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Private Master’s Degree in Business Administration Valencia

It develops the management, communication and leadership skills that are essential in today's business environment.

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MBA Valencia

The MBA in Valencia is a 9-month programme that sets the stage for a transformative journey in business education. This program, made up of 60 ECTS, offers a unique fusion of academic excellence and real-world application. With a faculty comprised of industry experts and a curriculum designed to instill critical thinking and leadership skills, students are primed to navigate the complexities of the global business landscape.

Whether immersing in experiential learning opportunities, engaging in collaborative projects, or tapping into the extensive network of professionals, pursuing an MBA in Valencia is a strategic investment in your career advancement and personal growth.

Private degree issued by Universidad Europea de Valencia

Classes in English or Spanish
Valencia 9 Months, 60 ECTS
Start: 17 oct. 2025
School of Social Sciences and Communication

Why study the Master in Business Administration MBA?

Experiential learning

You will learn through the analysis and resolution of real case studies of top-tier multinationals. Thanks to simulations or role plays, you will gain the skills needed to be a global professional.

Executive profile

Our comprehensive training based on theoreticalpractical learning will lead you towards positions of responsibility through solid technical knowledge and the development of management skills and abilities.

Learn from the best

Our faculty is made up of directors and ex-directors with extensive professional experience in important organisations who will bring you closer to the reality of the business world.


You will have the opportunity to access the hiring processes of associated companies, both for professional internships and the full-time job market.

Business, tech & data experience

Data is now at the epicentre in decision-making: you will have the necessary theoretical foundations to argue the results and decisions that are extracted from any analysis carried out.

This is what your experience will be like

Study in an innovative urban campus in the heart of Valencia, surrounded by green areas and with 9000 m2 of facilities. Learn and put your knowledge into practice in the dental clinic, the nursing care room, the crime lab or the translation booths, among many other facilities. Study at the European University in Valencia.

Tu experiencia en la Universidad Europea de Valencia

Study plan

During this master’s, you will learn to lead different areas of a company and understand how to manage a business from a global perspective with real case studies from top-tier multinationals. You’ll discover how to use the management and planning tools used by world-leading companies today. A range of masterclasses, simulations and role plays will prepare you to become an impactful global leader.

The contents are organized into the following study units:

  • Global vision, entrepreneurial spirit and decision- making.
  • Business ethics and corporate social responsibility.
  • Economic Environment.
  • Legal Environment.
  • Introduction to strategic analysis.
  • Sector Analysis.
  • Internal Analysis.
  • Strategies for expansion and internationalization.

The content is grouped into the following units:

  • Accounting for leadership.
  • Advanced accounting.
  • Management control.
  • Business diagnostics and sustainable financial strategy design.
  • Valuation of investments.
  • Sources of financing.
  • Valuing companies.

The content is grouped into the following areas:

  • General aspects of operations management.
  • Operations strategies.
  • Operations management.
  • Materials management.
  • Activity planning.
  • Systems for improving operations.

The content is grouped into the following areas:

  • Technological environment, technology and information systems.
  • Strategic role of information systems.
  • Innovation and business changes.
  • Tools for innovation management.
  • Information society and e-Business.
  • New trends.
  • Technological environment, technology and information systems.
  • Strategic role of information systems.
  • Artificial intelligence and business analytics in decision- making.
  • Innovation and business changes.
  • Introduction to Commercial Management.
  • Sales in complex environments.
  • Sales organization.
  • Management of sales teams.
  • Sales channels.
  • Digital Marketing Estrategies.
  • Digital Analytics.
  • Legal and Ethical Compliance.

The content is grouped into the following areas:

  • Organizational structure and people management.
  • Organisational culture and commitment management
  • Management Skills.
  • Leadership and team management
  • Motivation and mobilisation of teams

Applying skills and content acquired to practice. The student will undertake professional tasks under the supervision of a supervisor in a company and an academic tutor, who will guide this process of introduction into the practical application of the skills and con- tents of the program.

The development of the End of Master Thesis Project will take pla- ce in a group, using as a basis the knowledge acquired during the different modules and the professional internships. Students will always be guided by their tutor and evaluated by a panel.

Professional Internships

You will complete professional internships with companies in the sector. These internships are part of the academic programme and will be evaluated as part of each student’s training in business management. Professional internships are a unique opportunity for students to put the theory and skills they develop on the master’s into practice at real companies.

