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Grado en Relaciones Internacionales

Bachelor's Degree in International Relations Madrid

The Bachelor’s in International Relations is a fully interdisciplinary education. Become a professional with a comprehensive view of the world, which will enable you to have a successful career path studying international relations.

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Degree in International Relations

The International Relations degree at Universidad Europea is a 4-year programme designed to give students the skills to lead and explain the complexities of policy and global interests. The programme, made up of 240 ECTS credits, and based at the campus in Villaviciosa de Odón, covers areas such as conflict resolution, diplomacy, cooperation and communication to political and legal advocacy.

With an academic model based on experiential learning, if you choose the bachelor of international studies in English, you will work on real case studies from day one. In addition, throughout your studies with us, you will have opportunities to take part in internships and work placements at our partner institutions such as LSE, Unicef, the Department for Foreign Affairs, and EFE news agency.

You can study this degree 100% in English.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid
Villaviciosa de Odón 4 years, 240 ECTS
Start: 16 sep. 2024
Faculty of Economics, Business and Communication Sciences

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Why study the International Relations degree?

Learn differently

Join the International Relations Club (IRClub) at the European University, where you can discuss and debate topics of international relevance in a multidisciplinary environment.

Moot and Mun competitions

Learn how to professionally interact with different international agents, from states and public and private institutions to multinationals, international organisations and NGOs.

Participate in the European Law Moot Court, or in the Model United Nations (MUN). Our students are regularly recognised in international legal simulation competitions.

Global Analysis Lab

Solve challenges proposed by companies regarding international matters. In the Global Analysis Lab, international relations students, along with professors and experts, focus on analysis and research to propose new solutions to the challenges presented.

Internships in the best institutions

You will undertake an internship in a public or private institution such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a Spanish Embassy, a European Union Institution, a cooperation organization or an international foundation.

Understand what happens outside our borders to take action within

Isn’t it incredible to think that in your future career, you can be part of projects which may help to change global events? Or to be an active part of the decision-making process that may influence the international landscape?

The September 11 attacks, the 2008 economic crisis, Donald Trump’s presidential victory in the United States, the rise of populism in Europe, the health crisis of 2020... These are events and phenomena which determine global policy, something which society and large corporations need to understand.

You’re not just an observer, you want to provide answers. As an expert in International Relations, you’ll be able to explain the complexities of policy and global interests. You will provide ways and means for conflict resolution, from diplomacy, cooperation and communication to political and legal advocacy.

At Universidad Europea, we are experts in International Relations, as we were one of the first universities in Spain to offer it as an International Relations bachelor.


International Relations Club

The IRClub has more than 160 members and carries out more than four monthly activities in collaboration with the B-Corps.


International Relations Observatory

A digital magazine and university forum for analysis and research on international affairs.


International Partnerships

Take part in an international experience thanks to our agreements with the best universities in Europe, the USA and Asia.



Our students find employment in less than 18 months. Set yourself apart and prepare to be a global professional.

International relations club

Join the International Relations Club (IRClub) and share your passion for international relations with our students. At present, the club has more than 160 members and carries out over four monthly activities. One of the club’s recent highlights has been working with the B-Corps, a global movement of more than 2,500 companies in 50 countries with one shared goal: that one day, all companies will compete to make the most positive impact on our world.

Doble Grado en Derecho y Relaciones Internacionales
José María PeredoComillas
ComillasYounger generations want to understand the world in which they live. Our renowned teaching staff fosters progress and develops expertise.

José María Peredo

Professor in the Bachelor’s in International Relations

Chica de pelo moreno y gafas, leyendo un mapa del mundo al aire libre

Mobility offer

We have agreements with many universities in different continents so that you can choose the one that best suits your training.

Study plan

A study plan designed by academics and lawyers that brings you closer to a career in International Relations

During the first few years of the Joint Honours Bachelor’s Degree in Law + International Relations at Universidad Europea, you will acquire general knowledge so that, subsequently, with the guidance of your professors, you can discover in which area of law you would like to specialise. You will face real challenges and learn about the interaction between the different powers which shape international society: States, multinational companies, interest groups and NGOs.

Learn specific skills with subjects such as International Negotiation Workshops, International Cooperation Projects and the Observatory on Current Affairs, which bring you closer to your professional reality; or Investigative Technique, where you will learn how to design and practise strategies, analyse expert reports or interrogate witnesses, making use of our Courtroom.

You will attend seminars with security and defence specialists, global economics experts and diplomats. You will also visit international agencies and strategy spaces in order to understand International Relations and Law.


