which runs some of the best postgraduate sport courses in the world.

Accreditations and Recognitions

Since 2020, the Faculty of Sports Sciences has held a Certification for implementing SGIC under the SISCAL model, with the corresponding Institutional Accreditation.

The Faculty is endorsed by the European Health Fitness Association (European Standards EuropeActive), meaning that students completing the degree are eligible to join an European census of fitness professionals.


This program focuses on the managerial and financial side of the sports industry. What I like about this degree is that it gives you the opportunity to travel both internationally and locally.

Emilio Sánchez

Sport Management Degree Student

I chose this degree because I was looking for something in the sport sector, but more business oriented, and I think Sports Management combines that perfectly.

Agustina Berra

Sport Management Degree Student

Study plan

A curriculum designed from the needs of the job market. You receive comprehensive training in which we are pioneers and in which the development of sports practice and physical activity coexist with training in the management of sports facilities and their characteristics: fitness centres, golf courses and major sporting events. Learn all about the technical aspects of the industry and the skills you need to become a great director or manager. During the first years of the degree, you will acquire more general knowledge and then, guided by your professors, you will discover in which area you would like to develop professionally.

Programa de estudios


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Theory and History of Contemporary Sport6BásicaInglés (en)
Sociology and Deontology of Sports6BásicaInglés (en)
Communication Skills6BásicaInglés (en)
Business Economics6BásicaInglés (en)
Consumer Behaviour4BásicaInglés (en)
Financial Accounting I6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Financial Accounting II6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Analysis of Economic-Sports Environments6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Basic Foundations of Sports Teams6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Basic Foundations of Aquatic Activities6ObligatoriaInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Sports Law6BásicaInglés (en)
Managerial Skills for the Sports Business6BásicaInglés (en)
Design and Planning of Sports Areas6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Statistics6BásicaInglés (en)
Analysis of Financial Operations6BásicaInglés (en)
Sport Industry6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Modern Language6BásicaInglés (en)
Cost Accounting6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Basic Foundations of Individual Sports6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Basic Foundations of Outdoor Activities6ObligatoriaInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Human Resources Management6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Sports Policy6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Management of Aquatic Facilities6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Analysis of Accounting Statements6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Golf Course Management6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Taxation6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Fitness and Wellness6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Technical Management of Sports Organisations6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Business Law6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Practicum6OptativaInglés (en)
University Activities6OptativaInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Internship12ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Final Thesis Project6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Sales Management and Techniques4ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Corporate Finance4ObligatoriaInglés (en)
SME Accounting4ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Quality Control and Customer Service in the Field of Sports6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Strategic Management6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Commercialization and Marketing for Sport and Leisure6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Large Event and Sporting Venue Management6ObligatoriaInglés (en)
Leisure and Non-Conventional Venue Management6ObligatoriaInglés (en)


