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Private Master’s Degree in High Performance Conditioning. Sport Scientist

Private Master’s Degree in High Performance Conditioning. Sport Scientist Madrid

A unique program to specialise in the lastest trends and technological tools applied to the High Performance Sports conditioning.

  • Private degree
  • Campus-based
  • 9 months, 60 ECTS

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Master in High Performance Sport

The Master in High Performance Sport is a 9-month long university programme aimed at equipping you wil the skills to specialise as a sport scientist or physical performance analyst. Throughout the master, you will deepen your knowledge of the three factors that make a real difference in terms of performance - effective analysis and understanding of data from different areas of sports performance, provide attractive reports through good presentation and selection of inputs to highlight key areas of performance, and maintain good communication skills to provide clear and efficient reports for coaches and athletes.

View the Spanish version of the master: Máster en Alto Rendimiento Deportivo.

Private degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid

Classes in English
Villaviciosa de Odón
Start: 20 oct. 2025
Faculty of Medicine, Health and Sport Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid Universidad Europea

Why study the Master in High Performance in Sports?

Choosing this program you will start your training to become an actualized specialist in High Performance Sports conditioning with the hability to use the last trends and tools to improve professional athletes performance.

Experiential learning rooted in practice

A practical methodology underpins the entire programme. In order for students to optimally assimilate new knowledge, we combine teamwork, seminars and individual work at cutting-edge facilities. These include our Sports laboratories with equipment for carrying out functional assessment and training tests.

Renowned teaching staff

Each member of faculty is an active professional who is internationally renowned for working with top-tier sport organisations.

Academic quality

This master is designed to provide students with specialised knowledge of the most state-of-the-art training methods, the latest trends in sports performance.

Best In-House facilities and equipment

Study at the leading sports sciences research centre in Spain—equipped with a fully updated sports complex—and enjoy the extensive facilities and laboratories at our Human Research Lab, where you can find the latest advances in sports sciences research equipment.

Professional vocation

You shall put theory into practice right from day one to develop the skillset you need to thrive in the sports industry.

International Experiences

The international vocation of the School allows it to offer the student a unique and exclusive offer of International field trip that will allow you to discover the most renowned sport entities and facilities worldwide, during these experiences you’ll have the chance to learn hand to hand with their professionals the most successful strategies and models in the sports industry.

International networking

Develop the professional network you need to succeed by networking with our international teaching staff, diverse student body and the leading professionals you’ll meet at numerous events throughout the year.

Live the Real Madrid Experience

Enjoy exclusive experiences with Real Madrid C.F., the White Week, professional visits and live sporting events.

A prestigious school

The School’s academic quality is certified by its 16-year history and 13.000 graduates, most of whom are now successful international professionals in the sports industry.

Multicultural Ambiance

During the programme you’ll have the chance to share the campus with students from more than 75 nationalities as 78% of the school’ students come from other countries out of Spain which Will enrich your experience and learning.


ISAK Accreditation

You can obtain the ISAK Level I Certification, which will accredit you as an internationally qualified anthropometrist, awarded by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). You will be trained to measure 17 anthropometric variables, understand the importance of accurate measurement following internationally established standardization protocols, analyze the differences between calipers, and develop skills in using software to calculate body composition.

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Study Plan

The world of professional sport has undergone a major transformation in recent years, a process in which it is still immersed, and one that is marked by the arrival of new technologies in the world of sport, and the need for experts who are able to manage, control and master this data, as well as areas of performance such as sleep, recovery, nutrition and travel management. These technologies are constantly changing and evolving, hence the importance of cutting-edge training in these technologies and performance areas. This program responds to the emerging need within the industry to incorporate professionals trained in these technologies, areas and performance improvement techniques into their coaching staff. This programme will therefore make it easier for you to find your point of entry into the sport industry, where you can develop your career as a sport scientist, helping professional athletes to reach their full sporting potential.

  • Context, functions and competences. Professional environment.
  • The reality of the high performance coach 1.
  • The reality of the high performance coach 2.
  • Fundamentals and principles of high-performance sports training 1.
  • Fundamentals and principles of high-performance sports training 2.
  • Specificity of high-performance sports training.
  • Exercise physiology. Concepts and applications to high performance sports.
  • Strength training. Concepts and applications to high performance sports.
  • Speed training. Concepts and applications to high performance sports.
  • Endurance training. Concepts and applications to high performance sports.
  • Planning, periodisation and programing of training in individual sports.
  • Planning, periodisation and programing of training in team sports.
  • Nutritional support for high performance sports.
  • Integration of areas. Physioterapeutic strategies and injury prevention in the high performance approach.
  • Integration of areas. Psychological strategies in high performance.
  • Aquatics strategies and recovery in high performance.
  • Genetics and epigenetics in high performance sport.
  • Women's training in high performance.
  • Physiological assessments on a cycloergometer.
  • Physiological assessments on treadmills.
  • Anthropometric assessments of the high-performance athlete.
  • Biomechanics applied to high performance.
  • Force platforms, linear encoders and accelerometry. Uses and applications in high performance.
  • Future lines of research. Specific software for the control of training in the laboratory.
  • Physiological field assessments 1.
  • Physiological field assessments 2.
  • Assisted and resisted speed training. Training methods for high performance.
  • Workload analysis and quantification 1.
  • Workload analysis and quantification 2.
  • Future lines of research. Sepecific software for field training control.
  • Motor learning.
  • Analysis and evaluation of sports technique and its application to the preparation of high-performance athletes.
  • Technical-tactical sports analysis and evaluation and its application to the preparation of high-performance athletes.
  • Conditional analysis of the high performance athlete. Establishment of kpi's.
  • Detection, selection and development of talents.
  • Creation and management of databases. Communication and reporting of results.
  • Training in minority sports 1.
  • Training in minority sports 2.
  • Direction and management of sports groups.
  • Specific cutting-edge methods in high-performance training: FRB, isoinercials, pneumatics, olympic movements.
  • White week in Valdebebas.
  • White week in Valdebebas.
  • The scientific method.
  • Structure and type of research papers.
  • Search and bibliographical sources.
  • Statistics analysis.
  • Bibliographic review: research and design.
  • Intervention study: research and design.