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
History and Theory of International Relations6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Concepts of International Relations: Actors and Factors6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Communication in International Relations6OBLIGAORIAInglés (en)
Human, Economic, and Political Geography6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Foreign Language Level I Spanish6BASICAEspañol (en)
Foreign Language Level I French6BASICAFrancés (fr)
Foreign Language Level I German6BASICAAlemán (de)
Documenting Sources6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Foreign Policy and Diplomacy6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Human Rights and Development Cooperation6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Sociological Research Techniques6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Current-Day Observations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Theory of State and Comparative Political Systems6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Comparative Legal Systems6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Global Economy and Foreign Trade6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Cultural Differences and Interculturality6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
English6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Spain’s Foreign Policy6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Public International Law6BÁSICAInglés (en)
The United Nations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Theory and Analysis of International Conflicts6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Management of Multinational Companies6BÁSICAInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Defense and Security Alliances6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Economic and Financial Organisations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Public Opinion6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Image Abroad and Public Diplomacy6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Foreign Language Level II Spanish6BÁSICAEspañol (en)
Foreign Language Level II French6BASICAFrancés (fr)
Foreign Language C II German6BASICAAlemán (de)
Diplomatic and Consular Law6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Pressure Groups6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Conflicts of Laws6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Optatives (select two)12OPTATIVAInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Internship6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Terrorism and Organised Crime6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Professional Ethics in International Relations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Seminar of International Negotiations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Environmental Hazards and Climate Change6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Graduation Project6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Design and Management of International Projects3OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Optatives (select two)12OPTATIVAInglés (en)

Optativas de 3º y 4º

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
The European Union in the World6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Foreign Policy of the United States of America6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Emerging Powers & Markets6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Middle East & Maghreb6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Global Geopolitics6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
European Union Law6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
University Activities6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
The Individual and Leadership6OPTATIVAInglés (en)


Internships are a key component of your training. Acquiring experience after what you have learnt in your degree is the best way to enter the employment market. There are two types of internships: curricular—which are included in your study plan—and extracurricular—which you can do on a voluntary basis.

In order to complete curricular internships in companies, you will need to have 50% of the credits approved and to register the subject before starting your internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship coordinator, and they are evaluated by midterm and final reports.

If you want to take your work experience to the next level before finishing your university education, you can pursue an extracurricular internship. You can do them in any academic year, but keep in mind that internships are a formative complement to your studies; therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your studies, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.

Check the list of companies

The London School of Economics, the Department of Foreign Affairs, ESGLOBAL, the Elcano Royal Institute, EFE News Agency, UNICEF... these are just some of the institutions in which you can complete your internship, and in which members of the faculty that makes up the Bachelor’s Degree also work.

