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Grado en Medicina Universidad Europea de Madrid

Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine Madrid

At Universidad Europea, we’re proud of our doctors of the future, proud of training leaders and professionals capable of responding to the demands of a global world.

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A Medicine degree with an innovative curriculum and hands-on learning in a simulated hospital environment

The Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine seeks to provide future doctors with the skills they need to work in any healthcare setting. With the help of teaching staff and a range of work experience opportunities, students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine will discover the area of medicine in which they wish to specialise.

We build competitive professionals through high-quality education based not only on theory and science, but also humanity, empathy, ethical values, and great interpersonal and communication skills. Our innovative training model combines academic learning with interprofessional education, simulated scenarios and quality clinical training.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid

Classes in Spanish
Villaviciosa de Odón 6 years, 360 ECTS
Start: 15 sep. 2025
Faculty of Medicine, Health and Sport

Why study the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine?

High-tech facilities

From the first year, you’ll work with the most advanced technology in rooms with 3D anatomical models, a dissection room, task training and interactive systems to help you train your clinical reasoning.

You’ll train in our Simulated Hospital, a safe, realistic hospital environment in which we simulate different clinical cases to help train your skills and abilities, and so you can learn how to interact with other students in the field of health, mirroring real-life experience. This hospital is also fitted with consultation rooms, emergency rooms, intensive care wards, in-patient wards, an operating theatre, a mobile ICU and other facilities.

Universidad Europea offers you a range of advanced facilities equipped with cutting-edge technology so you can make the most of our innovate academic model:

Everything is designed to provide you with a comprehensive, cutting-edge education, preparing you to excel in the world of healthcare!

Learning model

You’ll learn by doing, immersing yourself in a method that not only ensures you gain the knowledge, but also the skills and values needed for your future career. Here, every step will prepare you for the real world, with:

  • Work experience in real environments, allowing you to work in real scenarios and prepare for future challenges.
  • A comprehensive curriculum that links a range of areas, offering a broad, multidisciplinary perspective.
  • Interprofessional education, where you’ll study alongside students from a range of subjects, enriching your experience and promoting teamwork.
  • State-of-the-art facilities, designed for you to experience your future career today.
Clinical placements

From the third year onwards, you’ll become immersed in hospital life, performing clinical rotations in renowned health centres such as:

  • Grupo Quirón Salud.
  • Hospital ASISA Moncloa.
  • Hospital de Getafe.
  • Hospital Infanta Sofía.
  • Hospital Vithas Avd America.
  • Hospital José Germain.
  • Hospital Santa Cristina.
  • Hospital La Fuenfría.
  • 11 Primary Care centres.

Our students receive personalised clinical training, with a 2:1 student-teacher ratio, allowing for a personal approach tailored to each student’s specific needs. This serves to ensure high-quality clinical placements, but also a safe and supportive working environment where students can face the challenges of the clinical field with confidence and competence.

International reach

Experience life abroad studying in countries such as Germany, Italy, Poland and the Czech Republic.

You can also experience summer stays in places like Australia, the UK and prestigious universities in the United States such as Yale and Irvine.

Number 1 in Madrid for teaching quality

Number 1 in the Madrid region for teaching quality, according to the 2020 U Ranking published by BBVA Foundation and IVIE.

In addition, the World University Rankings 2021 of the Times Higher Education (THE) magazine places Universidad Europea de Madrid in the TOP 5 at national level, taking 2nd best private university in Spain in the area of ‘Clinical and Health’, and 3rd best private university in Spain in terms of citations.

Unique experiences that make a difference to your medical education

Experience Medicine in an environment that fosters practice, learning and a passion for helping others!

Studying Medicine at Universidad Europea means having truly unique experiences. From the exciting ‘Teddy Bear Hospital’ to our anniversary celebrations for former graduates. There’s also the heartwarming graduation at the Grand Amphitheatre of the Medical Association, an event that symbolises the commitment and dedication of our future health professionals.

Study at a world-renowned Simulated Hospital

The reputable Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) has recognised our Simulated Hospital as one of the best in Europe, highlighting its quality and excellence. This achievement reflects our commitment to training that goes beyond the traditional approach, offering you a unique, transformative experience.

