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Laboratorio FabLab Universidad Europea de Valencia

FABLab Laboratory

In Fab Lab Océano Naranja facility, our students can develop their projects in digital manufacturing facilities.

FABLab Valencia

The Universidad Europea de Valencia (UEV), in agreement with the FABLab Océano Naranja facility, provides our students access to digital fabrication facilities to carry out their projects.

Students learn by designing and creating objects of personal interest or importance. Learning occurs in an authentic, engaging personal context in which students pass through a cycle of imagination, design, prototyping, reflection, and repetition as they find solutions to challenges or ideas about life.

Students from the EUV STEAM area use these facilities, where they find all the tools and technology to carry out their practical projects.

The FABLab is comprised of industrial-grade manufacturing and electronic tools that use open-source software and programs written by researchers at MIT's Center for Bits & Atoms.

Currently, FABLab includes a laser cutter that makes 2D and 3D structures, a sign cutter that plots in copper to make antennas and flex circuits, a high-resolution CNC mill that makes circuit boards and precision parts, a large wood router for building furniture and housing, and a set of electronic components and programming tools for low-cost, high-speed microcontrollers for on-site rapid circuit prototypes.