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grado en traducción y comunicación intercultural

Bachelor's in Translation and Intercultural Communication Valencia

Experience the most comprehensive training available to emerge as the best translator or interpreter you can be.

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Translation degree

The Degree in Translation and Intercultural Communication at Universidad Europea in Valencia is a four-year programme aimed at equipping students with the skills and knowledge to launch successful careers in the translation sector, including as legal translators, conference interpreters, project management, or language teaching.

The translation degree has a focus on experiential learning, and throughout your degree, which comprises 240 ECTS, you will have numerous opportunities to complete internships and work placements and leading companies in the sector, gaining real-time translation and interpreting experience. In addition, you will have at your disposal some of the best facilities available, including state-of-the-art translation booths.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Valencia

Classes in Bilingual-ES/EN
Valencia 4 years, 240 ECTS
Start: 15 sep. 2025
School of Social Sciences and Communication

Why study Degree in Translation and Intercultural Communication?

Study Translation and Intercultural Communication and you will learn to detect nuances, emotions and feelings in different languages, cultures and messages. You will use your human nature to communicate, laugh and cry, convey intent and mediate between cultures in a digital society. Imagine an intercultural, human and technological future for citizens, in a world that seeks translators capable of leading, working in teams and putting technology at their service to understand each other. Do you like what you read? Study Translation and Intercultural Communication.

Experiential learning

Integrated learning, which encompasses intellectual, professional, international and ethical-social dimensions, giving students a holistic view of the profession. We also add transversal knowledge from other areas so that you can develop an interest in research and make better decisions with a data-driven approach.

Learning in simulated and professional environments

Very practical training from the beginning, in laboratories equipped with the latest technology (interpreting booths, translation environment tools/CAT-tools…).

Learning a third language

Become a translator or interpreter and be perfectly prepared to translate between Spanish and English, both directly (from English to Spanish) and inversely (from Spanish to English), and also between Spanish and a third language: German or French.

Translation Hub

Directly inspired by one of the pillars of the unique academic model of the Universidad Europea de Valencia—the professional internships throughout the degree—, we have created a laboratory of experiences for our students. Thanks to the Translation Hub, students of the Degree in Translation and Intercultural Communication will be able to carry out extracurricular internships covering the different aspects and levels of the different professions for which they are being trained. They will learn first-hand about the reality of the labour market and the best guest experts will share their tips, experiences and recommendations with them.



Our students find employment in less than 12 months.


International students

You'll live in a diverse environment that is more multicultural than that of other universities.



UEV has a multitude of educational cooperation agreements with other centres.

Take a glimpse into your UEV experience

Study at an urban innovation campus in the heart of Valencia, with 10,000 m2 of facilities surrounded by green spaces.

Put theory into practice at our dental clinic, patient wards, the criminalistics lab or the translation booths.

Tu experiencia en la Universidad Europea de Valencia
Testimonio alumno grado en traducciónComillas
ComillasUniversidad Europea was the best choice for my studies. I’m developing new skills and competencies every day with the help of highly qualified professors.

