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The International Relations degree at Universidad Europea is a 4-year programme designed to give students the skills to lead and explain the complexities of policy and global interests. The programme, made up of 240 ECTS credits, and based at the campus in Villaviciosa de Odón, covers areas such as conflict resolution, diplomacy, cooperation and communication to political and legal advocacy.
With an academic model based on experiential learning, if you choose the bachelor of international studies in English, you will work on real case studies from day one. In addition, throughout your studies with us, you will have opportunities to take part in internships and work placements at our partner institutions such as LSE, Unicef, the Department for Foreign Affairs, and EFE news agency.
You can study this degree 100% in English.
Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid
Campus-based | Classes in Spanish | Villaviciosa de Odón | 4 years, 240 ECTS | Start: 15 sep. 2025 | Faculty of Economics, Business and Communication Sciences |
Isn’t it incredible to think that in your future career, you can be part of projects which may help to change global events? Or to be an active part of the decision-making process that may influence the international landscape?
The September 11 attacks, the 2008 economic crisis, Donald Trump’s presidential victory in the United States, the rise of populism in Europe, the health crisis of 2020... These are events and phenomena which determine global policy, something which society and large corporations need to understand.
You’re not just an observer, you want to provide answers. As an expert in International Relations, you’ll be able to explain the complexities of policy and global interests. You will provide ways and means for conflict resolution, from diplomacy, cooperation and communication to political and legal advocacy.
At Universidad Europea, we are experts in International Relations, as we were one of the first universities in Spain to offer it as an International Relations bachelor.
The IRClub has more than 160 members and carries out more than four monthly activities in collaboration with the B-Corps.
A digital magazine and university forum for analysis and research on international affairs.
Take part in an international experience thanks to our agreements with the best universities in Europe, the USA and Asia.
Our students find employment in less than 18 months. Set yourself apart and prepare to be a global professional.
We have agreements with many universities in different continents so that you can choose the one that best suits your training.
During the first few years of the Joint Honours Bachelor’s Degree in Law + International Relations at Universidad Europea, you will acquire general knowledge so that, subsequently, with the guidance of your professors, you can discover in which area of law you would like to specialise. You will face real challenges and learn about the interaction between the different powers which shape international society: States, multinational companies, interest groups and NGOs.
Learn specific skills with subjects such as International Negotiation Workshops, International Cooperation Projects and the Observatory on Current Affairs, which bring you closer to your professional reality; or Investigative Technique, where you will learn how to design and practise strategies, analyse expert reports or interrogate witnesses, making use of our Courtroom.
You will attend seminars with security and defence specialists, global economics experts and diplomats. You will also visit international agencies and strategy spaces in order to understand International Relations and Law.
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
History and Theory of International Relations | 6 | BÁSICA | Inglés (en) |
Concepts of International Relations: Actors and Factors | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Communication in International Relations | 6 | OBLIGAORIA | Inglés (en) |
Human, Economic, and Political Geography | 6 | BÁSICA | Inglés (en) |
Foreign Language Level I Spanish | 6 | BASICA | Español (en) |
Foreign Language Level I French | 6 | BASICA | Francés (fr) |
Foreign Language Level I German | 6 | BASICA | Alemán (de) |
Documenting Sources | 6 | BÁSICA | Inglés (en) |
Foreign Policy and Diplomacy | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Human Rights and Development Cooperation | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Sociological Research Techniques | 6 | BÁSICA | Inglés (en) |
Current-Day Observations | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Theory of State and Comparative Political Systems | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Comparative Legal Systems | 6 | BÁSICA | Inglés (en) |
Global Economy and Foreign Trade | 6 | BÁSICA | Inglés (en) |
Cultural Differences and Interculturality | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
English | 6 | BÁSICA | Inglés (en) |
Spain’s Foreign Policy | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Public International Law | 6 | BÁSICA | Inglés (en) |
The United Nations | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Theory and Analysis of International Conflicts | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Management of Multinational Companies | 6 | BÁSICA | Inglés (en) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Defense and Security Alliances | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
International Economic and Financial Organisations | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
International Public Opinion | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Image Abroad and Public Diplomacy | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Foreign Language Level II Spanish | 6 | BÁSICA | Español (en) |
Foreign Language Level II French | 6 | BASICA | Francés (fr) |
Foreign Language C II German | 6 | BASICA | Alemán (de) |
Diplomatic and Consular Law | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Pressure Groups | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
International Conflicts of Laws | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Optatives (select two) | 12 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Internship | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
International Terrorism and Organised Crime | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Professional Ethics in International Relations | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Seminar of International Negotiations | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Environmental Hazards and Climate Change | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Graduation Project | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Design and Management of International Projects | 3 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Optatives (select two) | 12 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
Optativas de 3º y 4º
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
The European Union in the World | 6 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
Foreign Policy of the United States of America | 6 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
Emerging Powers & Markets | 6 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
Middle East & Maghreb | 6 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
Global Geopolitics | 6 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
European Union Law | 6 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
University Activities | 6 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
The Individual and Leadership | 6 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
Internships are a key component of your training. Acquiring experience after what you have learnt in your degree is the best way to enter the employment market. There are two types of internships: curricular—which are included in your study plan—and extracurricular—which you can do on a voluntary basis.
In order to complete curricular internships in companies, you will need to have 50% of the credits approved and to register the subject before starting your internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship coordinator, and they are evaluated by midterm and final reports.
If you want to take your work experience to the next level before finishing your university education, you can pursue an extracurricular internship. You can do them in any academic year, but keep in mind that internships are a formative complement to your studies; therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your studies, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.
The London School of Economics, the Department of Foreign Affairs, ESGLOBAL, the Elcano Royal Institute, EFE News Agency, UNICEF... these are just some of the institutions in which you can complete your internship, and in which members of the faculty that makes up the Bachelor’s Degree also work.
Bachelor’s in International Relations. With the Bachelor's in International Relations, you can present a multidisciplinary profile to companies and institutions, with in-depth knowledge, international experience and the necessary skills and abilities to for your own professional development in:
Start your future at Universidad Europea
You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.
Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.
Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.
Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.
Scholarships and financial aid
We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.
Credit recognition and transfers
You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.
Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.
Get to know the facilities and discover why Universidad Europea is made for you.
63% of our professors hold PhDs of great prestige in the teaching field.
A bachelor’s degree in international relations will equip you with a broad range of skills and abilities, which will be appealing for all types of employers across many sectors when it comes to graduating. Many of our students go on to enjoy successful careers in Spain and abroad in areas such as:
The degree in international relations at Universidad Europea in Madrid is a four-year programme consisting of 240 ETS.
Throughout your politics degree, you will have the chance to take part in internship and work experience placements at companies and organisations in Spain and abroad, gaining valuable experience of the working world, and also allowing you to narrow down on what you’d like to do after you finish your degree. In addition, you can also take part in study abroad exchanges - we have agreements with more than 100 universities across Europe, Asia and the USA.
The BA in International Relations covers many areas of politics and diplomacy. The aim of the programme is to provide a wide range of experiences for the students so they can decide on which area they would like to specialise in either via further studies at masters level or in their career choices.
The following is an example of some of the subjects including in the degree of international relations:
If you’re looking to study international relations in Spain, Universidad Europea in Madrid offers an all-round education for you to build your career in the international relations sector. As well as a comprehensive study plan, our degree includes internship opportunities at leading organisations such as LSE, Unicef, the Department for Foreign Affairs, and EFE news agency.
Graduates of the degree in international relations at Universidad Europea are highly regarded by employers, with 88% finding employment within 18 months of finishing their studies.