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New campus in Málaga
Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry Universidad Europea de Andalucía

Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry* Málaga

Be part of the new generation of dental health experts and transform the lives of your patients.

-40% Discount on place reservation until March 31st!

Bachelor's degree in Dentistry & Dental Health in Málaga

The Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry will prepare you to be a professional who cares for and transforms people's dental health. From the first year, you'll learn about anatomy, physiology and advanced techniques in realistic clinical simulation environments, where you'll put everything you've learnt into practice.

With access to state-of-the-art labs, you'll specialise in dental diagnostics and treatment, addressing areas such as orthodontics, prosthetics, surgery and public health. You'll also benefit from the latest technology, such as artificial intelligence in dentistry, which will allow you to prepare for the challenges of the future. Throughout the degree, you'll develop skills in children's dental health, cosmetic treatments and community dentistry, preparing you for a field full of opportunities and high employability rates.

*University approved by law in the Andalusian Parliament on 24 July 2024, pending approval of its implementation for the academic year 25/26. Degree pending verification and implementation in the academic year 25/26 in accordance with current legislation.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Andalucía

Classes in English or Spanish
Málaga 5 years, 300 ECTS
Start: 6 oct. 2025
School of Biomedical Sciences and Sport

Why study for a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology?

Experiential learning

You'll focus on simulating real clinical cases, developing key skills to diagnose and treat dental health problems in a safe, practical environment.

Innovative curriculum

With subjects ranging from preventive dentistry and oral surgery to implantology and advanced orthodontics, you'll gain the skills you need to improve the dental health and wellbeing of your future patients.

State-of-the-art facilities

Experience 27,000 m² of state-of-the-art facilities with the latest technology in dentistry: Dental simulation lab, simulated hospital, dissection room and Biomedical Sciences I and II research labs.

Supervised clinical practice

Take your first steps in the world of dentistry in a real setting, developing practical skills under the supervision of expert professionals. Here, you'll not only observe, but also treat your first patients.

Universidad Europea arrives in Malaga

Step into a transformative learning environment crafted to help you unlock your full potential and equip you with the tools you need to face the challenges of the future. Our innovative, hands-on approach to education immerses you in real-world learning, where you’ll collaborate with professionals from diverse fields. Here, you’ll gain not only expertise in your profession but also a holistic, future-ready perspective to make a lasting impact.

A curriculum designed to train dentists to meet the challenges of today's oral health

This degree will give you a solid grounding in core areas such as anatomy and physiology, cell biology and microbiology, along with specific knowledge in public health and applied biostatistics, helping you to build skills in dentistry from the very first year.

During the early years, you'll gain a broad, detailed overview of dental science and technique, including ergonomics, biomaterials, and pharmacology. As you progress through the curriculum, with the support of specialist teachers, you’ll be able to delve deeper into specialist fields such as orthodontics, endodontics, oral surgery, and paediatric dentistry, developing practical skills in dental treatment, diagnostic imaging, and managing patients with special needs. In the final year, you'll carry out an intensive supervised placement in our dental clinic and you'll complete your Final Degree Project (TFG), thus acquiring a comprehensive applied perspective of professional practice.

This progressive approach ensures that you can combine theoretical knowledge with clinical practice from the outset, preparing you to practise confidently and professionally in modern dentistry.

Plan de estudios ofertado en el curso actual

First year

Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body IBA6
Cell Biology and Human GeneticsBA6
Epidemiology, Public Health and Applied BiostatisticsBA6
Modern Language: EnglishOB6
Anthropology and History of DentistryBA3
Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body IIBA6
Biochemistry in DentistryBA6
General Microbiology and ImmunologyBA6
Psychology and Communication SkillsBA6
Introduction to the Dental Clinic and ErgonomicsBA6

Second year

Biomaterials and InstrumentationBA6
Anatomy of the Head and NeckBA6
General Semiology and Pathophysiology IOB6
General Pharmacology. Human Nutrition. Anaesthesia and RecoveryBA6
Applied Medical/Surgical Pathology IOB6
Basic PeriodontologyOB6
Physiology of the Stomatognathic SystemBA6
General Semiology and Pathophysiology IIBA6
Applied Medical/Surgical Pathology IIOB6
Diagnosis by image in dentistryOB3
Normal Occlusion and MalocclusionOB3