Opinions of the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine

During hospital placements, we received personal support to enhance our training.
Eva Iglesias

Eva Iglesias


Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine

The Simulated Hospital lets you gain experience, while daily contact with the world of healthcare shows you what the profession is really like.
María Cuadra

María Cuadra


Bachelor's Degree in Medicine

Clinical placements have given me a high-quality education which I have noticed when dealing with patients.
Silvia Sande

Silvia Sande


Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine

As a professor of the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine, my aim is to educate students in constantly evolving science-based medicine, where practice requires constantly updating your knowledge and skills, teamwork and, above all, a humanistic, respectful attitude.
Margarita Rubio

Margarita Rubio

Professor of Epidemiology

Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine

Chica de pelo moreno y gafas, leyendo un mapa del mundo al aire libre

Mobility offers

We have agreements with many universities in different continents so that you can choose the one that best suits your training. By clicking on this link you will access the ‘Map of destinations’ of the University. Once there, you must click on ‘Search’ and once in the search engine, you must filter your degree in ‘Programme’.


A curriculum designed according to the needs of the professional world. Throughout the curriculum, you’ll acquire general knowledge, then your teachers will guide you to discover which area of Medicine you would like to specialise in.

See content in Spanish

Programa de estudios


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Anatomy 12Core Spanish (es)
Physiology 12Core Spanish (es)
Cellular Biology 6Core Spanish (es)
Genetics 4Compulsory Spanish (es)
Biochemistry I 6Compulsory Spanish (es)
Histology 4Compulsory Spanish (es)
Medical Humanities and Communication Skills 6Core Spanish (es)
English for Health Sciences I 6Mandatory Spanish (es)
Biochemistry II 4Compulsory Spanish (es)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Basic Epidemiology and Applied Biostatistics 10Compulsory Spanish (es)
Medical Psychology 6Compulsory Spanish (es)
Introduction to Clinical Practice6Compulsory Spanish (es)
Morphology, Structure and Function of Organs and Systems I 16Compulsory Spanish (es)
Morphology, Structure and Function of Organs and Systems II 16Compulsory Spanish (es)
English for Health Sciences II 6Mandatory English (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Health Management and Public Health Social Medicine, Communication Skills and Introduction to Research Module4CompulsorySpanish (es)
Semiology and General Pathophysiology 17CompulsorySpanish (es)
General Pathological Anatomy Module/ Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures 7CompulsorySpanish (es)
Diagnostic Imaging Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures Module7CompulsorySpanish (es)
General Pharmacology and Therapeutic Procedures 11CompulsorySpanish (es)
General Microbiology Module/ Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures8CompulsorySpanish (es)
General Basics of Surgery. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures6CompulsorySpanish (es)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Cardiovascular System8CompulsorySpanish (es)
Respiratory system 8CompulsorySpanish (es)
Digestive System8CompulsorySpanish (es)
Infectious Disease Pathology and Clinical Microbiology8CompulsorySpanish (es)
Hematology 7CompulsorySpanish (es)
Endocrine System7CompulsorySpanish (es)
Nephrology, Urology and Male Genital Apparatus7CompulsorySpanish (es)
Bioethics and Legal Medicine7CompulsorySpanish (es)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Rheumatology 7CompulsorySpanish (es)
Traumatology 7CompulsorySpanish (es)
Psychiatry 7CompulsorySpanish (es)
The Nervous System 7CompulsorySpanish (es)
Dermatology 8CompulsorySpanish (es)
Paediatrics 12CompulsorySpanish (es)
Medical Therapeutics 6CompulsorySpanish (es)
Research Methodology 6CompulsorySpanish (es)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Primary Care 6CompulsorySpanish (es)
End of Degree Project 9CompulsorySpanish (es)
Indications and Interpretation of Complementary Examinations 4CompulsorySpanish (es)
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 8CompulsorySpanish (es)
Ophthalmology 6CompulsorySpanish (es)
Otolaryngology 6CompulsorySpanish (es)
Emergencies and Toxicology 6CompulsorySpanish (es)
Geriatrics, Oncology and Palliative Care 6CompulsorySpanish (es)
Optional Clinical Placement I: ECOE 3OptionalSpanish (es)
Optional Clinical Placement II: Inter Professional Training 3OptionalSpanish (es)
Optional Complementary Placement III: Biomedical Research 3OptionalSpanish (es)
Optional Clinical Placement IV/ Surgical Skills 3OptionalSpanish (es)
Optional Clinical Placement V: Rehabilitation and the Intensive Careunit 3OptionalSpanish (es)
Caring for Critical and Surgical Patients 3OptionalSpanish (es)
Optional Complementary Placement VII: Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery 3OptionalSpanish (es)
Optional Clinical Placement VIII: Anaesthesiology and Reanimation 3OptionalSpanish (es)

