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Valencia: +34 961043883
Alicante: +34 965051793
Canarias: +34 922097091
Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid: +34 911128850
Valencia: +34 961043880
Alicante: +34 961043880
Canarias: +34 922985006

Mission, Vision and Values


Our mission, vision and values are the pillars upon which Universidad Europea is built.

  • Building the future of higher education: go beyond


  • To provide our students with a holistic education and shape leaders and professionals who are prepared to respond to the demands of a global world. In addition, we aim to empower our students to add value to their professional fields and contribute to social progress with their entrepreneurial spirit and ethical values. We also aim to generate and share knowledge through applied research, while also contributing to societal progress in order to place us at the forefront of intellectual and technical development.


  • Academic excellence is one of Universidad Europea’s strategic pillars. As a result, our educational model embodies the principles of the European Higher Education Area and ensures each individual receives a holistic education. As part of this model, the professor serves as a reference point and also as an advisor who accompanies the student throughout their university journey. The student, on their part, maps out their own educational path by developing the knowledge, competencies, skills and values demanded by today’s society. Our model places special emphasis on the maturity and autonomy of each student, so that they learn to adapt to an increasingly complex and ever-changing world.


  • Collaborative.  We are distinguished by our entrepreneurial spirit; we are determined, bold and always put our students first. We collaborate and work together to implement best practices in our institution.

  • International. We have a global vision and reach while maintaining deep local roots. We offer international resources to support and strengthen local education. We are an inclusive, multicultural organisation that values diversity and respects all points of view and cultural traits.

  • Analytical.  Through rigorous self-assessment, we seek to constantly widen our knowledge in order to improve our performance. This reflective approach, based on rigorous data analysis, sets us apart from other institutions.

  • Reliable.  If we are truly to be ‘here for good’, we must earn the trust of our students, their families and their future employers, as well as the communities in which we operate. We place the highest demands on all levels of our organisation, ensuring that we act with integrity and assume total responsibility for our actions.

  • Audacious.  We are entrepreneurs: willing to act boldly and take calculated risks while at the same time basing our decisions on rational and thorough planning. We move quickly to seize opportunities and produce positive change in order to enrich our students’ experience. We seek new ways to enhance borderless learning and transform the traditional educational model. We have an innovative mindset and provide members of the University community with the opportunity to challenge the status quo. We apply creative approaches to education and business. We never cease to explore new approaches, new technologies, new business models or new theories. We are leaders, not followers.

  • Responsible.  Assuming responsibility for our students’ outcomes is the cornerstone of our educational revolution. We focus on students and employers to tailor our programmes to their needs. We strive to maintain high rates of retention, graduation and employability, so that our students enter the market generating a positive social impact.