Third year


Preventive DentistryOB6
Paediatric Dentistry IOB6
Orthodontics IOB3
Oral Surgery IOB6
Dental Therapy IOB6
Dental Prostheses IOB6
Paediatric Dentistry IIOB6
Orthodontics IIOB3
Endodontics IOB6
Dental Prostheses IIOB6
Oral Diseases IOB6

Fourth year

Introduction to Integrated Clinical PracticeInternships12
Oral Diseases IIOB3
Dental Therapy IIOB6
Paediatric Dentistry IIIOB3
Orthodontics IIIOB3
Dental Prostheses IIIOB6
Oral Surgery IIOB3
Endodontics IIOB6
Orthodontics IVOB3
Dental Prostheses IVOB6
Paediatric Dentistry IVOB3
Research MethodologyOB3

Fifth year

Community Dentistry, Oral Public HealthOB3
Legal and Forensic DentistryOB3
Emergencies in the Dental PracticeOB3
New Technology in DentistryOB3
Special PatientsOB3
Radiation ProtectionOB3
Elective 1OPT3
Elective 2OPT3
Elective 3OPT3
Elective 4OPT3
Supervised InternshipsInternships24
Final Degree Project (TFG)TFG6

Elective Subjects

University ActivitiesOPT6
Temporomandibular Joint DisorderOPT3
Advanced PeriodontologyOPT3
Ergonomics and Organisation of the Dental Practice OPT3
Cosmetic DentistryOPT3
Advanced ImplantologyOPT3
Advanced Modern Language: English OPT3
Artificial Intelligence in DentistryOPT3

The Degree in Dentistry at Universidad Europea de Andalucía offers a practical training of excellence, assigning 36 ECTS to supervised clinical practices, distributed in Initiation to Integrated Clinical Practice (12 ECTS) and Supervised Practices (24 ECTS), which are developed during the last four semesters of the program. These internships are key to the training of future dentists, providing the clinical experience necessary to meet the demanding objectives of the degree.

The internship takes place at the Polyclinic of Universidad Europea de Andalucía, in a real healthcare environment. Students will work in pairs, in a dental clinical rotation that allows them to evaluate and treat patients in a comprehensive manner, under the constant supervision of a team of professors with extensive professional experience.

During this internship, students not only develop clinical competencies, but also focus on communication skills, clinical management, critical thinking and professional judgment. This comprehensive assessment ensures that students acquire the skills and attitudes necessary for successful professional practice. Working with real patients of all ages and conditions provides a unique and valuable experience that completes their academic training, giving them the confidence and skills to perform in the field of dentistry upon graduation.

This intensely supervised, hands-on approach provides solid, real-world training, preparing future dentists for the challenges of the professional environment with a comprehensive experience that sets them apart in the job market.

