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Escuela de Arquitectura Canarias

School of Architecture

Team and strategy

Organizational Chart

  • Dr. Juan Diego López Arquillo
    Vice Dean of the School and Director of the Máster Universitario en Arquitectura.
  • Dña. Natalia Mármol Reyes
    Coordinator of the Grado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectura.
  • Dr. Martín Perea Álvarez de Eulate
    Director of the Máster Universitario en Energías Renovables.
  • D. José Carlos Acosta Torres
    Director of the Máster Universitario en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales.
  • D. José Manuel Rodríguez Macías
    Director of the Postgrado de Especialización Universitaria en Big Data & Business Analytics.
  • Dra. Susana Hernando Castro
    Director of the Máster Universitario en Gestión Ambiental y Energética de las Organizaciones.
  • Alejandro García García
    Director of the Máster Universitario en Diseño Urbano y Movilidad Sostenible.
  • Francisco Trujillo García-Ramos
    Coordinator of the Grado en Publicidad.
  • Marta Medina García
    Coordinator of the academic model.
  • Victoria Rodríguez Sánchez
    Director of the Máster Universitario en Sistemas Integrados de Gestión.
  • José Fernando Pérez Serrano
    Coordinator of the Curso de Experto Universitario en Hidrógeno Verde.
  • Ángel Fernández Navajas
    Coordinator of the Curso de Experto Universitario en Cambio Climático.

Our Strategy

All of our programmes are focused on the workplace as well as the academic world, training students to become generalists in their discipline. It’s particularly important for the School to train professionals who understand all aspects of management processes, but who also have specialised qualifications in the different project processing and integration technologies in their field. For this reason, the School has a wide range of collaborations with the business, professional and academic worlds, bringing students the most up-to-date training in line with what’s going on in their industry.

Teaching Staff

The teaching staff in the different degrees at the School of Architecture at Universidad Europea de Canarias comprises passionate academics whose teaching skills are directly related to their work experience, ensuring contact with the real world from the very first year. In addition, our teaching staff surpasses the ratio required by law, as almost all of them are also professionally active.

We ensure that this passion for teaching results in constantly improved teaching competence by creating annual teacher training plans. These are reviewed and proposed by the heads of department at the beginning of the academic year to ensure that they are structured consistently with the existing training, improvement, and consolidation strategy for the teaching staff. All of this aims to facilitate the individual and collective growth of professors and staff.

At Universidad Europea de Canarias, teaching is carried out by working professionals with a real passion for teaching.

Juan Diego López

Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in the Fundamentals of Architecture and director of the Master's Degree in Architecture.

The University is a place where you can develop your skills in a friendly and trusting environment.
Testimonio Ruben Servando

Rubén Servando

Professor at the School of Architecture

The School of Architecture at Universidad Europea de Canarias offers highly personalised training in small groups, which reinforces students' learning.

Esther Ferrer

Director of the Máster Universitario en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales