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Global Bachelor's Double Degree in Business Management and Entrepreneurship and Marketing Valencia

Receive a cross-disciplinary training that will set you apart as you enter the professional world.

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Degree in Business and Marketing

The Degree in Business and Marketing at Universidad Europea in Valencia is a five-year programme that aims to shape you into an executive or manager with the necessary skills to efficiently meet new business challenges with an international perspective.

Businesses across the world are changing at a rapid pace and there is a need for professionals who can lead, are critical thinkers, and can put a plan into action – whether that is in a large organisation or a start-up or more entrepreneurial setting. This degree, designed and taught by experienced experts in their field, covers in depth areas of both business administration and marketing. As a result, students who choose this dual degree in business administration and marketing will open doors to a varied and international career.

With a focus on experiential learning, throughout the degree, you will take part in internships and work placements at different organisations, developing not only the skills needed to succeed in the workplace today, but also building up your network of contacts.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Valencia

Classes in English or Spanish
Valencia 5 years, 318 ECTS
Start: 15 sep. 2025
School of Social Sciences and Communication

Why study the Global Bachelor's Double Degree in Business Management and Entrepreneurship and Marketing?

Comprehensive training and specialisation

Digital marketing, social media, big data, business analytics, and online reputation management will round off your professional profile and boost your employability. With various optional subjects on offer, students will be able to specialise in different areas. They can choose subjects such as creation of online stores, mobile marketing and geolocation, community management + online crisis management, consumer marketing, services marketing and experiential marketing.

Project-based immersion

Collaborate on real-life projects involving prestigious firms in your first and second years of study.

Forums and social networks

Participation in leading professional forums and networks such as EmTech, as well as in awards and competitions, including marketing week, startup programme and Forinvest.


The Dual Degree in Business Administration and Marketing in Valencia shapes you into an entrepreneurial professional with extensive theoretical and practical training and the necessary skills to add value to any company from day one.

Experts in the classroom

The integration of working professionals into the teaching team is coupled with the periodic participation of expert professionals from the business world.

International Marketing Week

Discover the International Marketing Week, an international challenge that brings together in Valencia international students from 14 European universities, all of them from courses and degrees related to economics, business and marketing. Organized in multicultural teams, they solve the challenge of creating an internationalization and marketing plan for a local company. Live this and other experiences with the business area degrees and go beyond.

youtube thumbnail
Chica de pelo moreno y gafas, leyendo un mapa del mundo al aire libre

Mobility offer

We have agreements with many universities in different continents so that you can choose the one that best suits your training.

Study plan

First course

Introduction to EconomicsOB6
Social and Economic ThoughtOB3
Consumer and Corporate BehaviourOB6
Finance IOB6
Financial Accounting IOB6
Business MathematicsOB6
Marketing FndamentalsOB6
Business LawOB6
Business FundamentalsOB6
Personal and Professional and EfficiencyOB6
Strategic Management IOB6

Second course

Taxation Sales Techniques ManagementOB6
Management TechnologiesOB3
Finance II OB6
Statistics OB6
Financial Accounting II OB6
Tax Systems OB6
Business Administration OB6
Foreing Language OB6
personal impact and influence OB6
Social Media OB6
Market Research IOB6

Third course

Strategic Management II OB6
Production and Operations OB6
Econometrics: Planning and Decision Making OB6
Cost Accounting OB6
Financial Management OB6
Sales Techniques ManagementOB6
Human Resources Management OB3
Entrepreneurial Leadeship OB6
Creativity and Innovation OB3
Professional Internship I OB6
Statistics & Big Data II OB6

Fourth course

Professional Internship IIOB6
Professional Internship IIIOB6
Final Project (Global) OB12
Strategic marketing OB6
Marketing Planning OB6
Product and Brand Policy OB6
Commercial Simulation OB6
Digital Marketing I OB6
Event Design and PROB6

Fifth course

Market Research IIOB6
Business Intelligence OB6
Web Content DevelopmentOB6
Digital Marketing II: Recruitment and AnalyticsOB6
Online Reputation ManagementOB6
Business AnalyticsOB6
Advertising and MultimediaOB6
Commercial Planning and PositioningOB6
Web Analytics and Audience AnalysisOB6
Final Project (MK) OB6

Colaborating entities


With a Global Bachelor's Double Degree in Business Management and Entrepreneurship and Marketing from the Universidad Europea, you’ll have the opportunity to work in any industry. All companies need professionals capable of analysing the market and determining what the consumer wants.

Career opportunities

  • Marketing manager.
  • Product manager.
  • Category manager.
  • Business developer.
  • Account manager in the advertising industry.
  • Market analyst.
  • Business analyst.
  • Start-ups.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 961043883 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrolment.

