Energy efficiency is essential to protect the environment and our health. For this reason, since June 2013 in Spain, any building for sale or rent must have an energy performance certificate. The purpose of this certificate is to report on the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of the property. The European Union has also launched the crossCert project to unify the technical guidelines for the next generation of energy certificates. Requirements such as this, and the overall awareness of our need to be more conscious of the environment means that the profile of energy certifiers will be increasingly in demand.
An energy auditor is a trained and skilled technician who is qualified to carry out the energy certification of buildings, whether they are homes, offices or commercial premises that are offered for sale or rent. The energy certificate issued by the certifier or audtor is displayed in promotions or advertisements for the property to inform potential buyers or tenants of the energy costs and the environmental impact of the construction.
The role of an energy certifier or auditor may vary depending on the company they work for or type of building they are assessing. However, in general terms, these are the sort of tasks they carry out:
To be an energy auditor, you must hold one of the academic and professional qualifications required for the drafting of projects, management or building works. Failing this, and in exceptional cases, the person must be able to prove that he or she has the necessary professional qualifications to sign energy efficiency certificates.
In any case, you must be a member of a professional association to issue energy certificates. The registration body for energy certificates of the Autonomous Community ensures that these professionals have the appropriate academic qualifications and are registered with their respective professional association. In fact, to carry out and register the energy certificate, the professional association number is required.
The professionals who can carry out the energy certification of buildings are architects, quantity surveyors, engineers and technical engineers. Therefore, if you are interested in becoming an energy certifier, you can take our Master in Construction Management or our Master in Architecture in Madrid.