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BIblioteca José Planas - Universidad Europea de Valencia

José Planas Library

The library at Universidad Europea de Valencia is a resource centre for learning, teaching, research, innovation and activities related to the operation and management of the University as a whole.

José Planas Library

The library at Universidad Europea de Valencia is a resource centre for learning, teaching, research, innovation and activities related to the operation and management of the University as a whole.

The idea of Information Service. The purpose of this Service is not merely to look after the entire library catalog, but rather, Information Service staff are available to help meet any information needs of all types of users: Students, alumni, teaching staff and administration and service staff.

The incorporation of specialised collections in the different subjects related to courses taught at the University.

Real Madrid

Discover the José Planas library catalogo

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Mission and vision

The mission of the José Planas Library is to provide excellent service as an active participant in learning, research and innovation, through the comprehensive management of resources and information services to meet the needs of its users, thus contributing to achieving the University’s objectives.

The library aims to offer the entire university community a quality service that allows for the access and dissemination of information resources, as well as to collaborate in the processes of knowledge creation, in order to contribute to the achievement of our institutional objectives of Academic Excellence and Business Effectiveness.

The library’s vision is to be a resource center for learning, teaching, research, innovation and continuous training as a key part of all comprehensive education processes, as well as teaching and research activity.

In short, our aim is to offer services and resources - in-person and virtually - to facilitate the learning process and access to information for all members of the community, becoming a reference center for the University.

List of services
  • Facilitating knowledge of and access to Universidad Europea de Valencia’s library catalog, providing information on the location and availability of our collection.
  • Allowing for the use of the library catalog outside the library premises (for a set period of time, depending on the type of work) via the loan service.
  • Ensuring the accessibility of non-loanable catalog items, which are available for in-library consultation upon prior request, using the University card.
  • Promoting the proper use of the university library by resolving any doubts which may arise regarding the use of our services, the development of guides and information programmes.
  • Specialised personnel, attending to library catalog information requests made by our users.
  • Providing access to electronic information: databases, online summaries, full-text e-journals.
  • Keeping the OPAC up-to-date, where we provide information about the library itself and the services provided.
Social responsibility activities

The social function of the Library is a fundamental aspect of university life, something which is implicit to our role as a user-oriented service. The Library promotes this social element by organising and carrying out activities and services throughout the year, in close collaboration with the University community.
The José Planas Library commemorates World Book Day with the annual celebration of Book and Reading Week. In addition, to promote the role of reading and writing among members of the University community, the Library organises numerous activities.

We promote our social character by supporting various projects developed by different non-profit organisations, and by organising charity book markets. We also carry out a toy collection during the holiday season, on behalf of an NGO.

About us

Cristina Polo Castillejo
Tel.: 960 452827
E-mail: cristina.polo@universidadeuropea.es

Olga Bonet Baldrés
Tel.: 960 452827
E-mail: olga.bonet@universidadeuropea.es

Where you can find us?

Building A: 

Biblioteca “José Planas”
Paseo Alameda, nº 7
46010 Valencia
E-mail: biblioteca.valencia@universidadeuropea.es

Opening hours

Biblioteca “José Planas” 

  • Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 22:00.
  • Working Saturdays from 9:00 to 20:00.
My account

With your user card, you can directly access the following customised services:

  • Renew your loans
  • View the status of your requests
  • View your search history
  • Manage your lists and favourite searches
  • Suggest a purchase

Acces my user card

Search tools

Location of library resources:

  • Information

The Library’s main purpose is to meet and respond to its users’ informational requests.

Access to information is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, both on and off campus, via:

See: The catalogue of library resources, which allows users to locate any item with a single search, showing the printed materials available in the Library collections (in both José Planas and Edificio Europa), as well as the digital information accessible in databases, digital magazines and e-books. This service also facilitates user transactions: loan renewal, reservations, suggestions for the purchase of new items, etc.

  • Our classification:

To organise our collections, the Library uses the Library of Congress Classification (LCC).

This systematic alphanumeric classification was developed by the Library of Congress of the United States, and originates from Cutter's expansive classification. It divides human knowledge into 21 disciplines or branches of knowledge, and is an indispensable tool for our users/clients when accessing our library collection.