Programa de estudios


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Anatomía12BÁSICAEspañol (es)
Fisiología12BÁSICAEspañol (es)
Biología Celular6BÁSICAEspañol (es)
Genética4OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Bioquímica I6BÁSICAEspañol (es)
Histología4OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Humanidades Médicas y Habilidades de Comunicación6BÁSICAEspañol (es)
Inglés Sanitario I6BÁSICAEspañol (es)
Bioquímica II4OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Epidemiología Básica y Bioestadística Aplicada10OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Psicología Médica6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Introducción a la Práctica Clínica6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Inglés Sanitario II6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Morfología, Estructura y Función de Órganos y Sistemas I16OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Morfología, Estructura y Función de Órganos y Sistemas II16OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Gestión Sanitaria y Salud Pública4OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Semiología y Fisiopatología General17OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Anatomía Patológica General7OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Diagnóstico por Imagen7OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Farmacología General y Procedimientos Terapéuticos11OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Microbiología General8OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Bases Generales de la Cirugía6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Bioética Clínica y Medicina Legal7OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Aparato Cardiovascular8OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Aparato Respiratorio8OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Aparato Digestivo8OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Hematología7OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Patología Infecciosa y Microbiología Clínica8OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Sistema Endocrino7OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Nefrología, Urología y Aparato Genital Masculino7OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Terapéutica Médica6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Metodología de la Investigación6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Traumatología7OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Reumatología7OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Sistema Nervioso7OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Psiquiatría7OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Pediatría12OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Dermatología8OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Atención Primaria6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Trabajo Fin de Grado9OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Indicaciones e Interpretación de Exploraciones Complementarias4OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Ginecología y Obstetricia8OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Oftalmología6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Otorrinolaringología6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Urgencias y Toxicología6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Oncología, Geriatría y Cuidados Paliativos6OBLIGATORIAEspañol (es)
Estancia complementaria optativa I: ECOE (Evaluación Clínica Objetiva Estructurada)3OPTATIVAEspañol (es)
Estancia complementaria optativa II: Formacion Interprofesional3OPTATIVAEspañol (es)
Estancia complementaria optativa III: Investigación Biomédica3OPTATIVAEspañol (es)
Estancia Complementaria Optativa IV: Habilidades Quirúrgicas3OPTATIVAEspañol (es)
Estancia Complementaria Optativa V: Rehabilitación y Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos3OPTATIVAEspañol (es)
Estancia Complementaria Optativa VI: Atención al Paciente Crítico y Quirúrgico3OPTATIVAEspañol (es)
Estancia Complementaria Optativa VII: Cirugía Plástica, Estética y Reconstructiva3OPTATIVAEspañol (es)
Estancia Complementaria Optativa VIII: Anestesiología y Reanimación3OPTATIVAEspañol (es)
Estancia Complementaria Optativa IX: Actividades Universitarias3OPTATIVAEspañol (es)
  • First year 2008/2009.
  • Second year 2009/2010.
  • Third year 2010/2011.
  • Fourth year 2011/2012.
  • Fifth year 2012/2013.
  • Sixth year 2013/2014.