Scholarships and grants

We want to help you. If you choose to study at Universidad Europea, you will have the opportunity to apply for a wide range of UE and official scholarships.

girl student

Open days

Join us at one of our Open Days and see for yourself how our advanced educational methodology works, meet the faculty members who are already thinking of your future, get more information on the programs we offer, and find out how to begin your studies with us in the next academic year.

Sign up

05 April

Open Day | Universidad Europea


  • Dra. Lorena Pérez Alfonso
    Coordinator of the Degree in Business Administration and Management, in Spanish and English. Doctor in Business Administration and Management, from the University of Valencia with Cum Laude qualification, Bachelor in Business Administration and Management from the University of Valencia, with Extraordinary Award qualification, and Master in taxation and tax advice. Professor at the European University of Valencia, in the area of ​​Social Studies, teaching in the areas of finance, leadership and Management. With more than 10 years of work experience in the financial and business management field, both in the private sector (Mercadona, KPMG and Bancaja, among others) and public (Valencian Health Agency). Of these, seven years, at Mercadona, in the financial department as a manager. Her main areas of research are organizational culture, management teams and Leadership.
  • Dr. Bruno Broseta
    PhD in Economics from the University of California (San Diego, 1994). His publications include articles in journals such as American Economic Review (1998) and Econometrica (2000), and his current field of research is the impact of the digital revolution on business models. He has been General Director of the Network of Technological Institutes (REDIT, 2002-2007), General Director and Deputy Minister in the Ministries of Industry, Commerce and Innovation and Finance of the Generalitat Valenciana (2007-2014), and is Senior Advisor for Digital Transformation at NUNSYS, S.L. He has been a tenured professor at the UEV since 2015 where he directed the Executive MBA (2015-2017), is accredited as a Private University Professor by the AVAP (2021) and currently head Business Department.
  • Dr. Enrique Fatás
    Full Professor of Economics at the Universidad Europea de Valencia in Spain, where he directs Behavioral Economics Institute since September 2023, when he returned to Spain after working as a Full Professor at Loughborough University and the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, and at the Universidad ICESI in Colombia. Enrique is a qualified expert in decision and behavioral sciences, and in the design of public policies inspired by behavioral economics. Since obtaining his PhD in Economics at the University of Valencia, in Spain, he has published more than 100 scientific works in journals such as Psychological Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Management Science, or the American Economic Journal – Microeconomics. His research has been generously funded by the National Science Foundation (in the United States) and the Economic and Social Research Council (in the United Kingdom), among others. He has worked as a senior consultant for international organizations and governments, including the World Bank and the European Commission.
  • Dr. Javier Muñoz de Prat
    Marketing Coordinator and Marketing in English. Head of Entrepreneurship and director of the MBA and Global MBA at the European University of Valencia. PhD in Economics from the Catholic University of Valencia, Bachelor of Law -Specialization in Business- from the University of Valencia, International MBA (Instituto de la Empresa –IE-) and Master of International Trade from ADEIT and the Chamber of Commerce of Valencia. Collaborator as a consultant for the internationalization of companies, especially in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and Latin America. His main areas of research are International Trade and Marketing and Internationalization of the company.
  • Dr. Enrique Fatas
    Full Professor of Economics at the Universidad Europea de Valencia in Spain, where he directs Behavioral Economics Institute since September 2023, when he returned to Spain after working as a Full Professor at Loughborough University and the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, and at the Universidad ICESI in Colombia. Enrique is a qualified expert in decision and behavioral sciences, and in the design of public policies inspired by behavioral economics. Since obtaining his PhD in Economics at the University of Valencia, in Spain, he has published more than 100 scientific works in journals such as Psychological Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Management Science, or the American Economic Journal – Microeconomics. His research has been generously funded by the National Science Foundation (in the United States) and the Economic and Social Research Council (in the United Kingdom), among others. He has worked as a senior consultant for international organizations and governments, including the World Bank and the European Commission.
  • Mr. Javier Iborra Casanova
    Degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Valencia. Master in Strategy (UV) and Master in Finance (ESIC Business School). Academic Visitor at Saïd Business School (Oxford University), postgraduate in Boards of Directors and Good Governance (Universidad Europea) and specialization in Family Wealth Management at the Institute of Stock Market Studies (IEB). PhD candidate in Corporate Strategy at the University of Valencia. Twenty-five years of professional experience, fifteen in strategic consulting in a technology center and ten as a C-Suite manager and/or member of the board of directors in various companies. Director of Family Office and expert in wealth management. Two international stays, in Canada (Forintek Technological Institute) and the United Kingdom (Saïd Business School). Currently, consultant and teacher in Strategic Management and coordinator of the Business Lab at the European University of Valencia. He has participated as a speaker in various congresses and conferences and author of different articles on topics related to corporate strategy, innovation and investment.
  • Dr. Roberto Gómez Calvet
    Doctor, Industrial Engineer, and Graduate in Economic and Business Sciences. University Professor with over 20 years of experience at the European University of Valencia, Fundación Estema, and the University of Valencia. Accredited as a Private University Professor and Contracted Doctor. He teaches in the fields of Finance, Business Mathematics, and Financial Mathematics, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Additionally, he has 25 years of continuous experience in business management and administration, an activity he combines with teaching. In the field of research, he has active lines on sustainability, eco-efficiency, and non-parametric models applied to efficiency measurement. He is a visiting researcher at De Montfort University (UK) and has several international research stays along with various articles and book chapters related to his research lines. He is a reviewer for 9 indexed journals.
  • Dra. Lina Restrepo Plaza
    PhD in Economics from the University of East Anglia and an economist with a master's degree in Economics from the Universidad del Valle, she currently works as a professor at the European University of Valencia (Spain). Her academic agenda focuses on political economy and the design of public policies informed by behavioral sciences, areas in which she has conducted high-impact research with direct applications in organizations such as USAID, the World Bank, the ILO, the CVC and the WWB Foundation. Her research work has addressed critical issues such as discrimination, climate change, peacebuilding and sexual harassment, providing valuable knowledge that has influenced the formulation of policies and strategies at a global level, and has been published in renowned scientific journals such as: World Development, Ecosystem Services, Journal of Economic Behavior, Constitutional Political Economy, Journal of Economic Psychology, among others.
  • Dra. Nuria Alabau
    Researcher and professor in the business area, specializing in Marketing, at the European University of Valencia. Since writing her doctoral thesis entitled “Brand placement in video games with and without virtual reality: Effectiveness in adolescent consumers”, she has focused her specialization and research on the field of communication, technological innovations and the adolescent community. In this regard, she has given expert interventions –conferences, colloquia and classes- addressing the topic of her doctoral thesis. Coordinator of Final Degree Project.
  • Dr. Francisco Garcia Ull
    (1983) PhD in Communication with a Cum Laude mention from the University of Valencia, accredited as an Assistant Professor by ANECA and a graduate in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Alicante. He has carried out research stays at the Heinrich-Heine Universität in Düsseldorf (Germany), Tartu Ülikool (Estonia) and Harvard University (USA). With more than 15 years of teaching experience, he is currently a professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the European University of Valencia. He is part of the Disflows Research Group, R&D+i funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation
  • Dra. Raquel Martín
    International PhD Cum Laude in Social Communication, with a Master's Degree in Fashion, Design Management and Operations, and a double university degree in Business Administration and Management and Marketing. She has carried out an international predoctoral stay at the Sapienza Università di Roma. She currently teaches in the Business area, as well as being the director of the Sustainability Clinic and director of the Master of Continuing Education in International Trade and Business Globalization at the European University of Valencia. Her main areas of research are Communication, Marketing, Fashion, Sustainability and CSR. She is a fashion and sustainability communication consultant. In her work experience she has years of experience in different Valencian digital marketing companies in the international market and has been an entrepreneur in the silver jewelry sector with the creation of her own brand.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)