María Gabriela Martínez

Graduate in Translation and Intercultural Communication

Programa de estudios


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Language and Culture A6CORESpanish (es)
Language B6CORESpanish (es)English (en)
Language C French12COREFrench (fr)
Language C German12COREGerman (de)
Comprehension and Production in Language A6CORESpanish (es)
Language B26CORESpanish (es)English (en)
Language C2 French6COREFrench (fr)
Language C2 German6COREGerman (de)
Professional Intercultural Communication6CORESpanish (es)English (en)
Initiation to Translation6CORESpanish (es)English (en)
Intercultural Analysis of Current Affairs Language B6COREEnglish (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Socio-Cultural Perspectives Language C (French)6COMPULSORYFrench (fr)Spanish (es)
Socio-Cultural Perspectives Language C (German)6COMPULSORYGerman (de)Spanish (es)
Language B36COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)
Language C4 French6COMPULSORYFrench (fr)
Language C4 German6COMPULSORYGerman (de)
Direct Translation I Language B6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)
Language C3 French12COMPULSORYFrench (fr)
Language C3 German12COMPULSORYGerman (de)
Inverse Translation I - Language B6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)
Computer-Assisted Translation6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)
Direct Translation II Language B6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)
Direct Translation I - Language C (French - Spanish)6COMPULSORYFrench (fr)Spanish (es)
Direct Translation I - Language C (German - Spanish)6COMPULSORYGerman (de)Spanish (es)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Terminology Management6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)
Consecutive and Liaison Interpreting6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)
Direct Translation II - Language C (French - Spanish)6COMPULSORYFrench (fr)Spanish (es)
Direct Translation II - Language C (German - Spanish)6COMPULSORYGerman (de)Spanish (es)
Inverse Translation II - Language B6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)Spanish (es)
Inverse Translation - Language C (Spanish - French)6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)French (fr)
Inverse Translation - Language C (Spanish - German)6COMPULSORYGerman (de)Spanish (es)
Specialised Translation - Language B6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)
Digital Environment Translation6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)
Economic and Legal Translation - Language B6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
External Internships6EXTERNAL INTERNSHIPSSpanish (es)
Simultaneous Interpreting6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)
Dubbing and Subtitling6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)
Business Ethics and Management of Translation Services6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)
Advanced Translation Laboratory and Software Localisation6COMPULSORYSpanish (es)English (en)
Final Degree Project12FINAL DEGREE PROJECTSpanish (es)English (en)

ELECTIVE SUBJECT (3rd and 4th years)

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Advanced Simultaneous Interpreting6ELECTIVESpanish (es)English (en)
Professional Editing6ELECTIVESpanish (es)
Cultural Mediation6ELECTIVESpanish (es)
Advanced Consecutive and Liaison Interpreting6ELECTIVESpanish (es)English (en)
Sworn Translation6ELECTIVESpanish (es)English (en)
Didactics of L26ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Introduction to Spanish Sign Language6ELECTIVESpanish (es)
University Training Activities6ELECTIVEEspañol (es)
Introduction to Interpreting in Language C French6ELECTIVEFrench (fr)Spanish (es)
Introduction to Interpreting in Language C German6ELECTIVEGerman (de)Spanish (es)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Advanced Simultaneous Interpreting6ELECTIVESpanish (es)English (en)
Cultural Mediation6ELECTIVESpanish (es)
Advanced Consecutive and Liaison Interpreting6ELECTIVESpanish (es)English (en)
Sworn Translation6ELECTIVESpanish (es)English (en)
Introduction to Interpreting in Language C French6ELECTIVEFrench (fr)Spanish (es)
Introduction to Interpreting in Language C German6ELECTIVEGerman (de)Spanish (es)



With the Bachelor's Degree in Translation you will acquire the skills that will allow you to work in many sectors: communicative competence in three languages, extra-linguistic or cultural knowledge, the necessary interpreting and translation strategies and techniques, and the technological and professional skills related to the exercise of the profession. The profile of the translator or interpreter is a global, technological, versatile, ethically, socially and environmentally committed, competent, analytical and innovative person.

Internships are a key element in your training. Gaining experience beyond what you have learned in your degree is the best way to enter the job market. There are two types of internships, curricular (included in your curriculum) and extracurricular (which you can do on a voluntary basis). In order to do a curricular internship, the student must be enrolled in the corresponding subject of the syllabus, which, if applicable, will specify the minimum credits that the student must have previously passed, as a necessary condition to do the internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship professor, as well as the completion of final reports for evaluation. If you want to improve your work experience before finishing your university education, you can do extracurricular internships. You can do them in any course, but we remind you that internships are a training complement to your studies; therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your studies, the more you will benefit from the internship experience. Consult the regulations here.

With the Degree in Translation and Intercultural Communication you will be trained as a professional translator and interpreter, and you will learn about the different job opportunities offered by this career. Internships are a very important part of your training. At present, we have the following specific participation agreements for the Degree in Translation and Intercultural Communication that guarantee the correct development of the internships described in the syllabus.