Degree skills

Key skills (CB, as per the Spanish acronym)
  • CB1: Students have shown their knowledge and understanding of a study area that builds on general secondary school education, and are usually at a level where, with the support of more advanced textbooks, they may also demonstrate awareness of the latest developments in their field of study.
  • CB2: Students can apply their knowledge to their work professionally and possess the necessary skills, which are usually evident through the forming and defending of opinions and resolving problems within their study area.
  • CB3: Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant information (usually within their study area) to form opinions which include reflecting on relevant social, scientific or ethical matters.
  • CB4: Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • CB5: Students have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further study in a highly independent manner.
General skills (CG, as per the Spanish acronym)

Orden ECI 332/2008 of 13 February, which establishes the official requirements for validating official university degrees to be able to work professionally as a doctor:

A. Professional values, Attitudes and Ethical Behaviour:

  • CG1. Recognise the core elements of the medical profession, including ethical principles and legal responsibilities, together with how to provide a patient-centred service.
  • CG2. Understand the importance of such principles to benefit patients, society and the profession, with a particular focus on professional secrecy, confidentiality and privacy.[1]
  • CG3. Know how to apply the principle of social justice to professional practice.
  • CG4. Develop professional practice taking into account patient autonomy, their beliefs and culture.
  • CG5. Be aware of the need to maintain and update professional skills, specifically keeping up with new developments and discovering new products and techniques in nutrition and with the aim of improving quality.
  • CG6. Carry out professional activity with regard to other health professionals.

B. Scientific foundations of Medicine:

  • CG7. Understand and recognise the normal structure and function of the human body. This includes studies of molecules, cells, tissue, organs and systems in the different stages of life.
  • CG8. Recognise the foundations of normal human behaviour and its alterations.
  • CG9. Understand and recognise the effects, mechanisms and manifestations of a disease on the structure and functioning of the human body.
  • CG10. Understand and recognise the causal agents and risk factors which determine health conditions and the onset of disease.
  • CG11. Understand and recognise the effects of growth, development and ageing on the individual and the social environment.
  • CG12. Understand the basic action, indications and effectiveness of therapeutic interventions, based on available scientific evidence.

C. Clinical Skills:

  • CG13. Obtain and prepare a medical record with all relevant information.
  • CG14. Perform a physical examination and mental health assessment.
  • CG15. Be able to form an initial diagnostic opinion and establish a well-founded approach to making a diagnosis.
  • CG16. Understand and treat situations which are an immediate threat to life and any others which require immediate attention.
  • CG17. Determine a diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, applying principles based on the most reliable information possible.
  • CG18. Indicate the most suitable treatment for the most common acute and chronic illnesses, including terminal patients.
  • CG19. Raise and propose the suitable preventative measures required in each clinical situation.
  • CG20. Acquire sufficient clinical experience under supervision in hospital institutions, health centres or other healthcare institutions.

D. Communication Skills:

  • CG21. Listen attentively, obtain and synthesise information regarding the problems troubling the patient and understand this information.
  • CG22. Write a case history and other medical records to be read and understood by others.
  • CG23. Establish effective written and spoken communication with patients, family members, media and other professionals.
  • CG24. Establish good interpersonal communication which allows you to efficiently and empathetically connect with patients, family members, media and other professionals.

E. Public Health and Healthcare Systems:

  • CG25. Recognise the determining factors of the population’s health, including genetics and those influenced by lifestyle, demographic, environmental, social, financial, psychological and cultural factors.
  • CG26. Take part in prevention and protection against diseases, injuries or accidents, together with the maintenance and promotion of health, on both an individual and community level.
  • CG27. Recognise your role in multiprofessional teams, taking the lead where necessary, both in providing healthcare and in activities which promote good health.
  • CG28. Obtain and use epidemiological data and evaluate trends and risks to take health-related decisions.
  • CG29. Be aware of global health organisations and the environments and constraints of different healthcare systems.
  • CG30. Understand the Spanish health system and health legislation.

F. Data Handling:

  • CG31. Understand, critically assess and know how to use clinical and biomedical information sources to obtain, organise, interpret and communicate scientific and health information.
  • CG32. Know how to use information and communication technology in clinical, therapeutic, preventative and research activity.
  • CG33. Maintain and use patient information records for subsequent analysis while always maintaining data confidentiality.

G. Critical Analysis and Research:

  • CG34. In professional practice, maintain a critical, creative, constructively-sceptical and research-minded approach.
  • CG35. Understand the importance and limitations of scientific thinking in the study, prevention and management of diseases.
  • CG36. Be able to formulate hypotheses, gather information and critically evaluate information to solve problems following the scientific method.
  • CG37. Acquire basic training in research activity.

[1] The standard reference document for medical practice, professional liability, and patient rights is Ley 41/2002 of 14 November, which governs patient autonomy and patient rights and obligations regarding clinical information and documentation.

