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Faculty of Medicine, Health, and Sports of Universidad Europea is ranked among the 25 best in the world in the Shanghai Ranking

10 dec 2024
  • Universidad Europea remains the best private university in Spain in the new edition of the prestigious ranking

Ranking Shanghai.png

Historic result of Universidad Europea in one of the most recognised rankings worldwide, the Shanghai Ranking. The Faculty of Medicine, Health and Sports has positioned itself as one of the best in the world, reaching 25th place globally. In addition, it remains the best private university in Spain and is positioned as the second best Spanish university. Leading the field globally is Australia's Deakin University, followed by the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, the University of Copenhagen, the University of Verona and the University of Southern Denmark.

Universidad Europea, which recognises sport and health as fundamental pillars, has established itself as a world-leading institution in these areas thanks to its academic excellence and outstanding research work. This excellence is reflected not only in the five stars obtained globally in the prestigious QS Stars Rating, but also in the five stars achieved in the QS Stars Rating in the Physiotherapy degree, as well as in the Stanford Ranking, where, thanks to Alejandro Lucía (5) and Vicente Javier Clemente (12), it was the only private Spanish institution to place two researchers among the best in the field of Sports Sciences.

‘The professionalisation of the sport and health fields is one of our main concerns at the Faculty, and this recognition as a world-leading institution in the Shanghai Ranking reflects the global impact of our work,’ explained the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Sports, Simone Sato. Moreover, as she pointed out, ‘this milestone encourages us to continue working to consolidate this leadership and reinforce our mission to train highly qualified professionals, capable of transforming sport and health from a global perspective and committed to the well-being of society’.

The ranking, published since 2016, evaluates more than 460 universities with faculties, departments or units dedicated to Sport Sciences. The ranking is based on academic and research performance indicators, such as the number of publications indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) platform over the last five years, the total number of citations received, the average number of citations per publication, the number of articles published in the top 25% journals according to the Journal Citation Report, and the percentage of publications carried out in international collaboration. Each indicator is weighted to calculate an overall score that determines the final position of the institutions.

This recognition in the Shanghai Ranking highlights the commitment of the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Sports to academic excellence, cutting-edge research and knowledge transfer in sport sciences. The achievement obtained in this edition of the prestigious ranking consolidates its international leadership and reinforces its mission to train innovative professionals, prepared to face the challenges of the future in the field of sport and health to improve the well-being of society.