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Almost a hundred students have gathered at UEMUN 2024

14 may 2024

The I Edition of the Model United Nations at the European University of Madrid has been more than a simulation of the sessions and procedures carried out in the General Assembly and other UN bodies, it has served to enrich the leaders of the future

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Universidad Europea, hand in hand with its students, has embodied the figure of the member countries of the United Nations (UN) in the different bodies. The members of the MUN UEM club, who were recently distinguished with the award for best club of the University, with the support of the Economics, Business and International Relations area, held the Model United Nations (MUN) from 8 to 10 May, a competition in which students put themselves in the shoes of the UN member countries and try to represent and find solutions to specific problems that form part of the international agenda.

The interdisciplinary activity brought together almost a hundred students. The future professionals from different fields of knowledge have been able to improve their teamwork, argumentation and public speaking skills, learn about international politics and acquire diplomatic skills. These activities also serve to enrich the knowledge of the leaders of the future, who have to take on global challenges.

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Another of the hallmarks of this first edition has been the participation of students from other countries, positioning the activity of the European University in the international circuit of MUN competitions. Internationality, together with the experiential learning model, represents one of the differential values of the European University.

The Vice-Dean of the European University, Rafael Calduch, who has been present at the conference and recalled the commitment of Universidad Europea with the SDGs and the Model United Nations to train professionals who care about bringing significant improvements in today's society: Universidad Europea has the obligation to prepare professionals who care about the future of society. UEMUN is an event that brings together various disciplines so that students can focus on the problems they face because the future is in your hands and you have the possibility to make the most of the experience’.

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In this educational simulation experience, students have been able to train in a global environment where these leaders of the future continue to demonstrate their commitment to academic excellence and their ability to make a difference in a scenario where globalisation is a key player.