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Degree in Economy

Bachelor's Degree in Economics Madrid

Study the Degree in Economics and get the skills and knowledge to succeed in the world of economics and finance in a new digital age.

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Degree in Economics

The degree in Economics is a four-year programme that aims to train future professionals in the new digital economy, from a global, sustainable perspective. If you choose to study this economics degree, you will acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, resources, and competencies to make rigorous, well-informed economic decisions, in which technology, the global environment and sustainability will be the foundations of the learning process.

This bachelor's degree in Economics prepares you to be an economist of the future, in an international environment in which you’ll develop analytical capabilities, learning to use the latest technology and innovation. You will learn from an experienced faculty made up of leading experts still active in the workplace today, as well as have the opportunity to complete internships and work placements.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid

Classes in English or Spanish
Villaviciosa de Odón 4 years, 240 ECTS
Start: 15 sep. 2025
Faculty of Economics, Business and Communication Sciences

Why study for a Bachelor's Degree in Economics?

The economist of the future

Learn economic subjects with innovative courses such as: Business Intelligence and Programming, Sustainable and Circular Economics, Business Analytics, Neuroeconomics and Technological Innovation.

Practical approach to tools and software

With the Experiential Learning Methodology, you’ll become familiar with the software and tools being used today by companies and institutions, and how to apply them to real economic challenges.

Crypto Club

Sign up for our Crypto Club and get specific training on cryptocurrencies, blockchain and web 3.0. Thanks to our agreement with bit 2 me, you’ll get prizes in tokens and you’ll have the opportunity to carry out an internship with them.

Digital Lab

You’ll participate in challenges set by renowned companies and start-ups in our Digital Lab. You’ll learn about and apply the most disruptive technologies and trends to provide a future-looking solution.

Business Lab

Test your knowledge in the business simulator, where you’ll have the most advanced software for simulating projects related to analysing the economic impact of companies.

International outlook

Learn about international economic organisations, immersed in a totally international atmosphere, with 40% foreign students.

Complete your education at universities in different countries such as Germany, Hungary, Italy and the United Kingdom, through our bilateral agreements or the Erasmus Programme.

Internationally recognised quality

Universidad Europea de Madrid was the first Spanish university to receive the coveted ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs) accreditation for all our Business programs. This accreditation places value on faculty excellence, learning outcomes and commitment to ongoing improvement, thereby acknowledging the internationally recognized quality of the educational programs based on students’ ability to show a high degree of skills development in line with employers’ needs.

Software and tools

Study plan

A curriculum designed from the hand and from the needs of the professional sector.

During the first year of the degree, you will acquire more general knowledge and the basics of economic science that will lay the foundations of your training. From the second year onwards, you will progressively advance in the real application of the competencies and learning in real challenges, handling of digital tools, practical research and innovation that you will use in the real work environment.

Programa de estudios


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Fundamentals of macroeconomics6BASICEnglish (en)
Mathematics for economics I6BASICEnglish (en)
Fundamentals of business law6BASICEnglish (en)
Fundamentals of business administration6BASICEnglish (en)
Financial accounting I6BASICEnglish (en)
Fundamentals of microeconomics6BASICEnglish (en)
Mathematics for economics II6BASICEnglish (en)
International areas and markets6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Economic history and economic thought6BASICEnglish (en)
Financial accounting II6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Macroeconomics6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Microeconomics6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Communication and negotiation skills6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Statistics6BASICEnglish (en)
Practical research - Digital tools - LAB6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Dynamic macroeconomics6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Game theory6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Econometrics I6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Financial products and risk management6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Business analytics6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
New economy I - Sustainable and circular economy6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Financial management6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Econometrics II6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
International economic law6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Business intelligence and programming6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
New economics II. Neuroeconomics6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Strategic management6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Fundamental and technical analysis of investments6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Spanish taxation6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Technological innovation - EconomicLAB6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
International economic organisations6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Economic growth6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
International Taxation6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Public Economics6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Foreign Trade6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Models and time series in economics6COMPULSORYEnglish (en)
Graduation project6GRADUATION PROJECTEnglish (en)
Academic internships6INTERNSHIPSEnglish (en)
Ethics in international business6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Digital marketing6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Theory and analysis of international conflicts6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Company assessment6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
People management6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)
Logistics and operations6ELECTIVEEnglish (en)

First academic year: 2023-2024 academic year

80 places

To request all the information regarding our mobility offer, you can access here.