  • 1Global Translators
  • AC Estudis*
  • Academia Yellow Fun And English
  • Aesco Valencia
  • Aguaclara Libros S.L.
  • Air Nostrum
  • Alos Soluciones Lingüísticas_Centro Europeo de Idiomas
  • Aptent Soluciones S.L.
  • Assistatour SL
  • Ayuntamiento La Unión
  • Babalu Studios
  • Big Translation Agency, S.L. - Nine New Investments
  • Centre Idiomes de la Universitat Valencia
  • Centro Cultural Español De Turín
  • Cillero&Demotta
  • Cineuropa
  • Colegio Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Colegio Salesianos San Antonio Abad
  • Colegio Santo Tomás de Villanueva-Agustinos
  • Com. Y RRPP Babilia S.L.
  • Condé Nast España.
  • Cosmopolita Scotland
  • Deneu. Asociación Enfermedades de los Neurotransmisores
  • Endolinfa Producciones
  • Eugenia Arres López - Earres
  • Flycase Media*
  • Fulgencio Pimentel
  • Fundacion INCLIVA
  • Fundación Plan Internacional España
  • Fundación Politécnica de la CV
  • Hispania, Educación Y Comunicación, S.L.
  • Interpunct Translations, S.L.
  • Jarit Asociación Civil
  • Lambda
  • Language Wire
  • MANOS UNIDAS Delegación de Valencia
  • Mas Traducciones*
  • Max Traducciones
  • Mondolirondo
  • Nagareboshi, Sociedad Limitada*
  • Nine New Investmetns (Big Translation)
  • Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía, Fundació de la Generalitat Valenciana
  • Pangeanic
  • Prisma Media Proyectos, S.L.*
  • Refuerzo Escolar Gallent
  • Roche Diagnostics S.L.
  • Rolf C.Hagen España
  • Route 59
  • SD Correcaminos
  • Social Noise
  • Solid Sound Studio*
  • Subtitula'm S.L.*
  • Taketombo Books
  • Totart-Escuela Artes Escénicas
  • Training Experience S.L.
  • Transocean Transits - Tot Spain
  • Transperfect Estudios, S.L.
  • University World Sl
  • Viajes Dpm S.L.
  • Viajes Turisdenia S.L
  • Welocalize Life Sciences S.L.
  • White Paper Media
  • Yuhu Learns - Yuhu Corp S.L.

Internationality is part of the educational model of the Universidad Europea de Valencia in accordance with the philosophy of the European Higher Education Area and in line with the demands of today's society, which has undergone important changes due to globalization and internationalization. These two phenomena demand from any future university graduate the ability to work in multicultural environments, as well as to respect and adapt to social conventions inherent to other cultures. This is why an international stay is considered fundamental, since this experience provides them with greater autonomy and maturity when dealing with new environments. It also develops their critical capacity by making them able to establish comparisons between different social systems, as well as multiculturalism and tolerance. The international experience helps the student to weave an international social network, providing greater possibilities for professional development and improving their communication skills in foreign languages.

In the specific case of the TCI Degree, the international stay is clearly a formative need for the student, which is recommended to be carried out preferably in the fifth, sixth, seventh and/or eighth semesters, and which will clearly contribute to the effective achievement of the set of established formative objectives. In recent years, an average of 40% of students take the opportunity to complete an international stay, mainly in European destinations..

The Universidad Europea de Valencia has signed more than 200 exchange agreements, both within the Erasmus+ network and with universities located in the 5 continents.