The European University of Valencia has designed its Internal Quality Assurance System in accordance with the guidelines of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), as a structural basis for guaranteeing the quality of the new official degrees, in line with the quality guidelines of the new official degrees, in accordance with the quality guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EEES) and the Organic Law 4/2007, of April, which modifies the Organic Law of Universities 6/2001, of 21 December.

The Design of the Internal Quality Assurance System, which applies to all the University's training activities and all the processes that take place in it, was positively certified by ANECA's AUDIT programme in July 2022 (https://www.aneca.es/informes-de-diseno).

The SAIC ensures that all the training activities carried out at the European University of Valencia respond effectively to the interests and needs of the users of each service, as well as the continuous improvement of all the activities that take place in it according to the PDCA continuous improvement cycle (Plan-Do-Check- Act/Adjust).


Monitoring the quality of the degree

Members of the degree quality committee (CCT)

  • Faculty/School Director or Undergraduate Director
  • Department Director
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Undergraduate Final Project Coordinator
  • Internship Coordinator
  • Academic Director
  • Responsible of Learning Assesment
  • Academic Advisor
  • Online Tutor
  • Students
  • Quality Partner (Quality and Academic Compliance)

Main degree results


Process results and RUCT

Evaluation process results and RUCT Evaluation process results and RUCT