Internship regulations

Internships are a key part of your training. Gaining experience after learning in your degree program is the best way to enter the job market. There are two types of Internships: curricular (included in your curriculum) and extracurricular (those completed voluntarily).

To take part in curricular internships in companies, you must have passed 50% of the credits and enrolled in the subject before beginning the internship. These internships are conducted with follow-up by the company and by the internship professor, as well as intermediate and final reports for assessment.

If you want to improve your work experience before finishing your university training, you can take part in extracurricular internships. You may do so in any year, but remember that internships are complementary to your studies, so the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your degree program, the better you will be able to take advantage of your internship experience.

Key competencies on this programme

  • CON01. Identify economic systems and their functioning in both the private and public spheres.
  • CON02. Identify possible relevant data to provide solutions to scientific, sustainable and ethical problems through mathematical practice as a whole.
  • CON03. Recognise centralised and decentralised economic data algorithms, patterns, trends and systems.
  • CON04. Identify the principles and tools of business management.
  • CON05. Describe the laws, rules and principles governing international business relations, identifying ethical and legal challenges in the context of international business.
  • HAB01. Critically and analytically analyse concepts and theories related to economic matters; interpreting economic, legislative, fiscal and financial data in changing environments and situations.
  • HAB02. Solve problems and cases using data analysis techniques and tools to identify patterns, trends and predictions in economic decision-making.
  • HAB03. Extract information from the analysis of large amounts of data by exploring and identifying algorithms, patterns and centralised and decentralised data systems.
  • HAB04. Analyse economic/financial, marketing and human capital business operations within organisations leading to continuous improvement and good governance.
  • HAB05. Making proposals for the resolution of international economic conflicts in a globalized world.
  • COMP01. Describe and apply microeconomic models, industrial economics, the functioning of imperfectly competitive markets, corporations and economic regulation.
  • COMP02. Use the necessary mathematical tools to solve problems using programming and analysis methods.
  • COMP03. Identify and anticipate economic problems in relation to resource allocation in general, both in the private and public domains.
  • COMP04. Derive the relevant information from the data, using different data analysis and calculation tools, discriminating the derivatives of econometric models.
  • COMP05. Analyse and evaluate macroeconomic information in new competitive environments for strategic business decision-making.
  • COMP06. Describe and evaluate economic institutions based on knowledge of the laws governing the economy.
  • COMP07. Programming and developing national or international economic-financial management projects.
  • COMP08. Solve economic problems using calculus, graphical methods and mathematical analysis.
  • COMP09.Identify and describe the fundamental elements of the national and international economic environment: national and international economic institutions, the basic phenomena of the Spanish and international economy, the tax system and basic economic laws.
  • COMP10. Recognise technological and innovation strategies, as well as technological analysis tools and the technological capabilities of the company
  • COMP11. Interpret accounting and financial information prepared in different countries, the adjustments and economic effects of different accounting alternatives, as well as the adjustments to obtain information according to international financial reporting standards.
  • COMP12. Manage the management tools available in the area of administration and finance in international business environments.
  • COMP13. Assess and identify phenomena and agents that affect the social and political environment in different international scenarios.
  • COMP14. Adapt new business trends and practices including the implementation of corporate social responsibility policies in the international arena.
  • COMP15. Identify and analyse the economic aspects of globalisation linked to: internationalisation of companies, foreign trade and global economy.
  • COMP16. Express economic terms in their language of origin by applying them in the proposed activities, programmes, projects and tasks.
  • COMP17. Calculate economic models identifying the different trends and impact on the economy.
  • COMP18. Describe and examine the international business process and its different phases: planning, organisation, management and control.
  • COMP19. Create and reason a coherent, free, abstract and independent discourse on the international and national economy and its cyclical functioning.
  • COMP20. Review and analyse fiscal, budgetary and political wealth redistribution policies in national and international environments.
  • COMP21.Be able to apply the economic principles and knowledge that govern the functioning of organisations to concrete cases and real problems, specifically in the institution or company in which the internship is carried out.
  • COMP22. Identify the different functional areas of an organisation, as well as recognise the logistics and production area of the company.
  • COMP23. To interpret the role played by national and international law as the main subject of the economic order, the good "praxis" of its legislative application and the functioning of the mechanisms of legal control.
  • COMP24. Apply the knowledge, skills and competences acquired in professional environments related to economics in a practical and integrative way.
  • COMP25. Prepare, present and defend an original work/project in the field of Economics, publicly and individually, before a university examining board, a synthesis of the competences acquired in the degree.


