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You will get in touch with the professional world right from the start of your studies.

As a Universidad Europea student, you will receive advice on the processes that affect your incorporation into the world of work. Your jobhunter, specialised in an area of knowledge, will guide you and accompany you to outline and achieve your professional objective.

How can your jobhunter support you?

Teach you

how to look for a job and give you access to job opportunities that match your profile.

Connect you

with the labour market, stay on top of the latest trends and help you build your network.

Guide you

in your possible professional opportunities.

Help you

to build your CV and your personal brand.

Advise you

on how to deal with a selection process.


High employability

93.5% of our students find employment within 15 months of completing their studies.


Professional skills

84% of employed graduates work in the sector corresponding to their field of study.

What do we offer?

Job opportunities

Partnerships with institutions


Job opportunities

You will have ongoing contact with professional opportunities throughout your studies and you will gain a wide network of professional contacts if you take advantage of these initiatives. Some examples:

Shall we meet - One day, one company

Exclusive event in which a company visits the university for a day and where you have full access to the company, where you can send them your CV, find out about employability possibilities and receive first-hand information from HR experts. Shall We Meet covers all our university degrees and all our campuses.

In the 22-23 academic year, our students were able to meet the following companies: Adecco Group, Cofares, Grupo Quint, Siemens, Agencia para el Empleo, Telefónica, Volvocars, Eraneos, GS Inima, INTA, Talgo, Manpower, Endesa, Correos, Orange, Mazars, AXA, Lener, Isdefe, Engie, Santander, BBVA IT, Valum, LLYC, Selectra, OpenSpring, MOINSA, FARLABO, Teva, Jober Group, General Dynamics, Disuframi, Khuene Nagel, Sanitas, Carrefour, Global Working, Navantia, LOEWE, PwC, Cofarte, Compañía Cervecera de Canarias, Grupo Número 1, Lider IT, Eures, Accenture, Decathlon.

25% of the companies participating in Shall we Meet have incorporated students from the university into their workforce. Of these, 66% incorporated between 1 and 5 students and 33% more than 5.

Job Days - Meet companies in your field

At Job Days you will have access to job opportunities related to your professional field, specific to your sector.

You will learn tips and tricks in the employability training workshops that you can put into practice immediately afterwards with the invited companies. You will strengthen your network of professional contacts, dealing live with recruiters, you will get to know the business network and you will learn about different career options.

Employment section

In addition to the initiatives to get to know companies, you will have access to a network of job offers, first job offers for students, or the job exchange when you are an Alumni.

Jobhunters proactively prospect and disseminate job vacancies and search for candidates for companies.

Talent Day

Talent Day is Universidad Europea's major employability event. It is a day full of initiatives to connect you with companies, with an ambitious and simultaneous programme in Madrid, Valencia, Canary Islands and, broadcast by streaming to reach all students. You can learn first-hand about the trends that will affect the labour market and get close to companies in different areas and interact with their human resources managers.

Can you imagine meeting the Top Voices and the main managers of LinkedIn, as well as attending round tables to learn about the latest trends in the professional world, a speed recruiting session with recruiters from the main companies interviewing students, a scape room to find out your skills and even a set to take a business photo.

In conclusion, you can get the tools you need to succeed in your professional future.

Partnerships with institutions

Employment observatories

Stay Human Cycle

Values education for future professionals

While you study you will be able to meet today's great inspirational leaders and humanists to share their values and behaviours with young people.

Thanks to the collaboration with the Mashumano Foundation, Carlos Barrabés (Barrabés Group), Javier Goyeneche (ECOALF), Ana Argelich (MSD Spain), Irene Milleiro (Ashoka Spain) and Miguel Carsi (Toyota and Lexus Spain) came to the university.

They have been interviewed at our Villaviciosa Campus and these meetings were broadcasted by our European Media students on Youtube:

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Throughout the academic year you will be able to attend seminars and masterclasses, in different formats and languages, focused on your adaptation to the world of work and the development of essential skills in the professional environment. They are given by jobhunters and company professionals who share their experience to enrich your vision as a student.

You will find the keys to creating a competitive CV, the phases of a selection process, the correct use of search networks and strengthening your personal brand or a guide with the first steps in the world of work.

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