Key Competencies

Basic Competencies
  • CB1: Students have demonstrated possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that builds on the foundation of general secondary education, and is usually at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve up to date knowledge of their field of study.
  • CB2: Students are able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences usually demonstrated through the development and defense of arguments and problem solving within their field of study.
  • CB3: Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
  • CB4: Students are able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • CB5: Students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

Cross-disciplinary Competencies
  • CT1: Responsibility: Students must be able to assume the consequences of the actions they carry out and be accountable for their own actions.
  • CT2: Self-confidence: Students are able to act with confidence and with sufficient motivation to achieve their objectives.
  • CT3: Awareness of ethical values: The student's ability to feel, judge, argue and act in accordance with moral values in a consistent, persistent and autonomous manner.
  • CT4: Communication skills: The student must be able to express concepts and ideas efficiently, including the ability to communicate concisely and clearly in writing, as well as to speak fluently in public.
  • CT5: Interpersonal understanding: The student must be able to listen actively in order to reach agreements, using an assertive communication style.
  • CT6: Flexibility: The student must be able to adapt and work in different and varied situations and with different people. This involves valuing and understanding different positions and adapting one's own approach as the situation requires.
  • CT7: Teamwork: The student must be able to participate actively in the achievement of a common objective, listening to, respecting and valuing the ideas and proposals of the other members of the team.
  • CT8: Initiative: The student must be able to anticipate proactively, proposing solutions or alternatives to the situations presented.
  • CT9: Planning: The student must be able to effectively determine goals and priorities, defining the actions, deadlines and optimal resources required to achieve these goals.
  • CT10: Innovation-Creativity: Students must be able to devise new and different solutions to problems that add value to the problems they face.
  • CT11: Entrepreneurship: Students must be able to undertake and start a project, a business or an undertaking in their professional field.

Specific Competencies

CE1. Instrumental command of the mother tongue. At the end of the course, students will have reached level C2 according to the CEFR, which specifies that:
- They are able to understand with ease practically everything he/she hears or reads.
- They can reconstruct information and arguments from different spoken and written sources and present them in a coherent, summarized presentation.
- They can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and with a degree of accuracy which enables him/her to differentiate small nuances of meaning even in more complex situations.
- They can analyze, evaluate, create and revise professionally all types of texts and determine values in parameters of linguistic variation and textual function.

CE2. Instrumental command of a first foreign language (language B). At the end of the degree students will have reached level C1 of the CEFR, which specifies that:
- They can understand a wide range of complex and long texts and recognize implicit meaning.
- They can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
- They can use language with flexibility and efficiency for social, academic, and professional purposes.
- They can produce clear, well-structured, detailed texts on topics of some complexity, showing correct use of the mechanisms of text organization, articulation, and cohesion.
- They can analyze, evaluate, create and revise professionally all types of texts and determine values in parameters of linguistic variation and textual function.

CE3. Instrumental command of a second foreign language (language C). At the end of the degree students will have reached level C1 of the CEFR, which specifies that:
- They can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts and recognize implicit meaning.
- They can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
- They can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes.
- They can produce clear, well-structured, detailed texts on topics of some complexity, showing a correct use of the mechanisms of text organization, articulation, and cohesion.
- They can analyze, evaluate, create and revise professionally all types of texts and determine values in parameters of linguistic variation and textual function.

CE4. Documentary competence, acquisition and processing of information.
- Students will be able to effectively acquire the additional linguistic and specialist knowledge necessary to understand the source text and produce the target text.
- They will acquire experience in the use of documentary resources and the ability to develop appropriate strategies for the effective use of available information sources such as dictionaries, glossaries, databases, linguistic corpora, parallel texts and the like.
- They will be able to locate, handle and synthesize information in their A, B and C languages.
- They will be able to analyze and synthesize complex documentation in their languages A, B and C from their fields of specialization, such as scientific-technical, audiovisual, economic, or legal translation.

CE5. Cultural and intercultural competence
- Students will be able to use information on local conventions, norms of behavior and value systems that characterize the source and target cultures.
- The students will be able to play a role as a linguistic mediator from an intercultural, business and interprofessional point of view.
- They will be able to explain and prevent possible conflicts arising from cultural differences.

CE6. Technological competence
- Students will be able to use computer resources for the production and correction of texts and data management.
- They will acquire knowledge of the technological tools related to Translation, such as terminology databases, automatic translation and localization applications of the most widely used and widespread software on the market, translation memories, corpus management programs, among others.
- They will acquire knowledge of the technological tools related to interpreting, such as the use of simultaneous interpreting booths.
- They will develop their capacity for the application of language technologies in communication.