Studying a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics is a very appealing option due to the high degree of employability, both at private companies and in the public sector, in Spain and abroad. Graduates in this sector are often inclined to launch their own business initiatives, thereby diversifying the job market and promoting new job creation.

In the public sector, Economics graduates are especially welcome in international economic organisations such as European Union institutions (European Commission, ECB, EESC, EIB, etc.) and international organisations such as the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, IMF, etc.

There are also ample employment opportunities in the private sector: banks, consulting firms, audit firms and in general all types of companies, to perform a wide variety of roles that range from research and economic services to the management of different economic and financial departments and general management and research.

  • General Management
  • Financial Management
  • Production Management
  • Sales Management and Marketing
  • Economic advisor
  • Sustainable economics advisor
  • Financial advisor
  • Tax advisor
  • M&A analyst
  • Auditor/Accountant
  • Economic policy consultant
  • Strategic consultant
  • Financial market analyst
  • Investment analyst
  • Risk analyst
  • New business in all sectors.
  • International Organisations and Institutions
  • European Union Bodies and Institutions
  • International Economic Organisations
  • General State Administration
  • Local and regional authorities.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

Your virtual tour begins here!

Experience first-hand what it is like to study at Universidad Europea: our facilities and our experiential learning model.

HPR Lab Universidad Europea de Madrid

The ideal profile for future students of the Bachelor's Degree in Economics:

  • Students interested in working in any area of the company, in any sector.
  • Working professionals who want to make a qualitative leap in their professional career.
  • Graduates in Higher Level Vocational Training Cycles.

You will be able to access the Degree in Business Administration through one of the following options:

  • Passing the University Entrance Exam, in accordance with current legislation.
  • Apt in the Entrance Exams for over 25 years old and over 45 years old.
  • Higher Technicians, Higher Technicians of Plastic Arts and Design and Higher Sports Technicians.
  • Graduates, Graduates, Technical Engineers, Engineers, Architects or Graduates.
  • Graduates of educational systems of member states of the European Union and other countries with which international agreements have been signed, in compliance with the provisions of the regulations in force.

Students from other countries and those who do not have an international agreement signed, must homologate their studies and take the university entrance exam(s) if required according to RD 412/2014.


74% of our professors are highly prestigious PhDs in the area of teaching.