We provide a job search engine featuring a large selection of companies and opportunities, and the Professional Careers Department is on hand to give you all the advice and resources you need to find a professional internship that best suits your profile and aspirations.

Colaborating entities


Business Managers with a deep understanding of technology are the most in-demand today.

According to Infoempleo and Adecco, 42.3% of new job openings in Spain are in the digital sector. LinkedIn data reveals that, in the next five years, two million new technology-related roles will be created in Spain. CEDEFOP states that, in the short term, 90% of job openings will require some kind of digital competency.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 961043883 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

The Master’s in Business Administration* is especially aimed at professionals who wish to complement their training with a comprehensive and highly practical understanding of the different areas that make up a company.

This programme is specifically aimed at university graduates of varied fields who are interested in developing a role in business management. It is also aimed at those professionals who are interested in taking on innovation challenges and continuing their professional development throughout their careers.

Our students possess a range of university degrees in areas such as: engineering, law, healthcare sciences, business management, economics, and more. All of our students are eager to complete their training and acquire the professional experience needed to develop a global, integrated and strategic understanding of business.

Official Spanish university degree or other degree issued by a higher education centre belonging to another country in the European Higher Education Area.

Degrees issued in accordance with educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area do not need to be officially recognised, as long as the University can ascertain that the level of study is equivalent to the corresponding official university degree in Spain and allows access in the home country to postgraduate studies. Access through this channel is not, in any case, an official recognition of the previous university degree in Spain nor is it recognising anything other than access to this master’s degree.

Students must have English level B2 CEFR or equivalent.

Visita el campus Universidad Europea

Come and see the campus

Get to know the facilities and discover why Universidad Europea is made for you.


All the modules of our Master in Business Administration are taught by teachers with a high academic profile, mostly doctors; and by professionals with ample national and international experience in companies within different sectors.

Program director

Dr. Javier Muñoz de Prat

PhD in Economics from the Catholic University of Valencia, Degree in Law - specialising in Business - from the University of Valencia, MBA (Instituto de la Empresa -IE-) and Master in International Trade from ADEIT and the Valencia Chamber of Commerce. He collaborates as a consultant in the internationalisation of companies, especially in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) area. His main areas of research are International Trade and Internationalisation of the company. Coordinator of the Business Managment-Global and Marketing Degrees and Head of Entrepreneurship at the European University of Valencia.

Academic Quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance Systema (IQAS)

The European University of Valencia has designed its Internal Quality Assurance System in accordance with the guidelines of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), as a structural basis for guaranteeing the quality of the new official degrees, in line with the quality guidelines of the new official degrees, in accordance with the quality guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EEES) and the Organic Law 4/2007, of April, which modifies the Organic Law of Universities 6/2001, of 21 December.

The Internal Quality Assurance System, which applies to all the University's training activities and all the processes that take place in it, was positively certified by ANECA's AUDIT programme in July 2022 (http://www.aneca.es/Programas-de-evaluacion/Evaluacion-institucional/AUDIT/Resultados).

The SAIC ensures that all the training activities carried out at the European University of Valencia respond effectively to the interests and needs of the users of each service, as well as the continuous improvement of all the activities that take place in it according to the PDCA continuous improvement cycle (Plan-Do-Check- Act/Adjust).


Quality degree monitoring

Members of the Master's Degree Quality Committe (DQC)

  • Associate Dean
  • Department Director
  • Master's Degree Director
  • Postgraduate Final Project Coordinator
  • Internship Coordinator
  • Responsible of Learning Assesment
  • Academic Advisor
  • Students
  • Quality Partner

Frequently Asked Questions

The MBA in Valencia is focused on Business Administration and, therefore, will allow you to continue to delve deeper into the world of business. The MBA Valencia will equip you with the ability to take on positions of responsibility and to understand the capabilities of different technologies to transform and optimize businesses around the world.

To study our MBA in Valencia, you can access having obtained any university degree, from engineering, law, health sciences, business administration, economics, as well as other degrees.

Our MBA in Valencia is aimed primarily at graduates and professionals who wish to specialise in business management. It provides general training in different areas of business. A master's degree provides specific training in areas of specialisation where you would like to develop your career further.

MBA stands for Master of Business Administration, and it is the degree you will receive. An MBA is considered one of the most recognisable higher education programmes to study across the world and opens opportunities in many sectors. With a focus on experiential learning, as part of the MBA in Valencia, you will have the chance to spend time in companies, building your network of contacts and gaining valuable real-world experience.