150 places

Degree competencies

  • CON01. Knows business action plans for the improvement of processes involving material, human, or economic resources.
  • CON02. Describes the design of an entrepreneurship and business development process, from conceptualization to implementation and evaluation, considering the individual and contextual characteristics of the company, as well as technical and ethical principles.
  • CON03. Identifies the basic economic and fiscal principles that operate in the financial dynamics of sports entities.
  • CON04. Recognizes fundamental concepts related to scientific evidence in sports management.
  • CON05. Identifies aspects and characteristics specific to different sports disciplines that serve as the organizational and governance basis for various sports bodies.
  • CON06. Describes and enhance the processes of construction and operation of different sports facilities.
  • CON07. Knows key aspects in the management of teams and human resources in the sports environment.
  • CON08. Identifies the appropriate sports materials and equipment for each type of activity, recognizing the technical characteristics of different sports spaces.
  • CON09. Identifies and knows innovation opportunities as a means of company growth, as well as any other business opportunity in national and international contexts.
  • CON10. Identifies, describes, and analyzes the bases of the methodology of scientific work.
  • HAB01. Develops strategic and optimal analytical tools for sports management.
  • HAB02. Creativity: Creates new ideas and concepts from known ideas and concepts, reaching conclusions or solving problems, challenges and situations in an original way in the academic and professional environment.
  • HAB03. Observes the different economic, fiscal, and financial fundamentals that govern various sports entities.
  • HAB04. Strategic communication. Transmits messages (ideas, concepts, feelings, arguments), both orally and written, strategically aligning the interests of the different stakeholders involved in the communication in the academic and professional environment.
  • HAB05. Executes effectively and appropriately in different contexts of team and human resources management.
  • HAB06. Digital ability. Uses information and communication technologies to search for and analyze data, research, communicate and learn.
  • HAB07. Teamwork. Cooperates with others in shared academic or professional objectives, participating actively, empathically and exercising active listening and respect for all members.
  • HAB08. Critical analysis. Integrates analysis with critical thinking in a process of evaluating different ideas or professional possibilities and their potential for error, based on evidence and objective data that lead to effective and valid decision-making.
  • HAB09. Shows ethical behavior and social commitment in performance of professional activities, as well as sensitivity to inequality and diversity.
Specific competencies
  • COMP1. Design and apply the methodological process in different contexts and in all sectors of professional intervention in sports management.
  • COMP02. Design and develop sports services that promote the values inherent in sports management.
  • COMP03. Direct and coordinate teams, both individual and group, in the development of tasks, protocols, processes, and activities related to good exercise practices and physical activity.
  • COMP4. Plan processes for entrepreneurship, innovation, and the growth of sports companies.
  • COMP05. Organize, direct, plan and coordinate the human resources of the different sports entities, including stress evaluation, organizational charts and other professional structures in conjunction with current regulations.
  • COMP06. Identify, organize, direct, plan, coordinate, implement and carry out technical-scientific evaluation of organizational resources and material resources and sports facilities, including their basic design and functions.
  • COMP07. Fluently develop procedures and protocols for solving sports management problems, including methods, procedures, activities, resources, techniques and processes for different population segments.
  • COMP8. Analyze and evaluate with scientific rigor social, legal, economic, scientific or ethical issues in physical activity and sports.
  • COMP09. Organize the promotion of policies, strategies, and programs on aspects of public health, in relation to physical activity and sports (for the prevention of risk factors and diseases), as well as collaborate with other stakeholders in the same, in any professional intervention sector of physical activity and sports.
  • COMP15. COMP10. Value and apply principles of social responsibility in the company, such as environmental management and human rights and the principle of equality, aiming at compliance with current legislation and identifying it as a source of business success opportunities for image reinforcement and the production process in the company.
  • COMP111. Apply the acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies in practical and integrative ways in professional environments related to sports management.
  • COMP12. Prepare reports and research documents within the framework of sports management.
  • COMP13. Know, elaborate, and apply strategic analyses that propose creative solutions adapted to the situation of the sports company and its environment.
  • COMP14. Know and use management tools used in entities that provide physical activity services.
  • COMP15. Develop business action plans to improve processes that involve material, human or economic resources.
  • COMP16. Develop, present, and defend an original business plan project with objective criteria and integrated knowledge of all degree subjects.

Internships are a key element in your training. Gaining experience after your degree is the best way to enter the job market. There are two types of internships: curricular (included in your curriculum) and extracurricular (which you can do on a voluntary basis).

In order to do an internship in a company, you will need to have passed 50% of the credits and enrol in the course before starting your internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship professor and also involve interim and final reports for assessment.

If you would like to improve your work experience before finishing your university studies, you can do an internship. You can do them in any academic year, but we remind you that internships are a training complement to your studies; therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your degree, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.

Undertake your internship in relevant institutions such as the Spanish Olympic Committee, the Spanish Sports Council, Mutua Madrid Open, KMPG, Spanish Tennis Federation, Holmes Place, Sanitas or the AFE (Spanish Footballers' Association).

We have agreements with football clubs, large fitness chains such as Go Fit, sporting events, active tourism companies, public administrations and FAGDE. You are also connected to the industry as a member of the Círculo de Gestores Deportivos de Madrid (Madrid Sports Managers Circle).

Chica de pelo moreno y gafas, leyendo un mapa del mundo al aire libre

Programme mobility offer

We have agreements with many universities in different continents so that you can choose the one that best suits your training. By clicking on this link you will access the “Map of destinations” of the University. Once there, you must click on “Search” and once in the search engine, you must filter your degree in “Program”.


  • The employability rate at 15 months for students at the Universidad Europea is 91%.
  • 86% of our students find work less than six months after finishing their studies.
  • 84% of employed graduates work in the sector matching their area of studies.

Career oportunities

An increasingly internationally recognised industry. Sport Management generates $700 billion a year worldwide, 1% of the world's GDP, offering huge employment opportunities in both Europe and the USA.

Graduate profiles

With this Degree, you will acquire a differentiating professional profile as a sports manager and you’ll be able to develop your professional career in the following areas:

  • Professional clubs, sports federations and companies dedicated to the organisation of sporting events.
  • Sports services companies, sports equipment and in the management of sports and tourism-sports projects.
  • Management and operation of sports facilities and services in public administration, golf clubs and aquatic centres.

In addition, they may be public and/or private education professionals. The professional fields of these graduates will be:

  • Sports technicians.
  • Director of sports clubs or companies.
  • Director, coordinator, and promoter of sports events.
  • Manager of sports facilities and entities.
  • Manager of tourism, sports campuses...
  • Sports advisor and consultant.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

This qualification is suitable for students who:

  • Love sports (without requiring technical knowledge of it) and wish to combine their passion with a more versatile professional career linked to business and enterprise. Have a good knowledge of English and willingness to work in a multidisciplinary environment.
  • Are interested in taking on innovation challenges and being in ongoing training throughout their career.

