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The Double Degree in Law and International Relations at Universidad Europea in Valencia is a 5-year programme designed to equip students with the skills to understand complex legal and business practices both in Spain and at international level. The bilingual law and IR programme, which comprises 375 ECTS, is based on experiential learning, and you will take part in work placements and internships with national and international companies.
The degree in law with international relations is taught by an experienced faculty made up of lawyers, the judiciary, business lawyers, as well as experts in politics and international relations.
Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Valencia
Campus-based | Classes in Bilingual-ES/EN | Valencia | 5 years, 375 ECTS | Start: 15 sep. 2025 | School of Social Sciences and Communication |
Our students find employment in less than 12 months.
You'll live in a diverse environment that is more multicultural than that of other universities.
UEV has a multitude of educational cooperation agreements with other centres.
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Habilidades Comunicativas | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Sistemas Jurídicos Comparados | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Teoría General del Derecho | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Constitucional y Libertades Fundamentales | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Internacional Público | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Introducción a la Economía | 3 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Civil I | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Legal English | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Introducción a las Finanzas | 3 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Administrativo I | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Penal. Parte General | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Historia y Teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales / History and Theory of International Relations | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Observatorio de la Actualidad / Current Affairs Observatory | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Idioma C* / Foreign Language C* | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Derecho de la Unión Europea | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Penal.Parte Especial | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Civil Ii: Contratación Civil | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Fundamentos de Derecho Mercantil | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Introducción Derecho Procesal | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Administrativo II | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Procesal Civil | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho del Trabajo I | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Contratación Mercantil | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Taller Práctica Jurídica I | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Concepto de Relaciones Internacionales: Actores y Factores / Concepts of International Relations: Actors and Factors | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Técnicas de Investigación Sociológica / Sociological Research Techniques | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Fuentes Documentales / Documenting Sources | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Derecho Civil Iii: Derechos Reales | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Financiero y Tributario I | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Administrativo III | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Procesal Penal | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho del Trabajo II | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Civil Iv: Derecho de Familia | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho de Sociedades | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Procesal Laboral y Contencioso Administrati | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Financiero y Tributario II | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Taller Práctica Jurídica II | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Geografía Humana, Económica y Política / Human, Economic and Political Geography | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Política Exterior y Diplomacia / Foreign Policy and Diplomacy | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Idioma C II* / Foreign Language C II* | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Derecho Internacional Privado | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Derecho Civil V: Derecho de Sucesiones | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Prácticas Externas Profesionales | 12 | PRÁCTICAS EXTERNAS | Español (es), Inglés (en) |
TFG / Taller Práctica Jurídica III | 6 | TRABAJO FIN DE GRADO | Español (es), Inglés (en) |
Comercio Exterior / International Trade Law | 6 | OPTATIVA | Inglés (en) |
Finanzas Corporativas | 6 | OPTATIVA | Español (es) |
Derecho del Medio Ambiente | 6 | OPTATIVA | Español (es) |
Evaluación y Gestión del Impacto Ambiental | 6 | OPTATIVA | Español (es) |
Dirección de Personas | 6 | OPTATIVA | Español (es) |
Diferencias Culturales e Interculturalidad / Cultural Differences and Interculturality | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas / The United Nations | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Teoría y Análisis de los Conflictos Internacionales / Theory and Analysis of International Conflicts | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Inglés (en) |
Internships are a key component of your training. Acquiring experience after what you have learnt in your degree is the best way to enter the employment market. There are two types of internships: curricular—which are included in your study plan—and extracurricular—which you can do on a voluntary basis.
In order to complete curricular internships in companies, you will need to have 50% of the credits approved and registered before starting your internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship coordinator, and interim and final reports are prepared for evaluation.
If you want to take your work experience to the next level before finishing your university education, you can pursue an extracurricular internship. You can do them in any academic year, but keep in mind that internships are a formative complement to your studies; therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your studies, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.
Professional Internships
Curricular internships in leading companies. Internships start in the third year of your bachelor’s, either in Spain or abroad. Many of our students opted for internships in destinations such as Switzerland, South Korea, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Costa Rica, etc. The placement of our students in an internship is determined by the Bachelor’s Academic Coordinators and depends on the profile of the student, their academic results and the requirements set by the establishments themselves. In this way, we can guarantee the success of the internship and ensure students are well prepared for their professional career.
Some leading companies in the legal field where internships can be carried out:
Some international relations companies where internships can be carried out:
By obtaining your two university degrees, you will be prepared to perform functions both in the public and private sectors. Thanks to a global, comprehensive education that enables you to perform functions related to the diplomacy of the international system and political, economic and legal internationalisation, you have a profile that is in high demand both nationally and internationally.
You have the opportunity to become a lawyer in any specialty at a national and international level such as a corporate lawyer, tax and financial advisor, labour and commercial consultant. The title of Graduate in Law is a requirement to obtain the Professional Title of Lawyer or Attorney by taking the corresponding Master’s in Law. Universidad Europea de Valencia introduced such studies a few years ago for access to the legal profession, allowing students to take the State Examination that awards this title. The success rate of our students is 100% which is what makes studying at the Universidad Europea de Valencia a guaranteed success.
Start your future at Universidad Europea
You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.
Start your admission process by calling +34 961043883 or request information and our advisors will contact you.
Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.
Submit the required documents to formalise your enrolment.
Young students who wish to develop their professional career in the legal world and want to work in international organisations, special courts, international justice, supranational institutions or dream of a diplomatic career from consular representation all the way to the position of ambassador.
If you are interested in this degree and need more information, call us at 902 930 937.
Universidad Europea de Valencia has developed a competency assessment process that analyses each student's skills and makes recommendations to maximise their abilities or to encourage additional study that will contribute to their academic and subsequent professional success. These recommendations are incorporated into the student’s Personalised Learning Plan. Admissions are based on:
Personal interview with an academic officer. In order to complete your admissions process, do not forget to submit the relevant documentation:
Bank details in order to reserve your place and enrol. We will notify you of the status of your admission, reservation and official enrolment.
We know that now is an important moment to progress in your professional future. That is why we open our virtual doors to you and invite you to join us. We want you to meet the director of your programme and solve all possible doubts you have. You’ll also discover what makes our students and our online methodology unique.
05 April
Get to know the facilities and discover why Universidad Europea is made for you.
The faculty on this degree has 45% of doctors.
Political Science and Law are closely related fields, as both deal with the study of government, society, and the legal system. Political science focuses more on the study of political institutions, processes, and systems, while law deals with the study and application of legal principles and rules.
By obtaining a degree in two different areas – international relations and law – you will open doors to a varied career.
Combining these two fields can provide a solid foundation for a career in government, international organisations, or law firms that specialise in international law. It can also be beneficial for those interested in pursuing careers in business, journalism, or nonprofit work that deals with international issues.
Among the many options you can choose from in Europe to study a Degree in International Relations and Law, Universidad Europea in Valencia is a great option. Here are some of the key reasons:
The Degree in Politics and Law at Universidad Europea covers a wide range of subjects related to political systems, legal theories, and policy-making. By the end of the five-year programme, you will be able to enjoy a successful career in a number of sectors. These are just some of the subjects you will study as part of your degree: