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Global Dual Bachelor’s Degree in International Business & International Relations

Global Bachelor Double Degree in International Business and International Relations Madrid

Take on a leadership role to face the difficulties arising in the current globalized world. An exhaustive, rigorous and international program offering solid academic and practical training from the business world.

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Business and International Relations: Study exchanges in USA, Europe or Asia

The Double Degree in International Relations and Business is a five-year programme designed to equip you with the skills to be able to lead business organisations or have a successful career in politics – on diplomatic missions or national or global institutions. The business and international relations degree, taught entirely in English and made up of 360 ECTS, has a practical approach that we see you complete work placements and internships, as well as take part on international study exchanges in the USA, Europe or Asia.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid

Classes in English
Villaviciosa de Odón 5 Years, 360 ECTS
Start: 15 sep. 2025
Faculty of Economics, Business and Communication Sciences

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Why study the Global Bachelor Double Degree in International Business and International Relations?

Global training programme

Imagine working in an international environment, identifying which challenges of globalization need to be taken into account in business and decision making.

Create solutions for global challenges.

The Bachelor’s Degree in International Business and International Relations, taught entirely in English, prepares you for assuming a leadership role to tackle the difficulties of today's globalized world. It has a demanding curriculum that offers you solid academic and practical training from the economics, business, trade and international relations perspectives.

London School of Economics & Political Science

Benefit from two international placements thanks to our mobility agreements with universities worldwide. In your third year, you will be able to study at prestigious universities in Europe, the Americas or Asia. In your fourth year, you will study at exclusive and world-renowned destinations such as the London School of Economics & Political Science or McGill University.

Challenge based methodology

Learn how to professionally interact with different international agents, from states and public and private institutions to multinationals, international organisations and NGOs.

Challenge yourself in our Consulting Lab, where renowned companies will bring real challenges for the students to solve from a global perspective. Guided by your professor, you will test your abilities on real projects.

Mandatory internship

You will undertake an internship in a public or private institution such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a Spanish Embassy, a European Union Institution, a cooperation organization or an international foundation. You will have the chance to put into practice what you have learned and to strengthen skills such as teamwork, leadership or adaptability.

Internationally recognised quality

Universidad Europea de Madrid was the first Spanish university to receive the prestigious ACBSP Accreditation (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs) for all of our Business Department programs. This accreditation highlights the excellence of the University’s faculty, learning outcomes and commitment to continuous improvement. It demonstrates the internationally recognised quality of its training programs through students’ ability to demonstrate advanced skills development in line with employers’ needs.

A study plan designed to give you understanding of business and international relations

You will study an ambitious program to become a global professional capable of holding a business position in any country and under any socioeconomic environment. You will gain a work profile with a great capacity for management and leadership, an integral vision of the company and an international perspective. You will be immersed in a professional reality from day one: a CV designed with company collaboration; a faculty made up of professors in who work in banking, business or international trade and compulsory internships that allow you to live and learn about the profession.


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Economic Environment6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Fundamentals of International Business6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Communication Skills6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Mathematics6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Environments: Cultural, Political and Legal6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Geopolitics of Today’S World6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Principles of Business Management6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Financial Accounting Analysis6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Introduction To Marketing6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Foreign Language Level I (German)6OBLIGATORIAAlemán (de)
Foreign Language Level I (Spanish)6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Foreign Language Level I (French)6OBLIGATORIAFrancés (fr)
History and Theory of International Relations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Human Rights and Development Cooperation6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Competitive Market Analysis6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Financial Accounting6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Financial Economics6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Marketing6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
World Economics6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Statistics6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Taxation6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Sources of International Financing6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Business Intelligence6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Foreign Language Level II (German)6OBLIGATORIAAlemán (de)
Foreign Language Level II (Spanish)6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Foreign Language Level II (French)6OBLIGATORIAFrancés (fr)
Concepts of International Relations: Actors and Factors6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Human, Economic, and Political Geography6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
International Strategic Management6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Human Resources Management6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Managerial and Negotiation Skills6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Commercial Research6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Trade6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Law and International Contracts6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Finance6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Internationalization Strategies6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Production and Operations Management6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Foreign Language Level III (German)6OBLIGATORIAAlemán (de)
Foreign Language Level III (Spanish)6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Foreign Language Level III (French)6OBLIGATORIAFrancés (fr)
Documenting Sources6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Current-Day Observations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Logistical Distribution6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Ethics in International Business6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Project Management6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Internship I6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Internship II6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Graduation Project6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
University Activities6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Business and Diplomacy6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Emerging Powers and Markets6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Environmental Impact Assessment6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Theory of State and Comparative Political Systems6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Comparative Legal Systems6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Cultural Differences and Interculturality6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Spain’s Foreign Policy6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Public International Law6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
The United Nations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Theory and Analysis of International Conflicts6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Defense and Security Alliances6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Image Abroad and Public Diplomacy6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Diplomatic and Consular Law6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Pressure Groups6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Conflicts of Laws6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Terrorism and Organised Crime6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Relations Graduation Project6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)

View here

Internships are a key component of your training. Acquiring experience after what you have learnt in your degree is the best way to enter the employment market. There are two types of internships: curricular—which are included in your study plan—and extracurricular—which you can do on a voluntary basis.

In order to complete curricular internships in companies, you will need to have 50% of the credits approved and to register the subject before starting your internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship coordinator, and interim and final reports are prepared for evaluation.

If you want to take your work experience to the next level before finishing your university education, you can pursue an extra-curricular internship. You can do them in any academic year, but keep in mind that internships are a formative complement to your studies; therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your studies, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.

Universidad Europea has signed over 3,000 agreements with different institutions, companies or financial institutions, such as Banco Santander, Deloitte, Adidas, Telefónica, Grupo Día, Accenture, Phillips Ibérica, Microsoft, PWC, Salesforce, etc.

Universidad Europea has 253 agreements for study abroad exchanges which sometimes allow for international internships, such as with the University of Berkeley or McGill.

Additionally, it is worth noting the professional projection of these students in international organizations which continuously require students from this discipline, such as:

  • World Bank
  • International Monetary Fund
  • European Central Bank

International business and relations degree career opportunities

A cutting-edge syllabus focused on the market, an experiential academic model, an international outlook and compulsory internships make up the core of the degree, increasing your employability and entrepreneurial capacity and making it easier for you to access the national and international job market. As a Graduate in International Business and International Relations, you will be highly skilled with an international projection, fully capacitated for the international management of a company. You will acquire the knowledge, techniques, skills and conduct needed in international business culture. This is a culture that demands professionals with multidisciplinary knowledge, solid management and business techniques, economic and language skills, geopolitical knowledge, an understanding of how institutions work and international experience. You will acquire the latter through international exchanges during your degree.

  • As a director, specialist or manager of any department of a company or multinational corporate organisation in any sector or activity.
  • At border control agencies.
  • As an entrepreneur managing your own company or family business.
  • As an international, commerce and economic relations expert at foreign trade organisations, firms and consulting agencies.
  • In research or planning centres and institutions or Think Tanks.
  • At the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Central European Bank or at private financial institutions.
  • At diplomatic missions or consulates.
  • As a business development advisor or consultant.
  • In international business development and inter-organisation cooperation.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

The ideal profile for future students of the Global Bachelor Double Degree in International Business and International Relations includes motivated individuals who are capable of understanding the needs of others and providing solutions to their problems.

Although the degree belongs to the field of Social Sciences, the incoming profile of high school students should be scientific or technical. The student should have:

  • Broad-spectrum curiosity.
  • A desire to continually innovate and learn, not settling for what is already known.
  • The ability to solve complex problems.
  • Knowledge of how to turn data into relevant information.
  • The development of a critical mindset towards approaching mathematics and numbers.
  • The ability to use shortcuts to help understand information (as they are not mathematicians or engineers).
  • Students enrolling the Global Bachelor in English should acreditate a level B2 of language in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the European Higher Education Area."

Your virtual tour begins here!

Experience first-hand what it is like to study at Universidad Europea: our facilities and our experiential learning model.

HPR Lab Universidad Europea de Madrid
Visita el campus Universidad Europea

Come and see the campus

Get to know the facilities and discover why Universidad Europea is made for you.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Control System (IQAS)
Monitoring of the degree quality

Members of the degree quality committee (CCT)

  • Vice-dean
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Department Director
  • Students
  • Professors (Undergraduate Final Project Coordinator and Internship Coordinator)
  • Quality Partner (Quality and Academic Compliance)
  • Academic Advisor
  • Responsible of Learning Assesment
  • Academic Director
  • Online Tutor
University Regulations

Frequently Asked Questions

The importance of having an international profile has become increasingly important over the past few years because of the multinational and multicultural way that society has evolved. The Double Degree in International Business + International Relations at Universidad Europea offers you the possibility to attain two undergraduate degrees in five years and allows you to develop deep knowledge in both business and international relations.

Our graduates develop a versatile profile that opens doors to careers across the globe in many sectors. If you choose to study here, you will be able to gain a real insight into the professional world thanks to our agreements with large organisations in which you can carry out work placements and internships.

Our study plan ensures that you hone your skills in both areas, with subjects including:

  • Theory and Analysis of International Conflicts,
  • Diplomatic and Consular Law,
  • Defence and Security Alliances,
  • International Negotiation and Diplomacy,
  • World Economics
  • Business Intelligence
  • International Strategic Management

While international business and international relations go hand-in-hand and, together, will help you achieve a profile to enjoy a successful career in whatever sector and wherever you choose around the world, there are some differences between the two. Let us explain:

  • International relations is the study of how political, social, and religious forces interact with each other in largely peaceful ways (although conflict does sometimes arise). The curriculum is based on the liberal arts, history, geography and social sciences.
  • International business, as the name suggests, focuses more on how global organisations trade goods and services. There is more of a focus on the management and finance side - with subjects typically including budgeting, production management, distribution and logistics, and competitor analysis.

Graduating with a double degree in international business and international relations will open doors to a varied and global career.

Our graduates have gone on to become leaders in all sorts of industries and environments. This is just an example of what you can expect to do:

  • Director or manager of any department of a company or multinational corporate organisation.
  • Entrepreneur managing your own company or family business.
  • International, commerce and economic relations expert at foreign trade organisations, firms and consulting agencies.
  • Researcher at institutions or Think Tanks.
  • At the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Central European Bank or at private financial institutions.
  • Diplomatic missions or consulates.
  • Business development advisor or consultant.

Choosing Universidad Europea as the place to study business and international relations will help set you apart.

This is because we have a focus on experiential learning. So, as well as learning the theory behind business structures and international relations, you will be putting it into practice from day one thanks to agreements with companies across all sectors. You will have compulsory internship periods, as well as two international exchange opportunities - you can choose from more than 100 options in the US, Europe and Asia.

In addition, you will have access to a top class faculty made up of leading experts in banking, financial services, politics and international relations.