CE7. Translation competence
- Students will be able to reproduce texts in another language at the required level, taking into account their social context and purpose.
-They will be able to adapt the means of the source language to the target language: development of the ability to transfer.
- They will be able to assess comprehension and textual production problems.
- They will be able to translate a text into the target language.
- They will be able to receive, understand and transmit written scientific production in the languages studied.
- They will revise with rigor in order to control, evaluate and guarantee the quality of the texts produced.

CE8. Interpreting Competence
- Students will master the techniques for interpreting in different modalities, registers and types of texts.
- They will acquire theoretical and methodological knowledge for the linguistic analysis and interpretation of texts or discourses, as well as for their reformulation in another language.
- Know how to apply the knowledge acquired to the practice of interpreting.
- Develop communicative, interpersonal and intercultural skills.

CE9. Professional and Management Competence
- Students will know how to manage multidisciplinary projects.
- They will know the economic, professional and market aspects.
- They will acquire knowledge about the functioning of a translation department or company.
- They will be able to apply the ISO translation standard.

What to do with a Bachelor Degree in Translation?

Translators are in increasing demand as a result of globalisation and heightened interactions between companies around the world. With the Bachelor's in Translation, you can choose to develop a global profile or specialise in a particular sector.

  • Specialized translation (legal, scientific-technical, tourism...)
  • Audiovisual translator (dubbing, subtitling, audiodescription, subtitles for hearing impaired)
  • Literary translation
  • Localization of video games, websites and software
  • Conference interpreting (consecutive, simultaneous, whispered interpreting...)
  • Interpreting in public services
  • Project management
  • Proofreading/editing
  • Computational linguistics
  • Terminology
  • Language consultancy
  • Language teaching
  • University teaching
  • Literary translators with various translation awards
  • Award-winning audiovisual translators
  • Video game translators
  • Translators at Apple (Cupertino, California)
  • Interpreters for the ACP (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific) Group of States in Brussels
  • Interpreters for the United Nations in Geneva
  • Interpreters for European institutions
  • Project managers at international translation agencies
  • Employees in the export departments of multinational companies
  • Interpretation managers at the Palacio de Congresos
  • University lecturers in Spain and the USA
  • Language teachers abroad


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Entrance exams

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Reserving a place

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Submit the necessary documents to formalise your enrolment.


Start your application

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Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers. Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

The profile of Bachelor’s in Translation and Intercultural Communication students is usually very diverse, however it is advisable that all students are:

  • Interested in languages and cultures.
  • Possess communication skills.
  • Able and willing to learn languages.
  • Curious people who are eager to learn about different areas of knowledge so that they can apply that knowledge to written translations or interpretations.
  • Eager to develop their professional career in the private sphere, national and international public bodies, EU institutions, and more.

The prerequisites to access this bachelor’s programme are those established in RD 1892/2008 of 14 November and current applicable legislation, namely:

  • Having passed the university admissions exam, in accordance with applicable legislation.
  • Having passed the admissions exam for students over 25 and over 45.
  • Senior technicians, senior fine arts and design technicians and senior sports technicians.
  • Graduates, undergraduates, technical engineers, engineers and architects.
  • High school students in education systems from member states of the European Union and other countries with relevant international agreements with Spain may access this programme, provided that they have already qualified to enrol on universities in their own educational system.
  • Students from countries that do not have relevant international agreements with Spain must have their studies officially recognised (through a process of ‘homologación’) and complete the university admission exam(s).
  • Individuals over the age of 40 without a degree enabling them to access university may also access this degree, provided they can demonstrate professional experience related to the programme to which they intend to apply.

