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Study Abroad

A journey towards your future A unique opportunity to earn credits while having an international experience!

Key details

The Study Abroad program offered by Universidad Europea in Madrid enables you to combine your passion for learning with a unique international experience. During the program, you will be enrolled in a bachelor's degree program and study alongside ordinary university students.


6 months


Semester 2: January


133€ / ECTS


Madrid and Valencia

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What is the Study Abroad Programme at Universidad Europea?

A unique opportunity to earn credits while having an international experience!

  • Discover Spain and its culture. 
  • Study in an international atmosphere with students from all over the world.
  • Learn from highly qualified teachers.
  • Take advantage of our campus facilities.
Contact us


International students

You’ll live in a multicultural environment that is more diverse than other universities


Different nationalities

Students from every continent.


Túnel de Viento Universidad Europea de Madrid

Campus of Villaviciosa de Odón

Wind Tunnel

With this device, students better understand the effects of wind on objects; measuring the forces objects are subjected to, the wind speed and visualizing air current lines.

Instalaciones Club Deportivo Universidad Europea de Madrid

Campus of Villaviciosa de Odón

Sports Centre

The best and most complete sports facilities and with an experienced team of qualified professionals.

Biblioteca Dulce Chacón

Campus of Alcobendas

Campus of Villaviciosa de Odón

CRAI Dulce Chacón Library

Its mission is to provide an excellent service as an active participant in learning, research and innovation of its users.

Residencia Universitaria Universidad Europea de Madrid

Campus of Villaviciosa de Odón

University accommodation in Madrid

The Xior Picasso-Velázquez Residence Hall, a Residence Hall unlike anything you've ever seen before!

Residencia Universitaria Universidad Europea de Valencia

Campus of Valencia

Student Accomodation Valencia

Accommodation recommended by the Universidad Europea de Valencia

HPR Lab Madrid

Campus of Villaviciosa de Odón

Human Performance Research Lab (HPRLab)

A state-of-the-art space for learning and research.

Biblioteca Casa Salazar

Campus of La Orotava

Casa Salazar Library

Universidad Europea de Canarias Library

BIblioteca José Planas - Universidad Europea de Valencia

Campus of Valencia

José Planas Library

The library at Universidad Europea de Valencia is a resource centre for learning, teaching, research, innovation and activities related to the operation and management of the University as a whole.

Available Programmes

Administración y Dirección de Empresas

View moreStudy Abroad Universidad Europea - Administración de Empresas

Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte

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Comunicación Audiovisual

View moreStudy Abroad Universidad Europea - Comunicación Audiovisual

Comunicación Publicitaria

View moreStudy Abroad Universidad Europea - Publicidad


View moreque-hace-criminologo


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View moreStudy Abroad Universidad Europea - Arquitectura

Gestión Deportiva

View moreStudy Abroad Universidad Europea - Gestión Deportiva

Gestión Empresarial Basada en el Análisis de Datos

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Ingeniería Aeroespacial en Aeronaves

View moreStudy Abroad Universidad Europea - Aeroespacial

Ingeniería Civil

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Matemática Aplicada al Análisis de Datos

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Ingeniería en Sistemas Industriales

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Ingeniería Informática

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Educación Primaria

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View morediferencias-publicidad-marketing


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View moreperiodista-deportivo

Relaciones Internacionales

View moreStudy Abroad Universidad Europea - Relaciones Internacionales


View more¿Por qué estudiar Derecho?_1200x630

Gestión Turística y del Ocio

View moreStudy Abroad Universidad Europea - Turismo

Traducción y Comunicación Intercultural

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Ciencia de Datos

View morelandscape-datos

Admission Process

The admission process for the Study Abroad programmes of the Universidad Europea is open all year.

For advice from the International team, you can contact us by email at info.international@universidadeuropea.es.


Personalised Advice

To start your admission process, the first thing you should do is to choose the 5 subjects you want to study.


Language assessment test

We will send you a link where you can take the test and you will know the result immediately.



You will have to send us the Study Abroad Application Form and a photocopy of your ID card.


Formalistion of enrolment


Living in Spain

An attractive climate, safety and health are some of the reasons why Spain is an ideal country to live at. ...

42% of our students are international and come from the 5 continents, especially attracted by the culture and the opportunity to combine the passion for studies with a unique international experience.

Useful information


Useful information guide

pdf, 1103 KB Download

Useful information guide

pdf, 1947 KB Download

Useful information guide

pdf, 742 KB Download