Cross-curricular skills (CT, as per the Spanish acronym)
  • CT1. Communication: ability to engage in active listening, ask questions and respond in a clear and concise way, as well as to effectively express ideas and concepts. This includes concise and clear written communication.
  • CT2. Leadership: ability to offer ideas, approaches and interpretations through strategies which offer solutions to real-life problems.
  • CT3. Teamwork: ability to integrate and collaborate actively with other people, areas and/or organisations to reach common goals, evaluate and integrate contributions from the rest of the group members and create a good working environment.
  • CT4. Adaptability: ability to detect, interpret and respond to a changing environment. Ability to equip themselves and work effectively in different situations and/or with different groups or individuals. This means adapting to change depending on circumstances or needs. It involves the confidence to take on crucial challenges on a personal or group level, maintaining good physical and mental health to allow effective work to be carried out.
  • CT5. Initiative: ability to undertake difficult or risky actions with resolve.
  • CT6. Problem solving: ability to solve an unclear or complex issue or situation which has no established solution and requires skill to reach a conclusion.
  • CT7. Decision making: ability to choose between different options or methods to effectively solve different problems or situations.
  • CT8. Planning and organisation: ability to set objectives and choose the right means to fulfil them through the efficient use of time and resources.
  • CT9. Ability to put knowledge into practice, i.e. apply the knowledge learned in the classroom to scenarios that recreate real experiences in the relevant profession.
  • CT10. Independent learning: the ability to govern your own development by choosing the most effective lines of action, strategies, tools and opportunities to independently learn and apply knowledge to practice.
Specific skills

Module 1: Morphology, Structure and Function of the Human Body

  • CE 1.1.1 Understand the structure and function of cells. Biomolecules. Metabolism. Metabolic regulation and integration.
  • CE 1.1.2 Understand the basic principles of human nutrition. Cell communication. Excitable membranes. The cell cycle. Cellular differentiation and proliferation. Gene expression, information and regulation. Heredity. Embryo development and organogenesis.
  • CE 1.2.1 Understand the morphology, structure and function of skin and blood, as well as the different systems and apparatus: cardiovascular, digestive, musculoskeletal, reproductive, urinary, respiratory, endocrine, immune, central and peripheral nervous systems. Growth, maturity and ageing of the different systems and apparatus. Homoeostasis. Adaptation to environment.
  • CE 1.2.2 Use basic laboratory techniques and materials. Interpret a normal analysis. Use macroscopic, microscopic and imaging techniques to recognise the morphology and structure of tissue, organs and systems. Perform functional tests, determine and interpret vital signs. Basic physical examination.

Module 2: Social Medicine, Communication Skills and Introduction to Research

  • CE 2.1.1 Understand the legal aspects of the medical profession. Informed consent. Confidentiality.
  • CE 2.1.2 Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of physical and mental harm.
  • CE 2.1.3 Social and legal implications of death.
  • CE 2.1.4 Understand and recognise the normal evolution of a corpse. Post-mortem diagnoses. Principles of medical criminology.
  • CE 2.1.5 Be able to write legal medical documents.
  • CE 2.2.1 Understand the principles of medical ethics. Bioethics. Solve ethical conflicts. Apply professional values of excellence, altruism, sense of duty, responsibility, integrity and honesty while undertaking the profession.
  • CE 2.2.2 Recognise the need to maintain professional skills. Know how to approach professional practice taking into account patient autonomy, their beliefs and culture.
  • CE 2.3.1 Understand the principles of preventative medicine and apply its methods to public health. Disease risk factors and prevention. Recognise determining factors in the population’s health. Health indicators. Plan, program and evaluate health programmes. Prevention and protection against diseases, injuries and accidents.
  • CE 2.3.2 Evaluation of the quality of healthcare and patient safety strategies. Vaccinations. Epidemiology. Demographics. Understand health planning and administration nationally, by region, in Europe and globally. Understand the financial and social implications medical activity involves, considering criteria of efficiency and effectiveness. Health and the environment. Food health. Health and safety at work.
  • CE 2.4.1 Understand, critically assess and know how to use clinical and biomedical information technology and sources to obtain, organise, interpret and communicate clinical, scientific and health information.
  • CE 2.4.2 Know the basic concepts of biostatistics and how they are applied to medical sciences. Be able to design and carry out simple studies using computer programs and interpret the results.
  • CE 2.4.3 Understand and interpret statistical data in medical literature.
  • CE 2.4.4 Be familiar with the history of health and illness. Be aware of the existence and principles of alternative medicine.
  • CE 2.4.5 Independently use a personal computer. Use search and biomedical data recovery systems. Understand and manage clinical documentation procedures.
  • CE 2.4.6 Understand and critically interpret scientific texts. Understand the principles of the scientific method, biomedical research and clinical trials. Understand the basics of telehealth.
  • CE 2.4.7 Understand and use the principles of medicine based on the (best) evidence.
  • CE 2.5.1 Understand how to communicate with patients, family members and their social circle: Models for clinical relations, interviews, verbal communication, non-verbal communication and interference. Deliver bad news. Write case histories, reports, instructions and other records so patients, family members and other professionals can easily understand them. Give a public spoken or written presentation on scientific work and/or professional reports.