Acceptance to the Universidad Europea de Valencia depends on the places available on each degree and the number of offers, as well as governing legal requirements for admissions. Students who are enrolling for the first time at the Universidad Europea de Valencia should follow the procedure outlined below:

Once their application and supporting documentation have been submitted and verified by the Admissions Department, the student is invited to complete the admissions test. When they complete the test, students should bring their DNI or passport.
The Universidad Europea de Valencia has established an entrance test to assess the competencies of those who do not hold a degree, as well as a personal interview. If relevant, the student’s academic record will be assessed. Each element has been designed to accurately and fairly assess a student’s aptitude for academic and professional success, and identify their specific educational needs. The tests last approximately two and a half hours. Results will serve as the basis for the student’s personalised learning plan. This plan details a series of basic recommendations to help and encourage students to develop the skills they need to thrive academically and professionally.
In addition, Bachelor’s Translation and Intercultural Communication students must take a specific test for Language B (i.e. the first foreign language they have chosen). This case will be a selective test in order to guarantee all students possess a certain level of language, which will be set in advance by the University as a requirement for enrolment in the programme.
All admitted students will receive a letter from the University that confirms their admission.

Open days

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08 March

Open Day | Universidad Europea
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The Bachelor's in Translation and Intercultural Communication is composed of 67% doctors.

