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Educational Advising

We offer you guidance throughout your university career to help you achieve both academic and professional success.

Who is the Academic Advisor?

This is the person who offers advice and guidance throughout your university career through the Academic Success Center.

How can they help you at the Academic Success Center?

Providing support in your studies

Are you wondering whether the degree program you've chosen is the right one for you? Is this your first year at the University and you’re not sure how to study? We offer personalized advice, training resources and workshops on how to make plans, organize your time... and much more!

How to make the most of your time at the University

Your advisor will recommend extracurricular activities, skills workshops, clubs and associations in which you can participate to develop your potential to the maximum. They will also advise you on possible future projects.


Do you want to stand out from other candidates when looking for your first job? We help you develop the skills companies look for most and to bolster your résumé, identifying your strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Get to know our University Activities

From the Academic Success Center we offer you a series of activities that allow you to recognize up to 6 ECTS of the University Activities subjects(usually optional and included in the study plan). In the student portal you can see the entire range of activities.

Tips to help you study

1. Choose a place to study

  • Choose a place with good light, natural, if possible. Avoid setting it directly in front of a window, to avoid distractions.

  • Organize the files in your computer to make your searches more efficiente.

  • Create folders for each course, subject, topic or Project.

  • Appeal to your senses: warm colors, such as red, wellow or Orange, can help us get activated.

2. Manage your time

  • Set daily goals (for example, topics and subjects that you are going to study, activities that you are going to do, etc.).

  • Use a personal planner or calendar (mark key dates, activity and project due dates, and don't forget extracurricular activities to maximize your resume!).

  • Silence your mobile and disable notifications to avoid distractions.

  • Approach the study with a positive attitude and determination. And do not let anything, unless it is of vital importance, prevent you from studying when you have established it.

3. Check if you are managing your time well with the wheel of productivity

  • Draw in a circle the 24 hours of the day

  • Mark in time bands the daily activities that you carry out on a typical day

  • Rate each of these activities from one (least important) to five (most important).

  • Surely with this simple exercise you have identified some of the thieves of your time, those inconsequential activities that make you less productive.

  • Take a moment to think about these activities: Are they helping me achieve the goals I want? Or on the contrary, are they distracting me from what really matters to me?

Discover our services

Do you have any question?

Contact your advisors