Creativity will take over the center of Madrid in the 2024 - 2025 academic year in more than 5,000 m2 of state-of-the-art facilities located in María de Molina street

Universidad Europea has welcomed its students in the areas most closely linked to creative thinking, design and technological innovation with a party in the iconic Sala de las Columnas del Matadero, where music and art have been the main protagonists.
At the event, the director of the Creative Campus, Luis Calandre, highlighted some of the characteristics that make this new campus a unique learning space: "It is a physical and virtual space for learning and creation that is eminently collaborative, open, inclusive, disruptive, multicultural, different, sustainable, urban, technological and humanistic in equal parts". For her part, Marta del Valle, deputy director of the Digital area of the Creative Campus, wanted to emphasize the importance of transversality: "They are all design careers, ranging from fashion to video games, where transversality between areas that at first glance seem totally different plays a fundamental and enriching role".
The Campus of Universidad Europea of Villaviciosa de Odón and IADE's headquarters in Claudio Coello host this year the degrees in design, arts and creative technologies, but from next year they will be taught at number 39 of Calle María de Molina, a privileged location where students can be close to the creative and strategic focuses of their learning areas.

With this new high-performance technology center, Universidad Europea takes another step forward in the process of educational transformation where innovation and experiential learning allow to deploy the capacity of expression of these degrees and go a step further: "We not only want you to express yourselves in the most intense and powerful way possible, but also to finally manage to transmit, transfer and excite others; because these are degrees where the love has to come", explained the deputy director of the Product of Interiors area, Alberto Galindo.
The director Luis Calandre has shown the strong social and cultural commitment of CREATIVE CAMPUS: "With this project we intend to help you build better and more sustainable societies, more friendly environments, products and services that solve our problems, that provide us with intelligent entertainment, emotions, inspiration, a space where the boundaries between fun and obligation are blurred and where your passions, your vocations become creative professions". And, as Marta de la Rocha, deputy director of the Fashion area, reminded us, "the function of the University is cultural, but also one of commitment and of changing the world".