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Laboratorio Arquitectura Canarias

Architecture and Technology Faculty Laboratories

The Architecture laboratories are common work spaces for practical classes related to different graphic resources (both digital and manual).

Architecture and Technology Laboratories in Canarias

The Architecture and Technology laboratories are specific spaces for developing professional skills through practical development related to the learning of different technological resources (both digital and manual).

The laboratories are equipped with the Inc-tech computer resources necessary to meet the needs of technological devices associated with the objectives of technological-constructive and projective-urban modules of our Architecture programmes (Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture and Master's Degree in Architecture - 360 ECTS in total).

These laboratories have the HyFlex extended classroom system, with a clevershare digital whiteboard, double monitor, omnidirectional microphone and teaching camera; generating a space for learning and experience with personal workstations based on ergonomic criteria applied to higher education.

The facilities for the area of Architecture and Technology are designed to create the ideal environment for the development of teaching based on experience and supported by research. The School's facilities have the objective of taking the experiential development of knowledge to the highest level, which is applied and put at the service of society through a sustainable future of the city and the further afield.

The Challenge Based Learning methodology is core, a totally innovative learning system where students work their subjects from sustainable, social and technological object challenges linked to administrations and organisations and develop as a team with knowledge areas integrated into different jobs throughout the year, so they are trained in a practical and multidisciplinary way.

Each academic year, students from first year to master's degree work on projects that address solutions to proposed challenges in a complex environment that enables the integration of the different modules that make up the academic path through the subjects of the different fields of knowledge, applying to those challenges teaching activities.

FABLab Digital Manufacturing Station

High productivity, graphics station, with an HP designjet 800 (A0) plotter and a canon DJ210 plotter, 3d printing station, with a bq Hephestos2 printer, and an auxiliary table for 3d work.

Image laboratory - MAC room

Laboratory for process management design, with 4 iMAC 5k 27 ”units, with connection to custom keyboards, also having reporting and reproduction equipment such as continuous lighting and flashes. Infrared cells for flash. DSLR digital cameras with interchangeable lenses and macro for mockups.

Exhibitor and work area for materials and models

Large display of materials and systems, with more than 250 samples, and a display of models, as a representation system for the use of materials. Work process control instrumentation is available, made available to students and teachers, such as: thermographic camera, sclerometer, humidity meter, material detector, laser distance meter, capillary recording camera, fissure meter and digital microscope.

XR Lab

Virtual reality and augmented reality laboratory applied to learning, with a VR station consisting of two HTC Vive pro units, with biometric contour sensors for simulating spaces.

Virtual software laboratory for students and teachers

Laboratories that include all the necessary software for all the subjects of the degree, in fully operational versions. All students also have access to the professional programmes with which the professional activity is currently developed, such as Rhinoceros, Presto, SAP2000, ETABS, CYPE, complete Autodesk programmes, such as Revit, Autocad, Structural Robot, and access to the package Adobe programmes (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere).

Computer Systems Laboratory

For calculation practices with pre-fixed model computer stations, in which the theoretical and practical activities of those subjects that require advanced software learning, such as the calculation of structures and facilities, are developed.

Physical and virtual libraries with research repository

The physical library has a self-loan system for library books, and from the virtual classroom there are accesses to the CRAI- central library of tUniversidad Europea

Materials control laboratories

For those tests that are destructive, agreements were signed and updated with both the Laboratory of the Canary Institute of Construction Research S.A. (ICINCO) The Canary Institute of Construction Research, S.A. (ICINCO), located in Tenerife, is approved as a Class "A" Laboratory (concrete and constituent materials) by the Ministry of Development.

Similarly, there is an agreement with the AND-ATLANTE non-destructive testing laboratory in which the students can carry out the practical studies and measurements of geophysics, ultrasound and electromagnetic fields, thermography, acoustics and vibrations.