Key competencies

  • KN01 Know the essential parts of being a dentist, including ethical principles and legal responsibilities.
  • KN02 Understand the importance of such principles to benefit patients, society and the profession, with particular attention paid to professional secrecy.
  • KN03 Understand and recognise the social and psychological aspects relevant to the treatment of patients.
  • KN04 Understand the importance of developing a professional practice taking into account patient autonomy, beliefs and culture.
  • KN05 Promote self-learning of new knowledge and techniques, with the aim of improving quality.
  • KN06 Understand the importance of maintaining and using patient information records for subsequent analysis while always maintaining data confidentiality.
  • KN07 Know and identify the psychological and physical problems caused by gender violence, to prepare students for the prevention, early detection, support and rehabilitation of victims of this kind of violence.
  • KN08 Understand the basic biomedical sciences on which dentistry is based to ensure correct oral-dental care.
  • KN09: Understand and recognise the normal structure and function of the stomatognathic system. This includes studies of molecules, cells, tissue and organs in the different stages of life.
  • KN10 Understand and recognise the science of biomaterials essential to dental practice, as well as the immediate management of potential allergies to them.
  • KN11 Know the general disease processes and their treatment, including infection, inflammation, immune system alterations, degeneration, neoplasia, metabolic alterations and genetic disorders.
  • KN12 Be familiar with the general pathological characteristics of diseases and disorders affecting organ systems, specifically those with oral repercussions.
  • KN13 Understand the principles of action, indications and effectiveness of drugs and other therapeutic interventions, knowing their contraindications, interactions, systemic effects and interactions on other organs, based on the available scientific evidence.
  • KN14 Understand and recognise the principles of ergonomics and safety at work (including cross-infection control, radiation protection, occupational and biological diseases).
  • KN15 Recognise the dentist’s role in the prevention and protection against oral diseases, as well as the maintenance and promotion of health, both on an individual and community level.
  • KN16 Know the National Health System, as well as the basic aspects of health legislation, clinical management and appropriate use of health resources, understanding the importance of the role of the dentist in the field of Primary Healthcare.
  • KN17 Recognise the anatomy, physiopathology and oral pathology of a simulated patient in a pre-clinical environment in order to carry out a diagnosis and rehabilitative or restorative treatment.
  • SK01 Know how to identify the patient's concerns and expectations, as well as communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with patients, family members, media and other professionals.
  • SK02 Know how to apply the principles of anxiety and stress management to oneself, patients and other members of the dental team.
  • SK03 Know how to share information with other health professionals and work in a team.
  • SK04 Understand, critically assess and know how to use clinical and biomedical information sources and critically assess them to obtain, organise, interpret and communicate scientific and health information.
  • SK05 Know the scientific method and have the critical ability to evaluate established knowledge and new information. Be able to formulate hypotheses, gather information and critically evaluate information to solve problems following the scientific method.
  • SK06 Obtain and prepare a clinical history report with all relevant information.
  • SK07 Know how to perform a complete oral examination, including the appropriate complementary radiographic and exploratory tests, as well as obtain appropriate clinical references.
  • SK08 Have the ability to carry out an initial diagnosis and establish a well-founded approach to making a diagnosis, being competent in recognising situations requiring urgent dental care.
  • SK09 Establish the diagnosis, prognosis and adequate therapeutic planning in all clinical areas of Dentistry, being competent in the diagnosis, prognosis and preparation of the dental treatment plan for patients requiring special care, including medically compromised patients (such as diabetic, hypertensive, immunosuppressed, anticoagulated patients, among others) and patients with disabilities.
  • SK10 - Identify life-threatening situations and know how to carry out basic life support manoeuvres.
  • SK11 Know and apply the basic treatment of the most common oral and dental pathology in patients of all ages. Therapeutic procedures should be based on the minimally invasive concept and on a comprehensive and integrated approach to oral health care.
  • SK12 Know how to plan and carry out multidisciplinary, sequential and integrated dental treatment of limited complexity for patients of all ages and conditions and for patients requiring special care.
  • SK13 Raise and propose the suitable preventative measures required for each clinical situation.
  • SK14 Gain clinical experience under appropriate supervision.
  • SK15 Recognise the determining factors of the population’s oral health, including genetics and those influenced by lifestyle, demographic, environmental, social, financial, psychological and cultural factors.
  • SK16 Gain pre-clinical experience under appropriate supervision in simulated environments.
  • SK17 Solve clinical cases in a pre-clinical setting.
  • CP01 Know the biomedical sciences on which dentistry is based to ensure correct oral-dental care. These sciences should include appropriate content on embryology, anatomy, histology and physiology of the human body.
  • CP02 Know the biomedical sciences on which dentistry is based to ensure correct oral-dental care. These sciences should include appropriate content on genetics, biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology.