  • María R. Ferrer
    Senior Lecturer (Profesora Titular de Universidad) in Translation, PhD in Translation, Society and Communication, and BA in Translation from the Universitat Jaume I, translator and businesswoman in the field of language services. She has been translating since 1996 for the major publishing groups in Spain and for the major distributors of audiovisual products. She received the Monbusho research grant (University of Tokyo) and published “Japonés para Gente Manga”. In 2003 she founded Traducciones Imposibles, an audiovisual and literary translation company. His repertoire includes works by Kenzaburo Oe and Neil Gaiman, and titles such as Akira, The Mentalist, Blindspot, among others. She has run the Taketombo Books publishing house and the Translator Training Lab training centre for professional translators since 2010. Her lines of research focus on audiovisual and transmedia translation, and the integration of socio-professional aspects in translator training. Member of the research team TRADULEMA: Translation, Language teaching & Media at UEV.
  • Marcia Castillo
    PhD and degree in Philology from the Universitat de València. She has more than 18 years of teaching experience. Her research interests include the image of women, theory and literature of the historical avant-garde. She participates in various national and international research projects and has published numerous recent works, including three books. María Isidra de Guzmán Research Award. She has lectured at universities and research centres such as Brown University, Universidad Federal de Pernambuco, Centro Internacional de Estudios Superiores de Comunicación para América Latina and Fundación Ortega Marañón. Founder of the Balletvale+ Project, classical dance adapted for children with functional diversity, and co-director of Siete Leguas, a feature-length documentary on the social integration experienced in Balletvale+. Member of the research team TRADULEMA: Translation, Language teaching & Media at UEV.
  • Vanessa Pérez
    PhD in Audiovisual Translation, cum laude, University of Cordoba. Master's Degree in Translation and New Technologies: Translation of Software and Multimedia Products from the Instituto Superior de Estudios Lingüísticos y Traducción (ISTRAD) in collaboration with the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) and the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Irlandeses (AMERGIN) of the Universidad da Coruña. Degree in English Philology from the University of Valencia.
    Lecturer on the Degree in Translation and Intercultural Communication at the UEV. Lecturer in Modern Language subjects at the UEV for the health degrees (Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Psychology) and the degrees in Law, International Relations and Criminology. Member of the research team TRADULEMA: Translation, Language teaching & Media at UEV.
  • Vicente Abella
    Graduated in Translation and Interpreting from the UV. Master's degree in Comparative Literature and Literary Translation from the UPF. PhD in Chemical and Nuclear Engineering from the UPV. He currently works as a conference interpreter and provides solutions to any interpreting needs at events through his VA translation agency. He also translates literature for several publishing houses and teaches interpreting at the University of Valencia and the European University of Valencia. He has been vice-president of La XARXA and is member of AVIC and ACEtt.
  • Begoña Barrado
    PhD in Languages, Literatures and Cultures, and their Applications, and a degree in English Philology from the University of Valencia. She has been a university lecturer for 21 years. She has held university academic management positions, such as the coordination of the Department of Languages. She has been in charge of tutoring final degree projects in Translation and Intercultural Communication, as well as tutoring internships in the same degree. She has given informative talks on the Bachelor's Degree in English Studies. She has taken on the mentoring of students on the degree in Translation and Intercultural Communication. She has taken on the management of the Language Center at the UEV. She has participated in international conferences and one international seminar. In terms of publications, she has three contributions to conferences and a book chapter. Her areas of research include teaching innovation, as well as gender and sexism in television advertising, and in 2017 she defended her doctoral thesis at the University of Valencia with a grade of Cum Laude. She has also been a member of the research group of the project "Gamification and Education Innovation: The Role of Emotions and Technology in Higher Education Learning Programs", Laureate International Universities and is currently a member of the research group TRADULEMA (Translation, Language teaching & Media) at the European University of Valencia.
  • Lynn Summerfield
    PhD in Education and MA in Higher Education from the European University of Madrid. ). MA in Conference Interpreting from UEV. Degree in Communication Studies from Coventry University (UK). She has worked as a freelance translator and has more than 20 years' experience as a teacher at centres such as Florida Universitaria, as well as at UEV. She is also a tutor for final projects in Translation and Intercultural Communication and an international tutor for students of the same degree. Her lines of research focus on educational innovation, gamification and the methodology of multicultural teamwork, the subject of her doctoral thesis. She has several publications and participations in research projects. Member of the research team TRADULEMA: Translation, Language teaching & Media at UEV.
  • Ernesto Méndez
    PhD in Education and Master in Higher Education from the European University of Madrid. Degree in Translation from the University of Granada. He has worked as a freelance translator in different centres, publishing houses and companies such as the Valencian Institute of Modern Art, Sala Parpalló, Editorial Síntesis, Edicions Alfaní, Edicions del CREC, TAV agency, Tecnotrans Sabre... He has more than 15 years of experience in university teaching as a teacher of translation and German language. He has taught German at the Centre d'Idiomes de la Universitat de València and at the Centro Universitario de Idiomas a Distancia - UNED. Laureate Network Office 2016 Research Publication Award. His lines of research focus on educational innovation, gamification and active methodologies for teaching foreign languages. Member of the research team TRADULEMA: Translation, Language teaching & Media at UEV.
  • Emmanuël Hazé
    Professor of Interpreting at the Universidad Europea de Valencia with more than 20 years of experience. Conference interpreter for the University of Valencia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valencia, Faculty of Law, University of Valencia, Faculty of Economics, Polytechnic University, Valencia, Menéndez Pelayo University, Valencia, Summer University of Malaga, in Ronda, European University of Madrid, Jaume I University, Castellón, School of Fine Arts, University of Valencia, Belgian Olympic Committee, Tihange Nuclear Power Plant, Belgium, Seville Expo 1992, Coca Cola, Leroy Merlin, Alcampo, Decathlon, L'Oréal, Frudesa, America's Cup Management, Alinghi, Mercadona, Marina d'Or, Valencia CF, Deloitte et Touche, AIDO, CEU San Pablo, Moncada, Fundación Must de la Unesco, Fundación Valencia Port, FEMEVAL, Bayer, World of Warcraft, Escuela de Policía de Catalunya, Valencia Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce of Castellón, ASCER, Fundación Justicia en el Mundo, Consejo Superior del Poder Judicial, European Programmes Azahar, Interreg, Are, Interact, Urbal, Desurban, Urbac, Feder, European School of Public Administration, Barcelona, Medaweek, NATO, European Association of Nuclear Cities, International Association of Department Stores, El Corte Inglés, International Chiropractors Association, International Union of Shoe Manufacturers, Spanish Radiotherapy Association, Merial, Sebastian, Sanofi, Pfizer, Lilly Diabetes, Glaxo, Bancaja, International Stroke Association, International Bordeline Disorder Association, Eureko, Achmea, World Bank, Tupperware, OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), World Health Organisation WHO, Lancaster, European Centre for the Regions, GDF Suez, Port Authority of Valencia, Valencia Port Foundation, EUCOCO, Cyes, International Energy Forum, GSMA Mobile World Congress, Telefónica, Kérastase, Shu Uemura, SEAT, BMW, Mini Cooper, Audi, Exxon Mobile, Museo Sorolla Madrid, Bancaixa Cultural Centre, Courses on restoration of works of art by the Polytechnic University of Valencia 2014, 2016, 2018, Conference on Digital Libraries, Military Air Base of Salamanca, European Social Network, CESEDEN, Unicef, Triangle Interim, IBM, Green Investment Fund...

