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Universidad Europea obtains five stars in the prestigious QS Stars Rating

06 sep 2024

The Institution has gone from 4 to 5 stars in the general category, obtaining the seal of excellence in the rating that evaluates indicators such as the quality of teaching, employability and social impact

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Universidad Europea continues to advance in its international recognition. The latest, the QS Rating, has given the Institution an overall score of 5 stars, making it one of only eight Spanish universities to achieve this.

A step from 4 to 5 stars in the general category that meets the objective of academic excellence of Universidad Europea and reinforces the quality of an institution that has already trained more than 100,000 people worldwide.

Thanks to the experiential learning model that characterises it, its commitment to training, internationalisation and research, Universidad Europea has once again surpassed itself and has achieved 5 stars in the general category of this prestigious rating. But QS Stars also scores 5 stars and rates the categories of Teaching, Online Teaching, Employability, Social Impact, Good Governance, Academic Development, Programme Strength, Entrepreneurship and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as excellent, making it the University with the highest number of 5-star categories.

In addition, Universidad Europea de Madrid is the only university with 5 stars for its degree in Physiotherapy.

For Eva Icarán, Vice-Rector for Teaching Staff and Research at Universidad Europea, ‘this achievement is the result of the commitment of the entire university community and a clear institutional commitment to external recognition and visibility of our academic quality’.

For her part, Olga Castelao, Director of Quality Assurance at Universidad Europea, emphasised that ‘this excellent result is the result of our commitment to continuous improvement and the promotion of international academic quality standards that place the University as a benchmark in Higher Education’.


QS Stars distinguishes Universidad Europea for its teaching, teaching model and online training. It also highlights the high satisfaction of its students, as well as the high rate of employability and reputation among employers who give the Institution the highest score in this category.

Universidad Europea also achieved the highest recognition in the new category of Governance and in the categories of Social Impact and Global Commitment.

Regarding the indicators of Academic Development and Diversity and Inclusion, the Institution moves from 3 to 5 stars in both categories.