Key skills on this programme

  • CB1: Students must have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in an area of study that is at the core of general secondary education and is often at a level that, although supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that imply knowledge from the cutting-edge of their field of study.
  • CB2: Students must know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the competencies that are usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem-solving within their area of study.
  • CB3: Students must have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data—usually within their area of study—to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
  • CB4: Students must be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • CB5: Students must have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
  • CT1: Autonomous Learning: Ability to choose the strategies, tools and moments that he/she considers most effective to learn and put into practice independently what he/she has learned. 
  • CT2: Self-Confidence: Ability to value our own results, performance and capabilities with the inner conviction that we are capable of doing the things and challenges that are set before us. 
  • CT3: Ability to adapt to new situations: being able to value and understand different positions, adapting one's approach as the situation requires. 
  • TC4: Capacity for analysis and synthesis: to be able to break down complex situations into their constituent parts; also to evaluate other alternatives and perspectives to find optimal solutions. Synthesis seeks to reduce complexity in order to better understand it and/or solve problems. 
  • CT5: Ability to apply knowledge to practice, to use the knowledge acquired in the academic environment in situations as close as possible to the reality of the profession for which they are training. 
  • CT6: Oral communication/written communication: ability to transmit and receive data, ideas, opinions and attitudes to achieve understanding and action, being oral that which is carried out through words and gestures and, written, through writing and/or graphic supports. 
  • CT7: Awareness of ethical values: Ability to think and act according to universal principles based on the value of the person that are aimed at their full development and that entails commitment to certain social values. 
  • CT8: Information management: Ability to search for, select, analyze and integrate information from different sources. 
  • CT9: Skills in interpersonal relationships: Ability to relate positively with other people by verbal and nonverbal means, through assertive communication, understood as the ability to express or convey what you want, what you think or feel without bothering, attacking or hurting the feelings of the other person. 
  • CT10: Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit: Ability to undertake difficult or hazardous actions with resolution. Ability to anticipate problems, propose improvements and persevere in their achievement. Preference for taking on and carrying out activities. 
  • CT11: Planning and time management: Ability to set objectives and choose the means to achieve them using time and resources effectively. 
  • CT12: Critical reasoning: Ability to analyze an idea, phenomenon or situation from different perspectives and to assume a personal approach, built from rigor and argued objectivity, and not from intuition. 
  • CT13: Problem solving: Ability to find a solution to a confusing issue or a complicated situation without a predefined solution, which hinders the achievement of an end. 
  • SC1: Ability to know and understand the historical evolution of international society.
  • SC2: Ability to know the international legal framework and its regulation through treaties, conventions, agreements and resolutions.
  • SC3: Knowledge to make use of research techniques to identify problems.
  • SC4: Ability to know and understand the role of international organizations today. Their functions, objectives and internal organization.
  • SC5: Ability to know and understand the economic aspects of globalization related to: internationalization of companies, foreign trade, and global economy.
  • SC6: Ability to communicate effectively in two languages, at a general level and specifically in the professional field of International Relations.
  • SC7: Knowledge to inform and discuss the problems that cause international instabilities: conflicts, inequalities, exclusion, environment, pressure groups and public opinion, among others.
  • SC8: Ability to recognize and explain the general theories of international relations.
  • SC9: Ability to recognize global, universal, cosmopolitan perspectives in the study of the actors, institutions, structures and transactions that constitute International Relations.
  • SC10: Knowledge to understand the basic concepts of International Law.
  • CE11: Knowledge to understand the functioning of mainly international legal institutions.
  • CE12: Ability to understand the dimension of Human Rights as inspiring values of international society and the legal framework on which it is based.
  • SC13: Ability to define and implement development objectives in international cooperation agencies and organizations.
  • CE14: Ability to carry out research and studies on the international sphere and its economic, social, political and cultural areas.
  • SC15: Ability to know how to make use of the different sources and channels of information.
  • SC16: Ability to identify and analyze the different geopolitical, geoeconomic and socio-cultural areas, as well as their particularities.
  • SC17: Knowledge to establish analogies and differences between the different actors present in the international arena.
  • CE18: Ability to generate, develop and consolidate basic level projects.
  • SC19: Ability to interpret and analyze legal texts.
  • SC20: Knowledge to analyze, interpret and develop programs and projects aimed at improving aspects related to international security.
  • SC21: Ability to contribute to the design of sustainable growth policies that favor equality, reduce poverty, foster citizen participation and promote democratization processes.
  • SC22: Ability to play an active role in proposing solutions to specific problems and conflicts regardless of the geopolitical area.
  • SC23: Ability to contribute to the promotion of peace policies and proposals for peaceful solutions to conflicts.
  • SC24: Ability to develop a critical attitude for the analysis of the past and the present.
  • SC25: Ability to carry out future prospections of realities.
  • SC26: Ability to contribute to mediation for conflict resolution in hostile environments.
  • SC27: Ability to identify and relate to different international actors.
  • CE28: Knowledge to inform, evaluate and assess current international events and situations.


Career opportunities

Bachelor’s in International Relations. With the Bachelor's in International Relations, you can present a multidisciplinary profile to companies and institutions, with in-depth knowledge, international experience and the necessary skills and abilities to for your own professional development in:

  • International organisations
  • Public and private companies


  • International consulting and advice
  • Diplomatic corps
  • International organisations
  • Supranational organisations
  • Defence
  • Intelligence services
  • Diplomatic missions, consulates or customs agencies
  • Diplomatic corps public exam for civil service in Spain
  • International cooperation programmes
  • Global organisations like the UN, regional organisations like the EU, or sectoral like NATO
  • Expert in international trade
  • Non-governmental organisations (NGO), in cultural, educational or humanitarian cooperation programs; political, economic, tourism or environmental consultancies
  • Chambers of commerce
  • International business
  • International consultancy analyst
  • Media: advice on cultural, political, historical, ethical and economic matters
  • Research institutes
  • Lobbies
  • Think tanks
  • Public sector
  • Private sector


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

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63% of our professors hold PhDs of great prestige in the teaching field.