  • CP03 Know the biomedical sciences on which dentistry is based to ensure correct oral-dental care. These sciences should include appropriate content on microbiology and immunology.
  • CP04 Know the morphology and function of the stomatognathic system, including appropriate contents of specific embryology, anatomy, histology and physiology.
  • CP05 Know the scientific method and have the critical ability to evaluate established knowledge and new information.
  • CP06 Know the scientific principles of sterilisation, disinfection and antisepsis necessary to prevent cross-infection in dental practice.
  • CP07 Know the danger of ionising radiation and its effects on biological tissues, together with the legislation regulating its use. Operate oral radiodiagnostic facilities.
  • CP08 Take the X-rays necessary in dental practice, interpret the images obtained and know other relevant diagnostic imaging techniques.
  • CP09 Know the clinical and laboratory diagnostic procedures and tests, know their reliability and diagnostic validity and be competent in the interpretation of their results.
  • CP10 Recognise oral normality and pathology, as well as the assessment of semiological data.
  • CP11 Identify the main reason for consultation and history of current disease. Compile a general medical history of the patient and a medical record that accurately reflects the patient's records.
  • CP12 Know the behavioural and communication sciences that facilitate dental practice.
  • CP13 Handle, discriminate and select appropriate materials and instruments in dentistry.
  • CP14 Understand dental biomaterials: their handling, properties, indications, allergies, bio-compatibility, toxicity, waste disposal and environmental impact.
  • CP15 Know the National Health System, as well as the basic aspects of health legislation, clinical management and appropriate use of health resources, understanding the importance of the role of the dentist in the field of Primary Healthcare.
  • CP16 Know and use the basic equipment and instrumentation for dental practice.
  • CP17 Apply the principles of ergonomics in dental work, both at an individual level and within the work team when appropriate, as well as in the principles of prevention of occupational hazards associated with dental practice.
  • CP18 Provide a comprehensive approach to oral care and apply the principles of health promotion and prevention of oral diseases.
  • CP19 Educate and motivate patients in the prevention of oral diseases, control pathogenic oral habits, instruct them on proper oral hygiene, dietary and nutritional measures and, in short, on all methods of maintaining oral health.
  • CP20 Know the effects of tobacco on oral health and participate in measures to help patients who wish to stop smoking.
  • CP21 Understand the complex interactions between environmental, social and behavioural factors with oral and general health. Know the procedures to carry out oral health diagnosis in the community and know how to interpret the results. Know the impact of demographic and epidemiological trends on the practice of dentistry.
  • CP22 Know the organisation and provision of oral health care in the community, both private and public, as well as general healthcare and the role of the dentist in these settings.
  • CP23 Develop and implement oral health programmes and know the inter-institutional and inter-professional coordination required for their implementation.
  • CP24 Know the legislative and administrative ethical-deontological precepts that regulate the dental profession and their application in management and clinical practice, as well as know the organisation, skills and functions of the professional bodies.
  • CP25 Complete all types of medical-legal documents and records.
  • CP26 Know the role of the dentist within the health professions and work with other health professionals and other members of the dental team.
  • CP27 Recognise that the patient is the centre of care and that all interactions, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment planning and implementation, and maintenance, should be in the best interests of the patient, avoiding discrimination of any kind and respecting confidentiality.
  • CP28 Identify signs and attitudes suggestive of possible abuse.
  • CP29 Know the general processes of falling ill, healing and repair, including infection, inflammation, haemorrhage and coagulation, scarring, trauma and immune system alterations, degeneration, neoplasia, metabolic alterations and genetic disorders.
  • CP30 Know the general pathological characteristics of diseases and disorders affecting organ systems.
  • CP31 Know the oral manifestations of systemic diseases.
  • CP32 Know general and clinical pharmacology in dental practice.
  • CP33 Know the pharmacological basis of different anaesthetic techniques, both local and general, as well as the role of sedation and general anaesthesia in the management of the dental patient.
  • CP34 Know and handle the most frequent emergencies and medical emergencies in dental practice and basic cardiorespiratory resuscitation techniques.
  • CP35 Have appropriate knowledge of human nutrition, in particular, the relationship of nutritional habits and diet with the maintenance of health and the prevention of oral diseases.
  • CP36 Perform basic treatment for oral-dental pathology in patients of all ages. Therapeutic procedures should be based on the minimally invasive concept and on a comprehensive and integrated approach to oral health care.
  • CP37 Generally diagnose, plan and perform multidisciplinary, sequential and integrated treatment of limited complexity in patients of all ages and conditions and in patients with special needs (diabetic, hypertensive, cancer, transplanted, immunosuppressed, anticoagulated patients, among others) or with disabilities. Specifically, the dentist must be competent in establishing a diagnosis, a prognosis and adequate therapeutic planning, particularly in orofacial pain, temporomandibular disorders, bruxism and other parafunctional habits; dental and periapical pathology; oral and dental trauma; periodontal pathology and pathology of the peri-implant tissues; bone pathology of the jaws, oral soft tissues and adjacent glands; partial or total edentation and in the planning of their rehabilitation treatment by means of dental and mucosa-supported prostheses or dental implants, malposition of teeth and/or malocclusions and other anatomical or functional alterations of the face or the stomatognathic system and their possible orthodontic, orthopaedic or surgical corrections.