Entry requirements

Students can access the degree studies according to the access routes set forth in RD 1892/2008, of 14 November and current applicable legislation, specifically:

  • Obtain a pass mark in the University Entrance Examination, in compliance with current legislation.
  • Obtain a pass mark in the entrance exams for the over-25s and over-45s.
  • Higher Technicians, Higher Technicians in Fine Arts and Design and Higher Sports Technicians.
  • Graduates, Technical Engineers, Engineers and Architects.
  • High school students from education systems of European Union Member States and other countries with which international agreements have been signed in this respect may access the Degree provided that they have access to university in their education system, and that they comply with the provisions of the regulations in force.
  • Students from other countries who do not have a signed international agreement must have their studies recognised and take the university entrance exam(s) if required in compliance with RD 412/2014.
  • Applicants with work and professional experience related to education, who do not hold any academic qualification that qualifies them for entry into University by other routes and who are or will be 40 before 1 October of this year.

Your virtual tour begins here!

Experience first-hand what it is like to study at Universidad Europea: our facilities and our experiential learning model.

HPR Lab Universidad Europea de Madrid
Visita el campus Universidad Europea

Come and see the campus

Get to know the facilities and discover why Universidad Europea is made for you.


Percentage of lecturers with PhDs in the degree programme: 67%

  • Javier Sánchez Sánchez
    Head of the Physical Performance Area of the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA) of the Royal Spanish Football Federation.
  • José Luis Felipe Hernández
    Head of Big Data and injury prevention at UD Las Palmas.
  • Nicolás de la Plata Caballero
    Sports Policies. Head of Coordination at UFEDEMA- Centro de Enseñanzas Deportivas.
  • Álvaro Fernández Luna
    Leader Researcher (IP) at Sport Management Universidad Europea Research Group. Leader of Research Projects with entities such as MutuaMadridOpen (MMO), Real Madrid Foundation, etc.
  • José Ramón Bonal Sánchez
    Academic Coordinator for Global Sport Management Bachelor Degree. Venue Marketing Manager UEFA 2020. International Campus Experience Manager Real Madrid Foundation (2011-2019)

(Other professors)

  • Tiziana Priede Bergamini
  • Jairo León Quismondo
    Collaborator at Spanish High Sports Council (Consejo Superiod de Deportes, CSD). International Research projects with Southern Connecticut State University (CT, USA). Young Researcher Award by Spanish Society for Sport Economics (SEED, 2019).
  • César San Juan Pajares
  • Guillermo Miguel Rocafort Pérez
  • Jorge López Fernández
  • Guillermo Muñoz Andradas
  • Joaquín Cerdá Béjar
  • Carolina López Chaves
  • Almudena Montalvo Pérez
  • Alejandro Sánchez Varas
  • Eva Asensio Castañeda
  • Juan Antonio Simón Sanjurjo
  • Jonathan Ospina Betancurt
  • Alejandro Padilla Crespo
  • Ricardo Macías Plá
    Academic Coordinator for Sport Management Degree (Spanish & Online). Expert in golf market, golf academies and golf courses management
  • Silvia Burgos Postigo
  • Rosa Bielsa Hierro
  • María Garrido Muñoz
  • Rocío Moldes Farelo
  • Mª Victoria Gutiérrez Duarte
  • Mª del Pilar Cerdera Jiménez
  • Joaquín Sánchez Molina
  • Javier del Arco Juan
  • Enrique Gragera Pizarro
  • Laura De la Calle Pérez
  • Pablo Burillo
    Senior Researcher in Sport Management at Universidad Europea de Madrid. Match Director at LaLiga. Leader of Research Projects with entities such as MutuaMadrid Open, Real Madrid Foundation, Spanish Basketball Federation, etc.

Quality Guarantee

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan the aim of which is to promote a culture of quality and ongoing improvement, and to enable students to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to: promoting the achievement of external recognition and accreditation, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; the simplification of management; and the relationship with external regulators.


Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Monitoring of the degree quality

Members of the degree quality committee (DQC)

  • Vice-dean
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Program Director (in case of Master Degree)
  • Department Director
  • Students
  • Professors (Undergraduate Final Project Coordinator and Internship Coordinator)
  • Quality Partner (Quality and Academic Compliance)
  • Academic Advisor
  • Responsible of Learning Assesment
  • Academic Director
  • Online Tutor

Main results


Frequently Asked Questions

It's the perfect combination between a business management and a sports degree. You will be able to learn aspects such as accounting, finance and strategic management combined with sports marketing, sport industry and sport events.

Organisations and entities of the sports ecosystem are growing every day, globally. Studying sports management will prepare you to contribute to such growth and impact the sport, fitness and physical activity industries. There are plenty of opportunities, so after developing your skills and knowledge you will be ready to transform your passion for sports into your job.

Universidad Europea is the only Spanish centre that offers this degree, taught 100% in English, including corporate trips and experiences, and one year studying and completing internships in the USA.

A sports manager can do a variety of functions, from team management, strategic planning, financial control, to club management. Everything that a business manager could do but applied to sports.