  • Cristobal Matarán López
    Cristóbal Matarán has a Ph.D. in economics from King Juan Carlos University (2021), a MSc from the same university (2014) and another MSc in Teaching from Universidad Europea de Madrid (2018). Currently he works as an evaluator in the magazine Procesos de Mercado. His researches are focused on contemporary history of the economic thought.
  • Begoña Casas Sierra
    PhD Cum Laude in International Public Law and International Relations, ands a second PhD in Blue Economy and Sustainability. Executive MBA at ESADE Business School (Prized Talented Student), Master Degree in Tax Assessment for Professionals at IE Business School, Master Degree in European Union Law and European Policies at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). She provides professional experience working for different multinationals as Business Manager, Third-Sector Manager and various international organizations, such as the United Nations and the European Commission.
  • Angel Muñiz Mejuto
    He is an economist currently studying a PhD in Economic History at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid de Madrid. He holds a MSc in Economics and a MSc in Social Sciences both from the same university (2019 and 2021). His main research areas are related to Economic History, Institutional Economics and Macroeconomics, with a high training in econometrics and mathematical economics as well.
  • Antonio Salas Fuentevilla
    20 years of experience in marketing, business development and sales in a variety of organizations and companies. He has an extensive background being Master in Commercial and Marketing Management by the Instituto de Empresa and Master MBA and Master in Big Data and Business Intelligence by the EOI. He is currently continuing his development in the field of Artificial Intelligence applied to business.
  • César San Juan
    He holds a PhD in Finance Economics (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2002). His main research areas are related to Banking and Financial Markets.
    He has published several articles and books about Financial Markets and Accounting.
  • Rafael Escalera Rivas
    Mechanical Engineer from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (2008) and master in natural building from Universitat de Lleida (2014). His professional career has been always focused in involving students in their own education process. That is the reason why he is formed in coaching and NLP. He has a Youtube channel were he tauch physics and have just publish a book in november 2021 called "La flecha o cómo responder a la pregunta ¿Y tú qué quieres hacer con tu vida?"
  • Eva Romero Ramos
    Her main line of research is in stochastic differential equations with financial applications.
  • Eva Ropero Moriones
    Her main lines of research include: Finance and Educational Innovation.
  • Federico Soto González
    Over 10 years of experience in the air transportation sector with duties in the areas of corporate strategy, alliances, internationalization, and government relations.
  • Francisco Javier del Arco
    Freelance consultant in areas of business viability and sports management.
  • Luis A. López Fraile
    Professional Practices Manager at Universidad Europea de Madrid. Relations with companies for assigning internship places and managing educational cooperation agreements. He has vast experience in the sector of advertising and human resources management. His primary areas of interest and research are advertising strategy, employability, and new technologies in management processes.
  • Máximo Cortés Navajas
    Business consultant and trainer and promoter of different business initiatives, as well as publications and academic research projects.
  • Raquel Ureña Joyanes
    Her main areas of research are ICTS and business innovation and business sustainability.
  • Tiziana Priede Bergamini
    Her research work focuses on social entrepreneurship and family business.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Monitoring the quality of the degree

Members of the degree quality committee

  • Vice-dean
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Program Director (in case of Master Degree)
  • Department Director
  • Students
  • Professors (Undergraduate Final Project Coordinator and Internship Coordinator)
  • Quality Partner (Quality and Academic Compliance)
  • Academic Advisor
  • Responsible of Learning Assesment
  • Academic Director
  • Online Tutor

Main results

Evaluation process results

Frequently Asked Questions

Economics involves the study of how people and societies allocate scarce resources, which can require a deep understanding of mathematical and statistical concepts, as well as an ability to think critically and creatively about economic issues. That being said, many students find economics to be a rewarding and engaging field of study, and with the right mindset and dedication, it is certainly possible to succeed in an economics degree programme.

At Universidad Europea, throughout your degree you will learn from an experienced faculty made up of experts in their area. You will also be able to complete internships and work placements, and gain the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in whatever role you decide to go into once you graduate.

An Economics Degree can prepare you for a wide range of careers, as it provides training in analytical, quantitative, and critical thinking skills that are highly valued in many industries. Some common career paths for economics graduates include:

  • Managerial positions at companies
  • Consulting
  • Financial markets
  • Entrepreneur
  • Public service

An Economics Degree typically involves subjects that cover a wide range of topics related to the study of how individuals, businesses, and societies allocate scarce resources. Some of the key areas of study in an economics degree include:

  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • International financing and economics
  • Public economics, taxation, and how governments use their resources

At Universidad Europea, the Degree in Economics starts by looking at the broader terms so you will acquire a general understanding. From the second year onwards, the subjects become more specialist and you can choose different modules according to your interests.

A Degree in Economics takes four years to study. At Universidad Europea, you will have the chance to complete internships at organisations in different sectors, learning from experienced professionals.

As an international university that focuses on preparing you on acquiring the skills needed to succeed wherever you choose to live and work, we have agreements with numerous partner universities around the world for you to carry out study exchange programmes.