Module 3: Human Clinical Education

  • CE 3.1.1 Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major skin conditions.
  • CE 3.1.2 Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major blood disorders.
  • CE 3.1.3 Pregnancy and normal & abnormal labour. Post-partum. Sexually transmitted diseases. Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major gynaecological conditions. Contraception and fertilisation.
  • CE 3.1.4 Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major eye disorders.
  • CE 3.1.5 Understand tumour disease, its diagnosis and treatment.
  • CE 3.1.6 Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major ear, nose and throat conditions.
  • CE 3.1.7 Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major cardiovascular diseases.
  • CE 3.1.8 Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major digestive disorders.
  • CE 3.1.9 Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major urinary disorders.
  • CE 3.1.10 Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major musculoskeletal disorders.
  • CE 3.1.11 Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major respiratory disorders.
  • CE 3.1.12 Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major endocrine disorders. Nutrition disorders.
  • CE 3.1.13 Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major central and peripheral nervous system disorders.
  • CE 3.1.14 Be aware of the main infectious agents and their mechanisms of action. Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major infectious diseases in the different organs and apparatus. Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major immune disorders.
  • CE 3.1.15 Understand the morphofunctional characteristics of a newborn, a child and a teenager. Growth. Premature newborns. Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major paediatric conditions. Child nutrition. Genetic counselling and diagnosis. Cognitive, emotional and psychosocial development in children and teenagers.
  • CE 3.1.16 Understand the biological, psychological and social foundations of personality and behaviour. Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Psychotherapy.
  • CE 3.1.17 Recognise, diagnose and guide the treatment of major types of poisoning. Palliative medicine.
  • CE 3.1.18 Recognise the characteristics of the most common conditions in elderly patients.
  • CE 3.1.19 Family and community medicine: living environment of the patient, promotion of health in the family and community setting.
  • CE 3.1.20 Recognise, diagnose and manage life-threatening situations.
  • CE 3.2.1 Know how to take a full patient-centred case history with a view to different possible conditions, and interpret its meaning.
  • CE 3.2.2 Know how to perform a physical examination of the body systems and apparatus, as well as a mental status examination, and interpret the results.
  • CE 3.2.3 Know how to assess changes to clinical parameters at different patient ages.
  • CE 3.2.4 Pregnancy screening and monitoring.
  • CE 3.2.5 Create a plan of action, focusing on the needs of the patient and their social and family environment, in line with the patient’s signs and symptoms.
  • CE 3.2.6. Know how to perform basic and advanced life support manoeuvres.