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIC)

The European University of Valencia has designed its Internal Quality Assurance System in accordance with the guidelines of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), as a structural basis for guaranteeing the quality of official degrees, in line with the quality guidelines of the new official degrees, in accordance with the quality guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EEES) and the Organic Law 4/2007, of April, which modifies the Organic Law of Universities 6/2001, of 21 December.

The Internal Quality Assurance System, which applies to all the University's training activities and all the processes that take place in it, was positively certified by ANECA's AUDIT programme in July 2022 (http://www.aneca.es/Programas-de-evaluacion/Evaluacion-institucional/AUDIT/Resultados).

The SAIC ensures that all the training activities carried out at the European University of Valencia respond effectively to the interests and needs of the users of each service, as well as the continuous improvement of all the activities that take place in it according to the PDCA continuous improvement cycle (Plan-Do-Check- Act/Adjust).


Monitoring the quality of the degree

Members of the Degree Quality Commitee (CCT)

  • Faculty Director
  • Department Director
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Undergraduate Final Project Coordinator
  • Internship Coordinator
  • Academic Director
  • Responsible of Learning Assesment
  • Academic Advisor
  • Students
  • Quality Partner (Quality and Academic Compliance)

Key degree improvements

The experience acquired has enabled us to identify certain areas of improvement for the new edition of the degree in the current academic year. To this end, we consider the following areas for the improvement of the degree's educational quality:

Practical application of the six pillars of the academic model: simulated environments, professional environments, integrated curriculum, transdisciplinary education, One-World, data-driven approach and research.

Organization of extracurricular activities on subjects related to employment, new professional opportunities, entrepreneurship, etc. for degree students.

Main results of the title


University’s Regulations

Frequently Asked Questions

Translators are increasingly in demand due to globalisation so there are many opportunities for someone with a degree in translation.

Graduates from our program at Universidad Europea go on to enjoy careers in a wide variety of sectors. This includes:

  • Specialised translation (legal, scientific-technical, tourism...)
  • Audiovisual translator (dubbing, subtitling, audiodescription, subtitles for hearing impaired)
  • Conference interpreting (consecutive, simultaneous, whispered interpreting...)
  • Project management
  • Proofreading/editing
  • Language consultancy
  • Language teaching
  • University teaching

It goes without saying that the key skills a translator must have are a command of different languages - reading, writing, listening and speaking. In addition, cultural awareness and understanding is vital.

Other skills a translator should have, and which you will learn and develop on the degree in translation and intercultural communication, are:

  • Research: the ability to keep understanding how language works and also become familiar with different themes or sectors they are working in
  • Technology: translators often use computer assisted translation (CAT) software to help refine their work. Knowledge of such software is important.
  • Attention to detail: the need to be accurate in translating is huge. One small error could have big consequences in translating

Time management: Translators are often juggling translation projects in many languages from different clients, so time management is an important skill to help them manage their workload.

There are many differences between translation and interpretation. The main focus of translation is on and it requires a high level of accuracy and can take time to produce. Interpretation deals more with the spoken word and is delivered immediately, such as at press conferences or in meetings. Understanding and communication are the priority rather than perfection.

Translators and interpreters require slightly different skill sets, but they share a deep cultural and linguistic understanding, expert knowledge of subject matter, and the ability to communicate clearly.

On the degree in translation and intercultural communication, you will work on building the skills necessary to work in either field.

If you choose the degree in translation at Universidad Europea, you will study for four years. The program involves periods of work placements and internships, allowing you to gain valuable experience in the field of translation and interpreting. Another key element is the international and intercultural focus, so you will take part in study abroad opportunities too. Universidad Europea in Valencia has agreements with more than 200 universities around the world, so you can choose where best suits you.
