The Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine seeks to provide future doctors with the skills they need to work in any healthcare setting. With the help of teaching staff and a range of work experience opportunities, students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine will discover the area of medicine in which they wish to specialise.
We build competitive professionals through high-quality education based not only on theory and science, but also humanity, empathy, ethical values, and great interpersonal and communication skills. Our innovative training model combines academic learning with interprofessional education, simulated scenarios and quality clinical training.
Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid
Campus-based | Classes in Spanish | Villaviciosa de Odón | 6 years, 360 ECTS | Start: 15 sep. 2025 | Faculty of Medicine, Health and Sport |
The reputable Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) has recognised our Simulated Hospital as one of the best in Europe, highlighting its quality and excellence. This achievement reflects our commitment to training that goes beyond the traditional approach, offering you a unique, transformative experience.
Serving others to improve their quality of life
We have agreements with many universities in different continents so that you can choose the one that best suits your training. By clicking on this link you will access the ‘Map of destinations’ of the University. Once there, you must click on ‘Search’ and once in the search engine, you must filter your degree in ‘Programme’.
A curriculum designed according to the needs of the professional world. Throughout the curriculum, you’ll acquire general knowledge, then your teachers will guide you to discover which area of Medicine you would like to specialise in.
See content in Spanish
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Anatomy | 12 | Core | Spanish (es) |
Physiology | 12 | Core | Spanish (es) |
Cellular Biology | 6 | Core | Spanish (es) |
Genetics | 4 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Biochemistry I | 6 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Histology | 4 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Medical Humanities and Communication Skills | 6 | Core | Spanish (es) |
English for Health Sciences I | 6 | Mandatory | Spanish (es) |
Biochemistry II | 4 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Basic Epidemiology and Applied Biostatistics | 10 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Medical Psychology | 6 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Introduction to Clinical Practice | 6 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Morphology, Structure and Function of Organs and Systems I | 16 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Morphology, Structure and Function of Organs and Systems II | 16 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
English for Health Sciences II | 6 | Mandatory | English (en) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Health Management and Public Health Social Medicine, Communication Skills and Introduction to Research Module | 4 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Semiology and General Pathophysiology | 17 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
General Pathological Anatomy Module/ Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures | 7 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Diagnostic Imaging Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures Module | 7 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
General Pharmacology and Therapeutic Procedures | 11 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
General Microbiology Module/ Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures | 8 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
General Basics of Surgery. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures | 6 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Cardiovascular System | 8 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Respiratory system | 8 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Digestive System | 8 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Infectious Disease Pathology and Clinical Microbiology | 8 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Hematology | 7 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Endocrine System | 7 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Nephrology, Urology and Male Genital Apparatus | 7 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Bioethics and Legal Medicine | 7 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Rheumatology | 7 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Traumatology | 7 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Psychiatry | 7 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
The Nervous System | 7 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Dermatology | 8 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Paediatrics | 12 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Medical Therapeutics | 6 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Research Methodology | 6 | Compulsory | Spanish (es) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Anatomía | 12 | BÁSICA | Español (es) |
Fisiología | 12 | BÁSICA | Español (es) |
Biología Celular | 6 | BÁSICA | Español (es) |
Genética | 4 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Bioquímica I | 6 | BÁSICA | Español (es) |
Histología | 4 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Humanidades Médicas y Habilidades de Comunicación | 6 | BÁSICA | Español (es) |
Inglés Sanitario I | 6 | BÁSICA | Español (es) |
Bioquímica II | 4 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Epidemiología Básica y Bioestadística Aplicada | 10 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Psicología Médica | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Introducción a la Práctica Clínica | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Inglés Sanitario II | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Morfología, Estructura y Función de Órganos y Sistemas I | 16 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Morfología, Estructura y Función de Órganos y Sistemas II | 16 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Gestión Sanitaria y Salud Pública | 4 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Semiología y Fisiopatología General | 17 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Anatomía Patológica General | 7 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Diagnóstico por Imagen | 7 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Farmacología General y Procedimientos Terapéuticos | 11 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Microbiología General | 8 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Bases Generales de la Cirugía | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Bioética Clínica y Medicina Legal | 7 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Aparato Cardiovascular | 8 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Aparato Respiratorio | 8 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Aparato Digestivo | 8 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Hematología | 7 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Patología Infecciosa y Microbiología Clínica | 8 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Sistema Endocrino | 7 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Nefrología, Urología y Aparato Genital Masculino | 7 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Materia | ECTS | Tipo | Idioma de impartición |
Terapéutica Médica | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Metodología de la Investigación | 6 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Traumatología | 7 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Reumatología | 7 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Sistema Nervioso | 7 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Psiquiatría | 7 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Pediatría | 12 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
Dermatología | 8 | OBLIGATORIA | Español (es) |
From the third year onwards, you’ll become immersed in hospital life, performing your clinical rotations at the following health centres:
If you want to improve your work experience before completing your university studies, you can do an extracurricular placement. You can do this in any academic year, but remember that placements complement your studies, so the more knowledge you have already acquired from your degree, the more you’ll benefit from the work experience.
Orden CIN Resolución de 17 de diciembre de 2007, BOE de 21 de diciembre de 2007
Orden ECI / 332 / 2008, de 13 de febrero, BOE de 15 febrero de 2008
A regulated profession. The Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine at Universidad Europea de Madrid qualifies you to access the regulated medical profession in accordance with RD 1393/2007, October 29. At the end of your studies, you will be qualified to take the MIR exam, the admission exam for specialised training required to practice medicine in Spain and other European Union countries. As well as being qualified to work in any healthcare position in the public or private healthcare system, you will be able to access related positions in healthcare management at all levels, as well as in the management or performance of research work.
Choosing what to study is one of the most important decisions you can make, so we have an advisory process and team to help guide you on this path.
The admission process to study an undergraduate degree at Universidad Europea is simple, basically requiring you to provide us with certain documents, perform an entrance exam and complete your official enrolment.
Consult the legal requirements for access to the University.
Consult the regulations for admission to the Degree in Medicine.
In just 3 steps you can become a student at Universidad Europea:
Start your future at Universidad Europea
You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.
Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.
Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.
Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.
Scholarships and financial aid
We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.
Credit recognition and transfers
You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.
Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.
Key points to remember before starting the admission process:
The entrance tests for the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine will take place online.
Click the link for more information on the whole admission process for the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine at Universidad Europea.
Our faculty is excellent, well-regarded, and extensive, as we have a wide variety of specialists and a large number of professors, ensuring greater proximity to students. 40% of our professors in the Medicine degree have a PhD degree in different areas of knowledge.
The Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine has only one branch. Specialisation takes place after graduation by taking the exam to become a resident physician (Examen MIR).
There are alternatives to the MIR route, such as specialising through the army route, becoming part of the pharmaceutical industry in the Medical Department, doing a master’s degree to specialise in an area other than those covered in the Ministry of Health’s MIR route, etc.
We work on all the knowledge, skills and values required of a general physician.
It is a 6-year long, in-depth degree that requires perseverance and dedication.