Module 4: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures

  • CE 4.1.1 Evaluate the risk/benefit relationship of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
  • CE 4.1.2 Understand the indications of the biochemical, haematological, immunological, microbiological, anatomical pathology and image tests.
  • CE 4.1.3 Understand the characteristics of tissues in different types of lesions, adaptation and cell death. Inflammation.
  • CE 4.1.4 Alterations in cell growth.
  • CE 4.1.5 Anatomical conditions of the different systems and apparatus.
  • CE 4.1.6 Biochemical markers, cytogenetic analysis and molecular biology applied to clinical diagnosis.
  • CE 4.1.7 Understand the basics of microbiology and parasitology.
  • CE 4.1.8 Understand the main diagnostic techniques in microbiology and parasitology and interpret the results.
  • CE 4.1.9 Understand the basics of how radiation interacts with the human body. Radiology imaging. Radiological semiology of the different systems and apparatus. Awareness of other diagnostic imaging techniques. Evaluate the indications and contraindications of radiological studies.
  • CE 4.1.10 Be able to apply radiology protection criteria to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with ionising radiation.
  • CE 4.1.11 Be aware of the main groups of drugs, dosage, administration routes and pharmacokinetics. Interactions and adverse effects. Prescription and pharmacovigilance. Pharmacology of the different systems and apparatus. Analgesics, antineoplastics, antimicrobials and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • CE 4.1.12 Understand the general principles of anaesthesia and reanimation.
  • CE 4.1.13 Nutrition and diet therapy.
  • CE 4.1.14 Understand the main indications of electrophysiological techniques (ECG, EEG, EMG, and others).
  • CE 4.1.15 Understand the pathophysiology of wounds (burns, frostbite and other types of wounds). Scarring. Surgical haemorrhage and thromboembolic prophylaxis.
  • CE 4.1.16 Understand general surgical indications, pre-operative risks and post-operative complications.
  • CE 4.1.17 Transfusions and transplants.
  • CE 4.1.18 Understand the principles and indications of radiotherapy.
  • CE 4.1.19 Understand the basics of rehabilitation, promotion of personal autonomy, functional adaptation to the environment, and other physical aspects of morbidity, in order to improve quality of life.
  • CE 4.2.1 Know how to obtain and process a biological sample to be studied, using the different diagnostic procedures.
  • CE 4.2.2 Know how to interpret the results of diagnostic laboratory tests.
  • CE 4.2.3 Manage disinfection and sterilisation techniques.
  • CE 4.2.4 Be able to systematically read a radiological image. Know how to use the different drugs correctly. Know how to perform and interpret an electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram.
  • CE 4.2.5 Write medical prescriptions, adapted to the circumstances of each patient and legal requirements.
  • CE 4.2.6 Assess nutritional status and plan a suitable diet for different circumstances.
  • CE 4.2.7 Practice basic surgical procedures: hygiene, haemostasis and wound stitching.

Module 5: Supervised Placements and Final Degree Project

  • CE 5.1.1 Complete student work placements involving an independent clinical rotation and a final skills assessment in health centres, hospitals and other care facilities, allowing students to incorporate professional values, healthcare communication skills, clinical reasoning, clinical management and critical judgement. This also requires students to familiarise themselves with the most common health problems in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Psychiatry and other clinical areas.
  • CE 5.2.1 Final Degree Project: Cross-cutting unit involving work carried out on varied subject matter.

From the third year onwards, you’ll become immersed in hospital life, performing your clinical rotations at the following health centres:

  • Hospital Universitario de Getafe
  • Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofía.
  • Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud Madrid
  • Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud Ruber Juan Bravo
  • Hospital Universitario HLA Moncloa
  • Hospital Universitario Vithas Arturo Soria
  • Hospital Universitario Santa Cristina
  • Hospital Universitario José Germain
  • Hospital La Fuenfría
  • Primary Care centres:
    • C.S. Américas
    • C.S. Isabel II
    • C.S. Pintores
    • C.S Sector III
    • C.S. Pinto
    • C.S. Miraflores
    • C.S. Rosa de Luxemburgo
    • C.S Reyes Católicos
    • C.S Villamil
    • C.S Villaviciosa

If you want to improve your work experience before completing your university studies, you can do an extracurricular placement. You can do this in any academic year, but remember that placements complement your studies, so the more knowledge you have already acquired from your degree, the more you’ll benefit from the work experience.

Orden CIN Resolución de 17 de diciembre de 2007, BOE de 21 de diciembre de 2007


Orden ECI / 332 / 2008, de 13 de febrero, BOE de 15 febrero de 2008



Career opportunities for Medicine graduates

A regulated profession. The Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine at Universidad Europea de Madrid qualifies you to access the regulated medical profession in accordance with RD 1393/2007, October 29. At the end of your studies, you will be qualified to take the MIR exam, the admission exam for specialised training required to practice medicine in Spain and other European Union countries. As well as being qualified to work in any healthcare position in the public or private healthcare system, you will be able to access related positions in healthcare management at all levels, as well as in the management or performance of research work.