  • Aida Fonseca Díaz
    The Individual & Leadership. Aida is a practising lawyer. She has developed her career as a lawyer in various law firms, in the Nursing Union and in the Legal and Social Consultation Services in Madrid since 2006. Internship Coordinator for the Bachelor’s in Law. She is a member of the Knowledge-Research Group on Social Issues at Universidad Europea.
  • Belén García-Delgado Giménez
    Document sources. She has collaborated in various research projects and is the author of a range of book chapters, articles in high-impact journals and papers that she has presented at various conferences. She began her professional experience in libraries and documentation centres, combining this work for some time with teaching before finally fully dedicating herself to education.
  • Cesar Lajud Desentis
    Emerging Powers & Markets. With extensive experience as a consultant and commercial advisor for Mexico in different countries, César has acted as Consulate General for Mexico in California and has led projects for the World Bank in Equatorial Guinea.
  • José María Peredo Pombo
    International Image & Public Diplomacy. Professor of Foreign Policy and Communication, José María has a PhD in International Relations and extensive experience in the analysis of international current affairs. At Universidad Europea, he is head of the International Relations Observatory and the Europea Media Lab.
  • Julia Pulido Grajera
    Security & Defence Alliances, Diplomatic & Consular Law, Foreign Practices. In the field of research, Julia has been a research fellow at the London School of Economics/IDEAS and lead researcher of the research group, ‘International Security, Public Policies and Global Governance’ at UEM. Her lines of research focus on International Security, Strategic Intelligence, Asymmetric Warfare and Organised Crime.
  • Miguel Ángel Benedicto Solsona
    Foreign Policy of Spain, The European Union in the World. Miguel is a member of the European Movement International Council and advisor to European institutions. He has extensive experience as an analyst of international current affairs, and as a participant in various media channels.
  • Almudena Vázquez
    Language C II
  • Aranzazu Otero
  • Elia Cambón Crespo
    International Relations: Players & Factors
  • Gloria Canales
    Environmental Risks and Climate Change
  • Hutan Hejazi
    Lobbying Groups, The Middle East & Maghreb
  • Julieta Espín Ocampo
    History & Theory of IR; Human, Economic & Political Geography; and Final Bachelor's Project
  • Laura Gauthier Blassi
    Foreign Language C II
  • Lorena Esmorís Galán
    Cultural Differences & Interculturality
  • Martín Anselmo Rocha Espíndola
    Theory of the State & Political Systems
  • Susana Bocobo
    Public International Law
  • Ted Liu / Gabriela Bronchner
    History & Theory of International Relations

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Monitoring of the degree quality

Members of the Degree Quality Comittee (CCT)

  • Undergraduate vice-dean
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Department Director
  • Students
  • Professors (Undergraduate Final Project Coordinator and Internship Coordinator)
  • Quality Partner (Quality and Academic Compliance)
  • Academic Advisor
  • Responsible of Learning Assesment
  • Academic Director

Main results of the Master


Frequently asked questions

A bachelor’s degree in international relations will equip you with a broad range of skills and abilities, which will be appealing for all types of employers across many sectors when it comes to graduating. Many of our students go on to enjoy successful careers in Spain and abroad in areas such as:

  • Management roles in private and public organisations
  • Consulting services
  • Public service such as the diplomatic corp, defence or intelligence services
  • Research
  • Teaching

The degree in international relations at Universidad Europea in Madrid is a four-year programme consisting of 240 ETS.

Throughout your politics degree, you will have the chance to take part in internship and work experience placements at companies and organisations in Spain and abroad, gaining valuable experience of the working world, and also allowing you to narrow down on what you’d like to do after you finish your degree. In addition, you can also take part in study abroad exchanges - we have agreements with more than 100 universities across Europe, Asia and the USA.

The BA in International Relations covers many areas of politics and diplomacy. The aim of the programme is to provide a wide range of experiences for the students so they can decide on which area they would like to specialise in either via further studies at masters level or in their career choices.

The following is an example of some of the subjects including in the degree of international relations:

  • History and theory of international relations
  • Diplomacy
  • Human, economic and political geography
  • Cultural differences and intercultrality

If you’re looking to study international relations in Spain, Universidad Europea in Madrid offers an all-round education for you to build your career in the international relations sector. As well as a comprehensive study plan, our degree includes internship opportunities at leading organisations such as LSE, Unicef, the Department for Foreign Affairs, and EFE news agency.

Graduates of the degree in international relations at Universidad Europea are highly regarded by employers, with 88% finding employment within 18 months of finishing their studies.
