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03 jul 2024

What is positive psychology?

Edited on 02 Aug. 2024
pensamiento positivo en salud mental

We all recognise the importance of taking care of our mental health, which is not always given as much attention as physical health. One of the factors influencing this situation is the stigma that often surrounds mental illness.

Positive psychology seeks to change this perception, promoting greater awareness and acceptance of mental challenges to achieve holistic wellbeing.

If you are interested in this world, studies such as the Psychology degree at Universidad Europea offer you the training you need to develop your career in this field.

What is positive psychology and why is it relevant?

Positive psychology is a branch of human behavioural science that explores aspects that give meaning and value to life. Its aim is to find ways to foster happiness and a fulfilling life in people.

The development of positive emotions has proven benefits for health and well-being. For example, a positive outlook on life helps to face challenges more effectively and autonomously.

When and how did positive psychology emerge?

The term "positive psychology" emerged in 1954, in the book Motivation and Personality by the renowned humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow. However, the concept did not take off until decades later.

In the second half of the 20th century, the focus of psychological research was on mental illness and human problems arising from negative thoughts and coping challenges.

It was precisely the rejection of such ideas that, in 1998, made Professor Martin Seligman decide to rescue the concept of positive psychology. Seligman and other positive psychologists sought to change the way life was viewed to focus on its enriching aspects rather than its negative ones.

Fundamentals of positive psychology

The fundamentals of psychology are based on improving people's well-being and quality of life and can be divided into five main areas:

  1. Positive emotions: identifying positive emotions in all areas of our life and environment is the key to achieving happiness.
  2. Commitment: to achieve a fulfilling life, it is important to commit to ourselves, focus on our strengths and seek out enriching experiences.
  3. Positive relationships: the key to being in harmony with our environment lies in improving our ability to interact socially and establish good relationships with others.
  4. Purpose: Seeking meaning, purpose and reason for our existence and presence in this world helps us to engage in the relentless pursuit of well-being.
  5. Achievement: the satisfaction of achieving personal goals contributes to personal fulfilment and fulfilment.

Positive psychology techniques and strategies

Some of the techniques and strategies that experts recommend to focus on the positive aspects are:

  • Self-reinforcement: motivating our mood with positive thoughts and expressions focused on the good things we are capable of doing.
  • Laughter therapy: using the benefits of humour and laughter as a tool to improve mental and emotional health and well-being.
  • Changing thoughts and attributions: learning to identify pessimistic thoughts and replacing them with more optimistic and helpful ones.
  • Visualisation: achieving a state of physical relaxation from which to mentally visualise the goals we want to achieve.
  • Recording positive things: becoming aware of the things that make us feel good and understanding the source of those emotions.
  • Identifying strengths: being aware of our positive personal qualities with the aim of actively applying them to everyday situations.

What to study to work in positive psychology

The premises of positive psychology are increasingly accepted. The demand for specialised professionals has grown in recent years, both in clinical psychology and in the field of occupational health and human resources.

Studying the degree in Psychology in Valencia or the degree in Psychology in Alicante is the starting point for acquiring a solid knowledge base in general psychology.

With these university degrees you will learn to understand, interpret, analyse and explain human behaviour. If you would like to study this discipline in more depth, we recommend the Master in Sport Psychology or the Master in Sports Psychology Online, both of which offer you the specialised training you need to develop a successful career in a field with a high demand for professionals and within a specific sector.