  • Freedom to practice as a professional, i.e. being a self-employed doctor or setting up your own speciality clinic under the special regime for self-employed workers.
  • Primary and hospital care, providing services to regional health systems, private clinics and hospitals, health insurance companies, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical industry and healthcare industry.
  • Disease prevention campaigns in primary & secondary schools and universities
  • Teacher in public and private schools
  • Teacher in hospitals
  • Teacher in health-related NGOs
  • Research
  • Prisons, forensic medicine and legal medicine


Choosing what to study is one of the most important decisions you can make, so we have an advisory process and team to help guide you on this path.

The admission process to study an undergraduate degree at Universidad Europea is simple, basically requiring you to provide us with certain documents, perform an entrance exam and complete your official enrolment.

Consult the legal requirements for access to the University.

Consult the regulations for admission to the Degree in Medicine.

In just 3 steps you can become a student at Universidad Europea:


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

Applications for admission open for the 2025/2026 academic year

The Bachelor's Degree in Medicine has a specific admission process involving an online test phase followed by a visit the campus to meet your future professors along with the rest of the applicants. The next sessions are:

  • 13 December tests and 11 January visit – Admission 22 January
  • 8 January tests and 11 January visit – Admission 22 January
  • 12 February tests and 8 March visit – Admission 18 March
  • 10 March tests and 8 March visit – Admission 18 March
  • 10 April tests and 5 May visit – Admission 22 May
  • 8 May tests and 5 May visit – Admission 22 May
  • 2 July tests and 5 July visit – Admission 11 July

To take part, you must first submit your application for admission.

Key points to remember before starting the admission process:

  • Applications will only be accepted from pupils with high school education (Bachillerato equivalent) specialising in the branch of Health Sciences. Qualifications from branches other than Health Sciences will not be accepted.
  • Applicants whose first language is not Spanish must demonstrate B2 level in our Spanish test, otherwise they will automatically be eliminated from the admission process.
  • Students in the admission process to the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine via a national or international pre-university entry route will not be able to apply for or obtain any type of recognition (validation) of credits/subjects previously taken at any university or centre.
  • To apply to the admission process for the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine, you must book a date for the entrance tests.

The entrance tests for the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine will take place online.

Click the link for more information on the whole admission process for the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine at Universidad Europea.

Your virtual tour begins here!

Experience first-hand what it's like to study at Universidad Europea: our facilities and our experiential learning model.

HPR Lab Universidad Europea de Madrid


Our faculty is excellent, well-regarded, and extensive, as we have a wide variety of specialists and a large number of professors, ensuring greater proximity to students. 40% of our professors in the Medicine degree have a PhD degree in different areas of knowledge.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan which aims to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and make it possible to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. We are therefore committed to: boosting recognitions and accreditations of external qualifications both nationally and internationally; measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Quality and Innovation in the 21st Century

Innovation is key to the design of the University’s academic programmes, seeking to tailor them to students’ needs and expectations. Innovation also forms part of the entire learning process at the University, with the use of new technology and teaching methods in the classroom. Every student has their own personal mentor who assists them in the progressive development of their emotional intelligence and certain cross-cutting skills required in professional practice.

Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Monitoring of degree quality

Members of the Degree Quality Committee (CCT)

  • Vice-Dean of Undergraduate Studies
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Head of Department
  • Students
  • Teaching staff (Final Degree Project Coordinator and Work Placement Coordinator)
  • Quality Manager (Academic quality and compliance)
  • Academic Advisor
  • Academic Director
  • Evaluation and Learning Manager

Main results


Frequently Asked Questions

The Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine has only one branch. Specialisation takes place after graduation by taking the exam to become a resident physician (Examen MIR).

There are alternatives to the MIR route, such as specialising through the army route, becoming part of the pharmaceutical industry in the Medical Department, doing a master’s degree to specialise in an area other than those covered in the Ministry of Health’s MIR route, etc.

We work on all the knowledge, skills and values required of a general physician.

It is a 6-year long, in-depth degree that requires perseverance and dedication.
