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About the Erasmus+ BIP Programmes

29 may 2024

The University has participated in these short, intensive Erasmus programmes, combined with online and face-to-face parts, promoted by the European Commission and the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE)

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Internationalisation is one of the priority challenges facing universities. Our society today demands an opening up of the higher education sector to the world. Therefore, internationalisation is one of the pillars of Universidad Europea, and one of the challenges to be faced each academic year. In the academic year 2023/2024 Universidad Europea has participated in different Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP), in which not only internationality is promoted, but also innovative learning and teaching methods such as challenge-based learning or online cooperation are applied.

Students of the Physiotherapy degree have had the opportunity to participate in the first Erasmus+ BIP. Together with the Croix - Rouge Competence centre, five students were able to enhance the development of clinical reasoning. The first part of the programme took place online and gave way to a second phase of autonomous work where the participants had to collect data and build a clinical case before carrying out the physical mobility, which took place from 3 to 8 April in Begles.

The Physiotherapy degree was not the only one lucky enough to take part in this enriching experience. The sports area is carrying out this experience together with the University of Rome Foro Italico, the video games area with the Polytechnic University of Lodzka and the Comparative Law area is developing it together with the University of Caen.

What are Erasmus BIP programmes?

This type of programme is characterised by short-term physical mobility abroad combined with a compulsory virtual component. Students are required to meet with online participants to work collectively and simultaneously on specific tasks that are integrated into the BIP and count towards the overall learning outcomes.

This international experience helps to foster experiential learning with students from other cultures, languages and nationalities, absolutely in line with the Oneworld pillar of the European University Academic Model. The aim is to break down barriers so that the student develops intercultural competences and is better prepared to be a global citizen, a complete and versatile professional who demonstrates great social commitment.

The search for added value is a must in these programmes, as is innovation. Challenge-based learning or the use of online cooperation are common in these training experiences that use innovative learning and teaching methods.