  • CP38 Take and interpret X-rays and other image-based procedures relevant to dental practice.
  • CP39 Make diagnostic models, mount them and take interocclusal records.
  • CP40 Determine and identify the aesthetic requirements of the patient and the possibilities of satisfying their concerns.
  • CP41 Identify patients requiring special care, recognising their characteristics and peculiarities.
  • CP42 Assess motor and sensory function of the mouth, jaws and appendages
  • CP43 Perform limited procedures of invasive diagnostic techniques in soft tissues (biopsies).
  • CP44 Prescribe drugs appropriately, knowing their contraindications, interactions, systemic effects and repercussions on other organs.
  • CP45 Apply loco-regional anaesthesia techniques,
  • CP46 Prepare and isolate the operating field.
  • CP47 Identify, assess and attend to medical emergencies that may occur during clinical practice and apply cardio-pulmonary resuscitation techniques; manage acute infections, including pharmacological prescription and simple surgical aspects.
  • CP48 Identify and attend to any dental emergency.
  • CP49 Perform both medical and surgical treatment of common oral soft tissue diseases.
  • CP50 Perform simple surgical procedures: extraction of erupted primary and permanent teeth, fractured or retained roots and uncomplicated surgical extraction of unerupted teeth and simple pre-prosthetic surgical procedures.
  • CP51 Treat dentoalveolar trauma in primary and permanent dentition.
  • CP52 Treat both pharmacologically and surgically the inflammatory processes of periodontal and/or peri-implant tissues, including supra and subgingival periodontal instrumentation techniques.
  • CP53 Assess and treat the patient with caries or other non-carious dental pathology and be able to use all materials aimed at restoring the form, function and aesthetics of the tooth in patients of all ages.
  • CP54 Design, prepare teeth, prescribe, record, perform clinical trials and place and commission indirect restorations: inlays, veneers or aesthetic laminates and single crowns.
  • CP55 Operationally treat destructive processes and traumatic dentoalveolar lesions
  • CP56 Perform endodontic treatment and apply procedures to preserve pulp vitality.
  • CP57 Perform conventional aesthetic procedures from a multidisciplinary perspective.
  • CP58 Treat both partial and total edentulism, including biological design (specific design features), tooth preparation, record keeping, clinical trials and fitting patients with partial and complete removable prostheses, simple tooth bridges and simple implant-supported prostheses, both removable and fixed, including "fitting" and "commissioning".
  • CP59 Prepare prescriptions for custom-made medical devices "dental prostheses" and "orthodontic appliances and dentofacial orthopaedics".
  • CP60 Perform non-surgical treatment of temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain.
  • CP61 Perform oral and dental treatment of paediatric patients and recognise their characteristics and peculiarities.
  • CP62 Identify and correct oral habits likely to cause or exacerbate malocclusions.
  • CP63 Plan and determine the specific design features, records, prescription, clinical testing, fitting and clinical adjustment for commissioning of fixed and removable space maintainers and interceptive orthodontic techniques, as well as active removable elements intended to shift teeth or correct crossbites.
  • CP64 Apply knowledge, abilities and skills in a global, multidisciplinary and integrative way in the practical and systematised development of student work placements, in the form of dental clinical rotation, with a final assessment of skills, that allow the incorporation of professional values, care communication skills, clinical reasoning, clinical management and critical judgement, including a clinical project by the student on patients of all ages and conditions, in an integrated manner and under adequate supervision.
  • CP65 Apply knowledge, abilities and skills in a global, multidisciplinary and integrative way in the practical and systematised development of an end-of-degree project in the field of dentistry, presenting and defending it publicly before a university panel.
  • CP66 Come up with new ideas and concepts based on known ideas and concepts, arriving at conclusions or solving problems, challenges and situations in an original way in the academic and professional environment.
  • CP67 Convey messages (ideas, concepts, feelings, arguments), both orally and in writing, strategically aligning the interests of the various agents involved in communication in the academic and professional environment.
  • CP68 Use information and communication technology to search for and analyse data, as well as to research, communicate and learn.
  • CP69 Help others by guiding and directing them towards concrete objectives and goals, taking into account their points of view, particularly in professional situations of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) in the current world.
  • CP70 Work with others to achieve a shared academic or professional objective, making active, empathetic contributions while demonstrating active listening and respect for all involved.
  • CP71 Combine analysis with critical thinking in the evaluation of different professional ideas or opportunities and their potential for error, based on objective evidence and data leading to effective and valid decision making.
  • CP72 Adapt to adverse and unexpected situations that lead to stress, whether they be personal or professional, overcoming them and even turning them into opportunities for positive change.
  • CP73 Demonstrate ethical conduct and social commitment in the course of your work, as well as awareness of inequality and diversity.
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Career opportunities for the Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry

Upon completing the Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry, you’ll need to make decisions about entering the professional field. Current regulations recognise dentistry as a regulated profession which, according to Article 12.9 of Spanish Royal Decree 1393/2007, requires an official undergraduate degree in order to practice. This qualification must be obtained in line with the requirements set by the Government in the Council of Ministers’ Resolution of 8 February 2008, published in the Official State Gazette on 27 February. The Dentistry degree provides access to a single professional profile, through which you can pursue a career in teaching, research, management, or public or private healthcare, either as an employee or as an independent professional.

Career opportunities

  • Private practice, either as a self-employed professional with your own dental practice or working in third-party clinics and practices.
  • Primary and hospital care, providing dental services in public and private health centres, hospitals, or health insurance companies.
  • Joining the pharmaceutical industry and working in companies in the dental industry, collaborating in research, development and technical consultancy.
  • Taking part in oral health prevention campaigns in primary, secondary and university schools.
  • Teaching in public and private institutions, universities and hospitals.
  • Collaborating with NGOs focused on dental health.
  • Scientific research in the areas of advanced dentistry and oral health.
  • Providing service in prisons and specialisation in legal and forensic dentistry.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 951102240 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

The ideal profile for the Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry includes people genuinely committed to improving the oral health and wellbeing of patients, as well as a deep interest in the anatomical and technical knowledge needed to accurately treat the stomatognathic system. These students stand out for their manual skills and attention to detail, which are essential qualities for performing high-precision procedures. They also show analytical and problem-solving skills, which are essential for dental diagnosis and treatment.


The faculty of the Dentistry Degree at Universidad Europea de Andalucía consists of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in both academia and clinical practice. The educators in this program combine a strong scientific background with outstanding professional careers, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive and up-to-date education rooted in the realities of the dental field.

The faculty includes experts in various dental specialities, from oral surgery and implantology to orthodontics, periodontics, and prosthodontics, providing students with a well-rounded and multidisciplinary perspective. Furthermore, many of the instructors have over 15 years of experience as practising dentists in private clinics, bringing a practical, case-based approach to the learning experience.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Frequently Asked Questions

The dentistry degree at Universidad Europea is a five-year programme that will equip you with the knowledge and skills to enjoy a career in the field of oral health. The degree in dentistry has a total of 300 ECTS, with some subjects compulsory and other elective. Over the course of the degree, students will cover a range of topics, enabling them to choose which area of dentistry they would potentially like to specialise in once they complete their studies. Examples of subjects include:

  • Anthropology and History of Dentistry
  • General Microbiology and Immunology
  • Diagnostics in Dentistry
  • Orthodontics
  • Pediatric Dentistry

There are a number of access routes to the degree in Dentistry. These include:

  • Bachelor's degree.
  • UNED credential. Certain foreign bachelor's degrees or European bachelor's degree.
  • International bachelor's degree (IB).
  • Access for over 25 years of age.
  • Access for over 45 years old.
  • Recognition of studies

Dentistry is a good career for the future for many reasons. Some of the main reasons why people choose to study a dentistry dentree are:

  • It produces personal gratification
  • It allows you to help patients recover their health
  • It is well paid
  • There is little unemployment
  • It is a profession valued by society
  • It allows you to undertake and develop your own business

You can study your degree in dentistry at Universidad Europea in Madrid. We are one of the leading private universities in Spain, and have more than 25 years of experience in training young people to develop the skills and abilities necessary to become leaders in whatever sector they choose.

If you choose to study your bsc in dentistry at Universidead Europea, you will follow an academic model based on experiential learning. That means from day one you will be able to take part in real cases in clinical settings. Throughout your programme you will complete internships and work placements at dental pratices across Madrid. In addition, you will learn at our similulated hospital on campus, allowing to to further develop you dentistry skills.