This program is designed to follow a practical methofdology where students work from day one as if they were already working with professional athletes.

This master degree is specially suitable for the following profiles:

  • Graduates in physical activity and sports sciences.
  • Graduates in education with a specialisation in physical education.
  • Graduates in health sciences with professional experience in professional sports performance management.
  • Coaches in collective and individual sports.
  • Physical trainers and others in coaching roles with professional experience.
  • Experienced professionals in the field of sports training.
  • Professionals with experience in scientific support for sports teams.


Internships are a key part of your education. Acquiring experience and putting into practice what you have learned during your degree is the best way to enter the employment market. There are two types of internship: curricular (which is included as part of your programme) and extracurricular (which you can do on a voluntary basis).

The master's syllabus includes a mandatory internship in High Performance training field, as well as a final year project. Students shall receive the guidance of a professor for this project, and they can use the technology available at Universidad Europea. At students’ disposal are state-of-the-art equipment and a sports centre (including weights room, cardio room and functional training room), an athletics track and a football pitch, where they can acquire the experience needed to pursue their profession with the benefit of a higher degreeof training.

Cooperating Entities


This master’s degree responds to a clear need in the sports industry for professionals trained in the area of high-performance sports who are able to use all the new technologies developed for performance improvement, and capable of developing the most appropriate strategies to obtain the best result for their athletes/teams. Undoubtedly a unique opportunity to access a rapidly expanding sector with specialised, up to date training. When you graduate from this programme, you’ll have numerous options for professional career development:

  • Sport scientist or physical performance analyst.
  • Physical trainer for high performance athletes.
  • Member of coaching staff of teams/clubs or professional athletes.
  • Advisor to elite athletes.
  • Teamwork advisor for elite teams.
  • Work in high performance sports centres.
  • Recruitment to BIG DATA and sports performance companies.
  • Developer of apps for high performance.
  • Physical advisor or trainer for amateur athletes.
  • Work in fitness centres
Master in Sports Training and Nutrition Real Madrid


High Employability

88% of our students find a job in less than 18 months after graduating.


Professional Agreements

Our School has professional agreements with more than 30 clubs to cooperate in our training programs.


in its field

86% of our graduates works in its studies field.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 911128850 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

The admissions process for the Real Madrid Graduate School programmes can take place at any time during the year, although enrolment on any graduate programme will depend on the availability of places.

For personalised advice from the Admissions staff, you can go to either of our University campuses—La Moraleja or Villaviciosa de Odón—or contact us by phone: 902 23 23 50 or email: escuelauniversitariarealmadrid@universidadeuropea.es. For calls from outside of Spain, please use this number: (+34) 917 407 272.

Once candidates have received advice and have provided the necessary documentation, the Admissions staff will set a date for the entrance exams corresponding to the programme students are interested in, as well as for a personal interview with the Programme Director or a member of the Admissions Committee.

The admissions process is free of cost and commitment-free for candidates until their place is formally reserved.

The admissions process consists of the following stages:

  • Personalised advice.
  • Submission of application and documentation for assessment of the candidate's profile.
  • Profile assessment and interview.
  • Confirmation of admission.
  • Formal reservation and enrolment.

Price is not a problem

Check our special financing terms & conditions.


Programme Director: Carlos Revuelta Parra

Director of the Master. Professor at Universidad Europea de Madrid, High Performance Conditioning expert. Physical trainer at High Performance Center in Madrid (CAR Madrid).

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Frequently Asked Questions

High performance sports are related to the world of training at the highest level. They involve being able to ensure that an athlete can give their best possible performance in competitions at the highest level. Not everyone is ready for high performance, as it requires a very specific commitment and strategy. It is not easy to conduct a comprehensive analysis and design a plan aimed at achieving the best possible level of performance, which means that this is a very specialised area requiring the intervention of trained professionals.

All the specific, basic principles of sports training, including the physical, nutritional and psychological as well as technological support. Knowledge not only of the tangible aspects of training, but also of control, quantification and management, as well as the development of support technologies, should be dealt with in a master’s degree with these characteristics.

Specialisation in the sector is fundamental. It is essential to have the necessary knowledge and resources to be able to deal with the demanding world of high performance. This knowledge is provided by specific courses in high performance sports, where leading professionals in the sector train students in specific and fundamental skills.

The Universidad Europea de Madrid offers postgraduate programmes linked to High performance sports (both campus based and online) which offers great possibilities for students, as it adapts to the capabilities and needs of each individual student.