The LCC is used in most research and academic libraries of the United States, and in institutions in more than 150 countries. On a national level, it is used in the Humanities Library at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and any institution of a socio-cultural nature, such as the Picasso Museum of Malaga.

It consists of an ordering by large disciplines or branches of knowledge, identified by a series of letters (from "A" to "Z"), and within that, a series of numbers (from 1 to 9999), which make up the call number. This groups materials dealing with the same subject together on the shelves, differentiating them from each other and sorting them alphabetically.

  • Our disciplines





















  • The LCC and our collections

The call number appears on coloured labels which identify the type of loan and are located on the back of each of item in the library catalog.

  • White Label: 1-week loan
  • Red Label: in-library consultation only
  • Green Label: non-loanable material
Loans, renewals and reservations

The Library's collection is available for loan, with the exception of:

  • Reference works.
  • Serial publications.
  • Works of a singular nature (working documents, old collections, theses, end-of-degree projects, etc.)
  1. Requirements to access the loan service
  • You must be a part of Universidad Europea de Valencia (undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral student, teaching staff and administration and services staff), or be expressly authorised by the Library Directorate.
  • You must present the University card (personal and non-transferable) or accreditation document for personal identification (national ID card, passport, driver's license).
  • You must not be subject to a penalty for non-compliance with the regulations.

2- Maximum loanable items per user

  • The maximum loan is 2 items - for Undergraduate Students, Postgraduate Students, Vocational Training Students, External Students, Alumni, Professors and Non-Professors.

3- Loan conditions for each material

  • Monographs: 7 days.

4- Number of renewals allowed

  • 1 renewal for all materials, for all types of users

5 - Requirements for renewal

  • The loan term must be in effect.
  • The book you want to renew cannot be reserved by another user.
  • The maximum number of renewals must not be exceeded.
Assistance and specialised information

Library staff can guide users who require assistance to obtain specialised information needed for study and research. With users tending to make requests for increasingly specialised information, library staff provide information on all materials in the library catalog: printed and digital library collections, their search, access and use.

The assistance and specialised information in the Library is offered both in-person and remotely, with staff responding to email requests.

Bibliographic information and assisted searches

The Library offers personalised attention and help to all its clients/users in the search for and acquisition of information and materials for research, work, teaching etc.

The aim is to assist users in finding the information for which they have previously searched and which they have not been able to find, or to guide them in the use and navigation of information sources. This strengthens students’ competencies in terms of search and management of specialised information and documentation.

Generally, the most appropriate type of source is determined on each occasion. The user will then be trained in the capacities and operation of the source(s) in question.

Mendeley - Bibliographic Reference Manager 

Reference managers are programmes that make it easier to manage bibliographic content. It is necessary to have a method of managing and controlling the information collected to avoid losing sight of important items, duplicating or losing references that will be needed in the future.

Mendeley is a web-based reference manager that allows you to:

  • Create personal bibliographic databases online by importing search results, creating records manually or searching for records from Mendeley.
  • Organise bibliographic references (classify and archive references easily using folders, organise search and author indexes, keyword indexes...)
  • Format and generate bibliographies in seconds.
  • Share the databases and folders of bibliographic references created with other researchers.
  • Prepare a written work and include related citations and references formatted in a large number of general or journal-specific bibliographic formats.
  • The proper use of Mendeley optimises time, boosts the utility of our searches and enables us to create a personal database with the information we have gathered over years of work.

All Library users can make use of Refworks, although we recommend that you ask Library staff for help, as initially it can be difficult to use the programme and the search resources needed to interact with Refworks.

Wifi conecction

The Library provides internet access throughout its facilities with a full-coverage WiFi network. For convenience and ease of access, the network operates in open mode.

Group study room

In addition, the José Planas Library has four group work rooms available for a minimum of two people and a maximum of four. The same library staff manage these rooms, and each room can always be booked at least 24 hours in advance. If the person making the room reservation does not arrive within 15 minutes of the start time of their reservation, the reservation is cancelled.

Computer room

The José Planas Library also has a freely accessible computer room, which can be used by any member of the University community.

This room facilitates individual student study and learning with the help of technology. Using a computer can help enhance student productivity in searching for information and presenting projects. In addition, computers are accessible to any student who needs to make an occasional query, check email or access information.